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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

*Spot the error*

*Spot the error*

*1) "The most" used instead of "most of the".*

*Wrong:* The most of girls are not present.

*Correct:* Most of the girls are not present.

The phrase "the most of" is incorrect. Say: most of the. 

*2) Mentioning oneself first.*

*Wrong:* Only I and my mother are present.

*Correct:* Only my mother and I are present.

English idiom requires that when a person is speaking of himself/herself and others, he/she must mention the other person or persons first and leave himself/herself last. 

*3) To and At*

*(a) To*

*Wrong:* We come at school every morning.

*Correct:* We come to school every morning.

*(b) At*

*Wrong:* Someone is standing to the door.

*Correct:* Someone is standing at the door.

Use "to" to express motion from one place to another, use "at" to denote position. 

*Enjoy learning*

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