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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Speech Writing- Examples

Speech Writing- Examples


1)  Speech written by: Vaishali R. Jane, Nagpur.

Speech on ‘The World Students' Day’/ ‘Reading Inspiration Day (Wachan Prerana Din)’.

(15 th October )

Very good morning to one and all. Honourable President/chairperson, respected guests, my colleagues and my dear students. Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the World Students' Day.It is celebrated in honour of our former president Late  Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. In the year 2010, the United  Nations  declared the 15th October  as the World Students' Day on his 79th birthday. The day is commemorated on the birth anniversary of Abdul Kalam because he was a dedicated teacher.He was an aerospace scientist.He is called  the missile  man .This day is also observed as ‘Reading Inspiration Day (वाचन प्रेरणा दिवस) because he strongly advocated reading more as a necessity rather than just as a mere hobby. Friends, remember, good readers are good leaders and 'वाचाल तर वाचाल'. If you read, you will survive. So you should understand the importance of reading.

    On this occasion, I request everyone to take an oath to follow the ways given by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This is the real tribute to him. It is our duty to complete his dream. He was a humble man who believed  youths to be one of  the greatest strengths of modern India. He has won the hearts of millions of children and grown-ups.

    Being the students, you have to face many challenges in your learning. But keep in your mind that there are ways to overcome the obstacles. Follow some ways to overcome the challenges and hit your target. Some tips are there to shape you and a lesson for you to improve yourselves.

1) Manage your time well.

It means balancing your time well can be a big help in doing your school work. You should understand the value of time because time and tide wait for none. So, you should utilize your time properly.

2) Choose your friends wisely.

Some friends cause the distractions in the way of your learning. So choose friends wisely so that they may help you to vent out  your problems. Keep yourselves away from the bad company.

3) Have a positive  attitude.

Life can be really hard but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. So be positive.

4) Prepare yourselves.

Prepare yourselves to do your school work. Organize your schedule and have ‘a to do list’ of school work. It helps to save your precious time.Give importance to time because Time is money.

5) Use of Mobile.

 Friends, today ,the most remarkable distraction in learning is mobile. We spend  most of our valuable time on the mobile. So you should use it for good cause and purpose. Avoid unnecessary use of mobile.

          While learning ,you may come across many challenges and difficulties but don't be nervous. Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam's life itself is the true inspiration to all. As a son of the  fisherman, he was born and brought up in very adverse circumstances. But by overcoming all the difficulties ,he became an aerospace scientist and also became  the 11th president of India from in the year  2002 .

          His thoughts also motivate us. He says," Don't  take rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck."


 He also says," All birds find shelter during the rain but Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.,"

          So if you want to be successful in your lives, you should keep Dr.Kalam as a role model before you and also follow his ways. Read his autobiography named ‘Wings Of Fire’ and  keep his thoughts in your mind.

You should also serve our motherland as per your wishes  and capabilities. To serve the motherland means not only to become the soldiers and fight at the borders but you can serve the mother India by doing the work which will be beneficial for the nation also. Whatever work you have to do, do it honestly because ‘Honesty is the  best  policy’. As the students, you should study honestly and being the teachers we should also teach sincerely. Dr. Kalam dreamt that India would be the Superpower by the year 2020. Now the time has come to fulfill his dream. You, today's youths are tomorrow's citizens and also the pillars of the nation. So, be the good citizens and serve the motherland .This will be the true tribute to Dr.Kalam. I also pay my homage to Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam  and conclude my speech.

Thank you.


Vaishali R. Jane.



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