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Sunday, February 20, 2022

ЁЯЫС *HSC Board Exam March: 2022* ЁЯЫС *Mh State Board, Sub: English*ЁЯСЙ *How to Solve Paper?*

ЁЯЫС *HSC Board Exam March: 2022* ЁЯЫС
*Mh State Board, Sub: English*

ЁЯСЙ *How to Solve Paper?*

*1)  Prose Section:*

*2)  Poetry Section:*

*3)  Writing Skills:* *(Summary, Virtual Message, Statement of Purpose, Group Discussion, Email Writing, Report Writing and Interview Questions):*

*4)  Writing Skills: (Mind Mapping, Expansion of Ideas, Blog Writing and Appeal Writing, Speech Writing and Compering):*

*5)  Novel Section:*

*6)  How to Solve Activity Sheet?:*

*Plese share to the needy students.*

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