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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Annual Day Celebration Held

Annual Day Celebration Held

Nov 6

Annual Day Celebration was held at JNV Awalpur on 5 Nov 2017 with pomp and enthusiasm.
Dr Mohaan Gokhale presided over the inaugural function. Dr. Anil Chitade Exam Controller Gondwana University was the chief guest on the occasion. Prof Ashish Derkar was the key note speaker. At the outset the guests lighted the traditional lamp and garlanded the photos of Savitribai Fule and Mahatma Gandhi. A group of students presented a welcome song. After the formal welcome of the dignitaries of the dais, the Principal Giridhar Bobade made an introductory speech in which he narrated the growth of the institute. In his speech Dr Anil Chitade urged students to be updated in the age of competition. Further he stated to set the goal and follow it. Prof Ashish Derkar threw light over the personality development. Student presented various cultural activities on the occasion. Hima Das conducted the programme and Prachi Khade proposed a vote of thanks.


25 December

The Fourteenth Annual Sports Day of AVN, CHANDRAPUR was celebrated on 24th December, 2017 amidst great mirth, enthusiasm and pomp. Sudhirbhau Munghantiwar Hon’ble Finance Minister, Maharashtra, Shri Amresh Kumar Mishra, IPS, Superintendent of Police, -Chandrapur Capt. (Shri) Rudra Sen Sindhu, Chairman, Maratha Education Foundation, Nagpur, were the Chief Guests in various phases of the Meet. Present on the occasion, were Dr. Prakash Amate, Director Lok Biradari Prakalp Hemalkasa, Shri Vijay Varma, Vice Chairman, Members of the PTA, Press and Parents.
The Guests were welcomed with bouquets. The Principal welcomed the guests and gathering formally and read a brief report of the school’s sports activities and the students’. The Chief Guests lighted the flame at altar.

March pass was followed by the track events including 4 races by the Primary Wing and 100 mts. Sprint for boys and girls of Middle & Senior wing as well as 4×100 mts. Relay Race for both boys and girls of the Senior Wing.
The Chief Guest, Hon. Sudhirbhau Munghantiwar in his address was superlative in his praise for the March past done by the students stating that it was outstanding and well synchoronised. He lauded the energy zest and vitality of students presenting the Field Displays. He opined that the sports is a very important part of education because it makes students disciplined. He urged students to participate in sports with sincerity.

The Dr Ambedkar House was adjudged the Best House, in the March Past and the overall Best House is Dr Homi Bhaba House in sports events.
The zealous parents, gathered in large numbers, constantly applauded the participants of the Field track displays.
The programme was co-ordinated and compered by Mrs. Ambika Kolhe, Incharge Activities, the student anchors were Rupa Nagrale, Menon Radha and Mala Hajate. The Vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Prashant Pawar. The Meet concluded with the National Anthem.Q

Sunday, May 16, 2021

विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी आनंदाची बातमी !ईयत्ता १२(science) च्या विद्यार्थी साठी सर्व अभ्यास क्रमांक, उत्तर पत्रिका, बोर्डाचे पेपर, सोडवलेले प्रश्नपत्रिका, वाचण्यासाठी चांगली पुस्तके हे सर्व pdf स्वरूपात उपलब्ध करून दिली आहेत. जी हवी ती डाऊनलोड करा किंवा online बघा. आपल्या घरात कोणी विद्यार्थी असेल किंवा नातेवाईकांच्यात असेल तर त्यांना हि लिंक पाठवा.. लिंक खाली दिलेली आहे. धन्यवाद.

विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी आनंदाची बातमी !
ईयत्ता १२(science) च्या विद्यार्थी साठी सर्व अभ्यास क्रमांक, उत्तर पत्रिका, बोर्डाचे पेपर, सोडवलेले प्रश्नपत्रिका, वाचण्यासाठी चांगली पुस्तके हे सर्व pdf स्वरूपात उपलब्ध करून दिली आहेत. जी हवी ती डाऊनलोड करा किंवा online बघा. आपल्या घरात कोणी विद्यार्थी असेल किंवा नातेवाईकांच्यात असेल तर त्यांना हि लिंक पाठवा.. लिंक खाली दिलेली आहे.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Vocab Vaccine

*Vocab Vaccine* 



1 a body of persons chosen  as  representatives of a larger group
 a delegation from the local scout  troop is being sent to the national jamboree.


contingent, delegacy

 *Related Words* 

embassy, legation, mission
band, company, crew, detachment, gang, outfit, party,  squad, team

2 the granting of power to perform various acts or duties the delegation by the president to the secretary of state of complete control of the nation's foreign policy


accreditation, authorization, commission, empowerment, license (or licence),  mandate

 *Related Words* 

commendation,  consignment, entrustment
facilitation, fostering,  promotion

commanding, directing,  ordering

✒️ Prafulla Mahure ✒️

Friday, May 14, 2021

Std. XII- 4.2 To Sir, with Love

Std. XII- 4.2 To Sir, with Love

4.2 To Sir, with Love

Writer:- E.R. Braithwaite: (1912-2016)

Eustace Edward Ricardo Braithwaite, known as E.R. Braithwaite, was a Guyanese-American writer, teacher and diplomat. He was best known for his stories of social conditions and racial discrimination against black people. He was the author of one of the famous autobiographical novels, ‘To Sir, with Love’. He wrote a number of books exposing racial discrimination in post-war Britain, all of which were inspired by his personal experiences.

About Novel: ‘To Sir, with Love’

It is an autobiographical novel. The narrator is an engineer, but to earn money, he accepts the job of a teacher in ‘East End school’ at London. The school is full of troublemaker students who were rejected from other schools for their behaviour. At the beginning, the narrator is ridiculed and humiliated by the students, but later his calm behaviour and desire to see them succeed gradually earn him their respect.

Introduction of Characters:-

Ricky Braithwaite- Narrator and Teacher

Mr. Florian- Head Master

Mrs. Dale-Evans- Teacher

Miss. Phillips- Teacher

Mr. Watson- Teacher

Miss. Gillian Blanchard- Teacher

Denham- Student

Miss. Dare- Student.

Miss Joseph- Student.

Patrick Fernman- Student.

Jackson- Student.

Miss Pegg- Student.

Dodd- Student.

Pamela Dare- Student 

Theme of the Novel: 

Student-teacher relationship, prejudice and racism are the major themes of the novel.

Synopsis of the Novel extract:

In this extract, Braithwaite recounts the half-yearly report of the Students’ Council, in which the students of the school report to the faculty and other students on what they have been studying thus far. Braithwaite’s class representatives speak knowledgeably about their coursework and place a considerable amount of emphasis on how much they have learnt about different people, cultures, customs, and the importance of international and interracial cooperation. The students presented their humanitarian and broad outlook on the background of racism and discrimination of that time. They also showed respect to other students and the teachers. The extract also deals with the clash between the student Denham and the teacher Mrs. Dale-Evans about the need of P.T. in the curriculum of school. Here Mrs. Dale-Evans outwitted Denham by telling the importance of P.T. Denham accepted his defeat.

Story events:

1) Activity arranged in the school:-

The half-yearly report of the Students’ Council arranged on November 15th. It was one of the important days in the calendar of Greenslade School. It was entirely children’s day. It was arranged, presented and controlled by them.

2) Introductory speech:-

Mr. Florian, the headmaster of the school, addressed the school. He spoke at length, reiterating the aims and policy of the school and of the important contribution each child could make to the furtherance of those aims. He gave praise wherever it was indicated, but insisted that there was yet a great deal to be done, by themselves, towards a general improvement in conduct, cleanliness and the pursuit of knowledge.

3) Students’ representatives:-

Miss Joseph and Denham, the two most senior students, sat on the stage. They were the representative of the students and continued the session.

4) Second Speech:

Miss Joseph stood up, and gave a short explanation of the Council’s purpose and its activities. Each class would report, through its representatives, on the studies pursued during the half year which began after Easter, a representative having been chosen for each subject. When all the classes had completed their reports a panel of teachers would be invited to occupy the stage and answer questions from the body of the hall on matters arising out of the various reports.

5) Procedure of Selection of teachers:-

The selection of the panel, as with everything else, was entirely at the discretion of the children and no members of the staff knew either how many or which teachers would be invited to sit.

6) Actual presentation of reports:

The reports began with the lowest or youngest class first. These were mainly twelve-year-olds who had joined the school the previous summer. Most of them were shy and rather frightened at standing up before the entire school, but nevertheless they managed it creditably; they had been newly introduced to the difficulties of seeking information for themselves, so their report was understandably rather short.

7) Essence of the reports:-

Throughout all the reports, the emphasis was on what the students understood rather than on what they were expected to learn.

8) Presentation of Narrator’s class:-

Potter- Arithmetic

Sapiano- Nature Study

Miss Pegg & Jackson- Geography

Miss Dare & Fernman- Physiology

Miss Dodd- History

Denham- P.T. & games

Miss Joseph- Domestic Science

9) What students said in their presentation:-

Miss Joseph:-

She said that their lessons had a particular bias towards the brotherhood of mankind, and that they had been learning through each subject how all mankind was interdependent in spite of geographical location and differences in colour, races and creeds.


He explained the work the relationship between the kilogram and the pound as well as the metre and the foot. He said that throughout the world one or other of those two methods was either in use or understood, and that it was a symbol of the greater understanding which was being accomplished between peoples.


He spoke of the study the class had made of pests. He showed how many countries had pooled their knowledge and results of research on the behaviour, breeding habits and migration of these pests, and were gradually reducing the threat they represented to these important products.

Miss Pegg and Jackson:-

They divided the report on Geography between them. Jackson spoke first on the distribution of mineral deposits and vegetable produce over the earth’s surface. He made it clear how a country rich in one was often deficient in the other. So their interchange and interdependence is inevitable.

Miss Pegg dealt with human relationships, stressing the problems facing the post-war world for feeding, clothing and housing its populations. She also made a reference to the thousands of refugees, stateless and unwanted; and to the efforts and programmes of U.N.I.C.E.F.


He had a trump card up his sleeve. By using the skeleton, Fernman began to speak. Calmly he told them that it was a female skeleton; that was a fact and could easily be proved. But he could not say with any assurance whether she had been Chinese or French or German or Greek; nor could he say if she had been brown or white or a mixture of both. And from that, he said, the class had concluded that basically all people were the same; the trimmings might be different but the foundations were all laid out according to the same blue- print.

Miss Dare:-

She spoke about the problems which all humanity has to face in terms of sickness and disease, and of the advantages gained by interchange of knowledge, advice and assistance.

Miss Dodd:-

She reported on the period of History the class had studied – the Reformation in England. She told of the struggles of men of independent spirit against clerical domination and of their efforts to break from established religious traditions. From those early beginnings gradually grew the idea of tolerance for the beliefs and cultures of others, and the now common interest in trying to study and understand those cultures.


His report was a bit of a shock. He severely criticized the general pattern of P.T. and games, emphasising the serious limitations of game activities. He complained that the P.T. was ill-conceived and pointless, and its routine was monotonous. He could see no advantage in doing it. He would prefer a jolly good game instead of P.T..

Teachers selected for giving answers to students:-

Mr. Weston, Mrs. Dale-Evans and Miss Phillips.

Question and Answer session:-

The questions were mostly from the two top classes, probably because the young children were either too timid or too uninformed to formulate their questions. The teachers had no briefing, and were often caught out stammering in their indecision. The frilly, seemingly brainless Miss Euphemia Phillips proved to be the coolest and best informed of the three. She answered the questions with honesty and authority, and would often intervene skillfully to assist one of the others without causing embarrassment. She outwitted Denham and showed the importance of P.T. in the curriculum.


Sample Questions and answers on 4.2 To Sir, with Love


1) Half yearly report of the student’s council highlights the conduct of Braithwaite’s’ class. Justify.


The novel ‘To Sir, with Love’ describes the Half Yearly Report of the school where the narrator Braithwaite was working as a teacher. During the work, students of his class were behaving like professionals. They allocated proper tasks to various students for the program. They discussed with other about their arrangements. They dressed smartly. Denham conducted the proceedings with courtesy. He called the girl students giving respect. Other students from his class presented their reports perfectly. There was variety in the presentation their reports. They managed the event showing good conduct. So it is rightly said that ‘Half yearly report of the student’s council highlights the conduct of Braithwaite’s’ class’.

2) In the questioning session Denham was expressing few students’ feelings. Illustrate.


The novel ‘To Sir, with Love’ describes the Question-and-answer session. This session was arranged to give a chance to students to express their queries freely. Denham raised his objections about the necessity of P.T. and games. He severely criticized the general pattern of P.T. and games. He emphasised the serious limitations of it. He complained that the P.T. was ill-conceived and pointless, and its routine was monotonous. He could see no advantage in doing it. When he was voicing this, few children cheered him loudly. They were appreciating his objections. There was noise everywhere. So it is true that in the questioning session Denham was expressing few students’ feelings.

(Remaining Questions will be available soon)


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Lecture on Introduction of Exploratory Action Research

TUESDAY, 11 MAY 2021

Lecture on Introduction of Exploratory Action Research

EMAR Maharashtra and ELTA Telangana Presents  

Lecture on Introduction of Exploratory Action Research

Speaker: T. Venkateshwar Rao

S.A. in English, ZPSS Kondur

Time: 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Date: 12th May 2021

Sponsored by:

Shikshan Sanvad You Tube Channel

Organizer: Manjusha Sagrolikar



Vocab Vaccine

*Vocab Vaccine* 


May 12 2021


verb | DEEP-SIKS

1 : to get rid of : discard, eliminate

2 slang : to throw overboard

➡️ Synonyms⬅️

to foretell - to predict
formerly - previously
fortunate - lucky
foxy - cunning
foyer - lobby

➡️ Antonyms⬅️

Fiction – Fact
Float – Sink
Follow – Lead
Foolish – Wise
Forgive – Blame

➡️One Word Substitute⬅️

One who is present all over - *Omnipresent* 
One who can throw his voice - *Ventriloquist* 
One who talks while sleeping - *Somniloquist* 
One who takes part in dialogue or conversation - *Interlocutor* 
One who walks in sleep - *Somnambulist*

Monday, May 10, 2021

Common Mistakes*

*Common Mistakes*

1) Knock at the door, not knock the door.

*Don't say:* Who is knocking the door?

*Say:* Who is knocking at the door?  

2) Listen to a person or thing, not listen a person or thing.

*Don't say:* They were listening the music.

*Say:* They were listening to the music.

3) Pay for a thing, not pay a thing.

*Don't say:* How much did you pay the book?

*Say:* How much did you pay for the book?

4) Reply to a person, not reply a person.

*Don't say:* She's not replied me yet.

*Say:* She's not replied to me yet.   

5) Search for a lost thing, not search a lost thing.

*Don't say:* They're searching the ball.

*Say:* They're searching for the ball.

6) Omission of the article before a countable noun in the singular.

*Don't say:* I’ve no money to buy car.

*Say:* I’ve no money to buy a car.

``Vocab Vaccine*```

*```Vocab Vaccine*``` 


May 10, 2021


verb | SHRYVE


1 : to administer the sacrament of reconciliation to

2 : to free from guilt

➡️ Synonyms⬅️

handsome - good-looking
hang-out - haunt
hard - tough
hashish - cannabis
to hawk - to peddle

➡️ Antonyms ⬅️

Idle – Active
Include – Exclude
Individual – Group
Innocent – Guilty
Joy – Sadness

➡️One Word Substitute⬅️

A shrewish loud-mouthed female - *Virago* 
One who is extravagantly romantic, chivalrous and impractical - *Quixotic* 
One who is a boot licker, flatterer - *Sycophant* 
One who has keen interest in food and drinks - *Gourmet* 
Love for mankind - *Philanthropy* 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Online test 4.1 History Of English Novel.

*Vocab Vaccine*

*Vocab Vaccine* 


May 8, 2021


adjective | FROO-gul


: characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources

➡️ Synonyms⬅️

gay - homosexual
to glitter - to sparkle
to grab - to seize
grasping - greedy
gratis - free of charge

➡️ Antonyms ⬅️

Gloomy – Cheerful
Grief – Joy
Guilty – Innocent
Happy – Sad
Hard – Soft

➡️One Word Substitute⬅️

One who demands strict conformity to rules - *Martinet* 
One who believes in ruthless self-aggrandizement - *Egoist* 
One who doesn't consume alcohol - *Teetotaler* 
One who exhibits courage or fearlessness - *Intrepid* 
One who easily believes others - *Credulous*

Friday, May 7, 2021

*Std. XI- Result Software for the year 2020- 2021*

*Std. XI- Result Software for the year 2020- 2021*

*Use Result Software for making computerised Std. XI Result*

*Three files are given to download*

*Download the Excel and Word files*

*In consolidated sheet of Marks, open suggestions sheet*

*Do as per the suggestions and make your computerised result.*

*Marksheet and Booklet files are in word format. Make necessary changes in them. e.g. Change Name of the college, Jr. College Index No, U-DISE No., Result date, Subjects etc. These changes will be available to all marks sheets. Do same for the booklet.*

*We have a lot of time. Try to become a techno savvy person.*

*Demo marks and names are given in consolidated sheet. Change names only in Marathi sheet. They will change automatically in other subjects.*

*1) Std. XI- Arts Result Software*

*2) Std. XI- Commerce Result Software*

*3) Std. XI- Science Result Software*

*Prof. Tushar Chavan from Rashtriya Junior College Chalisgaon Dist. Jalgaon*

Std. XI Online unit test no.2

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Grammar test on 1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence.

 *Vocab Vaccine* 


May 7, 2021


noun | ahr-kuh-PEL-uh-goh

1 : an expanse of water with many scattered islands
2 : a group of islands
3 : something resembling an archipelago; especially : a group or scattering of similar things


fragrance - perfume
French dressing - vinaigrette
to function - to operate
garbage - rubbish
garbage can - trashcan 

➡️ Antonyms⬅️

Freeze – Boil
Full – Empty
Generous – Stingy
Gentle – Rough
Giant – Dwarf

➡️One Word Substitute⬅️

One who walks at night - *Noctambulist* 
One who is violently against established beliefs and traditions - *Iconoclast* 
One who turns his thoughts inwards - *Introvert* 
One who turns his thoughts outwards - *Extrovert* 
One who is both inwards and outwards at times - *Ambivert*

Blog on : Cycling - A better way to commute

Blog on : Cycling - A better way to commute

Write a bog in a proper format on 'Cycling - A better way to commute', with the help of following following points. 
  • Choice of bike
  • Safety equipment
  • Road Safety rules
  • Benefits 

Cycling - A better way to commute

Cycling is one of the best way to commute these days. In the wake of pollution  everywhere, it has become our duty to reduce the pollution. We all know any other vehicle adds pollution. So we should make a choice of bicycle to commute from home to school or office. 
While making a choice of bike we have to arrange certain safety equipment such as helmet. Expense on such equipment is not as much as we incur on safety equipment for motorbike or car. Everyone should follow the traffic rules. They are for our safety. Don't consider them as burdens. Riding on left side, stopping at red signal and knowing the sign boards placed at various places are some of the rules we have to follow. This helps us to reduce accidents and human loss. 
There are a lot of benefits of  cycling. Cycling will save a lot of money for us as it needs no  fuel. It will save fuel for future generation for the essential. Cycling  is a good exercise. It is good for health. It prepares you for your work by reducing the stress. Even you can enjoy the sights on your journey. You can find a way through traffic congestion. Instead of cycling in the Gyms, cycling to the office will save your time and money. 

Blog on 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Type by voice

Type by voice


गूगल व्हॉइस टायपिंग च्या मदतीने बोलून किंवा आवाजाने मराठीहिंदीइंग्रजी किंवा कोणत्याही भाषेत अतिशय वेगाने टायपिंग करू शकतो.. या पद्धतीने टायपिंग केल्यास ज्या स्पीडने आपण बोलू त्या स्पीडने टायपिंग होते.

या पद्धतीने टायपिंग करण्यासाठी की-बोर्डची सुद्धा आवश्यकता नाहीकेवळ आवाजाने किंवा बोलून म्हणजेच गूगल व्हॉइस टायपिंग च्या मदतीने अतिशय वेगवान पद्धतीने आपण मराठी हिंदी इंग्रजी किंवा कोणत्याही भाषेत टायपिंग करू शकतो.


For Google

1) Start voice typing in a document

i) Check that your microphone works.

ii) Open a document in Google Docs with a Chrome browser.

iii) Click Tools and then Voice typing. A microphone box appears.

iv) When you're ready to speak, click the microphone.

v) Speak clearly, at a normal volume and pace (see below for more information on using punctuation).

vi) When you're done, click the microphone again.


2) Start voice typing in Slides speaker notes

i) Check that your microphone works.

ii) Open a presentation in Google Slides with a Chrome browser.

iii) Click Tools and then Voice type speaker notes. The speaker notes open, and a microphone box appears.

iv) When you're ready to speak, click the microphone.

v) Speak clearly, at a normal volume and pace (see below for more information on using punctuation).

vi) When you're done, click the microphone again.


3) Correct mistakes while voice typing

i) If you make a mistake while you're typing with your voice, you can move your cursor to the mistake and fix it without turning off the microphone.

ii) After you correct the mistake, move the cursor back to where you want to continue.

iii) To see a list of suggestions, right-click words underlined in gray.


For Android Phone:

Talk to write

1) On your Android phone or tablet, install Gboard.

2) Open any app that you can type with, like Gmail or Keep.

3) Tap an area where you can enter text.

4) At the top of your keyboard, touch and hold Microphone.

5) When you see "Speak now," say what you want written.

 Using Google Translate:

Talk to write

1) Open Google translate

2) Click on mike icon

3) Speak to write.