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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Vocab Vaccine

*Vocab Vaccine* 



1 a body of persons chosen  as  representatives of a larger group
 a delegation from the local scout  troop is being sent to the national jamboree.


contingent, delegacy

 *Related Words* 

embassy, legation, mission
band, company, crew, detachment, gang, outfit, party,  squad, team

2 the granting of power to perform various acts or duties the delegation by the president to the secretary of state of complete control of the nation's foreign policy


accreditation, authorization, commission, empowerment, license (or licence),  mandate

 *Related Words* 

commendation,  consignment, entrustment
facilitation, fostering,  promotion

commanding, directing,  ordering

✒️ Prafulla Mahure ✒️

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