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Monday, May 10, 2021

``Vocab Vaccine*```

*```Vocab Vaccine*``` 


May 10, 2021


verb | SHRYVE


1 : to administer the sacrament of reconciliation to

2 : to free from guilt

➡️ Synonyms⬅️

handsome - good-looking
hang-out - haunt
hard - tough
hashish - cannabis
to hawk - to peddle

➡️ Antonyms ⬅️

Idle – Active
Include – Exclude
Individual – Group
Innocent – Guilty
Joy – Sadness

➡️One Word Substitute⬅️

A shrewish loud-mouthed female - *Virago* 
One who is extravagantly romantic, chivalrous and impractical - *Quixotic* 
One who is a boot licker, flatterer - *Sycophant* 
One who has keen interest in food and drinks - *Gourmet* 
Love for mankind - *Philanthropy* 

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