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Friday, November 26, 2021

September 2021 - Board Activity Sheet

September 2021 - Board Activity Sheet

Write a 'Blog' in a proper format on 'Yoga - A practice for better living' with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:

- Importance of Yoga in life

- Keeps body fit and healthy

- Refreshes soul and mind

- Stress buster

- Meditation helps in focussing


See answer in blog template format:

See same answer in word format:-

'Yoga - A practice for better living'

Yoga is a full mind and body exercise. A set of specific exercises, called poses, combined with specific breathing techniques and meditation principles are the building blocks of a yoga.

Importance of Yoga in life:

The best yoga workout for us will depend on our individual needs and goals. The benefits of a regular yoga practice are wide-ranging. In general, a complete yoga workout can help to keep our back and joints healthy, improve our overall posture, stretch and strengthen muscles and improve our balance.

Yoga keeps body fit and healthy:

Yoga involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical well-being. It helps to keep our body fit and healthy. It builds muscle strength. It enhances flexibility. It helps to promote better breathing. It supports heart health. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It improves sleep.

Stress buster

Yoga can calm us. It decreases our tension and worries. It gives peace of mind. It makes our mind strong. It builds our confidence. It refreshes soul and mind.

Meditation helps in focussing

A well-balanced series of yoga exercises gives us the opportunity to improve our concentration. Meditation in yoga can wipe away the day's stress, helps us to focus on our needs. We can utilize our inner strength and give all our attention to something. We get solutions to our problems due to meditation.

So to keep mind and body fit, do yoga daily.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

3.3 E - Mail Writing

E - Mail Writing

3.3 E - Mail Writing

Activity No. 1

Set By:

Prof. Mrs. Sujata Ali

Dharampeth M. P. Deo Memorial Science College,


Q. 1. Write an e- mail to the mentor that you require 15 days leave for internship.
Hints: You are suffering from cold and cough, doctor advised to go through RTPCR test, request to grant a leave for 15 days, give assurance to complete the pending work
Write to



Search Mail:










Subject: Application for leave.


With due respect, I wish to state that I have been suffering from severe cold and cough infection. Looking at the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, my family doctor has advised me to get a RTPCR Test done. He also suggested me to isolate myself for a fortnight.

Hence, I request you to kindly excuse me from my internship duties for ten days and grant me a leave of absence for the same.

I assure you that I will complete all pending works as soon as I am fit to resume my duties.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Anamta Ali.


Doctor's Report.         

More Labels



Sent                          Forward

Activity No. 2

Q.2 Write an e- mail to your friend who has not contacted you for a long time.
Use simple e- mail templet. Students should draw such templet in the answer sheet while writing an e- mail. Use block - letter format for writing e - mail.
Write to:



Search Mail:










Subject: Meeting proposal


Dear Atul,

How are you? Where are you on this earth? Do you remember me? It’s long time we have done a conversation. What’s the matter?  I hope things are going well with you.

I think we should take some time from our busy schedule and arrange a programme to spend a weekend together.  We can meet at the place where we used to meet. We can take dinner at our favourite hotel i.e. Hotel Green Leaf. It will be good chance to spend a quality time for us. We can enjoy these moments. So do come.

Expecting a positive reply.

Take care.

Yours lovingly,


More Labels



Sent                          Forward

Blog Post - Examples

Blog Post - Examples

Writing a Blog Post:
1) Blog should be written in specific template.
2) Write header and footer.
3) Give title to the post.
4) Make suitable paragraphs.
5) Use pictures if possible to decorate the blog post.

Blog Template

Q.1. Write a blog post in proper format on the topic: Save Environment

Q.2. Write a blog post in proper format on the topic: Blood Donation Camp - A social need


Examples of Tautology

Examples of Tautology


When in a sentence different words of same meaning are used for the sake of force, it is the use of tautology.

It is also a phrase or expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words.

जेव्हा एखाद्या वाक्यात एकाच अर्थाचे वेगवेगळे शब्द वापरलेले असतील तर तेथे tautology असते.

Examples of Tautology in Marathi:-

 १) पिवळं पितांबर!

 २) मुलींची कन्याशाळा!

 ३) केसांची हेअरस्टाईल!

 ४) गाईचं गोमूत्र!

 ५) राईटला उजवीकडे!

 ६) स्टार्टींगच्या सुरवातीलाच फायटींग!

 ७) ठंडा कोल्ड्रींक!

 ८) एक्झिट मधून बाहेर पडा! 

९) वटवृक्षाच्या झाडाखाली!

१०) त्याच्याखाली अंडरलाईन कर!

११) नाय पायजेल हाय!

१२) पुन्हा परत वापस रिटर्न आलो!

१३) संडेच्या दिवशी!

१४) हाय वे  रोड!

१५) रायटींगमधे लिहून द्या!

१६) सरळ स्ट्रेट जा!

१७) गोल सर्कलच्या राईट साईडची इमारत!

१८) पाण्याची वॉटर बँग!

१९) चुकीचा गैरसमज!

२०) सकाळी मॉर्निंग वॉक गेलो होतो.

२१) खडूचे चॉकपीस!

२२) बाहेर गेट आऊट!

२३) स्वतः ची आत्महत्या!

२४) साधा कॉमन सेन्स!  

२५) सिनेमा टाकिजचा पिक्चर शो!

२६) कम इन ना रे!

२७) बायकांचा लेडीज डब्बा!

२८) एकदम लई बेस्ट!

२९) पिक्चरचा शो  झक्कास होता!     

३०) शेवटी एन्ड मस्त केलाय!

Examples in English

1) I have seen it with my own eyes.

2) I want to hear fairy tales and stories.

3) They need a new hot water heater.

4) Rahul proudly told his mother that he made the model himself.

5) I know it's true because I heard it with my own ears.

6) He is always making predictions about the future.

7) In my opinion, I think he is wrong.

8) The storm hit at 2 p.m. in the afternoon.

9) Having a corona test is a necessary requirement for the job.

10) I went to see him personally.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Appeal- Save paper, Save trees**Activity from September 2021Board Exam*

Q. Your college has organised a motorcycle rally to make people aware to save paper and save trees.

Prepare an 'Appeal' on the topic 'Save Paper, Save Trees' with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:

- Convincing appeal

- Need

- Information/Facts

- Famous personality/Guest

- Venue, date and time


Save Paper! Save Trees!

Trees are our best friends!

We have to cut trees to make paper.

So to save trees, we have to save paper.

Do you agree with this?

If yes, do join to our campaign.

We have arranged a motorcycle rally.

We want to make people aware to save paper and save trees.

A large number of trees are cut every day to make paper.

We can reduce this cutting of trees.

We have to use paper carefully.

We can save paper using the following tips:

1) Use paper only when there is necessity of written proof.

2) Reuse the paper, if possible.

3) Avoid taking unnecessary photo copies of documents.

4) Use digital documents as a proof.

5) Use pdf or photos of documents.

6) Use ‘e-mail’ instead of letters.

7) Use digital locker to preserve the documents.

8) Use both sides of pages, if essential.

9) Make children aware for saving paper.

10) Recycle the used paper to make a new one.

If there is less demand of paper, tress will be saved.

Join our rally and make people aware about saving paper and trees.

Come one. Come all.

Do join us on 21st February at 9 a.m.

Bring your motorcycle and join the rally.

For more information:



Youth Club, Bansarola

Senior and Selection Grade Training

Senior and Selection Grade Training

Training Senior and Selection Grade

Website for registration.

यासंदर्भातील सूचना पुढीलप्रमाणे

प्रशिक्षणाकरिता नोंदणी करणेसाठी परिषदेच्या 

या संकेत स्थळास भेट द्यावी.

दि३१ डिसेंबर २०२१ रोजी १२ वर्षे सेवा पूर्ण होणारे किंवा त्यापूर्वीच १२ वर्षे सेवा पूर्ण झालेले शिक्षक वरिष्ठ वेतन श्रेणी प्रशिक्षण नोंदणीसाठी पात्र ठरतील.

दि३१ डिसेंबर २०२१ रोजी २४ वर्षे सेवा पूर्ण होणारे किंवा त्यापूर्वीच २४ वर्षे सेवा पूर्ण झालेले शिक्षक निवड श्रेणी प्रशिक्षण नोंदणीसाठी पात्र ठरतील.

प्रशिक्षण नोंदणी दिनांक २३ नोव्हेंबर२०२१ ते २३ डिसेंबर२०२१ पर्यंत सुरू राहीलसदरचे प्रशिक्षण हे ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने घेण्यात येणार आहेयावावत नोंदणीनंतर पुढील सूचना संबंधितांना -मेलद्वारे देण्यात येतील.

प्रस्तुत प्रशिक्षणासाठी पुढीलप्रमाणे ०४ गट करण्यात आलेले आहेतगट क्र प्राथमिक गटगट क्रमाध्यमिक गटगट क्रउच्च माध्यमिक गटगट क्र अध्यापक विद्यालय गट.

प्रशिक्षणासाठी नोंदणी करतेवेळी शिक्षकाने स्वतःचा शालार्थ ID, शाळेचा UDISE क्रमांक इत्यादी माहिती सोबत ठेवावी.

नोंदणी करत असताना नोंदणीसाठीचा आवश्यक OTP आपल्या मोबाईल क्रमांकावर तात्काळ येणार असल्याने आपला वापरात असणारा मोबाईल सोबत ठेवावा.

प्रशिक्षणार्थी यांच्याकडे स्वतःचा वापरात असणारा -मेल आयडीअसणे आवश्यक आहेसदरच्या प्रशिक्षणाचे पुढील सर्व पत्रव्यवहार  सूचना या नोंदणी करत असताना नोंदविलेल्या -मेल आयडीवर पाठविण्यात येतील.

१०नोंदणी फॉर्म अंतिम करण्यापूर्वी आपली भरलेली संपूर्ण माहिती काळजीपूर्वक पडताळणी करण्यात यावीआपल्या माहितीमध्ये काही बदल / दुरुस्ती असल्यास "माहितीत बदल कराया बटणावर क्लिक करून सुधारित माहिती भरता येईल.

११प्रस्तुत प्रशिक्षणासाठी आवश्यक शासन निर्णय या पोर्टलवर उपलब्ध करून देण्यात आलेले आहेततसेच प्रशिक्षणाशी निगडीत अद्ययावत सूचना वेळोवेळी संकेतस्थळावर प्रसिद्ध करण्यात येतील.

१२या प्रशिक्षणासाठी जिल्हा नोडल अधिकारी म्हणून संबंधित जिल्ह्याचे प्राचार्यजिल्हा शिक्षण  प्रशिक्षण संस्था हे असतील तर मुंबई शहर  उपनगर या जिल्ह्यांसाठी उपसंचालकप्रादेशिक विद्या प्राधिकरणमुंबई हे जिल्हा नोडल अधिकारी असतील.

१३प्रशिक्षण शुल्क भरणा करणेसाठी प्रशिक्षणार्थी यांचेकडे स्वतःच्या बँक खात्याचा सर्व तपशील इंटरनेट बँकिंगक्रेडीट / डेबिट कार्ड / UPI payment ने सदर प्रशिक्षण शुल्क ज्या बँक खात्यावरून भरणार आहे त्याचा आवश्यक तपशील सोबत ठेवावाउदायुझर आयडीपासवर्ड .

१४सदर प्रशिक्षण सशुल्क असल्याने प्रति प्रशिक्षणार्थी रु.,०००/- (अक्षरी रुपये दोन हजार मात्र) - शुल्क ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने (Credit & Debit Card, Internet Banking, UPI Payment) अदा करणे आवश्यक आहेप्रशिक्षणासाठी आवश्यक सर्व माहिती अचूक पद्धतीने भरली आहे याची खातरजमा झाल्यानंतरच प्रशिक्षण शुल्क ऑनलाईन अदा करावेएकदा जमा केलेले प्रशिक्षण शुल्क कोणत्याही कारणात्सव परत केले जाणार नाही याची नोंद घ्यावीयासंदर्भात परिषदेशी कोणताही पत्रव्यवहार करू नये.

१५नोंदणी अर्ज भरताना काही तांत्रिक अडचण उद्भवल्यास स्वतःच्या रजिस्टर ईमेल वरून या -मेल आयडीवर संपर्क करावा.

१६वरिष्ठ वेतन श्रेणीसाठी  निवड श्रेणीसाठी पात्र होणेकरिता विहित गटातील संदर्भीय शासन  निर्णयातील प्रशिक्षण पूर्ण करणे ही एक अट आहेकेवळ प्रशिक्षण पूर्ण केले म्हणजे संबंधित शिक्षक वरिष्ठ / निवड श्रेणीसाठी पात्र ठरणार नाहीतत्याकरिता उपरोक्त शासन निर्णयातील इतर नमूद अटी पूर्ण करणे बंधनकारक आहे.

१७नोंदणी केलेल्या शिक्षकांचे उपरोक्त प्रशिक्षण गटनिहाय प्रशिक्षणाचे नियोजन करण्यात येईल

१८शासन निर्णयातील अटी  शर्ती तपासून त्याबाबत वरिष्ठनिवडश्रेणी मंजूर करण्याची कार्यवाही विभागीय / जिल्हा स्तरावर करण्यात येईल.

१९सदर प्रशिक्षणासंबंधी अद्ययावत माहितीसाठी वेळोवेळी 

हे संकेतस्थळ पहावे.


See the official letter below:

Letter for Training (Download)


See more information for getting selection grade

निवडश्रेणी मिळण्याबददल अधिक माहिती मिळवण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करा:


Selection Grade for Teachers (Get more information)
