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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Messages to begin a conversation:

Messages to begin a conversation:

1. Hey, hope I am not disturbing you. Just wanted to ask...

2. Hi, it was really nice meeting you yesterday. Would love to stay in touch. 

3. Hey, do you have two minutes to spare? I just wanted to talk to you about...

4. Hey, how are you doing? Wanted to talk to you about something, would you have some time, today?

5. I hope this is a good time to ping you. Just wanted to speak to you about ...

6. Hi, I had a great time with you last evening. Hope we'd continue to be in touch.

7. How is it going?

8. Hi, I got your number from my cousin. Please let me know a good time to talk.

9. Hey, how has your day been so far? I was hoping we could talk today. Are you free right now?

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