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Thursday, December 31, 2020
New Year Wishes:
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Videos on Std. XII Board exam Activity Sheet format
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Quote of the day
Quote of the day
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Pillars Of Democracy:Activities
Pillars Of Democracy:Activities
(i) Discuss with your partner and choose the correct alternative.
тАШGovernment of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earthтАЩ. This famous statement is made by -
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Nelson Mandela
(c) Abraham Lincoln (d) Dalai Lama
(ii) A system where the government is elected and ruled by people is called-
(a) Bureaucracy (b) Aristocracy (c) Democracy(d) Autocracy
(iii) A democratic country is governed by, its-
(a) Military (b) Police (c) Politicians (d) Constitution
(i) The trinity of democracy comprises three principles. Complete the web to show the trinity of democracy.
(ii) Match the following.
Sr. No. | Column A. | Column B. |
1. | Constitution | a. It is the freedom to go where you want, do what you want etc. |
2. | Liberty | b. It is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities. |
3. | Equality | c. It is the sense of common brotherhood. |
4. | Fraternity | d. It is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed. |
Ans : 1.Constitution ___ d. It is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
2.Liberty ____ a. It is the freedom to go where you want,do what you want etc.
3.Equality ____ b. It is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities.
4.Fraternity ____ c. It is the sense of common brotherhood.
(iii) Pillars form a support for concrete buildings. Metaphorically speaking a strong nation too depends on strong pillars. Discuss with your partner and explain the pillars of a democratic nation. Make a list of obstacles that are a threat to the progress of a nation.
Democratic nation rests on four pillars. These are legislation, administration, judiciary and press. For the smooth running of democracy laws are made. It is done by legislative body. The implementation of laws and government policies is taken care of by administration. To assure people about justice there is judiciary department. When these three pillars tremors , the press keeps watch on them.
A list of obstacles
1. Corruption
2. Population Explosion
3. Environment degradation
(A1) (i) Form groups and use the following topics for discussion. Take the help of your college library and your teacher.
тАв Need for democracy
тАв Features of the Constitution of India
тАв Freedom of speech
тАв Dictatorship Vs Democracy
тАв Qualities of an ideal politician
тАв Equality before law
(ii) State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(a) There is nothing wrong in being grateful to great men. True
(b) Hero-worship leads to dictatorship. True
(c) Liberty cannot be divorced from equality.True
(d) One man one vote and one vote one value. True
(e) Fraternity means common sense. False Correct : Fraternity means common brotherhood.
(iii) In his speech, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has expressed his deep concern over the absence of two things in the then Indian society. Discuss with your partner and complete the web.

(A2) (i) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has cited the quotes by John Stuart Mill and Daniel OтАЩConnel. Go through the lesson and write down 4 to 5 lines for each of them.
Ans: John Stuart Mill advocates not to loose liberty at any cost, not for anybody else. Liberty is a precious gift got with a strenuous struggle and assured with constitution. According to Irish Patriot Daniel O'Connel chastity is important for woman,honour for man and freedom for nation. Nothing is greater than these three principles in the life .
(ii) Discuss with your partner and make a list of steps that you feel are essential to unite the people of different castes, race, religions and languages in India.
Ans: Social equality as well as economic equality must be brought at the earliest possible.Secondly liberty for all to learn, to speak, to earn is one more step to unite people. A sense of common brotherhood over the language, caste, creed , race, region and religion.
(iii) Write your views/opinions in brief on the following topics.
(a) We must always cast our vote.
(b) Liberty, equality and fraternity lead to an ideal nation.
(c) Steps to be taken to eradicate inequality.
(d) Role of youth in creating social awareness.
(A3) (i) LetтАЩs use the Thesaurus.
Along with your partner, go to library or search the internet for a standard Thesaurus to complete the following table. One is done for you.
Sr. No. | Word | Type. | Synonym | Antonym |
1. | observe | verb | notice, discern, detect, mark | overlook,ignore |
2. | abandoned | adj | forsaken,left | adopted,cherished |
3. | grateful | adj | indebted,obliged | ungrateful,thankless |
4. | initiative | noun | leadership, | lethargy, apathy, idleness |
5. | peril | noun | danger, destruction,hazard | safety, protection,security |
6. | separation | noun | partition,split,break, rupture | union, connection, attachment |
(ii) Homograph : Homograph is a word spelt and pronounced like another word but with a different meaning. For example: the word тАШfastтАЩ has two meanings.
The different meanings are-
fast- hold firmly
fast- to abstain from food
fast- opposite of slow.
Go through the text again and make a list of meanings of all the homographs that are found in the text. Also make a list of such words that you know, heard or read somewhere.
(A4) (i) Go through the statement taken from the text тАУ
тАШThe social democracy means a way of life which recognises liberty, equality and fraternityтАЩ.
The underlined part of the statement provides us some fact/information about social democracy. The remaining part or the sentence which is not underlined can be converted into a wh-question.
What does social democracy mean?
Now go through the underlined part of the statements/sentences given below and change them into questions by using the appropriate Wh-forms.
(a) In Politics we will be recognizing the principle of тАШone man one voteтАЩ and тАШone vote one valueтАЩ.
Ans : Which principle will we be recognizing in politics?
(b) The politically minded Indians preferred the expression тАШthe Indian nationтАЩ.
Ans: Which expression did the politically minded Indians prefer?
(c) Fraternity means a sense of common brotherhood of all Indians.
Ans: What does fraternity mean?
More Activities
....... | In Social & Economic Life |
... | ... |
one vote one value | ... |
In politics | In social & Economic Life |
equality | inequality |
one vote one value | Deny one man one value |
A2. Fraternity leads to the social stability. Explain the statement.
A3. Mention two things to save democracy.
A4. Write antonyms of the following words :
1. deny 2. peril 3. common 4. unity 5. bless 6. importing 7. social 8. national
A5. Give your opinion about the need of democracy.
A6. Rewrite as instructed
1. Identify the type of questions.
a. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradiction ?
b. What does fraternity mean?
2. We must remove at the earliest possible moment. ( Begin with - This contradiction .....)
Set 2
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Std. XI- 1.4 Pillars of Democracy
Std. XI- 1.4 Pillars of Democracy
1.4 Pillars of Democracy
Ice Breakers
1) Choose the correct alternative.
(i) тАШGovernment of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earthтАЩ. This famous statement is made by тАУ
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Nelson Mandela
(d) Dalai Lama
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
(ii) A system where the government is elected and ruled by people is called-
(a) Bureaucracy
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Democracy
(d) Autocracy
Answer: Democracy
(iii) A democratic country is governed by, its-
(a) Military
(b) Police
(c) Politicians
(d) Constitution
Answer: Constitution
2) Match the following.
Sr. | A | B |
1. | Constitution | a) It is the freedom to go where you want, do what you want etc.
2. | Liberty | b) It is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities.
3. | Equality | c) It is the sense of common brotherhood.
4. | Fraternity | d) It is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
Sr. | A | B |
1. | Constitution | d) It is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
2. | Liberty | a) It is the freedom to go where you want, do what you want etc.
3. | Equality | b) It is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities.
4. | Fraternity | c) It is the sense of common brotherhood.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Std. XII- 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days
Std. XII- 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days
4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days
Jules Gabriel Verne:
He was a 19th century French novelist, poet, and playwright. Verne wrote widely popular series of adventure novels including Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).Verne is generally considered a major literary author in France and most of Europe, Verne has been the second most- translated author in the world.
Major Characters:
1) Phileas Fogg тАУ
The hero and chief protagonist in the novel. He is challenged by a fellow gambler to go around the world in eighty days and he takes up the challenge. His rationality, calmness, generosity and self-control appeal to the readers.
2) Passepartout тАУ
He is the employee of Phileas Fogg. He is an honest as well as a comic French man. He is loyal to his master and yet gets into situations that makes difficult his masterтАЩs plans to travel around the world. Passepartout attracts the reader with his loyalty, warmth and his sense of humour.
3) Detective Fix тАУ
He is the detective. He comes to the wrong conclusion that Fogg is the bank robber and is merely pretending to go around the world when his real purpose is to cheat the law. He tries to capture Fogg.
4) Aouda тАУ
Aouda is a Parsee Indian princess who is orphaned at an early age. She has to marry an old King and when he dies, she has been asked to commit the sacrifice of her life as per the Hindu Tradition of that time. She is rescued by FoggтАЩs group. She goes back with them to England, as she is unable to find her relative in Hong Kong.
Minor Characters
1) Sir Francis Cromarty:
He is the Brigadier General. He accompanies Fogg from Bombay to Calcutta.
2) John Bunsby:
He is the master of the boat Tankadere, on which Fogg, Fix and Aouda travel. John is a skilled sailor who takes the trio from Hong Kong to Shanghai so that Fogg is able to board the San Francisco boat.
3) The Reform Club Members:
The engineer Andrew Stuart, the bankers John Sullinan & Samuel Fallentin, the brewer Thomas Flanagan and Gauthier Ralph and one of the governors Bank of England are PhileasFoggтАЩs partners at the Reform club.
4) The Parsee Guide:
A bright looking young Parsee, offers to be the guide on the elephant which will take the travellers to Allahabad. He is a brave and intelligent man and does his job well in conveying the passengers swiftly to Allahabad.
5) Colonel Stamp Proctor:
At San Francisco Fogg, Fix and Aouda find themselves in Montgomery Street, which is crowded, by the members of two opposing political parties. The opposing members become violent and FoggтАЩs group is caught in between. A huge fellow with a red goatee, a ruddy complexion and broad shoulders, raises his fist over Mr. Fogg. Fogg is very angry and later these two men even resort to duelling.
6) Elder William Hitch:
A priest boards the train from San Francisco to New York at Elko Station. He is a Mormon missionary, who gives a lecture on Mormonism in Car no. 117 of the train.
7) Mudge:
An American at Fort Kearney station, offers to transport Fogg and group on a sledge to Omaha station. This skipper of a land craft manages to transfer the group safely to Omaha station in a few hours.
Std. XI (Prose) - 1.2 On To The Summit: We Reach the Top
Std. XI (Prose) - 1.2 On To The Summit: We Reach the Top
Sr. | Qualities | Lines |
1 | Patriotic | I told colonel Hunt that I was carrying the Indian flag with me and I would like it to on the top with other flags. |
2 | Aesthetic | My first thought -----gratitude to God |
3 | Emotional | I was wearing a red scarf -------I remembered him. |
4 | Humble | The tea smelled kerosene --- enjoy it whatever the smell |
(ii) husiar
(iii) Kerosene flavoured tea
(v) Anchor
Sr. | Word | Prefix | Suffix |
1 | absolute | nonabsolute | absolutely |
2 | fulfill | unfulfilled | fulfillment |
3 | determine | undetermined | determination |
4 | danger | endanger | dangerous |
5 | tight | airtight, untighten | tightly, tighten |
6 | clear | unclear | clearly, clearance |
7 | sure | ensure | surely |
8 | legal | illegal | legally |
9 | legitimate | illegitimate | illegitimately |
10 | possible | impossible | possibility |
1) The advocate took all the signed documents to the court.
2) He must submit the signed photo copy of the documents.
1) The pen I lost was prized one.
2) M. S. DhoniтАЩs prized collection includes an Audi car.
1) You can draw rangoli on flattened soil.
2) The boxer was flattened in the 7th round.
1) We used to drink boiled water.
2) I like to eat boiled eggs.
Bold | Bolder | Boldest |
Clever | Cleverer | Cleverest |
Great | Greater | Greatest |
Kind | Kinder | Kindest |
Sweet | Sweeter | Sweetest |
Easy | Easier | Easiest |
Happy | Happier | Happiest |
Heavy | Heavier | Heaviest |
Wealthy | Wealthier | Wealthiest |
Able | Abler | Ablest |
Brave | Braver | Bravest |
Fine | Finer | Finest |
Wise | Wiser | Wisest |
Noble | Nobler | Noblest |
Big | Bigger | Biggest |
Hot | Hotter | Hottest |
Thin | Thinner | Thinnest |
Fat | Fatter | Fattest |
Kind | Kinder | Kindest |
Small | Smaller | Smallest |
Beautiful | More/ Less beautiful | Most/Lest Beautiful |
Qualified | More/ Less qualified | Most/Lest qualified |
Prompt | More / Less prompt | Most / Lest prompt |
Proper | More / Less proper | Most / Lest proper |
Good | Better | Best |
Bad | Worse | Worst |
Old | Older | Oldest |
Little | Less | Least |
You are very naughty. You are not so clever as your brother.
(C.W.F.) Noyce:
Cuthbert Wilfrid Francis Noyce (31 December 1917 тАУ 24 July 1962) was usually known as Wilfrid Noyce. He was an English mountaineer and author. He was a member of the 1953 British Expedition that made the first ascent of Mount Everest.
(W.G.) Lowe :
Wallace George Lowe (15 January 1924 тАУ 20 March 2013), was known as George Lowe. He was a New Zealand-born mountaineer, explorer, film director and educator.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
The Cop And The Anthem
The Cop And The Anthem
Column A | Column B |
(1) Soapy tried to enter a cafe. | A) The cop ran after another man |
(2) Soapy broke a glass window. | B. Suddenly a wonderful change came in his heart. |
(3) Two waiters pitched Soapy on the callous pavement. | C. Dream of turning around in life was shattered. |
(4) Soapy heard the anthem being played in the Church. | D. He stood up slowly beating the dust from his |
(5) Cop arrests Soapy for hanging around. | E. Strong and ready hands of the head waiter turned him around. |
Earlier life | Present life. |
(a) Contained friends and roses | ( a) Unworthy desires |
(b) Mother and ambitions | (b)No roof, No destination, degraded days |
(c) Clean thoughts and collars | (c) Villainous attitude, decadent shoes dead hopes |
Prayer offered in the church