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Sunday, December 20, 2020

1.4 Big Data -Big Insights. Presentation and activity sheet.

1.4 Big Data -Big Insights

What is Big Data 

Big Data - Big Insights is an important prose for teachers and students of 21st  century . In the age of information technology, everyone should be aware of the importance of information shared, stored, monitored and analysed. The data is such a huge that the adjective big to Data seems to be small. Reading of the prose gives  the teacher as well as students the big insights. We are aware of the words like kb (kilo byte), mb (mega byte), gb (giga byte) and tb( tera byte) . These are the measures of information( data.).
 Through this lesson we understand what exactly data means and how huge it is. Our sharing on whats-app , face book , twitter and other social media , our online transactions over amazon, snap-deal, flip-cart are recorded and analysed.  The data is used by different organisations .  

Uses of Big Data 
 We get calls, emails and messages from unknown for selling goods and services. When our child is in9th or 10th std,  we get messages from coaching classes. Have you ever given thought how do they know that your child is in std 10th? They get such information from big data. Our online activities are collected and analysed. While surfing shopping websites, they show the things of your interest first.Our mobiles show how many steps we have walked. 

There are many uses of data collected. 
  • Location Tracking 
    • GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data to track the location 
    • We get information about traffic and one way route and accident prone areas . 
  • Understanding the weather pattern
    • Weather sensors and satellites use data to forecast weather. 
  • Banking, Finance and Trading 
    • Design suitable plans for investors knowing their needs .
    • Monitor financial markets 
  • Sports
    • Sportsmen used data to improve their performance.  
After studying this lesson we can be well informed about data world wide. We can find a way to use such data to improve the educations system. We can take precaution what to share and what not. We are warned not to share passwords and pin codes of Credit/ Debit Card. Here we find the reason. 
    There are four pages in the following presentation. Try  with full screen view.

Big Data - Big Insights by Prafulla Mahure

Activity Sheet No 1

Read the extract and do all the activities. 
(There is a revolution.............natural resources like water. )

A1. Global Understanding                                                                                                                         2
Complete the web chart. 

A2. Complex Factual                                                                                                                                 2
State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Everything including food habits, healthcare and travelling has changed 360 degrees.
2. Whatever activity we do offline is recorded and monitored.
3. Big Data can be gigabyte.
4. The available data is enormously increasing in 5 Vs. 

A3. Inference/ Interpretation/ Analysis                                                                                                     2
By using Big Data condition of goods can be checked. Explain

A4. Personal Response                                                                                                                              2
Narrate how will you make use of Big Data.

A5. Language Study                                                                                                                                  2
1. Choose the statement of passive voice.
a. Many industries have advanced by miles from their competitors. 
b. Huge amount of data is continuously being received from them.  

2. Big Data has been useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of place. (Use 'to identify' and rewrite the sentence.)

A6. Vocabulary                                                                                                                                         2
Find four words with a similar meaning to 'massive'. 

Activity Sheet No 2

Read the extract and do all the activities. 
(Today we see that.................manage transactions accordingly. )
A1 Complete the web chart                                                                                                                     2

A2. Show the benefits of Big Data to doctors and pharma companies.                                                  2

A3. State how banks finance companies utilize Big Data.                                                                      2

A4. If you find some messages like 'I'm down with fly' on facebook , what will you do?                     2

A5. Language Study.                                                                                                                               2
1. It will be monitored. (Begin with 'They....' and rewrite the sentence.)
2. New insights have enabled the banks and finance companies to come with suitable plans. ( Rewrite the sentence by using 'not only ...... but also.')

A6. Word Register. Find four words closely related with 'Disease'.                                                      2

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