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Monday, September 28, 2020

Inheritance And Variations. (Biology) Online Test Prepared By - Pratiksha Waghmare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

Inheritance And Variations. (Biology) Online Test Prepared By - Pratiksha Waghmare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

4. Molecular Basics Of Inheritance. ( Bilology ) Online test created by - Sakshi Shinngare, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

4. Molecular Basics Of Inheritance. ( Bilology ) Online test created by - Sakshi Shinngare, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

3.1 Summary Writing. Online test prepared by - Pratiksha Waghmare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya. Bansarola.

3.1 Summary Writing. Online test prepared by - Pratiksha Waghmare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya. Bansarola.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

1. Solid State. ( Chemistry ) Online test prepared by - Sneha shingare, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

1. Solid State. ( Chemistry ) Online test prepared by - Sneha shingare, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

1.4 Big Data -Big Insights

Big Data -Big Insights

What is Big Data 

Big Data - Big Insights is an important prose for teachers and students of 21st  century . In the age of information technology, everyone should be aware of the importance of information shared, stored, monitored and analysed. The data is such a huge that the adjective big to Data seems to be small. Reading of the prose gives  the teacher as well as students the big insights. We are aware of the words like kb (kilo byte), mb (mega byte), gb (giga byte) and tb( tera byte) . These are the measures of information( data.).
 Through this lesson we understand what exactly data means and how huge it is. Our sharing on whats-app , face book , twitter and other social media , our online transactions over amazon, snap-deal, flip-cart are recorded and analysed.  The data is used by different organisations .  

Uses of Big Data 
 We get calls, emails and messages from unknown for selling goods and services. When our child is in9th or 10th std,  we get messages from coaching classes. Have you ever given thought how do they know that your child is in std 10th? They get such information from big data. Our online activities are collected and analysed. While surfing shopping websites, they show the things of your interest first.Our mobiles show how many steps we have walked. 

There are many uses of data collected. 
  • Location Tracking 
    • GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data to track the location 
    • We get information about traffic and one way route and accident prone areas . 
  • Understanding the weather pattern
    • Weather sensors and satellites use data to forecast weather. 
  • Banking, Finance and Trading 
    • Design suitable plans for investors knowing their needs .
    • Monitor financial markets 
  • Sports
    • Sportsmen used data to improve their performance.  
After studying this lesson we can be well informed about data world wide. We can find a way to use such data to improve the educations system. We can take precaution what to share and what not. We are warned not to share passwords and pin codes of Credit/ Debit Card. Here we find the reason. 
    There are four pages in the following presentation. Try  with full screen view.

4. Chemical Thermodynamics. (Chemistry) Online Test Prepared By - Sakshi Shingare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

4. Chemical Thermodynamics. (Chemistry) Online Test Prepared By - Sakshi Shingare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

Friday, September 25, 2020

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer. 10 th english.

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

Chit Chat

1) Give a rating of 1 to 5, to each of the following.

खालील पर्यायांना १ ते ५ क्रमांक दया.

When you have to take important decisions what do you generally do?

महत्वाचा  निर्णय  घेत  असतांना तुम्ही खालीलपैकी काय करतात?


a) Consult parents/elders - 1

b) Contact friends for advice - 1

c) Pray to God for guidance- 4

d) Think deeply in silence - 2

e) Ask your teacher for help - 3

f) Toss a coin to decide – 5

2) In poetry, very often, there are lines in which the poet seems to talk directly to an absent person, an abstract idea or thing/object.

Such a tactic/device used by the poet is the Figure of Speech 'Apostrophe'.

For example,

1) Twinkle, twinkle little star...............

2) Death! Where is thy sting?

3) O Cave man! I wish I could live with you.

Now, complete the following, creating examples of Apostrophe of your own.

खालील वाक्यात  Apostrophe वापरून तुमची वाक्ये बनवा.


a) O, Life! How challenging and joyful it is.

b) Dear God, Please help me!

c) Books! You are my true friends.

d) Exams! I am ready to face you.

e) O, You beautiful sky! Send the rain today.


Learn more about Apostrophe:

Apostrophe- a Figure of speech

When in a sentence a direct address is made to the dead, lifeless objects, plants, animals, birds, absent persons, God etc., it is the use of apostrophe.

एखादया अनुपस्थित व्यक्ती, निर्जीव वस्तू, मृत व्यक्ती, वनस्पती, पशू, पक्षी, देव इत्यादिंना उद्देशून संवाद साधला असेल किंवा संभाषण केलेले असेल तर तेथे 'Apostrophe' हे Figures of speech असते.

Apostrophe- a Punctuation Mark

The apostrophe is a punctuation mark. In English it is used as follows.

1) The marking of the omission of one or more letters.

e.g. do not -  don't, it’s - it is, the’re – they are etc.

2) The marking of possessive case of nouns.

e.g. the Raju's books,  in one month's time, workers’ rights etc.

विराम चिन्ह म्हणून apostrophe चा वापर होतो. एखादे लेटर वगळले आहे किंवा मालकी दाखवण्यासाठी apostropheवापर होतो.


English Workshop


1) Choose the correct alternative and completethe given sentences.

a) According to the poet, ------------------ arebrought by each new day.

(new beginnings / new endings)

Answer: new beginnings

b) We must decide to take the road whichleads to ------------------.

(great distress / great success)

Answer: great success

C) The poet prays to the Lord to help himstand for what is ------------------.

(might / right)

Answer: right

D) The poet wants to see that his teenageyears have been the ------------------ years of hislife.

(worst / best)

Answer: best

2) Find and write the pairs of rhyming words fromthe poem.


1) make - take          

2) success - distress  

3) see - me                 

4) way - day              

5) see - me

3) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?Choose the correct one from the followingoptions.

i) a a b b    

ii) a b c d       

iii) a b c b          

iv) a b b a

Answer:   a b c b

4) Match the lines in Column A with the Figures of Speech in Column B.

Column 'A'

       Column 'B'

i)     Decisions, I must make

a)  Apostrophe

ii)    Please open up my eyes, dearLord

b)   Inversion

iii)  Travel down the darkened road

c)  Metaphor

iv)  I can choose to take the road oflife

d)   Alliteration


Column 'A'

       Column 'B'

i)     Decisions, I must make


ii)    Please open up my eyes, dearLord


iii)  Travel down the darkened road


iv)  I can choose to take the road oflife




Alliteration is the occurrence of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase, sentence etc.

जेव्हा एखादया वाक्यात वेगवेगळ्या शब्दांच्या सुरुवातीला समान ध्वनी पुन्हा पुन्हा आलेले असतील तर तेथेAlliteration असते.


a) That life is lived its very best.

b) Raju brings himself to the bank of a bay.

c) Hholds his head high.

d) काकूने काकाचे कामाचे कागद कात्रीने कापून काढले.

Find out more examples of Alliteration from other poems in your book.



1) Each day brings new beginnings.

2) Decisions I must make.

3) Bring out the best in me.

4) That I might keep my body clean.


See the video presentation of 1.1 A Teenager's Prayer

Created by: Dr. Rajendra Bedwal

Appreciation of the poem:-

‘A Teenager’s Prayer’
J. Morse
Rhyme Scheme
The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘a b c b’
of Speech

Inversion: Decisions I must make.
The words are not in a correct prose order. The correct word order is ‘I must make decisions’.
Alliteration: Travel down the darkened road.
The sound of letter ‘d’ is repeated.
Metaphor: I can choose to take the road of life.
The ‘road of life’ is compared with ‘journey of life’.

It is a Prayer by Teenager. Teenage is a very important age in everyone's life. The poet tells that God can show him the proper way. God in the poem is the symbol of the person's inner mind, family or society. Here he learns to differentiate the right or just things with the wrong or the worst.

2.5 Father Returning Home

2.5 Father Returning Home

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.
A1. Complete the web chart.

A2. Find the lines to prove the facts from the poem.
a. Father is isolated from the society and family.
b. Generation Gap
A3. Write a character sketch of your father.
A4. Find examples of transferred epithet and synecdoche.
A5. Replace the words from the following lines and rewrite :
Home again, I see him drinking weak tea
Eating a stale Chapati, reading a book.



Bag stuffed with books falling apart
Raincoat stained with mud
Sticky Chappals
Soggy shirts and pants
Dimmed eyes
Unseeing eyes
A2.a. Father is isolated from the society and family. " Like a word dropped from a long
b. Generation Gap " His sullen children have often refused to share jokes and
secretes with him "
A3. My father is a farmer. He works very hard. He wears paijama and kurta. His hands became
rough with hard work. He works in the field.
A4. Transferred epithet: humid monsoon night- The adjective humid is transferred from weather
to night.
Synecdoche : eating a stale Chapati - Chapati stands for food, the part symbolises whole.
A5. Home again, I see him drinking strong coffee
Eating fresh food, writing a story.

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem 2.5 ‘Father Returning Home’ with the help of the following points.

·       About the poem / poet and the title.   

·       The theme

·       Poetic Style

·       Language /Poetic devices

·       Special features

·       Message, values, morals in the poem

·       Your opinions about the poem

Dilip Chitre was a celebrated bilingual poet. He was a translator with a remarkable work in Marathi and English.

The poem ’Father Returning Home’ is taken from ‘Traveling in a cage’- by Dilip Chitre. It draws a portrait of a suburban father as commuter.

The poem depicts dull and monotonous routine of father. The father is alienated in his home. His children refuse to share their joys and sorrows with the hardworking father. This painful loneliness is a symbol of man’s isolation from the materialistic man-made world.

The poem has no regular rhyming words and rhyme scheme. The poem is divided into two stanzas. In the first stanza the vivid description of father as a commuter draws the attention. In the second stanza his painful loneliness at home is shown. Simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia and synecdoche, transferred epithet are the striking figures of speech used in the poem.

                       The underlying message of the poem generation gap in the modern age has created disrespect for the elders. In spite of all the odds the father devote his life for the children.

4.1 History of Novel.

4.1 History of Novel

4. सुनीत थेरो. (पाली) Online Test. Created by - Hina Sayyad. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya. Bansarola.

4. सुनीत थेरो. (पाली) Online Test.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet.

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

A1 Match the pairs.
Column A Column B
1. When he had money a. his friends were real.
2. He felt like a child b. hum like bees .
3.Poor men's wives c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
4. When he had no moneyd. his friends were false.

A2. The poet found real happiness when he had no money. Elaborate.

A3. Give your opinion about ' Happiness can't be bought with money.'

A4. ' Much have I thought of life.' Name the figures of speech and find another similar example.

A5. Convert the following sentences into poetic lines.
1. I was a poor man.
2. Because I had no work.

Column A Column B
1. When he had moneyd. his friends were false.
2. He felt like a child c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
3.Poor men's wives  b. hum like bees.
4. When he had no moneya. his friends were real.
A2. When the poet had money many false friends gathered around him. He could not enjoy the real happiness and joy. The importance of money was realised when he lost the money. But that was real happiness for him because he had true friends around him.

A3. It is rightly said that happiness can't be bought with money. Happiness is a state of mind. It is achieved with contentment. With money one can buy mattress but not rest.

A4. Inversion: The line is not in a prose order. The correct order is - I have thought much of life.
Another example of inversion - Then felt I like a child that holds.
A5. A poor man was I
Because no work had I.

Poetic Appreciation: 2.6 Money

The poem ‘Money’ is written by William H. Davies, a Welsh poet. After several years of a wandering life, he published his volume of poems.

The poem ‘Money’ tells us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find real happiness. It is when we do not have money or have lost our money, we realize how important the money is.

There are five stanzas of four lines each. The poet has maintained the particular rhyming pattern in the first four stanzas. The second line rhymes with the fourth line. He has made use of repetition skilfully. Poetic devices like inversion, simile, onomatopoeia and antithesis made the effective.

The poem is closely associated with the modern world. The underlying message in the poem is money cannot give you eternal happiness.     

Monday, September 21, 2020

English grammar quiz no. 6

English grammar quiz no. 6

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow?

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow?

Read the extract (poem) and do all the activities given below.

A1. State whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Somebody should be happier because you passed his way.
b. Someone should remember you for speaking to him.
c. There should be none to utter a kind word of you.
d. You should give cheerful greetings to the friend.

A2. "Is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?" Explain the meaning.

A3. Write your ideas about tomorrow's goal.

A4. 'toiling time' . Name the figures of speech. Find one more example of the same.

A5. Compose a short poem by using words ' today, tomorrow and yesterday'.

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem 2.4 ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ with the help of the following points.

·       About the poem / poet and the title
·       The theme
·       Poetic Style
·       Language /Poetic devices
·       Special features
·       Message, values, morals in the poem
·       Your opinions about the poem

Answers :

a. Somebody should be happier because you passed his way. True
b. Someone should remember you for speaking to him. True
c. There should be none to utter a kind word of you. False
d. You should give cheerful greetings to the friend. True

A2. The poet insists that one should perform good deeds in such a way that people should feel grateful for the deeds.

A3. I believe in as you sow so shall you reap. I will behave politely. I will help friends, family and
neighbours. I will invest the happiness to earn tomorrow's happiness.

A4. Alliteration: The consonantal sound 't' is repeated pleasingly.
Another example of alliteration : sorely spent

Forget past and yesterday
Work today with gay
And earn tomorrow

B Poetic Appreciation

Edgar Guest is known as ‘people’s poet’ for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing. The poem ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ is an inspirational poem.
          The poet is concerned about the readers. He asks them if they have done anything to improve the life of the other people. We are responsible for our good days and bad days.
          The poem is divided into four stanzas of quatrains. The first line rhymes with the second line and the third with the fourth in each stanza. He has used the consistent rhyme scheme throughout the poem.  The first two lines of the first stanza are rhymed with last two lines of the second and the fourth stanzas. The poet raised questions in the poem. There are eleven questions in the poem. It shows the unique style of the poem. Alliteration and interrogation are the poetic devices in the poem.
The poem has the underlying message that it is up to us whether we will have a better future or not. Therefore, we should consider our actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

2.3 The Inchcape Rock.

2.3 The Inchcape Rock

Extract: "No stir……...joyance in their sound."

A1 True/False
1. The ocean was silent.
2. The ship was sailing fast.
3. The waves were rising high.
4. The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A2. State the importance of the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A3. Suggest solution to warn people about the dangerous place in the ocean.
A4. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea. Name and explain the figures of speech. Find a similar
A5. Write four lines about the benevolent deed of your friend.
Answers :
1. The ocean was silent. True
2. The ship was sailing fast. False
3. The waves were rising high. False
4.The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock. True
A2. The bell on the Inchcape Rock turned to be a savior. The Inchcape Rock is a perilous rock
hidden at rising waves. The Abbot of Aberbrothok placed the bell on it to warn the mariners. The
bell would ring at high rise and mariners would know about the dangerous rock.
A3. Dangerous places in the ocean should be identified and marked. Sensors should be placed
near such places to give alarm. The ships also should have a gadget to know the nearby
dangerous place.
A4. Repetition: The words "No stir" are repeated in the line. Another example of repetition is '
so little they rose, so little they fell'
A5. My friend
Corona cases here
Corona cases there
My buddy sew mask.
Sanitizing was his task.

B. Read the extract and complete all the activities given below.
Extract : The buoy of the Inchcape………….. for Scotland's shore.
A1. Narrate the scene in the first stanza of the extract.
A2. ' A darker speck on the ocean green.' Analyse.
A3. Convince Sir Ralph the Rover not to cut the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A4. Find out two examples of inversion from the extract.
A5. Write four poetic lines on 'boat'.
A1. A tiny floating object was visible. It was the Inchcape bell placed to warn the mariners about
the Rock. Sir Ralph the Rover saw it from far and fix his eye on it out of jealousy.
A2. The Inchcape Rock in the ocean was dangerous. It was all submerged. Mariners could not
know its presence. Warning bell was placed on it. Darker speck refers to Inchcape Rock. Green
refers to safety due to bell.
A3. Hey, Ralph, do not cut the Inchcape bell. It had saved many lives so far. It warns everyone
about the rock. It will save your life one day. If you cut the bell, on the rock your ship may wreck.
A4. Examples of inversion
1. And to the Inchcape Rock they go
2. Down sunk the bell with a gurgling sound.
A5. Boat
Row, row your boat.
Take me with my goat
To farm across the river
Have some favour

1. Solid State. ( Chemistry ) Online test. Prepared by - Pratiksha Waghmare. 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

1. Solid State. ( Chemistry )

Saturday, September 19, 2020

1.4 Big Data Big Insights. Online test.

1.4 Big Data Big Insights. Online test.

2.2 Indian Weavers : Activities

2.2 Indian Weavers : Activities

Read the extract and do all the activities.
A1 Complete the table showing weavers' routine.

At break of day ------For new born child
--------------Marriage veils. ---------------

---------------shroudFor a dead man's Funeral

A2. Show the association between the three stages of day and life.

A3 State how parents feel at the time their daughter's marriage.

A4. Point out the rhyming words and rhyme scheme of the poem.

A5. Create 4 poetic lines on weaving a uniform.

Answers :

At break of day Robes For new born child
At fall of night Marriage veils.For a bride
In the moonlight chillshroudFor a dead man's Funeral

A2. Three stages of the day represents the three stages of life. The morning represents the
beginning of life. The evening represents the adulthood. The chill moonlight night represents the end of life i.e. death.
A3. The parents have mix feeling at their daughter's marriage ceremony. They are happy that
their new life begins. They are sad because their daughter is parting with them.
À4 Rhyming words - day- gay wild- child night- bright green - queen still - chill cloud - shroud
Rhyme scheme : aabb
Weavers, weaving at rising sun
Why do you weave a garment with fun?
With checks and colour mild
We weave the uniform for child.

B. Poetic Appreciation  Click / touch.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow. Online test prepared by - Vishal Gore.

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow. Online test

Activities on Poetry Section

Activities on Poetry Section

Click on the following links to get access.

Brainstorming on 2.1 Song of the Open Road and 2.2 Indian Weavers

2.1 Song of the Open Road. Sample activity.

2.1 Song of the Open Road

Read the extract (The Poem)and do all the activities.
A1. Complete the following statements. 2
1. The poet takes to the……….. road.
2. The world before the poet is ……. and …….
3. The poet does not ask for………
A2. Pick out the lines that show the poet's fearlessness and self confidence.
A3. The road associates rich and poor. Explain.
À4. "I myself am good fortune." Name and explain the figures of speech. Give another similar
A5. Write four poetic lines on The Road to School.
1. The poet takes to the open road.
2. The world before the poet is free and healthy.
3. The poet does not ask for good fortune.
A2 fearlessness - Henceforth, I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing
self confidence - Henceforth, I ask for no good fortune- I myself am good fortune
A3. The road associates the rich and the poor. Both the rich and the poor use same road. The
road is used as a starting point for the journey to a new destination. The road takes the rich as
well as the poor to their destination.
A4. Metaphor : The poet implicitly compares himself with good fortune.
Another example of Metaphor : open road- here road means the road of life.
A5. The Road to School
The road to school is muddy.
But joyful to walk with buddy.
The road takes me to school.
On it we walk,run and ride cool.

Grammar quiz no.5 By - Tushar Chavan

Grammar quiz no.5 By - Tushar Chavan

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

2.5 Father Returning Home. Video

2.5 Father Returning Home. Video.

Use – Enough / so - - - - that

Use – Enough / so - - - - that

 Use – Enough  / so - - - - that

Use :- Enough


1) He is so clever that he can win the prize.

Ans- He is clever enough to win the prize.

2) They are so rich that they can help the poor.

Ans- They are rich enough to help the poor.

3) He is so happy that anyone can get his help.

Ans- He is happy enough to get his help.

4) She was so brilliant that we could win the group prize.

Ans- She was brilliant enough for us to win the group prize.

5) It is so cold that I can use two sweaters.

Ans- It is cold enough for me to use two sweaters.

6) Raju is so strong that he can lift the heavy bag.

Ans- Raju is strong enough to lift the heavy bag.

7) Radha was so beautiful that she could attract all.

Ans- Radha was beautiful enough to attract all.

8) I am so tall that I can touch the ceiling.

Ans- I am tall enough to touch the ceiling.

9) The student was so active that he could do every work easily.

Ans- The student was active enough to do every work easily.

10) We are so brave that we can accept every challenge.

Ans- We are brave enough to accept every challenge. 

Rules -

1) Write subject and verb of first clause.

2) Remove ‘so’ and write adjective.

3) Write ‘enough’ after adjective.

4) If subjects of both clauses are same, write ‘to’ after enough. Remove ‘that’, ‘subject and auxiliary verb’ of second clause. Write main verb and remaining words.

5) If subjects of both clauses are different, write ‘for + subject of second clause in accusative case’ after enough. Remove auxiliary verb of second clause. Write main verb and remaining words after ‘to’.

6) If in second clause subject is like some one, some body, any body, any one etc. then remove such subject. Do not use for + subject construction for them.

7) If the sentence of ‘so – - - - that’ is affirmative only then enough can

be used.


Use :- So - - - -  that


1) They are rich enough to help me.

Ans- They are so rich that they can help me.

2) He was clever enough to win the competition.

Ans- He was so clever that he could win the competition.

3) The bus clean enough for us to sit there.

Ans- The bus is so clean that we can sit there.

4) The house is big enough for them to live in it happily.

Ans- The house is so big that they can in it happily.

5) I am tall enough to touch the branches of the tree.

Ans- I am so tall that I can touch the branches of the tree. 

Rules –

1) Write ‘so’ after the verb of first clause.

2) Write adjective.

3) Remove ‘enough’ and write ‘that’.

4) Take pronoun of the subject of first clause and make it a subject of second clause.

5) Write auxiliary verb ‘can or could’ after the subject.

6) If ‘for + subject’ is used, remove ‘for’ and change the subject into nominative case.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Online test no. 15 ( Grammar.)

Online test no.15 (Grammar.)

Online test no.14 (Grammar)

Online test no.14 (Grammar)

Online test no.13 (Grammar).

Online test no.13 (Grammar).

Online test no. 12 (Grammar)

Online grammar test 12

Important Videos for Std. XII

Important Videos for Std. XII

Dr. Tukaram Babulal Salunkhe

(M. A. B.Ed. M.Phil. Ph.D.)

Janata Shikshan Sanstha's

Shri Shivaji Vidya Mandir & Jr. College, Aundh, Pune-07

 1. About Textbook.. 


2. Activities set on poems


3. Poem-song of the Open Road


4. Appreciation of Poem-Song of the Open Road


5. Figures of speech-Alliteration and Repetition


6. Figure of speech-Repetition


7. Figures of speech-Simile and Metaphor


8. Ice Breakers Indian Weavers- Sarojini Naidu


9. Poem-Indian Weavers


10. Figure of speech-Inversion


11. Figures of speech in 'Indian Weavers' 


12. Ice Breakers-the Inchcape Rock


13. Poem-The  Inchcape Rock

(Stanza 1-7)


14. Poem - The Inchcape Rock (Stanza 8-17)


15. Introduction-Have you Earned your Tomorrow-Edgar Guest


16. Poem-Have you Earned your Tomorrow-Edgar Guest


17. Appreciation of poem-Have you Earned your Tomorrow


18. Rhyme Scheme


19. ICE Breakers-Father Returning Home-Dilip Chitre


20. ICE BREAKERS(Part-2)Father Returning Home-Dilip Chitre


21. Poem-Father Returning Home - Dilip Chitre


Evaluation pattern all subject 12thEvaluation pattern (All Subjects) Click on the following link and download the new evaluation pattern of various subjects.

Evaluation pattern all subject 12th

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow. Online test created By - Hina Sayyad, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow. Video.

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow.

Std. XII - List of Language Study Topics (Grammar and Poetic Device)

Std. XII - List of Language Study Topics (Grammar and Poetic Device)

Std. XII - List of Language Study Topics
(Grammar and Poetic Device) 
1) Parts of Speech:
Verbs (main/auxiliary/modal, transitive/intransitive) gerund, finite/infinite verbs, participles; time, tense, phrasal verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, determiners-articles
2) Sentence structure: 
Types of sentences – simple, compound, complex, statements (positive/negative), questions, imperative, exclamatory, transformation of sentences (framing questions, negatives, voice, reported speech, joining sentences);
3) Vocabulary and word building: 
Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, word register, root word, prefix, suffix, connotation, denotation, collocation, derivatives, compound words, minor processes of word building: blends, introduction to thesaurus.
4) Speaking ability: 
Pronunciation, syllables, stress, intonation, rhyme, rhythm, accent etc.
5) Figures of Speech and stylistic devices: 
Simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, hyperbole, euphemism, antithesis, irony, pun, onomatopoeia, alliteration, consonance, synecdoche, metonymy and ambiguity.
6) Special word groups: 
Phrases, idioms, proverbs, maxims and their usage.
7) Functional grammar: 
Editing, omission, finding errors, common blunders (errors).

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Q. 4 (B) Expansion Of ideas (Answer - 4)

Q. 4 (B) Expansion Of ideas (Answer - 4)


 4] Expand the ideas of proverb.  

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed.

Hints : Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral. 


          This proverb mean a friend who can support his own friend in his need is a true friend. In this world, we meet many human beings and start a friendship with them. But all friends are not true. Our elders have made a formula to test who is a true friend and who is not that a friend stands by you even in your hard times, that friend is true. The following story proves it. 

     Once upon a time, there were two friends who had great love for each other and promised to help each other, in the hour of need. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly a bear came in front of them. So, both of them were afraid. One of them knew how to climb a tree and he climbed a tree, leaving his friend alone.  He forgot his promise to help his friend. The other friend didn't know how to climb a tree. Then he fell on the ground and held his breath pretending to be dead. The bear came up to him and smelt him. Found him a dead man, the bear left the place. When the bear was gone, the other friend came down and asked, "Did the bear say anything to you?" The friend replied, "Yes, the bear told me not to trust a friend who left you in time of danger.

      We can see many examples of true friendships from ancient time till date such as friendship of Rama and Sugreva, Krishna and Sudama, Duryodhana and Karna, etc. Such friends become life’s greatest blessing.         

       It is very necessary for us to distinguish between the bad and good friends. A friend who remain same in all conditions (good or bad) and support heartily, really become the true friend forever and a selfish man can never be a good friend and never trust a such a man

Online Test No.10. Grammar.

Online Test No.10 - Grammar.

Online Test No.9 - Grammar.

Online Test.No.9- Grammar.

Online test no 8. Grammare

Online Grammar.

Online Grammar Test. No.7

Online Grammar Test. No.7

Online grammar test no.6

Online grammar test no.6

Online Test.No. 11- Grammar.

Online test

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Q.4 B Expansion Of Idea.

Q.4 (B) Expansion Of ideas (Marks-4) Answer - 2


2] Expand the ideas of proverb. 'A little learning is a dangerous thing.’

Hints : Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.


            The phrase, ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ means gaining some knowledge can make a person believe that they have now become experts in that field. It’s examples we experience, now a days in the period of Covid-19 pandemic, we watch videos on the social Medias about how to protect us from this disease, but most of the information is useless that creates big health problem for us. Many people do not take proper medical guidance and lose their lives.

           Remember Lord Buddha’s teaching: Travel not with a fool. He further goes on to say that if the people you are travelling with are less clever than you, it is better to travel alone. In other words, it is better to have no friends than to have one who has little knowledge. In the villages, we find so many quack doctors, who try to cure serious diseases by their so called magical remedies. This is an example of a little learning being a dangerous thing, Finally when the patient dies they say it was god’s will and raise their hands.

             This story will prove that. On a hot summer noon, some camel men stayed beneath a bunch of tree for some rest. They set their camel to graze. One of the camels entered the melon field and stated eating melons. By chance, a melon got jammed in the camel’s throat. The animal began to make noise. When the owner of the camel saw it, he understood the matter at once. He got a blanket and wrapped it on the neck of the camel and hit it hard with a wooden mallet. The melon broke and the camel swallowed it easily.

        A man who happened to pass by them was watching all this process. He was happy to learn the treatment of the goiter (गलगण्ड;घेंघा;). In next village, he introduced himself as a physician who could treat the goiter. The villagers presented an old woman for the treatment of goiter. Her throat was dangerously swollen. The man asked for a blanket and a mallet. The villagers provided the two things. He wrapped the blanket around the neck of the old woman and hit her hard with mallet on her neck. As the result of hard blow, the poor woman instantly expired. The villagers caught the quack and handed him over the police. He was sent to prison for his little knowledge.

            A classic example of half knowledge was America's attack on Iraq. Before attack, bush claimed that Iraq possess Lethal(प्राणघातकजानलेवा) chemical weapons without concrete proof which later proved wrong. For that, the then president, Mr. Bush apologized but in vain. Collateral damage was done due to half knowledge.

    Listening to the advice of someone who is less educated can lead to wrong choices in life. It gives us a moral that A Little Knowledge is Dangerous Thing.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Online Grammar Test 5 Online Grammar Tests Solve the test and click on submit. Then click on view score to see your score. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 5. Prepared by: Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 4 Online Grammar Tests Solve the test and click on submit. Then click on view score to see your score. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 4 Prepared by: Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 3 Online Grammar Tests Solve the test and click on submit. Then click on view score to see your score. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test. 3 .Prepared by: Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 2. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 2. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 1 Online Grammar Test Solve the test and click on submit. Then click on view score to see your score. Prepared by:Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Online Grammar Test 1. Prepared by: Mrs. Yogita Chandrakant PatilL. D. G. Naik vidyalaya Badlapur.District: Thane

Friday, September 4, 2020

Uses Of Tenses.

Uses of Tenses

Uses of Tenses

1) Simple present tense

A) To show habitual action : 
1. He goes to school.
2. Dogs bark.
3. Mother gets up early.
B) To show daily or regular activities : 
(Use of Adverbs:- Daily, always, often, usually, generally, never)
(Use of Adverbial phrase:- every day, every week, every month)
1. He takes exercise every day.
2. She visits her parents often.
3. They always bring him present.
C) To express a general statement : 
          1. Sachin Tendulkar plays cricket well.
          2. Seeta likes mangoes.
D) To show preplanned future action : 
          1.We leave Pune next month.
          2. My brother returns to Mumbai in June.
E) To show eternal truth : 
          1. The earth revolves round the sun.
          2. Two plus two is four.
F) Conditional clauses : 
          1. If it rains, I shall stay at home.
          2. Unless he returns my home, I will not see him.
G) Time clause : 
          1. We shall go to Pune when my brotherreturns from Nashik.
          2. I shall wait till you finish your work.
H) In Commentaries : 
          1. Sachin comes, he runs, he bowls.
          2. Pele defends himself, passes the ball,kicks the ball and goal.
I) To introduce quotations : 
          1. He said, “Money is what money does.”
          2. Napoleon said, “Nothing is impossible in the world.”

2) Present Continuous Tense

A) To express an action in progress at the time of speaking :          
          1. The baby is playing with the dog.
          2. The boys are playing cricket.
          3. It is raining.

B) To express a temporary action that may not be actually taking  place at the time of speaking. 
1. My sister is reading a novel.
2. He is teaching English in the school.
3. She is doing research in the university.

C) To express immediate plans : 
1. I am leaving for Pune tonight.
2. My uncle is arriving tomorrow.
3. The prime minister is flying to Pakistan tomorrow.

3) Present Perfect Tense
Uses :

A) To express recent past action which is completed in any indefinite present time : 
1. I have done the job.
2. Raju has never seen her to be humble.
3. Miss Rekha has been to America.
4. She has killed a cat.

B) To express a recently completed action with just : 
1. He has just gone out.
2. My sister has just finished cooking.
3. The train has just left.

C) To express actions which happened in the past, provided the action could be repeated in the present : 
1. I have seen crocodiles in that lake.
2. She has written a number of books.
3. My father has seen the Ajanta Caves.

4) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

A) To show an action which began at some time in the past and is still continuing in the present : 
1. They have been building the bridge for several months.
2. We have been reading since four o’clock.
3. She has been missing since last Friday.

5) Simple Past Tense
A) To express an action completed in the past : 
          1. She left the college last year.
          2. I received her letter a week ago.
          3. She met her old friend yesterday.
4. I learned English in England.

B) To express a past habit : 
          1. Every morning Gandhiji went for a walk.
          2. She always took exercise at that time.

6. Past Continuous Tense
Uses :
A) To denote an action going on at some time in the past :
          1. I was reading a novel.
          2. It was raining heavily.
          3. They were asking many questions.

B) To express a continuous action interrupted by another action with simple past tense : 
1. He was returning home late when a dog bit him.
2. The boy was riding a bicycle when a truck dashed him down.
3. When I reached there, the people were coming out of the hall.

7. Past Perfect Tense
Uses :

A) To show an action completed before a certain moment in the past : (Of the two past actions; earlier action is in past perfect tense and the other is in simple past tense) 
1. After she had taken her lunch, she went to the theatre.
2. When I reached the station, the trainhad departed.
3. Before we reached the bus – stop, the bus had left.
4. After we had reached the bus stop, the bus arrived.

Special Note :- The past perfect tense is never used with adverbs of past time but simple past tense is used. 
          1. I had met him yesterday (Wrong).
              I met him yesterday (Correct).
          2. She had come here last day (Wrong).
              She came here last day (Correct).

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Uses :

A) To denote the action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time : 
          1. They had been building that bridge since 1980.
          2. At that time, we had been practicingfor two years.
          3. She had been reading a novel for two weeks.
4. My grandfather had been growingplants in our field since 1960.
Special Note :-
Since – denotes a particular point of time e.g. since 1980
For – denotes a period of time e.g. for two years

9. Simple Future Tense
Uses :

A) To express actions in the future i.e. action that has still to take place :                     e.g.
          1. I shall meet you tomorrow.
          2. They will arrive soon.
          3. The doctor will examine the patients in the evening.

B) To express habitual action in the future : 
          1. The rainy season will come.
          2. The birds will come in the next summer.

10. Future Continuous Tense
Use :

A) To express an action which will occur in the usual course of events. 
1. She will be staying here till Sunday.
2. I will be meeting him tomorrow.
3. The children will be playing here this evening.

B) To express future without intention : 
1. He won’t be staying long.
2. The lady will be coming back this way.
3. The Government will be opening a children’s park in our area.

11. Future Perfect Tense
Use :

A) To indicate the completion of an action by a certain future time: 
           1. They will have built the bridge by March next year.
           2. I shall have finished the job by 10 a.m. the day after tomorrow.
           3. By the end of the year, we shall have completed the repairs.
           4. In the five years’ time Seema will have taken her degree.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Use :

A) To show an action going on over a period of time that will end in the future. 
          1. By 1988, she will have been rankingthe first.
          2. By next week, we shall have been doing this job for six weeks.
3. When he gets his degree, he will have been studying in Cambridge for four years.