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Sunday, September 20, 2020

2.3 The Inchcape Rock.

2.3 The Inchcape Rock

Extract: "No stir……...joyance in their sound."

A1 True/False
1. The ocean was silent.
2. The ship was sailing fast.
3. The waves were rising high.
4. The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A2. State the importance of the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A3. Suggest solution to warn people about the dangerous place in the ocean.
A4. No stir in the air, no stir in the sea. Name and explain the figures of speech. Find a similar
A5. Write four lines about the benevolent deed of your friend.
Answers :
1. The ocean was silent. True
2. The ship was sailing fast. False
3. The waves were rising high. False
4.The Abbot of Aberbrothok had placed the bell on the Inchcape Rock. True
A2. The bell on the Inchcape Rock turned to be a savior. The Inchcape Rock is a perilous rock
hidden at rising waves. The Abbot of Aberbrothok placed the bell on it to warn the mariners. The
bell would ring at high rise and mariners would know about the dangerous rock.
A3. Dangerous places in the ocean should be identified and marked. Sensors should be placed
near such places to give alarm. The ships also should have a gadget to know the nearby
dangerous place.
A4. Repetition: The words "No stir" are repeated in the line. Another example of repetition is '
so little they rose, so little they fell'
A5. My friend
Corona cases here
Corona cases there
My buddy sew mask.
Sanitizing was his task.

B. Read the extract and complete all the activities given below.
Extract : The buoy of the Inchcape………….. for Scotland's shore.
A1. Narrate the scene in the first stanza of the extract.
A2. ' A darker speck on the ocean green.' Analyse.
A3. Convince Sir Ralph the Rover not to cut the bell on the Inchcape Rock.
A4. Find out two examples of inversion from the extract.
A5. Write four poetic lines on 'boat'.
A1. A tiny floating object was visible. It was the Inchcape bell placed to warn the mariners about
the Rock. Sir Ralph the Rover saw it from far and fix his eye on it out of jealousy.
A2. The Inchcape Rock in the ocean was dangerous. It was all submerged. Mariners could not
know its presence. Warning bell was placed on it. Darker speck refers to Inchcape Rock. Green
refers to safety due to bell.
A3. Hey, Ralph, do not cut the Inchcape bell. It had saved many lives so far. It warns everyone
about the rock. It will save your life one day. If you cut the bell, on the rock your ship may wreck.
A4. Examples of inversion
1. And to the Inchcape Rock they go
2. Down sunk the bell with a gurgling sound.
A5. Boat
Row, row your boat.
Take me with my goat
To farm across the river
Have some favour

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