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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Q.4 B Expansion Of Idea.

Q.4 (B) Expansion Of ideas (Marks-4) Answer - 2


2] Expand the ideas of proverb. 'A little learning is a dangerous thing.’

Hints : Explain the concept (introduction), give example (related story) , illustrated the idea and give moral.


            The phrase, ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ means gaining some knowledge can make a person believe that they have now become experts in that field. It’s examples we experience, now a days in the period of Covid-19 pandemic, we watch videos on the social Medias about how to protect us from this disease, but most of the information is useless that creates big health problem for us. Many people do not take proper medical guidance and lose their lives.

           Remember Lord Buddha’s teaching: Travel not with a fool. He further goes on to say that if the people you are travelling with are less clever than you, it is better to travel alone. In other words, it is better to have no friends than to have one who has little knowledge. In the villages, we find so many quack doctors, who try to cure serious diseases by their so called magical remedies. This is an example of a little learning being a dangerous thing, Finally when the patient dies they say it was god’s will and raise their hands.

             This story will prove that. On a hot summer noon, some camel men stayed beneath a bunch of tree for some rest. They set their camel to graze. One of the camels entered the melon field and stated eating melons. By chance, a melon got jammed in the camel’s throat. The animal began to make noise. When the owner of the camel saw it, he understood the matter at once. He got a blanket and wrapped it on the neck of the camel and hit it hard with a wooden mallet. The melon broke and the camel swallowed it easily.

        A man who happened to pass by them was watching all this process. He was happy to learn the treatment of the goiter (गलगण्ड;घेंघा;). In next village, he introduced himself as a physician who could treat the goiter. The villagers presented an old woman for the treatment of goiter. Her throat was dangerously swollen. The man asked for a blanket and a mallet. The villagers provided the two things. He wrapped the blanket around the neck of the old woman and hit her hard with mallet on her neck. As the result of hard blow, the poor woman instantly expired. The villagers caught the quack and handed him over the police. He was sent to prison for his little knowledge.

            A classic example of half knowledge was America's attack on Iraq. Before attack, bush claimed that Iraq possess Lethal(प्राणघातकजानलेवा) chemical weapons without concrete proof which later proved wrong. For that, the then president, Mr. Bush apologized but in vain. Collateral damage was done due to half knowledge.

    Listening to the advice of someone who is less educated can lead to wrong choices in life. It gives us a moral that A Little Knowledge is Dangerous Thing.

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