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Thursday, September 17, 2020

2.1 Song of the Open Road. Sample activity.

2.1 Song of the Open Road

Read the extract (The Poem)and do all the activities.
A1. Complete the following statements. 2
1. The poet takes to the……….. road.
2. The world before the poet is ……. and …….
3. The poet does not ask for………
A2. Pick out the lines that show the poet's fearlessness and self confidence.
A3. The road associates rich and poor. Explain.
À4. "I myself am good fortune." Name and explain the figures of speech. Give another similar
A5. Write four poetic lines on The Road to School.
1. The poet takes to the open road.
2. The world before the poet is free and healthy.
3. The poet does not ask for good fortune.
A2 fearlessness - Henceforth, I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing
self confidence - Henceforth, I ask for no good fortune- I myself am good fortune
A3. The road associates the rich and the poor. Both the rich and the poor use same road. The
road is used as a starting point for the journey to a new destination. The road takes the rich as
well as the poor to their destination.
A4. Metaphor : The poet implicitly compares himself with good fortune.
Another example of Metaphor : open road- here road means the road of life.
A5. The Road to School
The road to school is muddy.
But joyful to walk with buddy.
The road takes me to school.
On it we walk,run and ride cool.

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