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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

How to Make Lesson Plan-Prose: Guidelines

How to Make Lesson Plan-Prose: Guidelines

Lesson Plan

A lesson plan is the teacher’s guide to deal with a particular lesson. It includes the goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method and procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (Ice breaker activities, brain storming activities, activity sheet, homework etc.). It also includes the objectives of learning and the expected outcome.

It is also an outline of the activities of the teacher and students in the class.

Components Lesson Plan

1. General Objectives:

It is the overall knowledge obtained by the student.

2. Specific Objectives:

a) Understanding

b) Application


1) Dramatization

2) Simulation and role play

3) Storytelling

4) Oral Reading

5) Power point presentation

6) Written Composition

7) Reciting a poem

8) Conducting a test

9) Dealing with activity Sheet

10) Pear work

See the actual lesson plan:

Prose Topic: An Astrologer’s Day

Std. XII

Subject: English

Std. XII

Topic: 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day

See more:

An Astrologer’s Day

*Do solve online test based on Name the figures of speech**Get the definition of different figures of speech with examples*

*Do solve online test based on Name the figures of speech*

*Get the definition of different figures of speech with examples*

Friday, April 22, 2022

केरळ येथे झालेल्या राष्ट्रीय ड्रॕगन बोट 🚣‍♂️ स्पर्धेत जनविकास महाविद्यालयाचे विद्यार्थी चि. सातपुते सुशांत B.A.Ty. व चि. सातपुते प्रदीप B.A.Fy या विद्यार्थांनी या स्पर्धेत महाराष्ट्राला तृतिय स्थान मिळवून दिले आहे. याबद्दल त्यांचे हार्दिक अभिनंदन. 🚣‍♂️🚣‍♂️🚣‍♂️💐💐💐👏👏👍👍

केरळ येथे झालेल्या राष्ट्रीय ड्रॕगन बोट 🚣‍♂️ स्पर्धेत जनविकास महाविद्यालयाचे विद्यार्थी चि. सातपुते सुशांत B.A.Ty. व चि.  सातपुते प्रदीप B.A.Fy या विद्यार्थांनी या स्पर्धेत  महाराष्ट्राला तृतिय स्थान मिळवून दिले आहे. याबद्दल त्यांचे हार्दिक अभिनंदन. 🚣‍♂️🚣‍♂️🚣‍♂️💐💐💐👏👏👍👍

Monday, April 18, 2022

Spot the Error-

Spot the Error-

Q. Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences.

1) The number of people do not matter.


Error – Use of verb ‘do’. The subject ‘the number’ is singular so it takes the verb ‘does’ in simple present tense.

Correct sentence: The number of people does not matter.

2) I am liking to see movies at the theatre.


Error – Use of verb ‘am liking’. The verb ‘like’ is a stative verb so it is not used in present continuous tense.

Correct sentence:

I like to see movies at the theatre.

3) I never forgets the given responsibility.


Error – Use of verb ‘forgets’. The subject ‘I’ takes the base form of the verb in simple present tense.

Correct sentence:

I never forget the given responsibility.

4) He has often ask me to think before I speak.


Error – Use of verb ‘ask’. In present perfect tense the main verb must be in past participle form ‘asked’.

Correct sentence:

He has often asked me to think before I speak.

5) No sooner did I challenged the man than he accepted it.


Error – Use of verb ‘challenged’. After ‘did’ the main verb must be in base form.

Correct sentence:

No sooner did I challenge the man than he accepted it.

6) We are the more strongest community in the world.


Error – Use of ‘more’. In superlative degree no need to use more before the third form of the adjective.

Correct sentence:

We are the strongest community in the world.

7) I entered the room for search the documents.


Error – Use of ‘search’.  ‘After for’ gerund ‘searching’ should be used.

Correct sentence:

I entered the room for searching the documents.

8) We can plant the trees in order saving the earth.


Error – Use of ‘saving’. Here ‘saving’ should be replaced by ‘to save’. ‘In order to’ is a phrase.

Correct sentence:

We can plant the trees in order to save the earth.

9) I usually asks my employees to be punctual in their tasks.


Error – Use of the verb ‘asks’. The subject ‘I’ takes the base form of the verb.

Correct sentence:

I usually ask my employees to be punctual in their tasks.

10) The training came to an end before you left the city.


Error – Use of ‘came’. If two past situations are given the earlier situation must be written in past perfect tense.

Correct sentence:

The training had come to an end before you left the city.

11) If you challenge me, I had accept it.


Error – Use of ‘ had’. In conditional sentence if present tense (first condition) is given in the ‘if – clause’, the other clause must be in simple future tense.

Correct sentence:

If you challenge me, I will accept it.

12) The manager was looking into the missing file.


Error – Use of ‘into’. Here looking into should be replaced by ‘looking for’. ‘To look for’ is a phrase.

Correct sentence:

The manager was looking for the missing file.

13) She is more taller than all her brothers in the family.


Error – Use of ‘more taller than’. In superlative degree we have to use ‘the tallest of.

Correct sentence:

She is the tallest of all her brothers in the family.

14) He said he did not wanted to go to bazaar yesterday.


There are three errors:

Use of ‘wanted’. After did the base form of the verb must be used.

Use of ‘yesterday’. Here yesterday should be replaced by ‘the previous day’.

No use of ‘that’.

Correct sentence:

He said that he did not want to go bazaar the previous day.

15) Mango is the bestest among all the Indian fruits.


Error – Use of ‘bestest’. The third form of the adjective good is ‘best’ and not ‘bestest’.

Correct sentence:

Mango is the best among all the Indian fruits.

16) I have visited Statue of Unity last weekend.


Error – Wrong use of tense. If past time is given, we have to use simple past tense and not the present perfect tense.

Correct sentence:

I visited Statue of Unity last weekend.

17) Where I can find a bank?


Error – Wrong use of question structure. For wh-question, we have to use the following structure:

Wh word+ Auxiliary Verb + Subject + main verb + remaining words.

Correct sentence:

Where can I find a bank?

18) When I will arrive, I will call you.


Error – Wrong use of tense in conditional clause.

For the first condition, the conditional clause takes present tense.

Correct sentence:

When I arrive, I will call you.

19) There is seven girls in the class.


Error – Wrong use of verb.

Correct sentence:

There are seven girls in the class.

20) How many childrens do you have?


Error – Plural noun is misspelt.

Correct sentence:

How many children do you have?


Spot the error mostly contains one error. So try to find it and write its correct sentence. Spot the error is important topic for the competitive exams.

Spot the error: Pay attention to the following words.

Some words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

These are the most commonly confused words:

1) You’re – your

2) To – two – too

3) Weather – whether

4) There – their

5) Principal – principle  

6) Meat – meet

7) Know – no

8) Lessen – lesson

9) Knot – not

10) One – won

See more

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What is Mind Mapping?

What is Mind Mapping?

1) A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. 

माइंड मॅपिंग हा दृष्य आयोजकांचा एक प्रकार आहे जो कल्पना आणि संकल्पना संयोजित करण्यासाठी आकृतीचा वापर करतो.

2) It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

हे दृश्यमान विचारांचे साधन आहे जे आपल्याला नवीन कल्पनांचे अधिक चांगले विश्लेषण, आकलन, संश्लेषण, आठवणे आणि तयार करण्यात मदत करते.

3) The central idea or concept is placed in the center of the diagram, and then related ideas are added to it in a radial fashion.

मध्यवर्ती कल्पना किंवा संकल्पना आकृतीच्या मध्यभागी ठेवली जाते आणि नंतर संबंधित कल्पना त्यात एकामागून एक अशा जोडल्या जातात.

4) When writing, the main concept and other related ideas should be shown with the help of lines. Use tables, frames, lines, etc. where ever necessary. Create a complete diagram of Mind Mapping as per the given main concept.

लिखाण करतांना मुख्य संकल्पना व त्याशी निगडीत अन्य कल्पना रेषांच्या सहाय्याने दाखवाव्यात. आवश्यक तेथे कोष्टक (टेबल), चौकटी, रेषा, पाय चार्ट इत्यादींचा वापर करावा. सूचनेनुसार माइंड मॅपिंग ची पूर्ण आकृती तयार करा.

See Mind Mapping Examples

Framing Interview Questions

See video on Mind Mapping

See more:

Friday, April 15, 2022

While talking to your manager/ employer about appraisals, here are a few phrases that can help

While talking to your manager/ employer about appraisals, here are a few phrases that can help 

1. What's your opinion on my performance this year?
2. How can I improve my performance? 
3. Is there a chance of a salary raise/promotion this year?
4. What new aspects can I expect in my role going forward?
5. I'd love to take up some people management responsibilities as well - do you think I am now in a position where I can lead a team?
6. I'd urge you to reconsider the rating given that I have gone above and beyond in multiple occasions and also delivered on stretched targets. 
7. Could you suggest a few areas where you think I can do better to take my rating to a higher level in the coming year. 
8. I'd request you to reconsider the raise given to me. I assure you I'd deliver on all the targets that you set for me. 
9. What areas do you think I need to work on?
10. I'd request you to consider the industry standards for my position - I was hired at a much lower base and would really appreciate if my salary was brought closer to the market standards. 
11. I am really glad that you are satisfied with my performance. I am happy with my rating and the hike and would continue to deliver on my targets going forward as well.
12. I appreciate the trust you have placed in me. I assure you I will continue to work with the same zeal in the coming years as well.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Get the Smart English App

*Get the Smart English App*

*Learn English*

*See the information and download the app*

*Use the app created by Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad*

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Activity Sheet No.1: 1.3 The Cop And The Anthem.

Activity Sheet No.11.3 The Cop And The Anthem. 

Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.             

                Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphalt, where Broadway and Fifth Avenue flow together. Up Broadway he turned, and stopped at a luxurious cafe.                
Soapy had confidence in himself from the lowest button of his vest upward. He was shaven, and his coat was trim and his neat, black bow had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day. If only he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. The portion of him that would show above the table would raise no doubt in the waiter’s mind. A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing with a bottle of wine and then some cheese, a cup of coffee and a cigar. One dollar for the cigar would be enough. The total would not be so high as to call forth any extreme of revenge from the cafe management; and yet the meat would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter island.
But as Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door, the head-waiter’s eye fell upon his tattered trousers and decadent shoes. Strong and ready hands turned him about and conveyed him in silence and haste to the side-walk and averted the ignoble fate of the menaced mallard.                
Soapy turned off Broadway. It seemed that his route to the coveted island was not to be an easy one. Some other way of entering the limbo must be devised.

A1. Rearrange the events as per they occur in the given story extract.             (2)

दिलेल्या कथेच्या उतार्‍यात घडलेल्या घटनांनुसार खालील घटनांचा क्रम लावा.

i) Soapy was thrown out of the cafe.

ii) Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square.

iii) The head-waiter saw Soapy’s tattered trousers and decadent shoes.

iv) Soapy stopped at a luxurious cafe.


ii) Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square.

iv) Soapy stopped at a luxurious cafe.

iii) The head-waiter saw Soapy’s tattered trousers and decadent shoes.

i) Soapy was thrown out of the cafe.

A2. Make a list.      (2)

Make a list of things which Soapy desired to get in the luxurious cafe.

सोपी ला महागड्या रेस्टॉरंट मध्ये हव्या असलेल्या बाबींची यादी द्या.


The things which Soapy desired to get in the luxurious cafe are –

1) a roasted mallard duck    

2) a bottle of wine     

3) a cup of coffee        

4) a cigar.

A3. Give reason      (2)

Soapy couldn’t enjoy the meal in the luxurious cafe. Give its reason.

          सोपी ला महागड्या रेस्टॉरंट मध्ये जेवण घेता आले नाही. त्याचे कारण दया.


When Soapy set his foot inside the restaurant door, the head-waiter’s eye fell upon his tattered trousers and decadent shoes. Such person might not be allowed in that restaurant. So the waiter prevented him to enter it. He was thrown away on the side walk. So Soapy couldn’t enjoy the meal in the cafe.

A4. Personal Response    (2)

Give names of any two your favourite dishes which you like to eat in the hotel.

हॉटेल मध्ये गेल्यावर जे आवडते खाद्यपदार्थ तुम्ही मागवतात त्यांची नावे द्या.


When I go to hotel, I enjoy different types of food items.  I like to eat Pav Bhaji, Veg Manchurian, Panner Tikka Masala and Angoori Malai in the hotel. I also like to eat Punjabi dishes and non veg food items like Chikan Handi, Chicken tikka, fish curry etc.

A5. Language Study (Do as directed)       (2)

1) Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square.

(Choose the alternative showing the correct transformation of this sentence into simple sentence.)

(या वाक्याचे साध्या वाक्यात योग्य रूपांतर दर्शविणारा पर्याय निवडा.)

i) Soapy leaving his bench and strolling out of the square.

ii) After leaving his bench, Soapy strolling out of the square.

iii) After leaving his bench, Soapy strolled out of the square.

iv) After leaving his bench, Soapy had strolled out of the square.


iii) After leaving his bench, Soapy strolled out of the square.

2) Some other way of entering the limbo must be devised.

(Choose the alternative showing the correct use of model auxiliary showing ability.)

(क्षमता दर्शविणार्‍या मॉडेल ऑग्झि़लीअरी चा योग्य वापर दर्शविणारा पर्याय निवडा.)

i) Some other way of entering the limbo should be devised.

ii) Some other way of entering the limbo may to be devised.

iii) Some other way of entering the limbo will be devised.

iv) Some other way of entering the limbo can be devised.


iv) Some other way of entering the limbo can be devised

A6. Vocabulary       (2)

Match the words given under ‘A’ to their meaning given under ‘B’.

जोड्या लावा         

 1) strolleda) old and worn out
2) decadentb) greatly desired
3) ignoblec) walked in a leisurely way
4) covetedd) dishonourable


 1) strolledc) walked in a leisurely way
2) decadenta) old and worn out
3) ignobled) dishonourable
4) covetedb) greatly desired

More activities and resources on 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem will be available soon.

Get more activities on 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem with model answers in the Activity Work Book Std. XII English by Prof. Tushar Chavan. Send Whats App Message: 9850737199

See first video on 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem

See second video on 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem

See third video on 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem

See more

Click on the following words to get activities on An Astrologer’s Day:

Saturday, April 9, 2022

आपल्याला तंत्रस्नेही व्हायचे का?*

🎯 *आपल्याला तंत्रस्नेही व्हायचे का?*

🎯  *विद्यार्थ्यांना वेबसाईटच्या माध्यमातून शिक्षणाचे धडे कसे देऊ शकतो?*🖥️

🎯 *शैक्षणिक वेबसाईट कशी तयार करावी ?*

🎯 *डिजिटल तंत्रज्ञानाचा शिक्षणात कसा वापर करावा?*

*या सर्व प्रश्नांचे उत्तरे हवी असल्यास आमच्या रविवारी होणाऱ्या वेबिनारला जॉईन व्हा*

*फ्री वेबिनारला जॉईन व्हा*

*दिनांक: 10 एप्रिल 2022 रविवार वेळ: संध्याकाळी 4 वाजता.* 

*Here is link* 

*मार्गदर्शक- वेबसाईट डिझायनर व तंत्र स्नेही शिक्षक-*

*संख्या अधिक असल्याने गुगल मीट वर वेबीनार होईल*

*Be a techno savvy person*

For Std XI Result software for Science Faculty

For Std XI Result software for Science Faculty

1) Click on the following link and download the excel sheet of consolidate marks.

Click on File and click on Download. The excel file will download. Use this downloaded excel file for filling marks. Do not try to fill marks in Google Drive excel sheet. It will send me a request to give access. Avoid it.

वरील लिंक ला क्लीक करून एकत्र गुण तक्ता डाऊनलोड करा.

त्यानंतर File वर जा आणि Download वर क्लिक करा. एक्सेल फाइल डाउनलोड होईल. गुण भरण्यासाठी ही डाउनलोड केलेली एक्सेल फाईल वापरा. गुगल ड्राइव्ह एक्सेल शीटमध्ये गुण भरण्याचा प्रयत्न करू नका. तेथे मला बदल करण्याची विनंती पाठवली जाईल. ते टाळा.

2) Save as the sheet using new name in your P.C. or Laptop.

तुमच्या P.C किंवा लॅपटॉप मध्ये संकलित तक्ता नवीन नाव वापरून सेव्ह करा.

3) Fill consolidate sheet with marks of unit test 1 and 2, first term exam, annual exam.

युनिट चाचणी 1 आणि 2 च्या गुणांसह प्रथम सत्र परीक्षावार्षिक परीक्षा यांचे गुण भरा.

4) Annual exam marks include oral or internal evaluation marks.

वार्षिक परीक्षेतील गुणांमध्ये तोंडी किंवा अंतर्गत मूल्यमापन किंवा प्रात्यक्षिक परीक्षा या गुणांचा समावेश होतो.

5) For languages there are 20 marks for oral exam.

५) भाषांसाठी तोंडी परीक्षेसाठी २० गुण आहेत.

6) For other subjects like- Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics  have Practical exam.
6) इतर विषयांसाठी जसे- भौतिकशास्त्र, रसायनशास्त्र, जीवशास्त्र आणि गणित या विषयांची 20/30 गुणांची प्रात्यक्षिक परीक्षा असते..

7) For subjects like Geography, there are 20 marks for the practical exam.
भूगोलासारख्या विषयांसाठी प्रात्यक्षिक परीक्षेसाठी २० गुण असतात.

For Std XI Result software for Science Faculty, download the booklet.

2) Download booklet in word file.

वरील लिंक ला क्लीक करून booklet डाऊनलोड करा.

For Std XI Result software for Science Faculty, download the Marksheet.

3) Download Marksheet in word file.

वरील लिंक ला क्लीक करून Marksheet डाऊनलोड करा.

Instructions of using the software is given in the last page of the excel sheet.

Excel sheet शेवटच्या पेजवर software वापरण्याच्या सूचना आहेत.

Mrs. Adis : Ice breakers and Brainstorming

Activities from the margin of the lesson 

The writer describes Mrs. Adis as –

  • a small woman
  • Thin woman
  • Brown hard face
  • Hair like wrinkles

Mrs. Adis asks Peter crouch whether he has had a quarrel with the keepers. This shows that

  1.  Peter Crouch is hot temper
  2.  He gets into quarrel easily.
  3.  Mr. Adis knew his nature.

List some characteristics of Mrs. Adis based on this incident.
Faithful , trustworthy, good , helpful , forgetful
Give reason :
Vilder guessed that Crouch has taken refuge at Mrs. Adis’ house because he was a friend of Mrs. Adis’s son Tom. Crouch didn’t know that he had shot Tom dead.

The row took place because the keepers scared Peter Crouch who fired the gun in darkness.

Mrs. Adis unlocked the door because she had forgiven Peter and wanted him to run away safely.

Guess the meaning: ‘wrung’ here means
Find the difference between: shivering and trembling

(A1) (i) Discuss with your partner and describe the atmosphere in the woods when Peter Crouch was heading towards Mrs. Adis’s House. It was-
(a) a dark moonless night.
(b) a few stars in the sky
(c) windless , silent and clear night
(ii) Peter Crouch didn’t knock before entering Mrs. Adis’s house.
The reason was-
(a) Peter Crouch didn’t want to make noise.
(b) He wanted nobody to hear the noise of knocking
(c) He was in haste.
(iii) Go through the text again and find the reasons that forced Peter to shoot down a person.
(a) The keepers spotted him.
(b) He had fears of being caught.
(c) They were more in numbers.
(iv) Mrs. Adis didn’t hand over Peter Crouch to the keepers because-
(a) He was her son Tom’s friend.
(b) Tom would want her to stay by him.

(A2) The writer has used a phrase ‘Thudding Heart’ which means pounding, or beating of heart. Do you know ‘Thud’ is an onomatopoeic word which means a heavy sound made by an object falling to the ground. Discuss with your partner and make a list of Onomatopoeic words that you find in the text.
(a) crackling
(b) rustling
(c) bark

Activities other than the text

A1 Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the following statements.
1) Peter/ Mrs. Adis was stooping over the fire.
2) Peter knocked the door/walked straight in the cottage.
3) Peter thought he killed/ shot a man.
4) Mrs. Adis was a woman with a hard/soft face.
A2. Complete the statement: Peter was in trouble because …………
A3. The kettle boiled over and Mrs Adis mechanically put it at the side of the fire. Find the deeper meaning of this statement.
A4. Imagine a young man comes to you pleading to protect him from police. Write how you will react.
A5. Language Study.
1. He did not knock, but walked straight in. (Rewrite into simple sentence.)
Ans. Without knocking he walked straight in.
2. I shot a man. (Rewrite into passive voice.)
Ans. A man was shot by me.
A6. Vocabulary.

2.  a line in the skin of face                               
3, overcrowded
4. too many to be counted

       1. reluctant to do something

Vocabulary Test

Choose appropriate words from the given WORD BANK and  complete the test.
( intensified, innumerable, ceased, stooping over, stuffy, shrug, wrinkles, knell, snap, deserved, huddled down, on the threshold, escape, hesitated, anxiety, straining, refuge, fetch, beseechingly, close at hand)
1. What word MOST NEARLY means: stroke?
2. What word MOST NEARLY means: very near?
3. What word MOST NEARLY means: appealingly?
4.What word MOST NEARLY means: bend over?
5.What word MOST NEARLY means: shrink oneself?
6.What word MOST NEARLY means: streching?
7.What word MOST NEARLY means: make a sharp sound?
8.What word MOST NEARLY means: sharpened?
9.What word MOST NEARLY means: get free of?
10.What word MOST NEARLY means: bring in?
11.What word MOST NEARLY means: nervousness?
12 What word MOST NEARLY means: small ridges in the skin?
13. What word MOST NEARLY means: competent ?
14. What word MOST NEARLY means: boundary?
15. What word MOST NEARLY means: to delay momentarily?
16. What word MOST NEARLY means: lacking in vitality?
17. What word MOST NEARLY means: too many?
18. What word MOST NEARLY means: shelter?
19. What word MOST NEARLY means: stopped
20. What word MOST NEARLY means: lift the shoulders?

📝📝📝📝📝*Std. 11th**Subject- English**Topic- WRITING SKILL

*Std. 11th*
*Subject- English*

*3.1 Expansion of Idea*

*3.2 Blog Writing*

*3.3 E-mails*

*3.4 Interview*

*3.5 Film Review*

*3.6 The Art of Compering*

*(Write in Notebook)*

Friday, April 8, 2022

How To Tell What's Wrong With You To A Doctor

How To Tell What's Wrong With You To A Doctor

1. My hair is falling out. Am I going bald?

2. My nose is runny.

3. My eyes are watery.

4. I have a sore throat.

5. My chest feels tight. I can't breathe.

6. My stomach hurts.

7. I think I've pulled a muscle in my leg.

8. I twisted my ankle.

9. I've got a pain in my back.

10. My skin is itchy.

11. I have a toothache.

12. My joints are aching.

13. I've got a swollen ankle.

14. I've been having difficulty in sleeping.

*See the video how to make result of Arts Faculty using the result software*

*अकरावी कला शाखेचा वार्षिक निकाल सॉफ्टवेअर कसे वापरावे ते पहा व स्वतः च्या कॉलेज चा निकाल संगणीकृत बनवा.*

*See the video how to make result of Arts Faculty using the result software*

*अधिक माहितीसाठी खालील वेबसाईट पहा*

*Download the required files using the following website*

*Become a techno savvy person*


Monday, April 4, 2022

See the difference

*See the difference*

*a/an/ one*

*Use 'one' when the number is important; when you want to emphasize that it is only one (and not two or three or more):*

e.g. One of these eggs is rotten, but the others are OK. 

e.g. I wanted to buy three CDs, but I didn't have enough money, so I bought only one.

*In all other cases, when the fact of being "one" is not important, use a /an:*

e.g. I had an omelet for breakfast. 

e.g. I bought a new CD yesterday.

*What about the difference between 'a' and 'an'?* 

*We use 'an' before words beginning with a vowel sound, and 'a' before all other words:*

an apple/a banana an ice cream cone/ a piece of cake

an egg / a carrot an omelet/ a steak

an umbrella / a uniform.

*(Here "uniform" is pronounced yuniform)* 

an hour/a hat

*(we use 'an' with 'hour' because the 'H' in 'hour' is silent, but the 'H' in 'hat' is not)*

*Enjoy learning*

HSC EXAM MARCH 2022 संबंधी अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे*

*HSC EXAM MARCH 2022 संबंधी अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे*

राज्य मंडळ, पुणे यांनी प्रात्यक्षिक, तोंडी व श्रेणी परीक्षेसाठी सोमवार दिनांक 14 फेब्रुवारी 2022 ते गुरुवार दिनांक 3 मार्च 2022 हा कालावधी निर्धारित केलेला होता.

परंतु, वरील निर्धारित केलेल्या कालावधीत विद्यार्थी कोरोनाबाधित झाल्यामुळे अथवा अन्य वैद्यकीय/अपरिहार्य कारणांमुळे प्रात्यक्षिक, श्रेणी, तोंडी परीक्षा, प्रकल्प व तत्सम परीक्षा देऊ न शकल्यास अशा विद्यार्थ्यांची सदर परीक्षा लेखी परीक्षेनंतर *दिनांक 31 मार्च 2022 ते 18 एप्रिल 2022* या कालावधीत आयोजित करण्यात यावी. Out of Turn चा कालावधी उपरोक्त कालावधीतच समाविष्ट असेल त्यामुळे Out of Turn साठी स्वतंत्र कालावधी देण्यात येणार नाही.

वरील सूचनेची सर्व महाविद्यालयांनी नोंद घेऊन त्यानुसार कार्यवाही करावी.

*How to join National Defence Academy**भारतीय सैन्य दलात अधिकारी कसे बनावे*

*How to join National Defence Academy*

*भारतीय सैन्य दलात अधिकारी कसे बनावे*

Friday, April 1, 2022

📝📝📝📝🖋️🖋️🖋️🖋️🔹 *Model Activity Sheet with Answers Key For Practice*📌 *2nd Semester Exam 2022*📌 *Std. XI**⤵️For Model Answer Key Please click here*⤵️

🔹 *Model Activity Sheet with Answers Key For Practice*
📌 *2nd Semester Exam 2022*
📌 *Std.  XI*
*⤵️For Model Answer Key Please click here*⤵️

📌 *For Activity Sheet*
👇👇Click here 👇👇

📌 *By Prof Sanju S. Pardeshi* 

"Share it with all"