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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Std. XII – All poems : By Prof. Jayant Ingale

Std. XII – All poems:-

You tube videos created by:-

Prof. Jayant lngale
Swami Vivekanand  M J Jr College, Jalgaon

2.1 The Song of the Open Road

2.2 Indian Weavers

2.3 The Inchcape Rock

2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

2.5 Father Returning Home

2.6 Money

2.7 She Walks In Beauty

2.8 Small Towns and Rivers

Watch you tube videos and learn the poems.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Online test No.9. Use the correct form of 'to be or 'to have'.

Online Test 8. Identify Adjectives

Online Test 7. Use the correct forms of personal pronouns.

Online Test 6. Identify Material Nouns.

Use Of "Too" And " Enough".

Use Of "TOO" And "Enough"

  • It was too wimpy to carry the semantic burden.

  • Structure = too + adjective + to + infinitive

  • The photo was clear enough to see every detail of the ground.

  • Structure = adjective + enough + infinitive 

    Situation          Sentences Using "Too" Or "Enough"Sentences Using 'so - that'
    1 Bad weather - go out for a picnicThe weather is too bad to go out for a picnic.The weather is so bad that I can not go out.
    2.Played well - win the matchWe played well enough to win the match.We played so well that we won the match.
    3 Very clever - understand the scheme.He is clever enough to understand the scheme.He is so clever that he will understand the scheme.
    4Sour apples - eat them.The apples are too sour to eat.The apples are so sour that we can not eat them.
    5 old and - get jobShe is too old and too weak to get a job.She is so old and so weak that she will not get a job.
    6 Strong battery - last for eight hoursThe battery is strong enough to last for eight hours.The battery is so strong that it will last for eight hours.
    7 difficult problem - explain itThe problem is too difficult to explain.
    The problem is so difficult that it can not be explained. Or that I can not explain it.
    8 mature children - travel to school on their own.The children are mature enough to travel on their own.The children are so mature that they can travel on their own.
    9 Adventurous Sujata - climb up the mountain

    Sujata was adventurous enough to climb up the mountain.

    Sujata was so adventurous that she could climb up the mountain.
    Combine the following sentences with 'too' or 'enough' and 'so ---that'.
    1. She was rich . She could buy a car.
    2. The old man was very weak. He couldn't walk properly.
    3. The mathematical problem was difficult. The students couldn't solve it.
    4. Their house is large. It can accommodate their big family.
    5. She is very emotional. She can't tolerate any rude behaviour.
    6. The peak was very high. The mountaineers couldn't climb it.
    7. The dog was very sensitive. It could trail the hiding place of the criminals.
    Key for 'too' or 'enough'
    1. She was rich enough to buy a car.
    2. The old man was too weak to walk properly.
    3. The mathematical problem was too difficult to solve.
    4. Their house is large enough to accommodate their big family.
    5. She is too emotional to tolerate any rude behaviour.
    6. The peak was too high for the mountaineers to climb.
    7. The dog was sensitive enough to trail the hiding place of the criminals.
    Key for 'so---that'
    1. She was so rich that she could buy a car.
    2. The old man was so weak that he couldn't walk properly.
    3. The mathematical problem was so difficult  that the students couldn't solve it.
    4. Their house is so large that it can accommodate their big family.
    5. She is so emotional that she can't tolerate any rude behavior.
    6. The peak was so high that the mountaineers couldn't climb it.
    7. The dog was so sensitive  that it could trail the hiding place of the criminals.

    English with mehure.blogspot


    Thursday, May 21, 2020

    Online Test No.5. Identify The Abstract Nouns.

    Online Test No. 4. Identify Collective Nouns.

    Online Test No.3 Identify The Common Nouns.

    Online Test No.2 Identify Proper Noun.

    Online Test No. 1. Identify Nouns

    Std. XII - 2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow.

    2.4 Have you earned your tomorrow

    Title: Have you earned your tomorrow

    1) The title is a verbal question to the readers to rethink the treatment that they are giving to others. It gives hint that we must help people around us. It confirms our bright future.

    2) The title tells us ‘as you sow, so you shall reap’. As per the law of Newton what we give to others, it comes back forcefully to us. If we do good in present or in past, it will surely make our tomorrow (future) bright.

    3) Today's good investment is tomorrow's gain. We should work honestly for better future.

    4) It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from.  Your good actions in the present will always be responsible to lead a good life ahead.

    5) The poet is making aware us our duties and responsibilities to gain our fruitful future. Investing something good today means earning everything tomorrow.

    About Poet

    Edgar Albert Guest was a British-born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the People's Poet. His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life. Edgar Guest began his career at the Detroit Free Press in 1895, where he first worked as a copyboy. He was soon promoted to police writer and later to exchange editor. In 1904 he began writing verse for the Free Press under the heading "Chaff."

    About the poem:

    ‘Have you earned your tomorrow’ is an inspirational poem. In this poem, the speaker is asking the readers whether they have done anything to improve the life of another human being or not. It is up to you whether you will have a better future or not. Therefore, one should consider one’s actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future.

    New words and their meanings

    Toiling time- time spent in hard physical work.

    Through - over

    Utter (v)- speak.

    Utter(adj)- complete, absolute, total

    Cheerful- gay, happy, merry

    Greeting- polite words or sign of welcome.

    Came along-arrived, accompanied someone.

    Churlish-rude, i'll mannered.

    Howdy- an informal friendly greeting, (How are you?)

    Vanish- disappear

    Throng- a large crowd

    Rushed (v)-moved with urgent haste,ran towards something in hurry

    Rushed(n)-sudden quick movement towards something.

    Mighty- gigantic, vast, strong, powerful.

    Deed- doing

    Part(ing) with- to give up, let go

    Slipping fast- going or moving quickly, sliding, here getting over

    Rejoice-joy, glee, thrill, mirth

    Fading- gradually growing faint, disappearing, here losing hope

    Courage- bravery

    Sorely- extremely hard, painfully, mortally

    Trail(n)-a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone.

    Trail(v)-leave behind

    Scar- scratch, wound

    Discontent- dissatisfaction


    Earned- rewarded, deserved to live for one more day

    Figures of speech:

    1) Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter of letter ‘h’ is repeated.

    2) Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘t’ is repeated.

    3) This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘t’ is repeated.

    4) Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.
    Inversion – The word order is changed.

    5)  Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘g’ is repeated.

    6) Or a churlish sort of “Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.

    7) Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way.
    Alliteration – The sound of letters ‘s’ and ‘w’ are repeated.
    Oxymoron – ‘Selfish pure’ opposite words are placed together.
    Paradox –‘selfish pure and simple’ the expression seems meaningless.

    8) Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘d’ repeated.
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis..

    9) Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘s’ repeated.
    Synecdoche – The part (heart) refers to a whole (a person). 

    10) Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?
    Interrogation – A question is asked for emphasis.

    Wednesday, May 20, 2020

    Online Test 25. Identify the four forms of the following.

    Std.XII 2.2 Indian Weavers. Online Test 2

    Test Set by: Prof. Mrs. Premjit Sunil Gatigante,  
    Shriniwas Bagarka Junior College, Andheri East, Mumbai

    Click on the link and solve the online test based on ' Indian Weavers

    Std. XII 2.2 Indian weavers. Online Test 1

    Test Set by: Prof. Sudam Deshmukh, Junior College, Bhadgaon Dist. Jalgaon

    Std. XII 2.3 Inchcape Rock. Marathi Translation.

    Marathi Translation:

    मंद वारा, संथ धारा
    जणू ते जहाज उभे कसे
    जसे परमपित्या चा नियमच जणू तो
    सांगाडा उभा धीर समुद्रावरी
    पाषाणवरून इंचकेप च्या वाहत त्या धारा
    न लागे चाहूल कधी न लागे  ही ध्वनी
    वाहत झूळमुळं , नाही त्यानां उसळ ना ही त्यानां उभार
    घंटा ही पाषाणावरीं संथ उभी विठेवरी

    सहृदय तो मठपती आबेरब्रोथोक चा
    जाऊने बांधली हीं घंटा उभी त्या
    हेलकावती जेव्हा येई वादळ वारे
    कधी इकडे ,कधी तिकडे करी सूर मिसळून
    वादळा संगे, देई नाविका सी हाक सावधतेची

    लहरी लाटा उसळून आता , मिटे अस्तित्व इंचकेप पाषाणाचे
    मात्र  तो ध्वनी घंटानाद करूनी सावध
    येऊन पाही तो भीषण हा पाषाण दडला खाली समुद्रलहरी
    नाविकजन जोडून हात, करी ध्यान त्या
    सहृदय  मठपती आबेरब्रोथोक चे

    हा तो तेजस्वी सूर्य, शिंपडीत सोनेरी किरणं
    जगी आनंद, मनी स्वानंद प्राणी, जलचर आणि मानव
    समुद्र पक्ष्यांचे हे थवे, आनंदित सांगे हे हवे , ते हवे

    हिरवागार समुद्रममाथा,त्यावरी दिसे काळा ठिपका उंच तो आता
    बेफिकरी भटक्या तो सर राल्फ  चालीत गलबतावरी पाहे त्या अंखड  काळ्या ठिपक्यावरी

    ओठावर शीळ, मनं अधीर, ना सुधीर
    मनाच्या ह्या आनंदाला कडा घृणा आणि मंत्सराचा

    डोळयात घेऊन राग, 'हा जाऊनी करितो त्या
    पाषाणावरी घंटेची राख
    सोडा हो पाण्यावर होडी, ही करतो मी खोडी
    छाटोनि टाकितो हि दोरी, घंटा जी बांधली मठपती आबेरब्रोथोक  ने'

    जमली सगळी ही माणसे, सोडली दोरी ती
    करी कूच पाषाणकडे, सर राल्फ वाकिला थोडा, घाली चांगल्या कामी खोडा
    कापूनि घंटा, मनी उसळी आनंदी लाटा
      करिती सरर गेली घंटी, क्षणी समुद्र तळी
    म्हणे तो राल्फ, ' आता ना जोडी कोणी हात, ना करी कोणी बात त्या मठपती आबेरब्रोथोक चे'

    भटक्या सर राल्फ, होऊन लाटांवरीं स्वार
    लुटली जहाजे जी व्यापार, धन साठवले ते अपार
    सुकाणू फिरवीत पुनः वाट धरिली परतीची
    तिरीं स्कॉटलंड

    मावळला हां दिवस जरी,  न दिसे हा रवी तरी
    आभाळी साचले  धुक्याने पुरे, वादळवारा  दिवस प्रहरी, सांज तरी शांत करी आकांत नाही वारा
    अंधार जरी आता बाका, धिराने होडी हाका
    काही नाही दिसत तरी, चंद्र आहे क्षितिजावरी,प्रकाश त्याचा मंद परी, वाट दावेल घरी

     बोले एक नाविक, 'का आलो जवळ कुणा बेटा सर्शी, ना ऐकू लाटांची खळखळ,
    पाषाणावरी आपटणाऱ्या जलाची थडथड
    असती जर का ती घंटा, नसती भरली हि घटका'

    शांतता भयाण मात्र, लाटांचा उसळी मेरू
    खेळ मृत्यूचा आला रंगू, ना कुठे वारा, नाही पडत गारा, हेलकावत चाले होडी, निसर्गाने चांगलीच मोडली सर राल्फ ची खोडी
    धडकतास त्या पाषाणावर होडी
    सुरु झाली सफर तळाशी, येशू चे नाव येई ओठाशी

    स्वतःला देत शिव्या आणि शाप
    ओढीले केस टराटरा, होडीत शिरले पाणी भराभरा
    तळ दिसे सरळ, मृत्यू आता अटळ

    सर राल्फ पाही उघड्या डोळा , मृत्यू हा अजीब सोहळा, तळाशी ती इंचकेप घंटा कींणकींणत , जणू यमलोकाची वाट खूणवित्त

    Poem: Inchcape Rock'
    Poet: Robert Southey
    रुपांतर: समीर खासनीस
    श्री टी पी भाटिया महाविद्यालय, कांदिवली वेस्ट

    Speaking English Tips: Lesson 3

    Useful Expressions
    Students can use these expressions at different occasions.

    Boys are playing on the ground.
    Girls are sitting in the classroom.
    Girls make much noise.
    Boys  are shouting.
    Vice Principal teaches political science.
    Our class teacher teaches us history.
    Mrs Awaghade teaches Marathi.
    It  is very cold today. We are shivering .
    It is very hot today. I am  perspiring.
    It is cloudy weather today. It will rain.
    It is a bright day.
    It is a sunny day.
    It is a third lecture l lecture.
     I get up at 5:30 a.m. I take exercise everyday.
     I go to temple everyday.
    Classroom smells bad.
    We have to carry identity card to the college.
    I am taller than you.
    Ceiling is too high for me to touch.
    Mosquito bit me. 
    He  pinched  me.
     Pencil  slipped under a desk . Please pick it up.
    Ramesh is calling you. It's time to go back home.

    To practice speaking try to tell recipe of cooking in English

    Tea recipe.

    Add water in a pot.
    Add sugar, tea leaves in it.
    Add spices you like.
    Switch on gas stove.
    Bring to boil. Simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
    Add milk. Boil for a minute.
    Switch off the gas stove.
    Strain tea in teapot. Tea is ready. Serve it.

    Try to tell recipe for omlette/coffee.

    Std XII 2.2 Indian Weavers.

    2.2 Indian Weavers

              The title ‘Indian Weavers’ focuses over Indian artisans particularly weavers. The adjective ‘Indian’ is used with a definite purpose appreciating the work of Indian Weavers. As the weavers intertwine the fabrics, the poetess aims to interlace a message through the poem.

    New words:

    1) Weaving – interlacing threads to produce fabrics or cloth

    2) Break of day – morning, dawn, sunrise

    3) Halcyon – Asian/African kingfisher bird

    4) Wild – untamed, free

    5) Robe – dress, clothe, frock, dressing gown, housecoat

    6) Plumes – feathers of bird, quills

    7) Marriage-veils – bridal veils, wedding veils ( Hindi – Chunari ), bridal gown, specially to cover face

    8) Solemn – serious, sober

    9) Still – rest, stable, silent

    10) Chill – extreme cool

    11) Funeral – burial, cremation, last rites 

    12) Shroud –  white cloth for dead body

    13) Fall of night- late evening

    14) Bright garments- brightly (shining) colored garments

    15) Solemn and still- sacred, serious, quiet

    16) Moonlight chill- cold dead night

    17) Gay - with happiness or with fun

              The weavers start their weaving at the morning (rise of a day). The poetess compares the cloth with the blue coloured wing of a wild halcyon and asks the weavers why they look so happy while weaving the garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer that they are weaving a dress for the new born baby so they are so happy. Here, break of day is metaphorical used for the birth and the first phase of human life which is a happy moment for everyone including the weavers.
               The weavers continue their work during fall of night (evening). The poetess compares the garment/cloth with the purple green coloured feathers of a peacock and asks again the weavers why they are weaving so shiny garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer that they are weaving a bridal veils of a queen so it’s fresh and bright. Here, fall of night is metaphorical used for the adulthood and the most important second phase of human life. It is a phase of merry days that brightens every aspects of human life.
              The weavers carry out their work during the cold moonlight also. But their mood is serous and silent. The garment they are weaving is white. The poetess very ingeniously compares the white garment/cloth metaphorically with a quill and a also with a white cloud. The poetess asks again the weavers why they are weaving the white garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer solemnly that they are weaving that white cloth for a dead body for its final rites (cremation). Here, the phrase ‘cold moonlight’ is metaphorical used to the final phase of human life i.e. death which is eternal truth. 
              The poetess has used two metaphors in the last stanza to compare the white cloth. Within that the metaphoric use of the phrase ‘white as a cloud’ needs deeper interpretation as if the white cloud (cloth) finally shrouds every dead and takes away it to its ‘Final Destination’ or ‘Final Rest’. The last two lines create the feelings of pathos in minds of the readers, the poetess and the weavers.

    Figures of Speech and Explanation:  

    1. Weavers, weaving at break of day.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
    Climax – The words are arranged in the ascending order.
    Metaphor - The birth (childhood stage of man) is implicitly compared with a break of day.

    2. Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . .
    Alliteration – The sound of letters ‘w’ and ‘g’ are repeated.
    Interrogation – A question is used for emphasis.

    3. Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
    Inversion – The words are not in correct order. The correct word order is – The wing of a halcyon wild (is) blue.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
    Simile – The blue coloured cloth is directly compared with a wing of wild halcyon.

    4. We weave the robes of a new-born child.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.

    5. Weavers, weaving at fall of night.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
    Climax – The words are arranged in the ascending order.
    Metaphor- Adulthood (young - the second stage of man) is implicitly compared with the fall of night.

    6. Why do you weave a garment so bright?
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
    Interrogation – The question mark is used.

    7. Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
    Simile – The garment is directly compared with purple & green coloured plumes of peacock.
    Anti-climax – The words purple and green are arranged in descending order.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘p’ is repeated.

    8. We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.

    9. Weavers, weaving solemn and still.
    Alliteration – The sounds of letters ‘w’ and ‘s’ are repeated.
    Climax – The words ‘weavers’ and ‘weaving’ are arranged in the ascending order.
    Paradox – The line is meaningless / absurd as one cannot carry the work of weaving being still.
    Anti-climax – The words ‘solemn’ and ‘still’ are arranged in descending order.
    Tautology - The words ‘solemn’ and ‘still’ are similar in meaning.

    10. What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
    Interrogation – A question is used for emphasis.
    Inversion – The words are not in correct order. The correct word order is – What do you weave in the chill moonlight?
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
    Metaphor - death (old age - the third and last stage of man's life) is implicitly compared with moonlight.

    11. White as a feather and white as a cloud.
    Repetition – The words ‘white’ and ‘as’ are repeated.
    Simile – The garment is directly compared with a feather and a cloud.

    12. We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.
    Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.

    13) White as a feather and as a cloud,
    We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.
    Simile- funeral shroud is directly compared with a feather and a cloud.


    The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ highlights the craft and skill of Indian weavers. The poetess has very nicely presented three phases of life. The life cycle is befittingly depicted from the work of weavers. 

    It reminds a Classic Marathi song-
    'एक धागा सुखाचाशंभर धागे दुःखाचे.

    जरतारी हे वस्त्र मानवातुझिया आयुष्याचे'

    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    Online Test No. 24 Identify the four forms of the following.

    Std. XII 2.1 Song Of The Open Road. Online Test

    An Audience with Mr Tushar Chavan- By Smt. Vaishali Jane Madam

    An Audience with Mr Tushar Chavan- By Smt. Vaishali Jane Madam

    Good morning Sir. Welcome to our college and congratulations for receiving the award as an ideal teacher. It’s our privilege to have an audience with you. Should I start?

    1) How did you feel when you were honoured with ‘Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Ideal Teacher's Award (Adarsh Shikshak Puraskar)’?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan:  Of course, I felt honoured. It was a moment of joy. If anyone gets appreciation for his or her work, he or she will get new energy to do more creative and valuable work.

    2)  Whom do you want to give credit of this award?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I want to give credit to my family members, my teachers, my students and all my colleagues from complete Maharashtra. I would like to give special thanks to my friend Prof. Atul Ingle from Swami Vivekanand Jr. College, Jalgaon for giving exposure to my work.

    3) When did you start your journey as a teacher?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I completed my M.A.B.Ed. in 2000 and I got a job as a jr. college teacher in the same year. I remained topper from std. fifth to tenth in my highschool, M.V.Waghali Tal. Chalisgaon Dis. Jalgaon. I was also topper in B.A. English in Rashtriya Arts, Science and Commerce Senior College, Chalisgaon Dist. Jalgaon. I was the topper in PG in Chalisgaon Education Society’s Arts, Science and Commerce Senior College, Chalisgaon Dist. Jalgaon. I was second in B.Ed. in B.Ed. College, Lonkahadi, Shahada Dist. Nandurbar. Due to this good academic record, I got the job in the same Junior College where I was a student. I was working from 2000 as a Jr. college teacher. At present I am the head of department in Rashtriya Jr. College, Chalisgaon Dist. Jalgaon. There are seven full time English teachers in my college.

    4) Who inspired you?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: There are so many persons who inspired me. They include- late President Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, Cricket player Sachin Tendulkar, Actor Amitabh Bachchhan, Social worker Baba Amte, etc. When I read about their work and dedication, I always get inspiration.

    5) Who is your idol?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: My father is my idol. He is no more now but his teaching and way of living always guide me. We were living in a small village but my father tried to give all kinds of facilities to us. Though he was strict, he was very kind hearted person. I never heard any bad word from any person for him. He maintained good relations with so many persons. It’s his art. I always desire to follow him.

    6) Did you come across any challenges in your life?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. Every year I had to face the challenge to maintain my topper position in my class. There was a big challenge that I had to face when I decided to change my faculty. I was a student of science up to Std. XIIth. But to become a lecturer in English, I had changed my faculty and joined Arts faculty. This decision was not easy. But my father supported me and I took the right decision.

    7) How did you face the hardships?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I lived in a small village. I studied in Marathi medium school. So to develop myself, I have to work hard. I like reading books. These books give me ideas to develop myself and make ready to face all kinds of hardships. My family supports me in every problem.

    8) How did an Idea of group formation of teachers come into your mind?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I saw groups of primary teachers. They were sharing various resources to each other. There was no special subject teachers’ group at that time. So I started first group for English viz. English Teachers Club 1. Later on I have to create second group viz. English Teachers Club 2. But here teachers belong from class first to twelfth. So I decided to create separate group for Junior College English Teachers. There were no special groups for Junior college English teachers at that time. Due to this I got huge response. On Jucto organization groups, I appealed all subject teachers to create separate groups for every subject. You don’t believe but I have created Biology group also. When sufficient teachers gathered, I made four admins and left the group. I had already created so many type written resources for my tuition class. I used to share it in the groups. I made various PPTs for my classroom teaching. I also shared it in the groups. No one got such effective resources at that time. So many teachers were eager to join my groups. In four years the number of groups reached to 15. I am the only one admin of all these groups.

    9) How do you feel after the creation of fifteen groups of Jr.College teachers?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Of course, I am happy. I am able to win the confidence of so many teachers. Many teachers are member of my groups for a long time and do not want to leave it. It’s the success of these groups.

    11) When did you learn technology?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I turn to computer from 2000. In my college, I got a chance to handle computer. There was no one who knew computer in my college at that time. So I used it. From 2004, I started using it for educational purpose. I learnt its proper use when I became a trainee R.P. for changed evaluation pattern for upgraded syllabus of Std. XII in 2013. I used computer technology as a R.P. at district level effectively in 2013. It was a nice experience. I got a very good appreciation during that training session. 
    12) When did you create your first blog?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I started my first blog on 27-07-2017, viz. ‘English for Jr. Colllege’. It is for std. XI and XII English.

    Blog link:

    I have started my second blog on 08 March 2020. It is for std. tenth, viz. ‘English for tenth class’.

    Blog link:

    13) How did you feel when you published your first post?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I just wanted to preserve my resources through one media. There was no other intention behind it. But after few months I knew that my resources are beneficial to many teachers who are not in my whats app groups.  Many students were also using it for their study. So I started sharing more posts in my blog. As the content was good and effective, it got many visitors. Presently the visitor count is very near to 19 lakh. I get a large exposure through my blog. It’s amazing. To develop my blog, I got valuable help from Prof. Prafulla Mahure from Mahatma Gandhi Jr. College, Gadchandoor, Chandrapur and Prof. Somnath Dhage from Military Jr. College, Solapur. Prof. Somnath Dhage gave a modern and beautiful look to my blog. Prof. Prafulla Mahure had given good tips to develop my blog. I am grateful to both of them.

    14) How did you feel after the publication of Activity Work Book for 11th class?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I have shared a lot of resources by whats app groups and by my blog. Still few teachers insist that I should create my book. The new evaluation pattern accepted the activity sheet pattern. So I decided to write an activity work book. I was confident that to increase the score, our students needed activity work book. I created innovative activities in my activity work book for Std. XI. I felt satisfied when I was able to publish it. It was a moment of joy and satisfaction for me. I never forget that moment.

    15) How did an Idea of work book publication strike your mind?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I saw few activity work books in the market. I realised they lacked many things. There was a new text book introduced in the syllabus of Std. XI. So I decided to create more suitable and perfect activity work book which would be beneficial to teachers and students.

    16) Which difficulties did you face during the publication?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I was new in this field but if you had done good things in the past you would get its benefit in the future. I helped one my teacher friend by providing activity sheets for his publication at the crucial time. So when I decided to publish a book, he readily accepted the printing task. I didn’t get any problem in the publication of the work book. One of my friends Mr. N.K.Deshmukh gave good guidance about its marketing and supply. He gave very valuable tips for it. I am grateful to Mr. N.K.Deshmukh who had a very good experience of this field. I had taken a license from Balbharati, Pune and made a copyright of the book.

    17) How many rupees did you invest in the publication of book?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Well, I had invested much amount for it. I had to pay license fees to Balbharati, Pune. There were other expenses too.

    18) Have you got success in it?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. I earned sufficient money from it. But the book was not made for earning money. It’s just to fulfil the hobby to provide good resources to the needy. Through this work I had given business to three courier companies, post office and packing person.

    19) How is the response to your blogs and activity work book?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Tremendous and incredible. I never expected such a huge response.

    20) How do you manage the time for performing all the activities?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Where there is will, there is way. We can manage it.

    21) Does your family support you?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. My wife helped me in distribution of books. She recorded the addresses and reminded me to dispatch the books. She always gave me full freedom in my writing task. My two children are small. But they know my work so never disturb me.

    22) Have you decided to publish the Activity book for 12 th std?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. I have almost completed the activity work book. 

    23) When will it be published/ released?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I will try to publish it in June.

    24) Which teaching methodology do you use for your students?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I have set new strategies to deal with textual topics. E.g. I choose a prose topic of 250 to 300 words from the text book. I explain it. I ask the students to find out new words and their meanings. I ask questions for comprehension. I give the activity sheet to the students from my activity work book. Students write answers in the activity work book or in their note book. Students check the answers from the answer key. For revision I ask the students to see the PPT or Video or my blog. I set new activity sheets to give ample practice to the students. If we give maximum practice of activities, students will easily get good score in the exam.

    25) Tell something to our students regarding study strategy.

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: I advise to all the students to attend the classes regularly. Study at least four to six hours daily at home. Keep away from T.V. serials and unnecessary use of mobile phones. Use mobile phone as an instrument of study. Make time table of daily study and follow it. Set your target and try to achieve it.

    27) Do you think that today technology is essential in teaching-learning process?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. It is a good supportive media. It helps to create interest in learning process. It saves the time of the teachers as well as students. In every Junior college there is need of digital classroom for English.

    28) As a techno savvy person, can you guide our teachers regarding the use of technology in teaching?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Yes. Teachers should become techno savvy persons. It is the need of today’s time. e.g. If you have already set activity sheet, you can show it on the display board using projector. It will save the time and students get sufficient time to deal with it. Teachers should make PPT, videos and computerised resources. It will be beneficial to the students. Teachers can use other teacher’s resources effectively if he or she is a techno savvy person.

    30) How do you feel when you are invited to deliver the guest lectures?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: It’s honour for me. I like to give guide lectures to the students. If my lecture helps the students in their learning process, it’s the best reward for me.

    31) What is your future plan?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan:  I want to connect all the teachers by social media. It will be a good platform to all to share resources, ideas and concepts. We have to create a good learning fraternity which will help every teacher in every part of Maharashtra. I wish that every junior college should develop digital classroom for English. For this we all can provide good digital resources if we connect to each other and work unitedly.

    32) How will you spend your spare time after your retirement?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: There is much time to think about it. Fifteen years are still remaining to get retirement. So I am not thinking about it. I believe that every creative person never gets retirement from his or her work.

    33) Which message would you give to our students and teachers?

    Mr.Tushar Chavan: Be creative and techno savvy. Help each other and remain positive in your life.

    Thank you very much for spending your precious time with us and giving your valuable guidance to us.