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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Not Only....... But also

Use of Not Only ..But Also

Not only ---- but also हेच नव्हे तर ते सुद्धा

व्यक्तिच्या एका गुणापेक्षा/क्रियेपेक्षा दुस‍र्‍या गुणावर/क्रियेवर भर देण्यासाठी ही रचना वापरते. not only---but also ने दोन कर्ते, कर्मे, क्रियापदे, विेशेषने जोडल्या जाते.
Gargie eats not only orange but also mango. गार्गी संत्रीच नव्हे तर आंबे देखील खाते.

Not only Ganesh but also Ramesh works as labourer. गणेशच नव्हे तर रमेश देखिल मजुर म्ह्णुन काम करतो.

Ramesh not only reads but also understands. रमेश वाचतोच असे नव्हे तर समजतो देखिल.

She is not only beautiful but also intelligent. ती सुंदरच नव्हे तर हुशार देखिल आहे.

Use 'not only...but also'

1. as well as किंवा and काढुन त्या ऐवजी not only.. but also वापरतात.
2. as well as किंवा and ने जोडलेले दोन कर्ते, कर्मे, क्रियापदे, विेशेषने यापैकी पहिल्याच्या आधी not only ठेवतात .
3. as well as किंवा and च्या जागेवर but also ठेवतात.
4. दोन स्वतंत्र वाक्य not only.. but also ने जोड्तांना समान शब्द्समुह एकच वेळ वापारतात व भिन्न शब्दसमुह not only--but also ने जोड्तात.

1. The captain as well as the players is to blame for the shameful defeat.(Verb agrees with the first subject)

Not only the captain but also the players are to blame for the shameful defeat.
2. Boys and girls are given equal opportunity.

Not only boys but also girls are given equal opportunity.
3. Shivaji was a kind ruler and a good organizer.

Shivaji was not only a kind ruler but also a good organizer.
4. We have Durga. We have Laxmi.

We have not only Durga but also Laxmi.
5. They have booked our seats.They have sent us a telegram.

They have not only booked our seats but also sent us a telegram.
6. Both Narendra and Rahul are liable for the post.
Not only Narendra but Rahul also is liable for the post.
7.They were totally drenched and happy.
They were not only ddrenched totally but also happy.

When two subjects(nouns) are connected by 'not only......but also' the verb should be used according to the second subject.

Not only the teacher but also the students are laughing.
Not only the students but also the principal was present. 

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