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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

News Writing

News Writing

Expansion of News Items

Parts of news :-


a)   Use of active voice

b)   Omission of articles

c)    Omission of structural words

d)   Use of minimum words.

e)   First letter of each word should be in capital

f)     Use of present tense.


a)   Name of place where the news event happen.

b)   Name of the month

c)    Date in digits

d)   Source of news – PTI or Our Reporter

Lead or Intro-

a)   Short paragraph leading the story.

b)   Answers of questions – Who, What, When, Where, How and Why

c)    Written in about thirty words or in three lines.

d)   Written in simple past tense.

 The main body of the news –

a)   It is the continuing paragraph of the news.

b)   It gives the detailed account of the news.

c)    Written in simple past tense.

d)   The most important event is given in the beginning while less important events are given after that. The details of the news are given in the descending order of their importance.

Q. Read the following headlines of news items. Choose any one of them. Write the dateline, the lead paragraph and the short continuing paragraph.

1) Five killed in Bus Jeep Collision

1) Ans-

Five Killed in Bus Jeep Collision

Dhule, May, 5

(Our Reporter)      

         Five persons were killed and two others seriously injured when a speeding jeep hit a bus carrying forty passengers near Dhule last night. The accident took place due to the breakdown of jeep.

      The scene was really horrible as the collided jeep seen to be broken into two pieces killing two men and three women on the spot. People from nearby fields came to help the affected persons.

The injured were admitted to the municipal hospital. The dead bodies were sent for post mortem examination.

        The bus was going to Dhule and the jeep was coming from opposite side. The jeep driver could not control his jeep so the accident took place. The police have registered an offence against the jeep driver. The minister of home declared rupees fifty thousand to the dead persons while rupees ten thousand for the injured persons reports our reporter.


Other Questions:

2) Flood Situation Grim In Mumbai

3) Masked men shoot Bank Manager

4) 30 Died in a train Crash

5) Teachers on One Day Strike

6) Independence Day celebrated

7) India wins 20- 20 Match

8) Padmashri Purskar Presented

9) Blood Donation Camp Organised

10) Teachers Day Celebrated

11) Tree Plantation Programme Held


Answers will be available soon. 




*Speak English Fluently...*


_*Tongue Twister means*_-

👅A phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate or verbalize properly.
👅 A collection of words or phrases that are difficult to utter accurately.
👅 A close sequence of similar consonantal sounds.
👅 A perfect way to practice and improve pronunciation and fluency.
👅 Efficiently used as a type of spoken word game.

*Click the link below to get more details about TONGUE TWISTER*- 


Sunday, December 26, 2021

3.6 Group Discussion

3.6 Group Discussion


What is a Group Discussion?

     A group discussion is a formal discussion conducted on a topic among a group of ten to twelve participants. The participants analyse the topic from their respective angles and present their views and opinions.

Ice Breakers

(i) Write the benefits of a group discussion.

a) It helps to understand the subject or topic easily.

b) It helps in generating more ideas about a topic.

c) It lets the participants know about their mistakes and weaknesses.

d) It helps participants to build their confidence.

e) It prepares individuals to face oral exam.

f) It enhances speaking ability of the participants.

g) It helps the participants to develop their listening skill.

h) It increases participants’ persuading and debating ability.

i) It helps the participants to share their views and ideas.

j) It allows the participants to reach a general consensus.


Activity No. 1

Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on ‘the benefits of travelling’, write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.


I: Hello Rajesh! How are you?

Rajesh: Hello Tushar! I am fine. I have just come from the four-day journey from Goa. Arnav was also with me.

I: Yes. I couldn’t join you this time. How’s your travelling? Did you both enjoy it?

Arnav: Yes. Really travelling gives you immense joy. We both enjoyed a lot.

Rajesh: If we feel to refresh ourselves; travelling is necessary. We should take some time from our busy schedule and go for travelling.

I: Yes. I agree. Travelling refreshes our mind and soul but sometimes we don’t get good experience if our planning is not appropriate.

Arnav: Its true. If we make a good plan and arrangements, we will get good time to visit special places, to buy different and unique things and to feel the strength of the nature.

Rajesh: Yes Arnav. These are the real benefits of travelling. One thing I want to add is that travelling gives us new experience and confidence to tackle different situations.

I:  I agree. Travelling is the best media to learn different things. We get knowledge of historical places, religious places, culture of the land and custom and traditions of different area.

Rajesh: True. OK. Next time do join us for new trip. Bye.

I:   Yes. OK. Bye Rajesh. Bye Arnav.

Arnav:  Bye.



Example of Group Discussion


Prof. Vaishali Rajendra Jane

Ajabrao Wankhede Jr. College,


Tal. Kalmeshwar

Dist. Nagpur


See example :


3.4 Statement Of Purpose

3.4 Statement Of Purpose. 

Features of SOP:

1) A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is an application made to a university to seek admission to a particular course. 

2) It is an essay which describes you as a person, your aims and ambitions.

3) It speaks about your journey of life and the qualities you have nurtured in the process.

4) The scorecard or the transcript gives your academic achievement.

5) It gives an idea about your innate qualities and is subjective in nature.

6) It gives you an opportunity to show the special qualities which make you distinct from others.

7) It explains why you want to join the course, what is your liking, how you have developed your liking.

8) It justifies how you will be able to achieve your aim. It also explains why you have selected a particular university.

9) It is a gateway to your career as the admission committee judges you or screens the applications on the basis of the SOPs received. Hence, it is a very important document.

10) The SOPs for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate levels would be different. The SOPs differ according to the requirement. The number of words in which an SOP is written is also different for different universities.

Format of Statement of Purpose:

1) The Statement of Purpose should be written in around 100 to 150 words, tentatively in five/six paragraphs.

2) First Paragraph: Begin with your introduction, talk about your personal background, your mental make-up and your aim in life.

3) The second paragraph: It should speak about why you wish to join this specific programme/course, your area of interest.

4) The third paragraph: Write about your qualities that would be helpful or suitable for this career goal or objective. Show how your hobbies and extracurricular activities would be helpful in strengthening your goals.

5) The fourth paragraph: Mention your experience in this field or any internship/ project you have done. You can state something which makes you distinct from the other applicants.

6) The Sixth (concluding) paragraph: State how admission to this particular course, university would be beneficial to you and how you look at it from a long-term career perspective.

 Guidelines for writing SOP in the H.S.C. Board Exam:

1) Write the Statement of Purpose in clear and lucid language.

2) Do not make spelling or construction mistakes. You should show your skill of writing.

3) Show determination in your career. Give your purpose of choosing the particular course and university.

4) Highlight your qualities, life experiences in such a way that your application should stand out from the rest.

5) In the board exam make three big paragraphs or make small six paragraphs. The total word limit is 100 to 150 words only.

Assessment Criteria:

Content – 02

Sequence/ flow of ideas - 01

Appropriateness (language usage) - 01

Total = 04 Marks



Q. You are highly passionate towards becoming a successful entrepreneur and therefore want to peruse your higher education in “Business Management”. Your background and skills have motivated you towards business and now you seek admission to accomplish a degree in “Business Management” at a reputed university. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.


Business Management is the work devoted to organizing, analyzing, and planning various types of business operations. Ever since childhood the functions of the business management have fascinated me. My father is a business person. I have been captivated by the way he deals with all the challenges in his business.

I aspire to study business management principally because of the diversity of both the subject and its applications. I find it fascinating and challenging at the same time. Having studied the processes from my father’s business, I believe that the possible depths to which it may be studied are almost endless, and the number of real-life situations to which it is relevant is similarly vast.

I am also interested in studying the all fields of business management and I aspire to further study the ideas, concepts and practices to acquire rational decision-making for improving business management. I read many life stories of business persons. They intensified my desire to go deeper into the field.

To further understand the practical applications of business management, I want to join the course which is prescribed in this university. This study plays a key role in the running of my own business. 


A Good informative Video is created by:

Prof. Mrs. Mrunalini Deshpande (Saxena)

Dharampeth M.P.Deo Memorial Science College,


Watch the video-

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Unique Online English Tests Based on the Textbook


*(क्लास: 12th, सब्जेक्ट: इंग्लिश)*

*Unique Online English Tests Based on the Textbook*

*Useful for students and teachers*
*1.1: An Astrologer’s Day*  

👉 *Test No:1:*

👉 *Test No: 2:*

👉 *Test No: 3:*

👉 *Test No: 4:*

*1.2: On Saying Please* 

👉 *Test No: 5:*

👉 *Test No: 6:*

👉 *Test No: 7:*

👉 *Test No: 8:*

*1.3: The Cop and the Anthem* 

👉 *Test No: 9:*

👉 *Test No:10 :*

👉 *Test No:11 :*

👉 *Test No:12 :*

*1.4: BIG Data – Big Insights*  

👉 *Test No:13 :*

👉 *Test No:14 :*

👉 *Test No: 15:*

👉 *Test No:16:*

*1.6: Into the Wild*

👉 *Test No:17 :*

👉 *Test No:18 :*

👉 *Test No:19 :*

👉 *Test No:20 :*

*1.8: Voyaging Towards Excellence*  

👉 *Test No:21 :*

👉 *Test No:22 :*

👉 *Test No:23 :*

👉 *Test No:24 :*


👉 *Test No: 1:*

👉 *Test No: 2:*

👉 *Test No: 3:*

👉 *Test No: 4:*

👉 *Test No: 5:*

👉 *Test No: 6:*

*3.1) Summary Writing*

👉 *Test No: 1:*

👉 *Test No: 2:*

👉 *Test No: 3:*

👉 *Test No: 4:*

*3.2) Summary Writing* 

👉 *Test No: 5:*

*3.3) Note – Making* 

👉 *Test No: 6:*

*3.4) Statement of Purpose*

👉 *Test No: 7:*

*3.5) Drafting a Virtual Message* 

👉 *Test No: 8:*

*3.6) Group Discussion*

👉 *Test No: 9:*

*4.1) History of Novel* 

👉 *Test No: 1:*

*4.2) To Sir, With Love* 

👉 *Test No: 2:*

*4.3) Around the World in Eighty Four Days*

👉 *Test No: 3:*

*4.4) The Sign of Four* 

👉 *Test No: 4:*


*1) Email Writing:* 

*2) Blog Writing:* 

*3)Expansion of Ideas:*

*4) Report Writing:* 

*5) Speech Writing:*


Created by: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
(Author, Orator, YouTuber and College Teacher)

🛑 *The Smart English App* 🛑

*1. काय आपल्याला English Reading ची समस्या आहे?*
*2.काय आपल्याला Basic Grammar ची समस्या आहे?*
*3. काय आपल्याला English Conversation ची समस्या आहे?*

*4. काय आपल्याला HSC English विषयाच्या अभ्यासाची समस्या आहे?*

*समस्या चार! उत्तर मात्र एकच- "The Smart English" मोबाईल ॲप!* 

🛑 *आणि हो, तेही पूर्णपणे मोफत!* 🛑

*चला तर मग, खालील व्हिडिओ पाहू अन् हे ॲप इन्स्टॉल करू आणि वरील कोर्सेस जॉईन करू.*
The Smart English हया ॲपाची लिंक:

*'The Smart English' हे ॲप डाऊनलोड कसा करावा यासाठी खालील लिंक दिलेला व्हिडीओ अवश्य पहा.*

*हॅप्पी लर्निंग!*👍👍

*स्पेशल रिक्वेस्ट: गरजूंना हा मेसेज फॉरवर्ड करावा ही नम्र विनंती.* 🙏🙏


महाराष्ट्र राज्य शैक्षणिक संशोधन व प्रशिक्षण परिषद (SCERT), स्कुलनेट आणि गूगल यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील इयत्ता पहिली ते बारावी पर्यंतच्या सर्व शिक्षकांसाठी दोन दिवसीय ऑनलाईन प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाळेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे.  

*दिनांक: २३ व २४ डिसेंबर २०२१*
*वेळ: दुपारी ३.०० ते ५.००* 

*प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाळेची उद्दिष्टे-*
→ शिक्षकांना अध्यापनात गूगल टूल्सच्या वापराविषयी प्रशिक्षण देणे
→ शिक्षक व विद्यार्थी यांना नवनवीन तंत्रज्ञानाची ओळख करून देणे

*अधिक माहितीसाठी व प्रशिक्षण वर्गास LIVE जोडण्यासाठी खालील खालील लिंकवर क्लिक करा*-

*(कृपया सर्वांना शेअर करा)*

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

3.3 Note Making

3.3 Note Making


3.3 Note Making

Note-making: It  is  an active  and  focused  ‘writing  skill’.  Here  concrete connection between all relevant concepts and words is drawn to infuse or connect all thoughts together by a method. (points, tree diagram or a table etc.)

Note Making is a way of recording important details from a source. This source can be any book, article, or a passage. In note making, the writer records the essence of the information. It helps to understand the main information. Note making saves a lot of time. One can get a glimpse of a lot of information from a short note. A note making involves the selection, analysis, summarization, and organization of information.

The Procedure of Note Making

   1)    Read the given passage carefully.

   2)    Underline the important points. It helps to make headings and subheadings.

   3)    Make a rough note first to get an idea.

   4)    Organize the points in logical order or sequence for the final note.

   5)    Use the appropriate note making format    

   6)    Do not change the idea or the message of the passage.

Points to Remember:

   a)    Avoid using long sentences as heading or title or sub points.

   b)    Never lose the main idea of the passage.

   c)     Ignore information which is less important.    

   d)    Be brief, clear, and specific.

   e)    Show logical sequencing.

   f)      Do not include your own views or understandings.

Ice Breakers:

1) Complete the web:-

We take notes of-

a) book

b) speech

c) lecture

d) article

e) reading

f) passages (extracts)

2) We take notes because:-

    1)    Improvement in listening becomes an active process

    2)    It has great importance in exams or in academic writing.

    3)    It reduces study time. 

    4)    It helps to take revision of the topic.

    5)    To review before exams.

    6)    It is an organization of main points for future use.

    7)    It helps in keeping the information handy. 

    8)    It helps in recollecting and recalling the past events.

    9)    It helps in concentrating, understanding and provides a permanent record. 

   10)    Note making helps a writer to go through bulky documents quicker.

   11)   It helps in understanding a material if the notes are in own words.

   12)   Understand what you are learning and clarify your thinking

   13) It distinguishes between main points and its details.


Verb forms

 *Verb forms* 

🔸1. As soon as she..........(finish) her tea,
she ..........(run) out to play.
(a) finish, ran
(b) finished, ran

🔸2. Please be ...........(seat).
(a) seated
(b) seat

🔸3. My father usually........(read) the
newspaper before going to office.
(a) reads
(b) read

🔸4. They ..........(live) here since March.
(a) were living
(b) have been living

🔸5. My mother..............(wash) my
clothes at this time tomorrow.
(a) will be washing
(b) washed

🔸6. It is an hour since the bus..........
(a) left
(b) leaves

🔸7. Do you always...........(go) for a walk
(a) goes
(b) go

🔸8. Have you done what I ...............(tell)
you to do yesterday?
(a) told
(b) have told

🔸9. The boys .............(play) so well that
they ...............(win) the match.
(a) played, won
(b) play, won

🔸10. I ..............(come) from the market
just now.
(a) have come
(b) came

🟢 *Answers* 🟢

1. (b), 2. (a), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (a), 
6.(a), 7. (b), 8. (a), 9. (a), 10. (a).

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

अंतिम वेळापत्रक जाहीर...

*दहावी व बारावी बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022*
*अंतिम वेळापत्रक जाहीर...*

*दहावी व बारावी बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022 अंतिम वेळापत्रक PDF डाऊनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करा-*

*(सर्वांना निश्चित शेअर करा)*

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Std. XI- 2.3 There is Another Sky

Std. XI- 2.3 There is Another Sky

2.3 There is Another Sky


Title: There is Another Sky

      'There is Another Sky' is an inspirational poem with a message of 'never say-die'. The poet presents two worlds through the title, one is the real world to which the poet and her brother belong. The other one is an imaginative place where both of them take refuge to stay away from the troubles of contemporary times.

The poem: There is Another Sky

The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet with octave and sestet. The poet is communicating to her brother through a letter. She encourages her brother not to get depressed under any circumstances and pleads with him to return home.

Life is full of challenges; one can tackle the challenges with a positive attitude. The poem ends on an optimistic note. The brighter garden stands for choices that life offers to all.

The Poet: Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson is an American poet of the nineteenth century. She lived a lonely life. Most of her poems are motivational and philosophical. They are unique to her era and are characterised by simple and short lines. She often used slant rhymes and unconventional capitalization and punctuation. Her poems are the psalms and hymns of life in all its shades.


There is Another Sky" is a sonnet written by Emily Dickinson. The poet wants to convey to the readers that beyond the physical sky, there lies an additional sky. The theme of the sonnet highlights the importance of never giving up and always looking for the best to come.

Ice Breakers

(i) Life is an amalgam of happy and sad moments. Think of such moments in your life, pair with your classmate and share both the aspects of life.

Happy Moments

Sad Moments

1) Winning the first prize in competition

Losing your mobile, bicycle or wallet






Happy Moments

Sad Moments

1) Winning the first prize in competition

Losing your mobile, bicycle or wallet

2) Securing highest marks in the exam.

Getting low score in the exam.

3) Enjoying birthday party

Missing a party

4) Attending a wedding ceremony of close relative or friend

Missing a wedding ceremony of a close relative or friend due to unavoidable situation

5) Going to a picnic

Becoming sick

6) Hearing favourite songs

Death of a close relative or friend

7) Getting admission to a desired course / college

Not getting admission to a desired course or college

8) Watching favourite T.V. programme or a film or a play

Attending a boring meeting

9) Spending time with family members on any festival

Getting defeat in any sport match

10) Learning new things

Suffering due to an accident


(ii) Discuss with your partner and find proverbs, idioms or phrases of similar meaning to the one given and fill them in the stars given below:


1) Every cloud has a silver lining.


2) There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.


3) There are always flowers for those who want to see them.


4) I’m thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled upon my strength.


5) Once you have been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.


6) Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold.


7) Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is wonderful stroke of luck.


8) Only in the darkness, you can see the stars.


9) You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.


10) All’s well that ends well.


(iii) When we look at the sky, we find several objects. They stand for something or the other. Complete the following table by finding the significance of the given objects. One example is given to you.

Celestial Bodies


The Sun

Power, Heat, Energy, Commitment etc.

The Moon


The Rainbow


The Stars



Celestial Bodies


The Sun

Power, Heat, Energy, Commitment etc.

The Moon

Beauty, Calmness, Purity, Compassion, Brightness etc.

The Rainbow

Beauty, Happiness, Dream, Peace etc.

The Stars

Good luck, Gift, Appreciation, Ratings, Celebrity etc.


(iv) Colours mentioned in the table given below, are associated with something or the other. Discuss with your partner and complete the table.


Associated with-


Warmness, Compassion, Love


Peace, Gloom


Joy, Brightness


Danger, Anger, Love


Peace, Defeat


Strength, Darkness


Std. XII- Unit Test No. 2

Std. XII- Unit Test No. 2

English: Unit Test No. 2

Std. XII                                            

Marks - 25                              

Time: 1.30 Hours


Q.1 Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)

                  I had a very simple upbringing. We were a lower middle-class family. Our 300 square feet house did not even have basic amenities such as a fan, a refrigerator, a geyser, a dining table or a gas stove; leave alone an air conditioner or a car. It was only when I entered the college that I got a watch and we got a dining table and a gas stove at home. Nevertheless, culturally, I had a rich childhood. Poets like Vinda Karandikar, Mangesh Padgaonkar and Vasant Bapat used to visit our home and for hours I could listen to the discussions about poetry and literature-Marathi and English. They used to talk about Keshavsut, Mardhekar, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy. I did not fully understand their discussions in depth, but I was immensely impressed. We also were lucky to have Pt. Kumar Gandharv, Pt. Bhimsen Joshi and Pt. Jasraj visit our place and talk about Indian music till late night or sometimes dawn. This is how and why I developed my interest in literature and music during my school days. I did not and even today don’t understand the ‘grammar’ of music, but I began to love it tremendously since then.

             Most of the times, the topics of discussion at our home were about music, literature, paintings, sculptures etc. I could listen to the discussions about Van Gogh, Mozart and Michaelangelo etc. It was because of such a milieu around me that I had a firm belief which I still hold that all arts are equally, if not more, important in our lives than Science or Technology. I had learnt from my childhood that money does not mean everything in life. It is necessary, but if at all there is something which enriches our lives and puts meaning to our existence, it is the arts, music and literature.

A1. Choose (2)

Choose the statements showing appropriately the rich cultural childhood of the writer.

1) The writer’s house did not have basic amenities.

2) Great poets and musicians used to visit write’s house.

3) The writer used to hear the discussion about music, literature, paintings, sculptures etc.

4) Money enriches human lives and puts meaning to human existence.

A2. Complete (2)

Complete the table taking the help of the extract.

Persons used to visit writer’s house

Topics of discussion / talk

1) Poets: ----------------------------------------------------------------


2) Musicians: ----------------------------------------------------------


A3. Mention (2)

Mention the impact of the topics of discussion at home on the writer.

A4. Personal Response (2)

‘Money does not mean everything in life’.

Give your views about this statement.

A5. Language Study (Do as directed)   (2)

1) I had a very simple upbringing.

(Choose the alternative showing the correct transformation of this into exclamatory sentence)

i) How a simple upbringing I had!

ii) What a simple upbringing I had!

iii) How simple upbringing had I! 

iv) Why a simple upbringing I had!

2) I did not fully understand their discussions in depth, but I was immensely impressed.  

(Choose the alternative showing the correct removal of ‘but’ from this sentence)

i) I did not fully understand their discussions in depth because I was immensely impressed.

ii) I did not fully understand their discussions in depth and I was immensely impressed.

iii) Though I did not fully understand their discussions in depth, I was immensely impressed.

iv) When I did not fully understand their discussions in depth, I was immensely impressed.

A6. Vocabulary (2)

Find the meaning of words from the list of words given below.

to a very great extent,  social environment,

facilities making a place easy to live in,  a feeling that something is true

1) amenities                

2) tremendously        

3) milieu       

4) belief

Q.2. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.   (10)

My father travels on the late evening train

Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light

Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes

His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat

Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books

Is falling apart. His eyes dimmed by age

fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.

Now I can see him getting off the train

Like a word dropped from a long sentence.

He hurries across the length of the grey platform,

Crosses the railway line, enters the lane,

His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.

A1. Choose (2)

Choose the correct statements from the following and write them.

1) The father travels by late evening bus.

2) The father is not an old person.

3) The clothes of the father are very wet and unpleasant during the journey.

4) The father crosses the railway line to come home.

A2. Give proof   (2)

The season described in the extract is rainy season. Give the proof from the extract.

A3. Personal response (2)

Describe any four problems of train journey that a common man faces in a general bogie.

A4. Poetic device (2)

Write one example with explanation of each of the following figures of speech from the extract.

1) Alliteration                       

2) Simile

A5. Poetic creativity   (2)

Compose a short poem in about four lines on your father.

Q.3. Write answers as per the instruction (4)

A1. Character     (2)

Write a paragraph highlighting the various traits of the major characters in the extract.

i) Phileas Fogg

ii) Aouda

iii) Passepartout

iv) Detective Fix

A2. Setting (2)

Describe the importance of the following place in the development of the plot and behaviour of the characters.

Place: Liverpool

Q.4. Write answer (4)

Prepare a speech on the occasion of ‘International Yoga Day’.

Use the following points.

a) Importance of the day   

b) Benefits of ‘Yoga’    

c) Make appeal to pay attention on Yoga

d) Use persuasive language.





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Thursday, December 16, 2021

HSC/SSC बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022

*HSC/SSC बोर्ड परीक्षा 2022*
*वेळापत्रक/नियोजित कालावधी*

महाराष्ट्र राज्य माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षण मंडळाच्या वतीने घेण्यात येणारी SSC व HSC बोर्ड परीक्षा २०२२ ही फेब्रुवारी-मार्च २०२२ याच कालावधीमध्ये ऑफलाईन पद्धतीने घेण्यात येणार असल्याचे जाहीर करण्यात आले होते. राज्यात कोरोनाचा प्रादुर्भाव कमी झाल्यामुळे शिक्षण विभागाने हा महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय घेतला आहे. सदर परीक्षांचा नियोजीत कालावधी मंडळाने नुकताच जाहीर केला आहे.

*अधिक माहितीसाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करा*-

*(सर्वांना निश्चित शेअर करा)*

Tuesday, December 14, 2021




🕐 *They* saw a Japanese movie last week.
➡️ Who saw a Japanese movie last week?

🕑 They saw *Hindi drama* last week.
➡️ What did they see last week?

🕖 They saw a English movie *last week*.
➡️ When did they see a English movie?

🕣 They *saw a Tamil film* last week.
➡️ What did they do last week?

🕥 *John* goes to his shop at 10 o'clock.
➡️ Who goes to his shop at 10 o'clock?

🕟 John goes *to his shop* at 10 o'clock.
➡️ Where does John go at 10 o'clock?

🕐 John goes to his shop *at 10 o'clock*.
➡️ When does John go to his shop?

🕣 John *goes to his shop* at 10 o'clock.
➡️ What does John do at 10 o'clock?

🕥 *Mrunal* has been studying for three hours.
➡️ Who has been studying for three hours?

🕓 Mrunal has been studying *for three hours*.
➡️ Since when has Mrunal  been studying?

🕑 *Smith* is reading an American novel.
➡️ Who is reading an American novel?

🕐 Smith is reading *an American novel*.
➡️ What is Smith reading?

🕓 Smith is *reading an American novel*.
➡️ What is Smith doing?

🕥 *The teacher* punished the boys.
➡️ Who punished the boys?

🕟 The teacher punished *the boys*.
➡️ Whom did the teacher punish?

🕖 The teacher *punished the boys*.
➡️ What did the teacher do?

🕐 *Amelia* has been playing the guitar for an hour.
➡️ Who has been playing the guitar for an hour?

🕥 Amelia has been playing *the guitar* for an hour.
➡️ What has Amelia been playing for an hour?

🕖 Amelia has been playing the guitar *for an hour*.
➡️ How long has Amelia been playing the guitar?

🕣 Meena is crying *because she has lost her purse*.
➡️ Why is Meena crying?

🕟 *The thief* hid behind the cupboard.
➡️ Who hid behind the cupboard?

🕖 The thief hid *behind the cupboard*.
➡️ Where did the thief hide?

🕐 The train will arrive *at 10 p.m.*
➡️ When will the train arrive?

🕥 *Aruna* reached Delhi in the morning.
➡️ Who reached Delhi in the morning?

🕥 Aruna reached *Delhi* in the morning.
➡️ Where did Aruna reach in the morning?

🕥 Aruna reached Delhi *in the morning*.
➡️ When did Aruna reach Delhi?

*Click the link below to study MODAL AUXILIARIES:* 

Monday, December 13, 2021


*Std.12* (State Board)
*Date*- 14/12/2021


*Click the link below to study the ACTIVITIES-*

*(Write in your ENGLISH HOMEWORK notebook)*

आपल्या कॉलेजमधील अकरावी व बारावी कॉमर्स शाखेतील विद्यार्थ्यांनी खालील लिंक Click करून डेटा कलेक्शन करण्यासाठी मदत करावी ही विनंती...धन्यवाद ....

आपल्या कॉलेजमधील अकरावी व बारावी कॉमर्स शाखेतील विद्यार्थ्यांनी खालील लिंक Click करून डेटा कलेक्शन करण्यासाठी मदत करावी ही  विनंती...
धन्यवाद ....

प्रिय विद्यार्थी मित्रहो...सोबत दिलेल्या लिंक ची माहिती भरून आपण आपला वाणिज्य शाखेतील कल पाहणार आहोत..आपला कल योग्य समजण्यासाठी ही टेस्ट आपण विचार पूर्वक द्यावी... आपला रिस्पॉन्स हा खरा नोंदवावा.... ही विनंती...




🍋 George is the boy *who* won the race.
🍋 The girl, *who* is singing, is my sister.
🍋 Julie, *who* is from London, is my friend.
🍋 The teacher, who taught us English, is new.
🍋 That is the man *who* is the mayor of our city.
🍋 Amelia, *who* works in my house, is an honest woman.
🍋 That is the man *who* was artested by the police.
🍋 Rehan, *who* is a clever boy, helps me.
🍋 Sophia is the girl who was praised by the teacher.
🍋 Mr.John is the man *who* was praised by the teacher.
🍋 He is the boy *who* won the first prize.
🍋 William is the boy *whose* bag was stolen.
🍋 Camila, *who* has lost her purse, is crying.
🍋 Is Aria the girl *whose* brother is in my class?
🍋 That is the house *whose* owner is away.
🍋 James, *whose* father has come to meet the principal, is nervous.
🍋 That is David *whose* birthday we are celebrating today.
🍋 The teacher, *whose* instructions were not followed by the students, is angry.
🍋 The child, *whose* mother is not at home is crying.
🍋 Shital, *whose* mother tongue is Marathi is singing a Punjabi song.
🍋 Lucas is the boy *whose* father is a doctor.
🍋 That is the man *whose* car was stolen.
🍋 I bought the book *whose* author is a Spanish.
🍋 Is Benjamin the man *that* you spoke about?
🍋 The boy, *who* won the first prize, is my brother.
🍋 The man, *whose* car was stolen, is very worried.
🍋 The book, *whose* author is a French, is a best-seller.
🍋 The man, *that* you spoke about, is my neighbour.
🍋 Olivia *who* recited that poem is my neighbour.
🍋 The man *who* opened the door was  his servant.
🍋 That is the house *which* was sold for a big sum.
🍋 We often go to the garden *which* is near the river.
🍋 I enjoyed reading your e-mail *which* was full of jokes.
🍋 The book, *that* you have found, belongs to me.
🍋 The car, *which* you are driving, is not in a good condition.
🍋 Is Emma the girl *that* you mentioned in your letter?
🍋 The boy, *that* you are speaking about, is my cousin.
🍋 The sari, *which* you just bought, was selected by me.
🍋 Chess is the game *that* should be played by everyone.
🍋 That is the bike *which* I sold to my friend.
🍋 Show me the bag *that* you found.
🍋 This is the house *that* was built by my grandfather.
🍋 Look at the vase *which* was sold for a thousand rupees.
🍋 The bag, *that* you found, belongs to me.
🍋 The house, *that* you sold, was very beautiful.
🍋 The vase, *which* was sold for a thousand rupees, is very valuable.
🍋 This is the door *which* was broken by him.
🍋 The line, *which* was faulty, was repaired by the electrician. 
🍋 The enemies destroyed the bridge *which* was built by the villagers.
🍋 We could not find the documents *which* were hidden by her.

*Click the link below to study COMPOUND WORDS:*

Saturday, December 11, 2021



🍎Idiom: *Apple of someone's eyes*
*Meaning*: a person or thing that someone loves very much
*Sentence*: His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye as she is his firstborn.

💁‍♂️Idiom: *A left-handed compliment*
*Meaning*: An insult in the pretense of expression of appreciation.
*Sentence*: She said she liked my hair, but it turned out to be a left-handed compliment when she asked how long I'd been dyeing it.

👁️Idiom: *A sight for sore eyes*
*Meaning*: a person or thing that one is extremely pleased or relieved to see.
*Sentence*: After being away from home for so long, my friends and family were a sight for my sore eyes.

🥪Idiom: *Bread and Butter*
*Meaning*: someone’s livelihood
*Sentence*: Coaching football and basketball to young boys and girls is her bread and butter.

🟩Idiom: *Back to Square one*
*Meaning*: Having to start all over again; start working on a plan from the beginning because your previous attempt failed completely
*Sentence*: After days of working hard on the college project, because of the computer failure we are back to square one.

⚒️Idiom: *Call a spade a spade*
*Meaning*: Speak frankly and directly
*Sentence*: After hours of discussion and meetings, I believe it's time to call a spade a spade.

🌎Idiom: *Down to earth*
*Meaning*: simple, decent, realistic; practical, and straightforward.
*Sentence*: She is very down to earth, not at all attracted by the glamour world.

🫖Idiom: *Empty vessels make the most noise*
*Meaning*: Those who know or have little knowledge often shout the loudest
*Sentence*: Ram tells as if he's an expert on everything, but empty vessels make the most noise.

🩸Idiom: *Flesh and blood*
*Meaning*: Human nature, a normal human being
*Sentence*: This baby is his mother's flesh and blood

👨‍💼Idiom: *Good Samaritan*
*Meaning*: A person who unselfishly helps others,
*Sentence*: He's such a good samaritan that he helped the accident victim reach the hospital.

🦬Idiom: *Hit the bull’s eye*
*Meaning*: get something exactly right, or be on target.
*Sentence*: The finance minister’s speech on attracting new investments hit the bull’s eye as can be seen by increasing FDI.

📖Idiom: *In the good books*
*Meaning*: be in somebody’s favor or good opinion.
*Sentence*: The fact that he always managed to be in the good books of the bosses surprised one and all.

🚙Idiom: *Jam on the brakes*
*Meaning*: to press the brakes suddenly and in a hard way.
*Sentence*: I had to jam on the brakes because a kid suddenly appeared from nowhere and crossed the road.

🐹Idiom: *Let the cat out of the bag*
*Meaning*: To share a secret that wasn’t supposed to be shared.
*Sentence*: Ramesh let the cat out of the bag about my surprise birthday party.

🦯Idiom: *Make a beeline for*
*Meaning*: To hurry directly toward someone or something
*Sentence*: When ram enters a party, he always makes a beeline for the dessert section.

🏆Idiom: *Notch up*
*Meaning*: to achieve something like a win or a record
*Sentence*: Rafael Nadal notched up another win this week, so he's now won six matches in a row.

🏃‍♂️Idiom: *Once bitten, twice shy*
*Meaning*: Afraid of doing a thing again
*Sentence*: After he left her she refused to go out with anyone else for a long time - once bitten, twice shy, I suppose.

🐎Idiom: *Put the cart before the horse*
*Meaning*: To put a thing in the wrong order.
*Sentence*: Mohit always puts the cart before the horse, when he practices maths.

👊Idiom: *A slap on the wrist*
*Meaning*: A small punishment
*Sentence*: Samar got away with a slap on the wrist after defacing the school property.

🥶Idiom: *Set one's teeth on edge*
*-Meaning*: to induce an unpleasant sensation, to repel, irritate
*-Sentence*: The noise of the machine in the next room really set my teeth on edge.

*Click the link below to study ENGLISH GRAMMAR*

Important Links📲

*STD. 12*
*📲Important Links📲*
























*2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5  3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 will be added very soon.* 

*(Share to all Std.12 students of Maharashtra State Board)*

Thursday, December 9, 2021

राष्ट्रीय संगणकीकृत पुस्तकालय**NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY OF INDIA (NDLI)

*राष्ट्रीय संगणकीकृत पुस्तकालय*

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur has designed *National Digital Library of India* for All-India students. It is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not just a repository with search/browse facilities but provides a host of services for the learner community. 

All types of resources, such as Books, Audio Books/Lectures, Video lectures, Lecture Presentations/Notes, Simulations, Question Papers, Solutions, etc. are available here.

*Click the link below to visit National Digital Library of India*-

*(Don't forget to share all...)*

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Speech on farewell function day By Prof. Vaishali Jane Madam

Speech on farewell function day By Prof. Vaishali Jane Madam

Speech on farewell function day.(For teacher) By Prof Vaishali Jane:

          Exuberant morning to one and all. Hon'ble chairperson of the farewell function, my colleagues and all my dear students, today the time has come to bid adieu to you with a heavy heart.
          You are going to begin the new chapter of your lives. Now you are going to appear for Board exam which is called the turning point of life because this exam turns your lives. I hope you have prepared well for scoring good marks. You will definitely get success. But unfortunately if some of you don't get success, won't give up. It is said that Failure is the stepping stone of success. So try again and again until you get success. Don't quit. Remember 'winners never quit, quitters never win'. Sometimes efforts may fail but don't fail to do efforts.    Determination, hard work and perseverance are the keys to succeed. So you should use these keys in your lives and also avoid delaying tendency because Tomorrow never comes.
Utilize each and every moment properly.
           One more thing I would like to say is that never forget three things in your lives i.e. your parents, teachers and motherland. Soar high like birds, fly high like the kites but remain down to earth. Follow our Indian culture. Don't imitate the western culture under name of modernity. Be the ideal citizens and earn the name and fame.
          Wish you all the best for the upcoming board exam.
Thank you

Speech On Valedictory Function Day.(For students) By Prof Vaishali Jane:
Very good morning to everybody. Hon'ble president of this farewell function, respected teachers and my dear friends, time has come to leave this college with a heavy heart but with the wealth of knowledge. It has been a great learning experience for me.
          I am thankful to all my faculties from whom I have acquired various skills. The blessings of our great teachers are always with me.
           I have learnt how to take decisions, how to behave in society. I have also learnt to be open minded, to value other people's opinions and to consider others' ideas along with mine. Apart from the syllabus, all the teachers have taught me many good things which are essential for my future. I have been given practical knowledge to bring positive changes in my own life as well as in others' lives
I am grateful to all my teachers for their kind help whenever it has been asked for. I will never forget my classmates and their support in many activities which are necessary to become responsible student.
          Once again I express my gratitude towards all my classmates, seniors and all my teachers.
 Friends, wish you all the best for your board exam and the career.
Thank you.