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Tuesday, December 14, 2021




ЁЯХР *They* saw a Japanese movie last week.
➡️ Who saw a Japanese movie last week?

ЁЯХС They saw *Hindi drama* last week.
➡️ What did they see last week?

ЁЯХЦ They saw a English movie *last week*.
➡️ When did they see a English movie?

ЁЯХг They *saw a Tamil film* last week.
➡️ What did they do last week?

ЁЯХе *John* goes to his shop at 10 o'clock.
➡️ Who goes to his shop at 10 o'clock?

ЁЯХЯ John goes *to his shop* at 10 o'clock.
➡️ Where does John go at 10 o'clock?

ЁЯХР John goes to his shop *at 10 o'clock*.
➡️ When does John go to his shop?

ЁЯХг John *goes to his shop* at 10 o'clock.
➡️ What does John do at 10 o'clock?

ЁЯХе *Mrunal* has been studying for three hours.
➡️ Who has been studying for three hours?

ЁЯХУ Mrunal has been studying *for three hours*.
➡️ Since when has Mrunal  been studying?

ЁЯХС *Smith* is reading an American novel.
➡️ Who is reading an American novel?

ЁЯХР Smith is reading *an American novel*.
➡️ What is Smith reading?

ЁЯХУ Smith is *reading an American novel*.
➡️ What is Smith doing?

ЁЯХе *The teacher* punished the boys.
➡️ Who punished the boys?

ЁЯХЯ The teacher punished *the boys*.
➡️ Whom did the teacher punish?

ЁЯХЦ The teacher *punished the boys*.
➡️ What did the teacher do?

ЁЯХР *Amelia* has been playing the guitar for an hour.
➡️ Who has been playing the guitar for an hour?

ЁЯХе Amelia has been playing *the guitar* for an hour.
➡️ What has Amelia been playing for an hour?

ЁЯХЦ Amelia has been playing the guitar *for an hour*.
➡️ How long has Amelia been playing the guitar?

ЁЯХг Meena is crying *because she has lost her purse*.
➡️ Why is Meena crying?

ЁЯХЯ *The thief* hid behind the cupboard.
➡️ Who hid behind the cupboard?

ЁЯХЦ The thief hid *behind the cupboard*.
➡️ Where did the thief hide?

ЁЯХР The train will arrive *at 10 p.m.*
➡️ When will the train arrive?

ЁЯХе *Aruna* reached Delhi in the morning.
➡️ Who reached Delhi in the morning?

ЁЯХе Aruna reached *Delhi* in the morning.
➡️ Where did Aruna reach in the morning?

ЁЯХе Aruna reached Delhi *in the morning*.
➡️ When did Aruna reach Delhi?

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