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Monday, December 13, 2021




ЁЯНЛ George is the boy *who* won the race.
ЁЯНЛ The girl, *who* is singing, is my sister.
ЁЯНЛ Julie, *who* is from London, is my friend.
ЁЯНЛ The teacher, who taught us English, is new.
ЁЯНЛ That is the man *who* is the mayor of our city.
ЁЯНЛ Amelia, *who* works in my house, is an honest woman.
ЁЯНЛ That is the man *who* was artested by the police.
ЁЯНЛ Rehan, *who* is a clever boy, helps me.
ЁЯНЛ Sophia is the girl who was praised by the teacher.
ЁЯНЛ Mr.John is the man *who* was praised by the teacher.
ЁЯНЛ He is the boy *who* won the first prize.
ЁЯНЛ William is the boy *whose* bag was stolen.
ЁЯНЛ Camila, *who* has lost her purse, is crying.
ЁЯНЛ Is Aria the girl *whose* brother is in my class?
ЁЯНЛ That is the house *whose* owner is away.
ЁЯНЛ James, *whose* father has come to meet the principal, is nervous.
ЁЯНЛ That is David *whose* birthday we are celebrating today.
ЁЯНЛ The teacher, *whose* instructions were not followed by the students, is angry.
ЁЯНЛ The child, *whose* mother is not at home is crying.
ЁЯНЛ Shital, *whose* mother tongue is Marathi is singing a Punjabi song.
ЁЯНЛ Lucas is the boy *whose* father is a doctor.
ЁЯНЛ That is the man *whose* car was stolen.
ЁЯНЛ I bought the book *whose* author is a Spanish.
ЁЯНЛ Is Benjamin the man *that* you spoke about?
ЁЯНЛ The boy, *who* won the first prize, is my brother.
ЁЯНЛ The man, *whose* car was stolen, is very worried.
ЁЯНЛ The book, *whose* author is a French, is a best-seller.
ЁЯНЛ The man, *that* you spoke about, is my neighbour.
ЁЯНЛ Olivia *who* recited that poem is my neighbour.
ЁЯНЛ The man *who* opened the door was  his servant.
ЁЯНЛ That is the house *which* was sold for a big sum.
ЁЯНЛ We often go to the garden *which* is near the river.
ЁЯНЛ I enjoyed reading your e-mail *which* was full of jokes.
ЁЯНЛ The book, *that* you have found, belongs to me.
ЁЯНЛ The car, *which* you are driving, is not in a good condition.
ЁЯНЛ Is Emma the girl *that* you mentioned in your letter?
ЁЯНЛ The boy, *that* you are speaking about, is my cousin.
ЁЯНЛ The sari, *which* you just bought, was selected by me.
ЁЯНЛ Chess is the game *that* should be played by everyone.
ЁЯНЛ That is the bike *which* I sold to my friend.
ЁЯНЛ Show me the bag *that* you found.
ЁЯНЛ This is the house *that* was built by my grandfather.
ЁЯНЛ Look at the vase *which* was sold for a thousand rupees.
ЁЯНЛ The bag, *that* you found, belongs to me.
ЁЯНЛ The house, *that* you sold, was very beautiful.
ЁЯНЛ The vase, *which* was sold for a thousand rupees, is very valuable.
ЁЯНЛ This is the door *which* was broken by him.
ЁЯНЛ The line, *which* was faulty, was repaired by the electrician. 
ЁЯНЛ The enemies destroyed the bridge *which* was built by the villagers.
ЁЯНЛ We could not find the documents *which* were hidden by her.

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