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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Verb forms

 *Verb forms* 

🔸1. As soon as she..........(finish) her tea,
she ..........(run) out to play.
(a) finish, ran
(b) finished, ran

🔸2. Please be ...........(seat).
(a) seated
(b) seat

🔸3. My father usually........(read) the
newspaper before going to office.
(a) reads
(b) read

🔸4. They ..........(live) here since March.
(a) were living
(b) have been living

🔸5. My mother..............(wash) my
clothes at this time tomorrow.
(a) will be washing
(b) washed

🔸6. It is an hour since the bus..........
(a) left
(b) leaves

🔸7. Do you always...........(go) for a walk
(a) goes
(b) go

🔸8. Have you done what I ...............(tell)
you to do yesterday?
(a) told
(b) have told

🔸9. The boys .............(play) so well that
they ...............(win) the match.
(a) played, won
(b) play, won

🔸10. I ..............(come) from the market
just now.
(a) have come
(b) came

🟢 *Answers* 🟢

1. (b), 2. (a), 3. (a), 4. (b), 5. (a), 
6.(a), 7. (b), 8. (a), 9. (a), 10. (a).

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