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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Spot the error

*Spot the error*

*1) Proud of, not for*

*Wrong:* He's very proud for his promotion.

*Right:* He's very proud of his promotion.

*2) Rejoice at or in, not for*

*Wrong:* We rejoiced for her success.

*Right:* We rejoiced at (or in) her success.

*3) Related to, not with*

*Wrong:* Are you related with Military in any way?

*Right:* Are you related to Military in any way?

*4) Repent of, not from*

*Wrong:* He repented from his crime.

*Right:* He repented of his crime.

*5) Satisfied with, not from.*

*Wrong:* Are you satisfied from your marks?

*Right:* Are you satisfied with your marks?

*6) Similar to, not with*

*Wrong:* Your house is similar with mine.

*Right* Your house is similar to mine.

*Enjoy learning*

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