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Monday, November 30, 2020

Expansion of idea. For practice.

Expansion of idea. For practice. 

Std.XI 1.2 On to the sumit - we reach the top.

Prof. Tushar Chavan:
*1.2 On to the Summit- We reach the top* 

Std. XI

*Online lecture - First*

*Online lecture- Second*

*Online lecture- Third*

*Online lecture- Fourth*

*Do subscribe the channel 'Learn With Tushar Chavan'. Click on the Subscribe button.*

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Expansion of idea.

काल आपण Blog Writing बद्दल माहीती घेतली. 

आज आपण Film Review, Blog Writing या question ला Or असलेला Question - *Expansion Of Idea* हा पाहाणार आहोत. 

*Q.4.B.Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs.             04Marks.*

Use the following points :- Explain the proverb, give examples, give message in the proverb. 

वरील points च्या आधारे आपणांस Expansion of idea चे answer लिहायचे आहे. 

Expansion of idea म्हणजे कल्पना विस्तार करणे. उदा. *ज्याप्रमाणे एखादे किर्तनकार किंवा प्रवचनकार एक अभंग घेउन त्यावर दोन ते तीन तास आपल्यासमोर विनोद, उदाहरणे व दृष्टांताद्वारे विश्व उभा करतात* त्याचप्रमाणे आपणांस expansion of idea या question मध्ये एक म्हण ( Proverb ) दिलेली असते त्यावर आपणांस 100 - 150 Words मध्ये examples, messages देऊन कल्पना विस्तार करायचा असतो.

आपणांस माहीत असलेली म्हण  *नाचता येईना आंगण वाकडे* यावर आधारित *A Bad Workman Blames His Tools.*ही proverb आपल्या practice साठी देत आहे. आपण ते लिहून photo काढून पाठवायचा आहे.

2.5 Father Returning Home

2.5 Father Returning Home

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.
A1. Complete the web chart.

A2. Find the lines to prove the facts from the poem.
a. Father is isolated from the society and family.
b. Generation Gap
A3. Write a character sketch of your father.
A4. Find examples of transferred epithet and synecdoche.
A5. Replace the words from the following lines and rewrite :
Home again, I see him drinking weak tea
Eating a stale Chapati, reading a book.



Bag stuffed with books falling apart
Raincoat stained with mud
Sticky Chappals
Soggy shirts and pants
Dimmed eyes
Unseeing eyes
A2.a. Father is isolated from the society and family. " Like a word dropped from a long
b. Generation Gap " His sullen children have often refused to share jokes and
secretes with him "
A3. My father is a farmer. He works very hard. He wears paijama and kurta. His hands became
rough with hard work. He works in the field.
A4. Transferred epithet: humid monsoon night- The adjective humid is transferred from weather
to night.
Synecdoche : eating a stale Chapati - Chapati stands for food, the part symbolises whole.
A5. Home again, I see him drinking strong coffee
Eating fresh food, writing a story.

Write a poetic appreciation of the poem 2.5 ‘Father Returning Home’ with the help of the following points.

·       About the poem / poet and the title.   

·       The theme

·       Poetic Style

·       Language /Poetic devices

·       Special features

·       Message, values, morals in the poem

·       Your opinions about the poem

Dilip Chitre was a celebrated bilingual poet. He was a translator with a remarkable work in Marathi and English.

The poem ’Father Returning Home’ is taken from ‘Traveling in a cage’- by Dilip Chitre. It draws a portrait of a suburban father as commuter.

The poem depicts dull and monotonous routine of father. The father is alienated in his home. His children refuse to share their joys and sorrows with the hardworking father. This painful loneliness is a symbol of man’s isolation from the materialistic man-made world.

The poem has no regular rhyming words and rhyme scheme. The poem is divided into two stanzas. In the first stanza the vivid description of father as a commuter draws the attention. In the second stanza his painful loneliness at home is shown. Simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia and synecdoche, transferred epithet are the striking figures of speech used in the poem.

                       The underlying message of the poem generation gap in the modern age has created disrespect for the elders. In spite of all the odds the father devote his life for the children.

PPT Kingdom Animalia 11th

PPT Kingdom Animalia 11th

Formal E-mail Writing

Formal E-mail Writing

An email written for business communication or professional use is a formal email. The email written for any government department, school authority, company or any officers are the formal emails. Use of polite and formal words, the reason for writing mail, clarity, proper greeting and closing are some of the features of the formal email.


Write an email . 

You are the college representative and your Principal has assigned you the task of writing an email to the Divisional Officer , Satpuda Mountain Ranges , Nagpur , seeking permission for the mountaineering expedition to be organized by your college. 

Subject : Regarding permission for the                            mountaineering

Respected Sir,

I am Manoj Bhaye a college representative of Mahatma Gandhi College of Science Chandrapur. Our college has planned some outdoor and adventurous activities. Mountaineering is one of them. The principal has assigned me the task of getting permission for it.
 As a college representative, I request you to grant us permission for the mountaineering on the Satpuda Mountain Ranges. A batch of 20 students will be the participants. We have basic knowledge of the mountaineering. The participants are capable of mountaineering. We all meet the requirements for the expedition. We will be abide by the rules and regulations.

2.1 Indian Weavers. Online test

2.1 Indian Weavers. Online test

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Grammar online test no. 45

Grammar online test no. 45

Grammar online test no. 44

Grammar online test no. 44

Grammar online test no. 43

Grammar online test no. 43

Grammar online test no. 42

Grammar online test no. 42

Grammar online test no.41

Grammar online test no.41

Blog writing.

काल आपण Film Review बद्दल माहीती घेतली . 

आज आपण Film Review ला Or असलेला Question Blog Writing हा question पाहणार आहोत. 

*Q.4.B. Write a Blog in a proper format on the topic - 'Trees Our Best Friends' in about 100 to 150 words.   04 Marks.*

Use the following points - Explain the term, give ways to improve, the communication skill, give importance of communication skill, add your own pionts. 

वरील points च्या आधारे आपणांस Blog तयार करायचा आहे. Blog म्हणजे personal website किंवा webpage ज्यावर व्यक्ती नियमितपणे लिखाण करतो त्यास Blog असे म्हणतात. ज्याप्रमाणे आपण facebook, twitter, किंवा other social media वर पोस्ट लिहीतो त्याचप्रमाणे आपणांस Blog लिहायचा आहे. 

आपल्या practice साठी Blog Writing चा format देत आहे. आपण तो लिहून photo काढून पाठवायचा आहे.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Activity sheet format.

Activity sheet format.

*Third video on format of Activity Sheet-Std. XII*

*It is based on Writing Skill Section*

*See the scheme of Marking*

*Do watch complete video.*

*Video will be published at 10 a.m. on  26 November 2020.*

*Do subscribe the channel'Learn With Tushar Chavan'*

Speech Writing

💫 *Speech Writing*💫

*The Indian Constitution Day* 🖋️✒️📘📘
*26th November*
  Exuberant good morning to everyone. Honourable chairperson,the Principal of our college ,Mr/Mrs......., respected teachers and my dear friends.We celebrate many days to commemorate the great personalities and their work.Likewise,we also commemorate 26th November as *The Indian Constitution Day*.Our honourable Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi declared this day in the year 2015 because that year was the year of 125th birth anniversary of Bharatratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.
   Friends,can you tell why it is  celebrated on 26th November?Yes, because the Constitution Assembly /Committee adopted the constitution on 26th November 1949 which was come into force/effect on 26thJanuary 1950.
     Well,we have to follow the traffic rules.Why?yes, because to avoid the mishaps.Our schools and colleges have certain rules  regarding  uniforms,time tables  and so on.Why? because such rules are needed for disciplinary and smooth working of our schools and colleges.Likewise, Constitution is needed for the nation.
    *What is constitution*?
Well, constitution is a set of rules and regulations which is essential for disciplinary adminstration of the government.It is the framework, document or a book that guides the government to work smoothly.
     Friends, we all know the history of Indian Independence.When we were ruled by the Britishers,they appealed us to draft our own constitution.And  in response to their appeal ,the work of constitution was begun.The Constitution 
Committee was formed whose president was Dr.Rajendra Prasad and in which *Constitution Drafting Committee* was formed whose president was Bharatratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar.
There were seven members in this *Drafting  Committee*, named Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar,N.Gopalswami,Dr.B.R.Ambedkar,K.M.Munshi, Mohammad Saadulla,B.L,Mitter and D.P. Khaitan.But as a president of Drafting Committee ,Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar contributed the Lion's share in drafting our constitution.That's why he is called an architect of Indian Constitution.He studied the constitutions of many countries such as America,Japan, Russia,France and England. He took the essence from them.After spending a long period  of 2 years,11,months and 17days,our constitution was ready.
       Friends,our constitution is am amalgamation of the constitutions of the world.It is the world's largest constitution that contains 465 articles,12 schedules,122 amendments and 146385 English words.It is the blend of rigidity and flexibility.It is in both forms, written like America and unwritten like England.The original constitution (1950)is preserved in *helium filled case* at the parliament house in New Delhi.
    Well,our constitution is the sole backbone of the country that has kept the country together.Our constitution declares India as a sovereign, socialist,secular, democratic republic assuring its citizens the principles like *Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Justice.* There is equaity before law.It means every citizen of India is equal before law whether he/she is rich or poor ,city dweller or village dweller. Our constitution has given us fundamental rights such as right to vote,right to educate, right to freedom of expressing our thoughts, freedom to speak, right against exploitation, freedom of religion and so on.
    Friends, we are given such rights as well as our constitution has given us some duties and responsibilities. *Rights and duties* are the two sides of the same coin.When we fight for our rights,we should also be aware of our duties and responsibilities.We all know that the preamble of the constitution is given on the first page of the text books of all  the standards in which the first sentence is *WE, THE  PEOPLE  OF INDIA.......* In this  sentence the word *WE* denotes the *unity and integrity*.It means we all Indians should live unitedly,work unitedly for the betterment of our motherland.
     Dear friends,I hope,you understood very well what I said.So, be the ideal citizens of our nation and serve our motherland by following the  guidelines of our constitution.
   I conclude my speech by paying my tribute to Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar .
Jai Hind ! 🙏🙏 🇮🇳🇮🇳

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Film review.

काल आपण Letter Writing बद्दल माहिती घेतली. 

आज आपण Film Review हा question पाहणार आहोत.

*Q.4.B. Write a review of any film you saw with the help of the following points in about 100 to 150 words. 04 Marks.*

Film Review या question चे answer पुढिलप्रमाणे लिहायचे असते - 

A) Story line. 
B) Music /Dance /Action /Direction. 
C) Characters /Performance. 
D) Setting / Location. 
E) Conflict. 
F) Message. 
G) Your Opinion About Film. 

या points च्या आधारे 100 to 150 Words मध्ये आपणांस लिहायचे आहे.

Ex. प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याने Three Idiots ही film पाहीली असेलच त्यामधील Rancho, Raju, Farhan, आणि Viru Sahastrbuddhe  ही पात्रे [ characters ] सर्वांना आठवत आसतील . त्या film ची story line - " Life is a race : if you were not fast enough, you will get trampled" अशी आहे. त्या film मधील गाणे, नृत्य, संगीत , निर्माता, दिग्दर्शक, कलाकार, संघर्ष, त्या film मधून आपणांस काय message मिळतो, हे सर्व या film review मध्ये लिहायचं आहे. आपल्या practice साठी या film वर आधारीत format आज देत आहे. आपण तो format सर्वांनी as it is लिहुन photo काढून पाठवायचा आहे. 👍👍

Activity Sheet on 'On To The Summit : We Reach The Top'

Activity Sheet on 'On To The Summit : We Reach The Top'

Extract : 'When we left Camp...................... not two individuals but a team." 
A1 State true or false. Correct the false statements
1) The mountaineers left camp nine on Saturday morning
2) The mountaineers kept their places changing
3) Hillary would take the lead
4) The mountaineer had four flags in his pocket
5) Colonel hunt gave the mountaineer four flags

A1 Enlist the countries of which the mountaineer carried the flags
A2 Point out the patriotism of the mountaineer.
Ans: He was carrying the Indian flag with him. With the permission of Colonel Hunt he wanted to place the flag on top of the mountain. This shows his patriotism. 
A3 Give reasons for the rope being called a symbol
Ans: Rope tied them together. They had to move together. Rope made them a team. 
A4 Find the synonyms of : 1. Hill top 2. Vovage 3. Vertical 4. Pitch 
A5 Express your liking or disliking for adventurous sport. 
A6. Rewrite the following sentences as instructed.
1. I was carrying the Indian flag. (Begin the sentence with - ' The Indian flag.......)
2. This was slow and difficult.(Rewrite as exclamatory.)
3. I was not afraid to die that day. (Rewrite it as affirmative) 
Activity No. 2
Extract " When we reached ........ her prized possessions"
A1. Rearrange the statements in order as the events occur in the extract.
1.) They made a pact.
2.) They reached Kathmandu.
3.) They signed their own statements.
4.) They discovered that a controversy had arisen. 
Ans: 1. They reached Kathmandu.
2. They discovered that a controversy had arisen.
3. They made a pact.
4. They signed their own statements.

A2. List the ways in which Tenzing Norgay celebrates on reaching the top.
1. By offering prayer 
2. By placing the offering he carried
3. By unfurling flags on the summit
A3. Tenzing and Hillary remained aloof from the controversy. Prove it.
Ans: When they discovered that the controversy had arisen about who reached the summit first, they agreed that the talk was childish. They made a pact mentioning they reached together and signed it.
A4. Give one word for the following expressions:
1. The things that are needed to do a particular work
2. The feelings of being grateful 
3. A covering for the face of a part of it. 
4. Having god’s help and protection 
Ans: 1. Equipment 2. Gratitude 3. Mask 4. Blessed 
A5. Write about any controversy you or your friend involved in. 
A6. Rewrite as instructed 
1. When we reached Kathmandu we discovered that a controversy had arisen. (Rewrite using ‘No sooner….. than’ by removing ‘when’)
2. We crossed over the south summit and moved along the summit ridge. ( Rewrite as simple sentence.)

1. No sooner did we reach Kathmandu than we discovered that a controversy had arisen.
2. Crossing over the south summit we moved along the summit ridge. 

Grammar Activities
Spot the error. One is done for you.
I was not afraid for die that day.
Correct Sentence- I was not afraid to die that day.
(a) Tenzing and Hillary made an pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
Correct :Tenzing and Hillary made a pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
(b) I has to bring my ice axe down with me.
Correct :I had to bring my ice axe down with me.
(c) Tenzing have spent a night with Camp Eight. 
Correct :Tenzing had spent a night with Camp Eight. 
(d) Pact was signed from Tenzing and Hillary.
Correct :Pact was signed by Tenzing and Hillary.
(e) I and Hillary were in no mood of talking.
Hillary and I were in no mood for talking.

When Tenzing and Hillary reached the summit, Tenzing in utter joy said, 
“We have done it.” In this sentence the subject (we) is the doer of the 
action while it (achieving the feat) is the Object . The verb of passive voice 
is formed by using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ + past participle 
of the main verb. Construct the sentences accordingly.

Now carefully go through the changes in both the sentences and do the 
changes accordingly in the remaining sentences.
• We have done it.
It has been done by us.
(a) We made a pact.
A pact was made by us. 
(b) I offered silent prayer in my heart.
Silent prayer was offered in my heart 
(c) Colonel Hunt gave me three flags.
1.I was given three flags by Colonel Hunt. 
2.Three flags were given to me by Colonel Hunt. 
(d) I was carrying the Indian flag.
The Indian flag was being carried by me. 
(e) I took photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags.
Photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags were taken by me. 
(f) I remembered him.
He was remembered by me. 
(g) We spent the night at Camp Eight.
The night was spent at Camp Eight by us. 

Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the 
sentence is wrong give reasons.

a. Sunita is the quieter of four sisters. Incorrect : Comparison is among four sisters. 
b. Sunita is the quietest of the four sisters. Correct 
c. Anil’s computer is more new than mine. Incorrect : Comparative adjective is newer. 
d. Anil’s computer is newer than mine. Correct 
e. I have the wonderfullest mother in the world. Incorrect : superlative adjective of wonderful is most wonderful. 
f. I have the most wonderful mother in the world. Correct 
g. Aditi is more carefuller than Mary. Incorrect : carefuller is wrong. 
h. Aditi is more careful than Mary. Correct 
When we compare two nouns, we use comparative adjectives. When we 
compare more than two nouns, we use superlative adjectives
For Example. – a. Milind is taller than John.
b. Zakir is the tallest of the three brothers.
Look at the following sentences and observe the changes in the three 
a. Atul is not as bright as Milind in studies. Positive Degree 
b. The dining room is brighter than the kitchen. Comparative Degree 
c. Anne is the brightest girl in class. Superlative Degree 

• Fill in the blanks with comparative, superlative and positive forms of the 
correct adjectives in the brackets.
a. You are very naughty. You are as clever asyour brother (clever)
b. The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo (dangerous)
c. This is the busiest road in town. (busy)
d. My new house is bigger than the one I used to live in. (big)
e. He is the most forgetful boy in class. (forgetful)

*Get resources of Std. XI and XII- English*

*Get resources of Std. XI and XII- English*

1.6 Into the Wild

1.6 Into the Wild

1.6 Into the Wild

Writer: Kiran Purandare

Kiran Purandare is a well-known wildlife activist from Maharashtra. He is known for his books like 'Sakha Nagzira'. He is a recipient of the ‘Sahitya Puraskar’. Pune’s Bhai Madhav Bagal Award and Best Literature Award given by Cultural Department of Maharashtra  State for his ‘Sakha Nagzira’.

He spent 400 days inside Nagzira and nearby forest areas and wrote this award winning book. This extract has been taken from the same book. He is a wild-life expert, a bird watcher, a writer and honorary wild life warden in Maharashtra. He is also the founder of Nisarg Wedh Organisation, which works for nature conservation and community work around Nagzira, Navegaon, a Tiger Reserve in Bhandara and Gondia districts. He also founded Kika’s Bird Club in order to spread bird farming which is very popular among school-going children of Maharashtra. The project which is based on active participation of the local tribes to protect the wildlife, is serving as a model to enhance coexistence of humans and wildlife in and around protected areas. 

About the topic: Into the wild:

There are two parts in this topic.

(Part I) It is an amazing experience of the writer Kiran Purandare, the solitary traveller, who is completely lost in the jungles of Umbarzara.  He narrates how he lost his way at the fall of the dusk and the terrifying turmoil he underwent thereafter. He also gives a detailed description of how he found his way towards the Pitezari.

(Part II) The second part is about Shaaz Jung, known for his wild life photography. It tells us about his entry into this world of wild life photography, the insight that he received during this journey regarding the loss of the habitat of wild animals and the genuine efforts  that  he took by establishing BCRTI, for the conservation of forests by educating the local rural folks and providing them with a sound reliable source of income.

Ice Breakers:

1) Narrate in your class any of the incidents of your life when you were extremely terrified or awestruck.


Once I was walking on the road and a fast moving car came towards me. It was a break down car and it wasn’t controlled by the driver. I realised the danger. I started running leaving the road and within a margin of seconds I was able to miss the car. Though I saved myself from hitting, I was extremely terrified at that moment and shivered for a long time.

2) Complete the given table regarding the factors/situations/reasons - why you sometimes get scared and the factors that add to it. Give possible solutions.


Sr. no


Factors which add to it



While discussing aboutstrange creatures

At midnight/In the absence of parents

Avoid such discussions/stories as they are baseless


Discussing about Corona threat

No treatment, news of spreading it, death rate, news of it.

Avoid seeing too much of news of it.

Take necessary precautions.


Fear of thieves & criminals

Alone in the home at night.

Take safety measures. Be cool. Keep in contact with friends and relatives

3) Given below are various activities which you can pursue as your hobby, passion, or profession. Complete the table accordingly.








Reason /Challenge/




(R) I can express myself well through the strokes of brush



(R) In tourism, there is great demand for professional tourist guides.



Wild life 



(C) In theage ofcomputers limited professional scope







(C) It’s a challenge to save the earth. I can get job in soil and conservation department.






(R) Good and interesting work but has little scope to get the job.

4) Match the following ‘Wild-Life Sanctuaries’ with their locations.

Wild Life Sanctuary


1. Bandipur National Park

(a) Uttarakhand

2. Kaziranga National Park

(b) Madhya Pradesh

3. Jim Corbet National Park

(c) Karnataka

4. Ranthambore National Park

(d) Assam

5. Kanha National Park

(e) Rajasthan


Wild Life Sanctuary


1. Bandipur National Park

(c) Karnataka

2. Kaziranga National Park

(d) Assam

3. Jim Corbet National Park

(a) Uttarakhand

4. Ranthambore National Park

(e) Rajasthan

5. Kanha National Park

(b) Madhya Pradesh

Monday, November 23, 2020

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The virtual conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted into a message for a third person. Whereas, sometimes, standard instructions contain the necessary information for the message. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips. Basically such messages contain the following:

  Format : 
• Date 
• Time 
• Name of a person to whom the message is directed 
• Body of the message 
• Name of the writer / sender 

  Points to remember : While writing the body of the message, the following points have to be kept in mind. 
• Only the most important details should be written. 
• No new information should be added. 
• Grammatically correct sentences should be used. 
• Indirect or reported speech should be used. 
• The message should be written in simple language and without any abbreviations. 
• Check your message before you submit and send it. 
• Be friendly and polite. 
• Avoid pun/ambiguity/witticism, in short words that would create confusion or a chaotic situation.


You receive a telephone call from your mother’s office when she is not at home. You have the following conversation with the speaker. But you have to go for your tuition class. So you leave a message for your mother. Write the message within 50 words using the information given below. Do not add any new information.

Ambuj : Hello! 
Mr Rastogi : Hello! May I speak to Ms Dixit, please? I am Naresh Rastogi from the office. 
Ambuj : Mom’s not at home right now. 
Mr Rastogi : In that case can you give her a message? It is urgent. Please tell her that the meeting fixed for tomorrow has been rescheduled. Ask her to check her mail as soon as possible for the details. Please don’t forget to inform her. 
Ambuj : Don’t worry. I will tell her as soon as she returns. 14 Feb 3:30 pm
Mom ,
Mr Rastogi from the office called up to say that the meeting fixed for tomorrow has been rescheduled. He wants you to check your mail as soon as possible for the details. He said it was urgent.

(A1) (i) In pairs, enact the given conversation between Rakesh and Mrs Sarkar.

Rakesh : Hello, may I speak to Dr Sarkar? 
Mrs Sarkar : He has gone to the hospital to attend the OPD. May I know who is speaking? 
Rakesh : Yes. I am Rakesh Sood. My wife has been having a severe headache since yesterday. Since this morning she has also developed a high temperature. I would be very grateful if the doctor could come over to our place to examine her. 
Mrs Sarkar : Of course. Please let me note down your address. 
Rakesh : It is B-49, New Colony. 
Mrs Sarkar : I will give him your message as soon as he returns. 
Rakesh : Thank you. 

  Mrs Sarkar had to leave for the school where she teaches. So she wrote a message for her husband. Draft the message in not more than 50 words. 

  23 Nov 2020 , 8:05 A.M.

Dear Hubby, 

Mr. Rakesh Sood called up to say his wife has a severe headache and high fever the previous day. He requested you to visit his place to examine his wife. He would be grateful  if you do so. He lives at B-49, New Colony. Leaving this message since I have to go to school to teach. 

Mrs. Sarkar
(ii) Using information from the dialogue given below, write the message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit. (Do not leave out any vital information or add any new information). 

Shekhar : Is this 28473892? 
Amrita : Yes. May I know who is speaking?
Shekhar : I am Shekhar. I want to speak to Sourajit. I am his friend from IHM, Goa. 
Amrita : I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. Can you ring up a little later? 
Shekhar : I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement at the Hotel Mumbai, and will have to join with immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to give Sourajit. Will you do that for me? Also tell him that I will let him know my new cell phone number as soon as I get one. 
Amrita : I’ll do that. Bye and all the best. 

  Amrita had to leave for office. So she wrote a note for Sourajit. Draft her message in not more than 50 words


  23 Nov 2020 , 8:05 A.M.

 Mr. Shekhar , your friend from IHM Goa called up when you were not home. He called up to give news about his placement at Hotel Mumbai. He stated that he would be busy in completing formalities of joining. He would let you know his new cell phone number very soon. 

(iii) You are Priyanka, a personal assistant to Ms Sen. She was away attending a meeting when Mr Garg rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in your note- pad. Draft the message for Ms Sen using the information in your notes given below.

Mr Garg - rang up - 5pm - has received the CDs and the posters - coming tomorrow - to thank Ms Sen and to personally hand over the cheque. 


(iv) Read the following conversation between Aashna and Mr Singh. 

Aashna : Hello, may I speak to Ranajit, please? 
Mr Singh : Ranajit is getting ready for school. May I know who is speaking? 
Aashna : My name is Aashna. I am Ranajit’s classmate. 
Mr Singh : Hello, Aashna. I am Ranajit’s father. Is there any message? 
Aashna : Yes. Please ask him to bring his biology notebook to school today. I was absent from school due to illness. I would like to see the notes which our biology teacher gave to the class during my absence. 
Mr Singh : I will definitely do that. 

  Since Mr Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranajit. Draft that message in 50 words. 


(v) Rajat comes home from school and finds the door locked. Since he has a duplicate key he enters and finds a note from his mother kept on the table. In it she explains that she had to rush to the hospital with Mrs Manohar, their neighbour, who had met with an accident. She has also written that he should have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. He could heat the food in the microwave oven if he wanted to, but he should be very careful while handling the switch. Draft the message which Rajat’s mother left for him.


(vi) Using the information given below, write a message which Manu left for his sister, Renu. (Do not add any new information. The message should not exceed 50 words). 

Ruhaan rang up-book-reading session-‘Children Ask Kalam’-Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam-ompilation of letters received by him from children and his answers- Oxford Book Store-8 pm, this evening,-pick you up-6:30 pm-attend reading session together. 


(vii) Given below is a template for a message. Imagine you are working as a receptionist in a company and you are supposed to maintain the call record. Complete the details given in the template for a particular message.

Call For : From : Company : Date Time Phone ( ) Message : Action (Circle One) Taken By Phoned Returned Your Call Back Will Call Again Call

Letter to get bona fied certificate. Left alignment format.

Letter to get bona fied certificate. Left alignment format.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence

1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence


 (A1)(i) Go through the text again and describe the second innings of the writer in your own words. 

(A2) (i) Read the text again and make a list of great Indian and foreign personalities who had a great impact on Achyut Godbole during his childhood. One is done for you.
Poets                                  Vinda Karandikar, Mangesh Padgaonkar, Vasant Bapat
Writers         Keshavsut, Mardhekar, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens              
MusiciansPt Kumar Gandharv  Pt. Bhimsen Pt Jasraj
Dramatists Shakespear , Pt. Kumar Gandharv
PaintersVan Gogh, Mozar, Michael Angelo

(ii) Find different techniques used by the writer to learn Science and Mathematics. One is done for you. 
(a) The writer used to appreciate the inherent beauty of these subjects. 

(iii) The writer faced numerous problems while communicating in English because- 
(a) He had his entire education in Marathi. 

 (iv) The writer was completely stumped because his 

(v) Read the text again and complete the sentence: 
Due to the writer’s pathetic English speaking style, he.......................
vi) Complete the following sentences. The writer wanted to achieve mastery in English because- 

 (vii) Make a list of different steps that the writer undertook to improve his English speaking skills.

 (viii) (a) Read the text again and describe the writer’s achievements after achieving mastery over the English language. 

(b) Go through the text again and complete the table comparing two different phases of life of the writer-as an MD or Chief Executive Officer and an activist of Sarvodaya movement. 


MD or Chief Executive Officer          
Activist of Sarvodaya Movement
 Head of the company for 23 years Joined a non-violent social movement for tribal with Sarvodaya    
Travelled all over the globe for business

Participated in a peaceful satyagraha
Wrote 4 books on information Technology 

Went to jail for 10 days

 (ix) (a) Complete the web highlighting the various opportunities you gained due to your good English speaking skills. 

 (b) Describe a situation or incident when you felt embarassed for your lack of knowledge of a particular subject or incompetence in speaking English fluently. 

 (A3) (i) Fill in the blanks selecting the correct phrase from the alternatives given. One is done for you. [be completely stumped, be broken, feel out of place, speak at length, feel at home, sea of knowledge, broaden one’s horizon, one’s second innings, touch the hearts, keep one going] 

(a) By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home in her new job. 
(b) When he lost his mother he was completely broken .
 (c) Travelling can help to  broaden one’s horizon.
 (d) After my retirement I started my second innings as a social worker. 
(e) Having faith in God keeps me going in difficult situation.
 (f) To succeed in any competitive examination, one requires a sea of knowkedge .
 (g) The simple village girl felt ot of place in a formal party.
 (h) The work done by Sindhutai Sapkal touched the hearts of millions.
 (i) The teacher spoke at length explaining the concept.
 (j) The speaker was completely stumped by the intelligent questions asked by the audience.

(iii) Do as directed and rewrite the sentences.

(a) I did not fully understand their discussions but I was immensely impressed. (Remove 'but'.) 
(b) I had decided that I would do nothing of this sort. (Remove 'that'.)
(c) My fear had vanished and I started feeling at home in my hostel. (Use ‘when’.)
(d) It was only my self-esteem which stopped me. (Remove 'which'.) 
(e) I plunged into all these branches of knowledge. It was a period of renaissance. (Join with 'which'.)(f) When I look back, there are a number of lessons that I cherish. (Remove 'When'.)
(g) There are hundreds who tell me that they understood the theory of relativity. (Remove 'who'.)

e - mail writing.

Std.12th 2.1 Song Of The Open Road. Online Test.

Std.12th 2.1 Song Of The Open Road. Online Test.

Std. 11th 2.2 The Sower. Online test prepared by - Vishal Gore, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

Std. 11th 2.2 The Sower. Online test prepared by - Vishal Gore, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

English Grammar Test - 40 - Use While/During.

English Grammar Test - 40 - Use While/During.

English Grammar Test - 39 - Use And/But.

English Grammar Test - 39 - Use And/But.

English Grammar Test - 38 - Superlative Degree.

English Grammar Test - 38 - Superlative Degree.

English Grammar test -37. Comparitive Degree

English Grammar test -37. Comparitive Degree

English Grammar Test - 36 - Indefinite Articles.

English Grammar Test - 36 - Indefinite Articles.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

How To Write a Proverb Expansion or Expansion of an idea?

*How To Write a Proverb Expansion or Expansion of an idea?*
Expansion of an idea or expansion of a proverb is simple and straightforward. It involves 5 easy steps. They are:

Step 1: Understand the symbol of the words in the proverb: Most proverbs or ideas are symbolic. The name of place or animal or thing or person stands as a symbol of some quality. We have to try to understand that in the context of the proverb.

For example take the proverb, ‘Rome was not built in a day‘. Here the noun ‘Rome’ is the name of a place. We also (should) know that Rome was a great city. So what does Rome stand for? It stands for Greatness or success. (Remember it was a great city).

Or take the example of  ‘All that glitters is not gold‘. Here we have the noun ‘gold’.  It is the name of a thing. We know that gold is a precious metal. So what does gold stand for? It stands for precious.

Step 2: Substitute the meaning in the idea or the proverb: Take the two previous examples.

‘Rome was not built in a day’ and ‘All that glitters is not gold’. Now substitute the symbols we found out earlier in the sentences. What do we have?

‘Greatness or success was not built in a day’
‘All that glitters is not precious’
The proverb is now decoded and ready for understanding.

Step 3: Look for a story or anecdote or example or illustration: Now that you have understood what the proverb stands for or what the proverb means, we should look for a suitable example to illustrate it.

Where do we get these stories? There are plenty of them. Aesop’s fables are ideal. So are the tales of India, the Panchatantra.

We can also look for example from today’s world. We could, for example, for the proverb ‘Rome was not built in a day’, talk about the effort put in by Barack Obama to achieve greatness, and that it took many years to build it, that it did not happen overnight.

Step 4: Look for similar proverbs or ideas: “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success” by Napoleon Hill is similar to ‘Rome was not built in a day’; so is the proverb ‘Do not judge the book by its cover’ similar to ‘All that glitters is not precious’.

Step 5: Sum up the paragraph: Use summing up words or phrases to indicate that you have finished the expansion and intend to sum it up. You could use ‘Thus’ or ‘In fine’ or ‘So’ or ‘The proverb advises that’. Let the reader know that you are signing off.

So we have 5 Steps on ‘How to do expansion of an idea or expansion of a proverb’:

Step 1:  Understand the symbol of the words in the proverb
Step 2:  Substitute the meaning in the idea or the proverb
Step 3:  Look for a story or anecdote or example or illustration
Step 4:  Look for similar proverbs or ideas
Step 5:  Sum up the paragraph

This is how I do expansion of an idea or expansion of a proverb.

11th English. 3.2 Blog Writing

11th English. 3.2 Blog Writing

4.2 To Sir, With Love.

4.2 To Sir, With Love.

Online test std. 11th 1.4 Page no. 18-19..

Online test std. 11th 1.4 Page no. 18-19

Online test std 11th 1.4 page no. 19-20

Online test std 11th 1.4 page no. 19-20

Online test std. 11th 1.4 Page no. 18-19

Online test std. 11th 1.4 Page no. 18-19

Online test std 11th 1.4 page no. 18-19

Online test std 11th page no. 18-19

Online test Std.11th 1.4 page no. 17-18

Online test

Monday, November 16, 2020

Grammar quiz no 10

Grammar quiz no 10

Std. XII Activity sheet format

*Do watch the videos*

 *First Lecture-* 
*Std. XII- Board Exam Activity Sheet Format- *Prose Section*

1) Section- Prose
2) Q.1 and Q.2
3) Suggested activites for A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and A6.
4) Scheme of marking
5) Few Activities for Mind Mapping


*Do watch the complete video.*


*Format of Activity Sheet

*Part 2- Section Poetry*


1) Q.3 A) and Q.3 B)
2) List of Activites
3) Special Activites for poetic creativity
4) Scheme of marking

*Do watch complete video.*

*Do subscribe the You tube channel- 'Learn With Tushar Chavan'*

*This pattern is same for Std. XI and XII*

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Framing Interview Questions - Guidelines and examples

Framing Interview Questions - Guidelines and examples

Framing Interview Questions

Guidelines for framing interview questions:- 
(Compiled by 'Think Tank Group')

1) Use simple and acceptable language while framing interview questions.

2) Some questions should be assisted with statements to make it more convincing.

3) The questions must be based on the given points or hints.

4) It should have a short intro and sum up.

5) It should contain introductory question, content questions, probing questions and closing question.

6) The initial few questions should be about past events and in past tense. (2 to 3). The middle questions should be about present events so they must be in present tense (3-4). The ending questions should be about future plans actions or message for audience/people/generation.

7) The sequence of the questions should be chronological with the life events and proper tenses.

8) Questions should be relevant to the topic.

9) Grammar structure must be given priority.

10) Number of questions should be 8 to 10 only.


Prof.R.D.Dhumal, Junior College, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur

Q. Imagine that you are going to interview a Sarpanch of a village, who has been selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award’. Frame a set of 8 to10 questions to interview him/her.                                                                                      
An Audience/Talk with Sarpanch
Namaste Sushila Tai!
    Welcome and hearty congratulations being selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award’.
       Here are a few questions to you about your journey towards this achievement.

1) How do you feel as being selected for this award?

2) Were you sure to get this award in the beginning?

3) Please, share with us something about your planning and efforts to achieve this award.

4) What challenges did come across at the initial stage?

5) How about getting the support of your villagers in implementing various schemes and   projects?

6) We have heard that you all had taken collective efforts without government funding, why is it so?

7) As a leader, which initiatives and drives do you think were responsible for cultivating good habits among the villagers?

8) Whom do you consider as a main catalyst for the change?

9) Achieving the award may be bit easy for you but what about maintaining it in future times?

10) What is your future aspiration? And give a few suggestions for the betterment of other villages.

          Here, I am sure that your village and you are really creditable for this award.
                          Thank You,               
           Best of luck for the Award Felicitation Function!

Q. Imagine that you are college representative of your college. You have to take an interview of Health Minister / Spokesperson of State Government. Frame questions to take the interview.


Prof. Khetani Murad, Shree Shahu Jr. College, Pamdharwada Dist. Yavatmal:

Good morning sir, I welcome you, thank you so much for sharing your precious time for the interview. I want to ask you some questions regarding the problem the world is facing due to covid19, lockdown.

1) What special arrangements are being made to tackle this problem?

2) How are the people responding to the situations?

3) What difficulties the administration facing to handle the situation?

4) Do you think that we will be able to overcome the situation? How?

5) What arrangements have been made to support the poor and the downtrodden in our state/country?

6) What special medical facilities are arranged to curb down the virus?

7) Are you thinking to extend the lock down for some more days as the situation in some states and parts of our country is not yet under control?

8) What message do you want to give the citizens of our country /state in this situation?

Thank you so much Sir once again for sparing your precious time.

Prof. B G. Badgujar:

Additional Questions:-

1) How can we remove fear of the people regarding the present situation?                               

2) Are the Government's attempts worth to overcome the situation?  

3) Is there enough care taken to supply basic commodities to the common people?                  

4) What would be some more cares to be taken to overcome the situation?      

5) Are the people afraid of their future time? What would be government's steps?                                        

6) How would be the loss of education compensated in coming days?

7) Are you thinking to extend the lock down period? 

8) Will the lock down be completely relaxed or in parts?

Prof. Sanjay B. Patil (KTHM college, Nashik)

Good morning,sir.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for sparing your precious time amidst this period of crisis.

1) Can you briefly explain what this novel Corona Virus is?

2) Why is it spreading so quickly?

3) What are the common symptoms of cornovairus?

4) How social distancing will help to overcome this pandemic?

5) How would a complete lockdown be the only solution to overcome this epidemic?

6) What is your plan B if we get out of stock of medicine, food grains and other essential commodities?

7) What possible arrangements have been made for the underprivileged class during the complete lock down period?

8) What preventive measures would be taken in this period of crisis?

9) What's your advice to the nation?

Thanks for sharing your views and giving valuable official instructions through this interview. We will accept your advice and assure to join your hands.

Interview Questions for Dietitian

Prof Vaishali Jane, Ajabrao Wankhede Jr. College, Kohali Tal. Kalmeshwar. Dist. Nagpur

Good morning Sir / Madam. Welcome to our studio. You are one of the renowned dietitians of our city. I want to know various valuable things from you. Recently you got the ‘Dhanwantari award’ from medical council of Maharashtra. Heartily congratulations to you.

1) How do you feel after getting success in your career?

2) How did you come into this field?

3) Does the changing life style affect on the diet?

4) How do you handle a difficult patient with a serious health condition?

5) What was your most rewarding treatment experience?

6) Have you ever given lectures about nutrition?

7) Do you think that today people are becoming health conscious?

8) Do you think that proper nutritious diet and regular exercise are essential for good health?

9) Do you think that diet plays the vital role in human health?

10) Which message would you like to give in general regarding health? 

Thanks for giving your valuable time for us. Your interview is really informative. All doubts are cleared now. Thanks once again.

Prof.Sayeed Solapure, Rajabahu Mone, Jr. College, Goregaon Dist. Raigad

Interview questions for a Doctor.

Good morning sir, happy to see you. 

1) Why did you choose the medical field as your career?

2) Would you describe your journey in your own words?

3) What difficulties did you face to become a doctor?

4) Why did you choose to be a surgeon?

5) What are your hobbies and interests?

6) What are the social responsibilities of a doctor?

7) What is your philosophy of life?

8) Do you have gone through any challenging medical case in your career?

9) What steps do you take to prevent medical malpractice?

10) Any message from you for the budding doctors?

Thanks for giving the valuable interview. Your interview will be published in our college magazine. It will be a reliable source of information for all. Thanks again.

Common interview questions for any well known person

Prof Vaishali Jane, Ajabrao Wankhede Jr. College, Kohali Tal. Kalmeshwar. Dist. Nagpur

1) How do you feel after achieving the success in your field?

2) What hardships/difficulties/challenges did you face?

3) How did you overcome them?/How did you face the challenges?

4) Who is your role model/idol/ideal person?

5) Who supported you in your hardship?

6) Does your family support you?

7) Who inspired you?/Who is motivator?/Who motivated you?

8) Which message will you give to the youth?

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Leaflet on Yoga Class

Leaflet on Yoga Class

Leaflet on Yoga Class
Are you worried about your health?
Are you not getting peace of mind?
If yes,
We have the solution.
Join our YOGA class.
Yoga is as a disciplined method for attaining a goal.
Yoga is a technique of controlling the body and the mind.
Get solution to your problems.
Do join our YOGA class today.
We teach scientifically and technically perfect Yoga.
We have well experienced experts.
Come one. Come all.

Come at –
Horizon Health and fitness Club
M.I.D.C. Chalisgaon

§    Timing     :- 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.
§    Fess         :- 1000 per month
Do come and secure your life.

Grammar quiz no.11

Grammar quiz no.11

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Parent's letter of consent Click on the following link and download the pdf. Here is one model of Parent's letter of consent. It is essential to take such letter from the parents before allowing students to attend the school or college regularly.

Pdf parents consent letter

1.4 Big Data - Big Insights. Online Test Prepared By - Jayant Ingole Sir.

1.4 Big Data - Big Insights. Online Test Prepared By - Jayant Ingole Sir.

1.4 Big Data - Big Insights. Online Test Prepared By - Tushar Chavan Sir.

1.4 Big Data - Big Insights. Online Test Prepared By - Tushar Chavan Sir.

Compering for Prize Distribution Ceremony

Compering for Prize Distribution Ceremony

Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script of the same.

1Introduction – A brief introduction of the programme / function / show. 

Good morning to one and all present here. We are gathered here for ………. . The guests have arrived here. Let’s welcome them with a thunder of applause. 
2. Lighting the lamp 
I call upon the honourable chief guest ……. And the Principal of our college light the lamp and garland the photos of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Savitribai Fule and Fatima Sheikh. 
I request all the dignitaries to take their respective seats on the stage. Please come over here sirs. 

3. Welcome song
Now I request Mrs. ………. Madam and her team to recite the welcome song. 

4. Welcome speech – Welcome of all guests. Felicitation – felicitation of the guests (the principal, vice principal etc.) 
I request honourable Prinicipal ….. to welcome the chief guest honourable ……. with bouquet and book, also felicitate with shawl and shreefal. 
I urge the vice Principal ….. to welcome The Principal by offering bouquet . ……… Thank you. 

5. Main events 
Now I request the honourable principal …… to deliver an introductory speech on the occasion. 
Thank you sir for apprising us with achievement of our college. 
Now the Prize Time .
1. I request the honourable chief guest to confer the award of sports.
I call upon SushilKumar and team to receive the trophy for cricket .

Mohan Kusale and team for Kabbadi.

Suhas Aswale and team for volleyball

2. I request honourable principal to confer award for cultural events and academic events.
I call upon Juhi and team to accept the trophy for group dance .

Manish Vasake for Individual dance.
Shruti Thamke for student of the year. 

3. I request honourable chief guest ….. to guide us with his mesmerising speech.
Thank you sir for this guidance. 

6. Vote of thanks
I call upon Suraj Nahate to propose vote of thanks. 
