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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Leaflet on Donations - Blind Relief Fund

Leaflet on Donations - Blind Relief Fund

Leaflet on Donations

Q.6. (B) Write a leaflet to collect donations for ‘Blind Relief Fund’.
Use the following points.
       a) Use slogans.
       b) Declare gifts.
       c) Time of rally. 
       d) Make an appeal by one organization.

Donate for Blinds

We are trying to make a history in our city.

Do you want to join us?

If yes, do join us in our campaign for building

the ‘Blind Relief Fund’.

“Donate Money, Help Many”

This is a very pious and humanly work.

Please donate us as much as you could.


     Your money will be used :-

     1) To create a strong and powerful future for our blind brothers.

      2) To give education, technical skill and musical ability to them.

     3) To give job opportunities to them.



We organized a rally for collecting funds.

Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohali will lead the rally.

Highest donor will be honoured by Sachin and Virat.

So kindly help to our deprived brothers.

Contact: - The President,

Young India Club, M.I.D.C.

Station Road, Chalisgaon.

Dist. Jalgaon

Mobile No. 9850737199

(Online payment of donations will also be accepted)

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