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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Framing Interview Questions - Guidelines and examples

Framing Interview Questions - Guidelines and examples

Framing Interview Questions

Guidelines for framing interview questions:- 
(Compiled by 'Think Tank Group')

1) Use simple and acceptable language while framing interview questions.

2) Some questions should be assisted with statements to make it more convincing.

3) The questions must be based on the given points or hints.

4) It should have a short intro and sum up.

5) It should contain introductory question, content questions, probing questions and closing question.

6) The initial few questions should be about past events and in past tense. (2 to 3). The middle questions should be about present events so they must be in present tense (3-4). The ending questions should be about future plans actions or message for audience/people/generation.

7) The sequence of the questions should be chronological with the life events and proper tenses.

8) Questions should be relevant to the topic.

9) Grammar structure must be given priority.

10) Number of questions should be 8 to 10 only.


Prof.R.D.Dhumal, Junior College, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur

Q. Imagine that you are going to interview a Sarpanch of a village, who has been selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award’. Frame a set of 8 to10 questions to interview him/her.                                                                                      
An Audience/Talk with Sarpanch
Namaste Sushila Tai!
    Welcome and hearty congratulations being selected for ‘Adarsh Gaon Award’.
       Here are a few questions to you about your journey towards this achievement.

1) How do you feel as being selected for this award?

2) Were you sure to get this award in the beginning?

3) Please, share with us something about your planning and efforts to achieve this award.

4) What challenges did come across at the initial stage?

5) How about getting the support of your villagers in implementing various schemes and   projects?

6) We have heard that you all had taken collective efforts without government funding, why is it so?

7) As a leader, which initiatives and drives do you think were responsible for cultivating good habits among the villagers?

8) Whom do you consider as a main catalyst for the change?

9) Achieving the award may be bit easy for you but what about maintaining it in future times?

10) What is your future aspiration? And give a few suggestions for the betterment of other villages.

          Here, I am sure that your village and you are really creditable for this award.
                          Thank You,               
           Best of luck for the Award Felicitation Function!

Q. Imagine that you are college representative of your college. You have to take an interview of Health Minister / Spokesperson of State Government. Frame questions to take the interview.


Prof. Khetani Murad, Shree Shahu Jr. College, Pamdharwada Dist. Yavatmal:

Good morning sir, I welcome you, thank you so much for sharing your precious time for the interview. I want to ask you some questions regarding the problem the world is facing due to covid19, lockdown.

1) What special arrangements are being made to tackle this problem?

2) How are the people responding to the situations?

3) What difficulties the administration facing to handle the situation?

4) Do you think that we will be able to overcome the situation? How?

5) What arrangements have been made to support the poor and the downtrodden in our state/country?

6) What special medical facilities are arranged to curb down the virus?

7) Are you thinking to extend the lock down for some more days as the situation in some states and parts of our country is not yet under control?

8) What message do you want to give the citizens of our country /state in this situation?

Thank you so much Sir once again for sparing your precious time.

Prof. B G. Badgujar:

Additional Questions:-

1) How can we remove fear of the people regarding the present situation?                               

2) Are the Government's attempts worth to overcome the situation?  

3) Is there enough care taken to supply basic commodities to the common people?                  

4) What would be some more cares to be taken to overcome the situation?      

5) Are the people afraid of their future time? What would be government's steps?                                        

6) How would be the loss of education compensated in coming days?

7) Are you thinking to extend the lock down period? 

8) Will the lock down be completely relaxed or in parts?

Prof. Sanjay B. Patil (KTHM college, Nashik)

Good morning,sir.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for sparing your precious time amidst this period of crisis.

1) Can you briefly explain what this novel Corona Virus is?

2) Why is it spreading so quickly?

3) What are the common symptoms of cornovairus?

4) How social distancing will help to overcome this pandemic?

5) How would a complete lockdown be the only solution to overcome this epidemic?

6) What is your plan B if we get out of stock of medicine, food grains and other essential commodities?

7) What possible arrangements have been made for the underprivileged class during the complete lock down period?

8) What preventive measures would be taken in this period of crisis?

9) What's your advice to the nation?

Thanks for sharing your views and giving valuable official instructions through this interview. We will accept your advice and assure to join your hands.

Interview Questions for Dietitian

Prof Vaishali Jane, Ajabrao Wankhede Jr. College, Kohali Tal. Kalmeshwar. Dist. Nagpur

Good morning Sir / Madam. Welcome to our studio. You are one of the renowned dietitians of our city. I want to know various valuable things from you. Recently you got the ‘Dhanwantari award’ from medical council of Maharashtra. Heartily congratulations to you.

1) How do you feel after getting success in your career?

2) How did you come into this field?

3) Does the changing life style affect on the diet?

4) How do you handle a difficult patient with a serious health condition?

5) What was your most rewarding treatment experience?

6) Have you ever given lectures about nutrition?

7) Do you think that today people are becoming health conscious?

8) Do you think that proper nutritious diet and regular exercise are essential for good health?

9) Do you think that diet plays the vital role in human health?

10) Which message would you like to give in general regarding health? 

Thanks for giving your valuable time for us. Your interview is really informative. All doubts are cleared now. Thanks once again.

Prof.Sayeed Solapure, Rajabahu Mone, Jr. College, Goregaon Dist. Raigad

Interview questions for a Doctor.

Good morning sir, happy to see you. 

1) Why did you choose the medical field as your career?

2) Would you describe your journey in your own words?

3) What difficulties did you face to become a doctor?

4) Why did you choose to be a surgeon?

5) What are your hobbies and interests?

6) What are the social responsibilities of a doctor?

7) What is your philosophy of life?

8) Do you have gone through any challenging medical case in your career?

9) What steps do you take to prevent medical malpractice?

10) Any message from you for the budding doctors?

Thanks for giving the valuable interview. Your interview will be published in our college magazine. It will be a reliable source of information for all. Thanks again.

Common interview questions for any well known person

Prof Vaishali Jane, Ajabrao Wankhede Jr. College, Kohali Tal. Kalmeshwar. Dist. Nagpur

1) How do you feel after achieving the success in your field?

2) What hardships/difficulties/challenges did you face?

3) How did you overcome them?/How did you face the challenges?

4) Who is your role model/idol/ideal person?

5) Who supported you in your hardship?

6) Does your family support you?

7) Who inspired you?/Who is motivator?/Who motivated you?

8) Which message will you give to the youth?

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