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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Tips to help you remember new words:

*Tips to help you remember new words:*

*Look it up*

*If you come across a word you don't know, try to find out what it means.*

*Look up the meaning in a dictionary or ask someone for help to understand it.* 

*Write down the meaning in English and in your own language.* 

*Use it.*

*It's easy to remember a new word for a few minutes – but how can you remember it after a day, or a week?*

*The trick is to use it. Use it in a sentence. Try to make a creative, memorable sentence, something you can picture and that will stay in your mind.*

*Write down three creative sentences using the new word, then read them out loud. If it helps, you can even draw a picture to help remember the meaning of your sentence.* 

*Can you tell a story using different forms of the word? It's very hard to remember a list of words – but it's easy to remember a story.*

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