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Friday, January 8, 2021

Activity Sheet Pattern Std 12

Activity Sheet Pattern Std 12

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and

Higher Secondary Education

Sub. : English Std. Xll

Activity Sheet Format (80 Marks)

Subject — Compulsory English

Class - Xll

SECTION 1 : Prose

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping)

Q. 1 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (Seen extract from Section No.1 consisting of 275-300 words)[12]

A I ) Global understanding    02

A2) Complex factual               02

A3) Inference/Interpretation/Analysis   02

A4) Personal response                              02

AS) Language study                                  02

A6) Vocabulary                                  02

B) Language Study (Non - textual Grammar)

B I ) Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence         03

B2) Spot the error      01

Q. 2A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (Unseen extract consisting of 275-300 words)

A I ) Global understanding       02

A2) Complex factual                  02

A3) Inference/Interpretation/Analysis  02

A4) Personal response              02

AS) Language study                   02

A6) Vocabulary                           02

B) Summary Writing:.              (03)

Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points/hints.

C) Mind Mapping: (03)

 Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame/design using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate/develop on the given topic.



Q.3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below:

(Seen extract from a poem of about of 10 — 15 lines)

A 1 ) Global understanding      02

A2) Inference/Interpretative/AnaIysis  02

A3) Personal Response        02

A4) Poetic Device                 02

AS) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines)        02


Read the extract and write as per the instructions:

(Seen extract of  10 — 15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q.3 A)



Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below:

A. Drafting Virtual Messages/ Statement ofPurpose/Group Discussion.   (04)

B. Email/Report Writing/lnterview. (04)

C. Speech/Compering/Expansion of Ideas.(04)

D. Review/Blog/Appeal.   (04)


(In A, B, C and D paper setter should frame activities on all types in each set as options. Students are required to attempt any one activity from each set)



Q.5 (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:.    (04)

I . Activities on History of English Novel  02

2. Activities on History ofEnglish Novel   02

(Activities to be framed on MCQ/Match the columns/ChronoIogicaI order/FiII in the Blanks/True False/Elements ofNovel OR any other novel activity) (Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)

(Please Note: Activities in Q.5 A should be framed on textbook content no. 4.1)

B. Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04)
 (Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

1. Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss  02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify 02 (Please Note: Activities in Q.5 B should be framed on textbook content no. 4.2)

C.  Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (04)
 (Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)

1.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss 02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify 02 (Please Note: Activities in Q.5 C should be framed on textbook content no. 4.3)

D.     Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below:

(Questions to be framed on elements such as Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/ Language/Character)

 1.Describe/Explain/Compare/Contrast/Name/Discuss 02

2.Illustrate/Interpret/Narrate/Justify/Find/Identify   02

 (Please Note: Activities in Q.5 D should be framed on textbook content no. 4.4)

Note/instructions for paper setters:

Q. I to Q.4 are purely activity based questions.

Grammar activities should be functional (in activity format) and not in a plain instruction based type.

In case of mind mapping — the model answer will bejust for reference and cannot be treated as exact.

Activities should not be repeated by any means throughout the activity sheet.

Varieties/NoveI activities are expected throughout the activity sheet.

Sec V Q.5 B, C, D are purely memory based questions. Though varieties of options are mentioned at each place, similar format should not be repeated throughout Section V.

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