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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Review : Yuvakbharati English Std XI

Review : Yuvakbharati English Std XI

The newly introduced English Yuvakbharti Std XI book is not just a textbook but a course book cum Activity workbook. The very design of the cover page gives idea of rich content inside. The book opens with preface addressing students. Dr. Sunil Magar, Director of M. S. Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research, Pune welcomes students and stresses the importance learning language. A message for teachers ‘Before We Teach….’ is a very good initiative to get the idea about how to deal with the course book. Expectations about the competencies are much higher but essential at this level to cope up with modern era. Basic skills LSRWC are much focussed. Language study also is given prime importance in the course book. Ice Breakers in activity forms encourage students to participate in learning process and lead towards the anticipation of the content. Introduction of the writer, speaker, poet and playwright is the unique feature brought back in the course book. The photos of the writer and poets add effect in the intro of them. It helps to understand the lessons, poems and scenes of dramas. Glossaries given on right/left sides with some activities to complete is also a welcome drive. Space given there can be used by students to note down meaning of new words given by teachers. Considering the fact that every page has margin, the length of the content seems to be more. The important word / expressions are given in bold letters. Brainstorming part is creative expecting students’ participation. It has a lot of activities to be done. Activities focus not only on learning language but absorbing the social awareness. Content covers the wide range of text from literary extract to renowned speech. It touches the most important aspects of modern world. Humanity, adventurous sport, agricultural need, governance, defence are the prime aspects focussed on in the text. It introduces the students with a lot of career opportunities. Thorough study of the course book will enable students to grab the career opportunities.
Poetry section is enriched with the work of great poets of English literature. Though it is tough for the students to comprehend, they will enjoy the beauty of poetic work with little more efforts.

Writing skill section included in the course book caters to the need of modern era. Due to inclusion of writing skill in the course book, there will be one single format all over Maharashtra. Expansion of ideas has scope to inculcate habit of thinking among the students. Blog writing, film review and the art of compering helps students to develop their personality and even to make their career.
Drama section gives the taste English Literature. It also facilitates to lift the spoken nuisances of English language. Reading span also is increased while dealing with dramas. Reading of drama captures the attention students for longer period of time.

Thus the book is a very good medium of implementing teaching learning process. The book is completely learner centred. After the completion of this course the students will be cured of English phobia.

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