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Saturday, January 16, 2021

How to deal with the poem*

*How to deal with the poem*

I would like to share some points regarding poetry section.

1. Ask students to read the poem twice or thrice completely.

 2. Let them decide the topic / theme/ subject/ message (if any) of the poem.

3. Don't discuss the title first.

4. New words and meanings are given. If possible ask them to use a good dictionary for more support.

5. Don't Teach the poem. Let the students find out the meaning/ message.

 Enjoy the beauty of the words and ideas with the support of poetic devices.

6. Ask to compose few lines. At least one line in English.
Ex .Open Road... compose a line on Road/ Life is like a  road/ how road u can compare & so on...
If it is possible, we can create the activities from different point of views.

7) One more point
Why I like this poem? / Dislike
My personal opinion.
Best lines from the poem ? Why?


*Prof. Dr. Suhasini Jadhav*

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