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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Certain Tips for spelling

Certain Tips for spelling

Spelling is to be caught
Rather than to be taught.

1. Keeping an eye on the word for some more time while reading.
2. Reading the spelling of certain words at early stage loudly.
3. Moving finger below the words while reading.
4. Copying new words in notebook.
5. Making use of crossword.
6. Writing words in sand.
7. Reading wrappers of toffee, cookies, packed groceries etc.
8. Making a list of things in the kitchen, drawing hall, dinning hall, classroom, school premises, garden etc.
9. Finding words in a word . 1. Without changing order. 2. In reverse order.
10. Forming words from a word. ( no repetition of letters )
11. Associating spelling of a word which is often misspelled with something memorable.
 I used to commit mistake while writing 'tomorrow' . Double m or double r  is the confusion for me. Now I remember it as Tom-or-row .
40 - Forty (larger digit smaller spelling )
14 - Fourteen ( Smaller digit, lager spelling )

Some more different tips can be added. Keep the habit of writing full spelling in SMS also.

There are certain rules to form spellings. But memorising them is another problem for the children. So better let them catch the spelling.

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