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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Silent Letters.

*Silent Letters*

List of the words with silent letters

*A silent letter is a letter that is not pronounced, but it is written in a word.*

There are a lot of words with silent letters in English.

*(Rules of making letters silent)*

Here are the simple tips to remember the silent letters.

*B* is often silent after M (mb) and before T (bt):  bomb, debt

*C* is silent after S (sc): muscle, scene

*E* is silent at the end of the words: name; hope

*G* is often silent before N (gn): gnarled, foreign

*H* is silent after W (wh): what, when

*K* is often silent before N (kn): knife, know

*L* is often silent before M, F, K, D, (lm, lf, lk, ld): calm, half, yolk, could

*N* is often silent after M (mn): autumn, column

*P* is silent in the suffix “psych”: psychology

*T* is often silent after S (st), and at the end of the words of French origin: castle, hasten

*U* is silent before I (uI) and E (ue): guilty, guess

*W* is often silent before R (wr) and H (wh): wrong , whare is the list of words with silent letters

✴B: bomb – climb – crumb –lamb – limb – comb –numb – plumb – thumb – tomb – womb – debt – doubt;

✴C: ascent – fascinate – muscle – scene – scissors – crescent – descent – scenario – scent;
Ch: yacht;

✴D: handkerchief – handsome – Wednesday – sandwich;

✴G:  – gnash – gnat – gnaw – gnome  –  align  – campaign – gnarled – design – foreign – malign – reign – sign – assign;

✴H: haute cuisine – heir  – honour  – hour – ghost – what – when – where – why – while – whether –white - rhythm;

✴K: knack – knee – kneel – knife – knight – knit – knob – knot – know – knuckle;

✴L: balm – calm – calf – half – yolk – palm – psalm – chalk – talk – walk – could – should – would – colonel – almond – salmon;

✴N: autumn – column – condemn – damn – hymn – solemn;

✴P: psalm – psephology – psychic – ptarmigan – pterodactyl – psychology – receipt – corps – coup;

✴S: aisle – island – debris – Illinois

✴T: bristle – fasten – listen – mortgage – soften – thistle – wrestle – castle – hustle – chestnut - ballet –buffet – chalet – crochet – valet – debut - beret;

✴U: biscuit – build – circuit – disguise – guilty – league – rogue – vague – guess – guest – guide – guitar-antique – cheque;

✴W: wrangle – wrap – wreath – wreck – wrench – wrestle – wriggle – wring – write – wrong – answer – sword – towards –  two – whole  – who – whom – whose

*Compiled by-*

*Prof. Tushar Chavan*

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