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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Tushar sir about activity workbook.

There are four parts in our textbook – Prose, poetry, Writing skills and Novels.
In case of prose, initially, you will have to understand the story by reading it for pleasure. Once you understand the summary and theme (what the writer wants to tell us through the story) half of the work is done.Then go through the prose again to find out difficult words and their meanings ,  then solve the questions given below the text related to language study.
In case of poetry, you have to read the poem twice as it’s a bit difficult part as compared to prose. Here you will have to understand meaning hidden between the lines. After reading poem, read the questions given below where you get more idea about the theme. Then try to write the paraphrase of the poem in short and of course in your own words.
Writing skill section is really helpful even in day to day life as now a days we use technology, we need to be brief and to the point which can be learnt through summary writing, virtual messages etc. Last year in std.XI , we have learnt e- mails, blog writing  etc. ,all  writing skills and grammar  which we have learnt in std. XI are even helpful for std. XII board exam, Only textbook is different than that of std .XI.

*Now the last part of our textbook is Novel section. Here you have to be more careful as you won’t get extract in the exam like you get in prose or poetry section. You have to study the novel section minutely for giving answers of various questions based on history of novels and also the three novels in the textbook.
Here, as history of novels, is compulsory for all exams, you can prepare notes in various forms like tree diagrams, web charts, point wise notes so that you can understand the whole content at a glance. And for other three novels, which are really interesting and change our perspective towards life, first read them for pleasure… you can find theme, synopsis, list of characters ready in the textbook. So things have become easy for you. Studying them for getting marks is necessary but more than that enjoying them as a form of literature is more important. So don’t miss that pleasure while studying this section.

As the evaluation pattern is Activity Based, there is need of ample practice of various activities on each section of the text as well as other written communication. So do use good Activity Work Book for such practice. It will help to see the different kinds of activities on each topic. It gives a chance of self study. The writing skill section needs specific format. Few writing skill topics need specific templates. Without it, students can't get good marks. So take care of it while writing answers.

The most important thing is I would like to appreciate your efforts to study since rely even during this difficult period of lockdown due to COVID 19. But children, no matter what the situation is, we teachers are also trying our level best to reach you in this situation. So take help of your teachers as well, while using the above tips.
 All the best to all of you.

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