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Friday, August 21, 2020

Spot The Error.

Spot the error

*1) 'From where' used instead of 'where'*

*Don't say:* From where can I buy a good watch?

*Say:* Where can I buy a good watch?

*Where* means at what place, while *from where* denotes the point of origin. 

e.g. From where do tourists come?  

*2) 'Exception to' not 'exception of'*

*Don't say:* This is an exception of the rule

*Say:* This is an exception to the rule

*3) 'To get rid of' and not 'To get rid from'*

*Don't say:* I will be glad to get rid from him

*Say:* I will be glad to get rid of him.

*4) 'Use 'look at' and not 'look to'*

*Don't say:* Look to this beautiful picture.

*Say:* Look at this beautiful picture.

*5) Use 'married to' and not 'married with'* 

*Don't say:* Sunita married with a rich man.

*Say:* Sunita married to a rich man.

Enjoy learning
Prof. Tushar Chavan.

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