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Saturday, January 30, 2021

1.4 Big Data : Big Insights. Online Test prepared by - Hina Sayyad, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalaya, Bansarola.

1.4 Big Data : Big Insights. Online Test.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

 Quote of the Day- Inspiring thoughts

1) Talent takes you to the top but behaviour decides how long you stay there. 


2) "I trust you"

is a better compliment than

"I love you"

because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.


3) Language has a great impact...

"Those who speak rude cannot sell Honey"


"Those who speak Sweet can sell Chillies"


4) There is no sugar if sugarcanes are not pressed, no perfume if flowers are not crushed.

If you feel any pressure in life, it means God is bringing the best out of you.


5) The day you stop worrying about what people think about you is the day you start living your life. 

Let them do the thinking and you do the living.


6) Successful relations don't depend on How Good Understanding we have


It depends on How Nicely we avoid Mis-Understanding.


7) To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to.


8) Don't look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won't let you face them alone


9) The greatest mistake we make in our relationships- 

We listen half, 

Understand quarter,

Think zero and 

React double.


10) Sometimes in Life, we become so focused on the Finish Line, that we fail to enjoy the Journey.....


11) The best revenge is happiness,

because nothing drives people crazier then seeing someone actually having a good life.


12) An intelligent man understands what is being said.

A wise man understands what is left unsaid. 


13) TEARS can be TRUSTED more than SMILE

because you can EASILY SMILE at anybody, but CAN’T CRY without TRUE FEELINGS. 


14) Company of good people is like walking into a shop of perfume.........🌹

Whether you buy the perfume or not, you are bound to receive the fragrance......🌹


15) Your VALUE doesn't decrease due to someone's inability to see your WORTH.


16) Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.


17) Successful people always have two things on their lips- smile and silence. Smile is to solve problems and silence is to avoid problems.


18) Kill tension

before tension kills you.

Reach your goal

before goal kicks you.

Live life before

        life leaves you.

19) Character, Maturity, Relationships and Love are always to be judged In the worst conditions,

Otherwise everyone Seems good at Coffee table.

20) The richest wealth is Wisdom.  The strongest weapon is Patience.  The best security is Faith.  The greatest tonic is Laughter. Surprisingly all are free.


21) Working for Success

Will make you a Master,


Working for Satisfaction

Will make you a Legend. 


22) Anger ' is the false show of strength by a

' Weak Person ' ....


' Politeness ' and a

' Cool Mind ' reflects dignity & strength of a

' Strong Person '....


23) With trust even silence is understood. 

Without trust every word is misunderstood.

Trust is the soul of relationships ....

24) Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing, love ends when you stop caring.

25) We Always Ensure Our Hands & Spoons Are Clean Before Serving To Others, So Also Ensure That Your Heart & Mind Is Absolutely Clean Before Offering Your Words To Others.


26) Life is a choice between




Ageing adds years to life


Growing adds life to years.



27) You are a good person when circumstances suit your temper; But you become an Excellent person when you make your temper suitable to any Circumstances.

28) The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back...

29) The main fuel to speed progress is our stock of knowledge, and the brake is our lack of imagination. 





Friday, January 29, 2021

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil. Part 3

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil. Part 3

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil. Part 2

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil. Part 2

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil.

XI. 1.3 The Call Of The Soil.

Drafting Speech.

Drafting Speech.

Writing skills tips.

Writing skills tips.

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice. Vdo part 3

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice. Vdo part 3

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice. Vdo part 2

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice. Vdo part 2

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice. Vdo part 1

1.3 The Call Of The Soil: A Scent Of Rice.vdo

Monday, January 25, 2021

जनविकास महाविद्यालय प्रजासत्ताक दिन.

प्रजासत्ताक दिन 

Republic day Wishes:

Republic day Wishes:

1. This Republic Day, let us celebrate the true spirit of patriotism. Happy Republic Day!

2. We, the youth of India, should take a pledge that we will protect our nation till our last breath. Happy Republic Day!

3. Hold your head high, and let the world know that you are proud to be an Indian. Vande Mataram and Happy Republic Day.

4. On this special day, let us promise our motherland that we will do everything to enrich and preserve our heritage. Happy Republic Day.

5. Let us celebrate this Republic Day remembering the martyred soldiers and what they did for India. 

Std. XI- Unit Test- First

Std. XI- Unit Test- First

Unit Test No. 1

Std. XI (English)

Marks: 25

Time: 1 Hour 30 Min.


Q.1. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.(13)

The next thing Moru Dada wanted to do was spray some pesticide on the plants. He claimed that it would give a higher yield. This was something we did not want to do. We were clear that we would not use any chemicals and tried to explain it to him. He reacted as if we had suggested hara-kiri. It took a lot of convincing to ensure that Moru Dada and his friends did not use any chemicals on the farm. They refused to understand how crops could grow without sprays.

          Contrary to what everyone had told us, nature did her job and she needed no bribes to get the work done. Soon it was harvest time and we managed a respectable 300 kilograms. An awful lot of moong and with it a lot of confidence. Now I was certain the land was fertile and that it was possible to grow crops without chemicals. It was a major morale booster.

The Scent of Rice

          The first year I was late for the rice-sowing season and had to resort to growing the GR4 variety that was short term and recommended by the agricultural officers at Kosbad. The next year we decided that we would start early and try to find some good traditional variety of rice to grow. We had read about traditional varieties of rice and knew that they did not require very high inputs of fertilizers. These varieties were also quite strong and resisted pests. We were sure that it was this type of rice that would grow well in our farm where we did not use any chemicals at all. Our previous year’s experience and low yield had taught us a lesson and we were sure we would not plant hybrids this year.

           In April 2005, we started to look for a good variety of traditional rice. It was one of our neighbours in the village, a businessman from Mumbai who owned land, who suggested that we plant a local scented variety of rice. Most of the farmers in and around the village of Peth had switched over to hybrids. The younger generation of farmers thought I was crazy to ask for the ‘desi’ variety, as they called it. My regular visits to the villages around searching for a good traditional variety also did not yield any results and we were almost giving up hope.

A1. True or False   (2)

Rewrite the following statements and state whether they are true or false.

1) Most of the farmers used hybrid variety in their farm.

2) The writer needed traditional variety of rice.

3) The land of the narrator was not fertile.

4) The writer agreed to spray pesticides on the crop.

A2. Give reasons   (2)

The writer wanted to grow the traditional variety of rice because------

A3. Guess   (2)

The writer almost gave up hope of finding the desi variety of rice. Guess its reasons.

A4. Personal response. (2)

Note down any two problems faced by the farmer nowadays in your locality.

A5. Language Study (2)

Do as directed.

1) This was something we did not want to do.

(Make simple sentence)

2) In April 2005, we started to look for a good variety of traditional rice.

( Frame a wh- type question to get the underlined words as answer)

3) Most of the farmers in and around the village of Peth had switched over to hybrids.

(Identify the tense)

A6. Vocabulary.           (2)

Match word given under ‘A’ with their meaning under ‘B’.



1) morale

a) try to prevent

2) resisted

b) capable of producing crops

3) traditional

c) confidence

4) fertile

d) conventional






Q.2. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.  (08)

Eight years have passed

Since I placed my cherry seed in the grass.

“Must have a tree of my own,” I said,

And watered it once and went to bed

And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Though no one's caring very much or knowing.

And suddenly that summer near the end of May,

I found a tree had come to stay.

It was very small, five months child,

Lost in the tall grass running wild.

Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scythe

Split it apart and a monsoon blight

Shrivelled the slender stem...... Even so,

Next spring I watched three new shoots grow,

The young tree struggle, upward thrust

Its arms in a fresh fierce lust

For light and air and sun.


A1. Complete  (2)

1) The thought which prompted the poet to plant the cherry seed is --

2) The threats for the cherry tree are---- 1) ----------- 2) ----------3) ------

A2. Explain  (2)

The young tree struggle, upward thrust. Its arms in a fresh fierce lust.

(Explain these lines)

A3. Personal Response (2)

Give your experience of planting or caring a tree in few words.

A4. Poetic device  (2)

Find out one example from the extract for the following figures of speech:

1) Alliteration              

2) Antithesis

Q.3. Write any one of the following. (04)

1) E- Mail Writing

Write an e mail with proper format to the Divisional Officer, Satpuda Mountain Ranges, Nagpur, seeking permission for the mountaineering expedition to be organized by your college.

Use the following points:

E - mail address:

Give number of persons ready for mountaineering, give assurance to follow rules and regulations, give dates of expedition etc.


2) Letter Writing

You want a bona fide certificate in order to get concession in MSRTC bus monthly pass fare. Write a letter of application to the principal of your junior college requesting him/her to issue you the same.

Use the following points:  

Name: XYZ, Class- XI (A), Register No. 4212, Give date of birth.

Need to get bona fide certificate to get concession in travelling.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Std. XII. Biology 7. Plant Growth And Mineral Nutrition. Online test Prepared by - Sakshi Shingare, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalya. Bansarola.

7. Plant Growth And Mineral Nutrition. Online test.

Std. XII 4.4 The Sign of Four

4.4 The Sign of Four


4.4 The Sign of Four- Novel 

Writer: Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle:

         Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Holmes. He created the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for ‘A Study in Scarlet’. Four novels and fifty-six short stories include Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. The Sherlock Holmes stories are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction.

Doyle was a prolific writer. Other than Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories as well as plays, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels.

The Novel: The Sign of Four:

         ‘The Sign of Four’ is the second novel of Arthur Conan Doyle in which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson solve the mystery of the hidden treasure and murder. This story has references of Indian places. In the text book the story begins from Chapter II. Here the suspense of the invitation and the journey to find out the reality are given.


Sherlock Holmes: He is the story’s protagonist. He is the famous detective. He has a supreme or almost superhuman intelligence that allows him to solve the difficult cases.

Mary Morstan: A young woman who needs Holmes’ help. Miss Morstan comes to Sherlock Holmes to see if he can help her find out what happened to her father, Captain Morstan, who disappeared a few years previously.

Thaddeus Sholto: Thaddeus Sholto is one of Major Sholto’s sons. He is brother of Bartholomew Sholto. He is an unusual character. Thaddeus is the one who decides to contact Miss Morstan and asks her to meet him.

Toby: Trained Dog

Dr.John Watson: He is the narrator of the story and Sherlock Holmes’ loyal assistant. He is a doctor by profession.

Major Sholto: Guard of Andaman, criminal

Tonga: He is a native of the Andaman Islands who was helped by Jonathan Small when suffering from ill health. So, he is loyal to Small. (Criminal)

Jonathan Small: He is the wooden-legged man who seeks revenge on Major Sholto for the theft of the Agra treasure. He is one of “the four” original men who acquired the treasure. A wooden legged man, criminal

Captain Morstan: Captain Morstan was an officer in the British army who served in India. He is Mary Morstan’s father, and his unexplained disappearance is the catalyst for the novella’s plot. He was a friend of Major Sholto.

Major Sholto: He is the father of Bartholomew and Thaddeus Sholto. He was a friend of Captain Morstan, with whom he served in India.

Abdullah Khan: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four” and the man who told Jonathan Small about the Agra treasure.

Dost Akbar: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four.” He lures the merchant—the man who is carrying the Agra treasure—into the trap set by the other men.

Mahomet Singh: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four.” He colluded with Jonathan Small, Abdullah Khan and Dost Akbar to seize the Agra treasure.


Essence of Sign of the Four:

           It has a complex plot involving service in India, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, a stolen Agra treasure, and a secret pact among four convicts ("the Four" of the title) and two corrupt prison guards. It also introduces Dr. Watson's future wife, Mary Morstan.


Theme of the extract:

           The theme of the novel revolves around the Agra treasure. Throughout the story, the appearance of the treasure leads to a direct and often tragic change in the lives of the characters. Because of this, it is important that the removal of the treasure would cause the characters to return to their previous position. The shallowness of wealth and the destruction that can come through it is also seen prevailing throughout the novel. As the Agra treasure directly and adversely affects almost everyone. In the course of the story, the Sheik’s emissary and Bartholomew are both murdered for the treasure, Tonga is killed while fleeing with it, and Small is sentenced to life imprisonment. Additionally, both Thaddeus and his father spent their lives constantly in fear about wooden legged men, and about strangers in general.

Grammar quiz no.16. Online test

Grammar quiz no.16

E- Mail Writing

E- Mail Writing


E – Mail Writing

Guidelines for writing an e- mail:

1) E- Mail: Electronic mail (also known as email or e-mail) is one of the most commonly used services on the Internet, allowing people to send messages to one or more recipients.

2) E – Mail must be written in the specific template. Draw such template in the exam.

3) Write imaginary e – mail ID of the addressee, if it is not given.

4) Write the main point of the message in the subject line.

5) In salutation write Dear Sir, Respected Sir, Dear Rahul etc.

6) Keep the email short and to the point.

7) Write two paragraphs only.

8) You can end the email by just writing your name.

9) Emails can be either formal or informal.

10) No need to write anything after BC or BCC.

Activity: 1

Write an e mail to the Head Master of your school to grant a leave for four days. Use the following points.

Name: X.Y.Z., Reason: Unable to attend classes due to fever, Request to grant a leave. Use proper format.

Write to (e – mail id):





Search Mail:------------------









More Labels

Subject: Leave application


Respected Sir,

I am a student in your School. I am studying in Class- Xth, Division A. Respectfully I want to say that I am suffering from malaria fever from two days. It is very difficult for me to attend the regular classes. I am weak due to illness. The doctor advised me to take a rest of four days. I attached a medical certificate along with this letter.

So, I request you to grant me a leave for four days. I assure you that I will complete my pending work as soon as I recover from this illness.

Thank you,

Yours Obediently,




Forward                                                 Attachment


State Leve Speech by - Varsha Gaikwad.

State Leve Speech by - Varsha Gaikwad.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Types of Characters

Types of Characters:-

 1)Protagonist and Antagonist:- A story needs a central character, or hero, or protagonist. Often this main character must oppose a villain or antagonist. Both are major characters in the story. The fiction writer must spend a great deal of time developing these types of characters by using the techniques of characters description, action by the character, and dialogue.

 2)Major and Minor Characters:- Stories include major characters, such as the protagonist and antagonist. Stories often include minor characters. These are characters who the fiction writer defines by a single idea or quality. These types of characters are necessary for the story, but they are not important. These are secondary characters to the story.

 3) Flat and Round Characters:- A character can also be identified in terms of flat or round characters. A flat character is a minor character in the story. This type of character doesn’t change as the story progresses.
Round characters, on the other hand, must deal with conflict in the story and are change by it. The writer develops these types of characters by using character descriptions and dialogue. Round characters are all the major characters of the story, including the hero and villain.

4) Static and Dynamic Characters:- Another way of defining a character is in terms of “static character” or “dynamic character.” A static character is a minor character in the story and plays a supporting role to the main character. Static characters don’t change as the story progresses. The fiction writer spends little time developing static characters.
In contrast, a dynamic character is a round character. This type of character grows and develops as the story advances. The fiction writer spends a great deal of time developing these types of characters. They are believable and can be memorable.

Physics. Rotational Dynamics. Online test. Prepared by - Vishal Gore, 12th Science, Janvikas Mahavidyalya,Bansarola.

Physics. Rotational Dynamics. Online test.

Biology - Chapter 2 Reproduction in lower and higher animals. MHT CET/ NEET MCQ.

Biology - Chapter 2 Reproduction in lower and higher animals. MHT CET/ NEET MCQ.

Biology - Reproduction in lower and higher plants. MHT CET/ NEET MCQ.

Biology - Reproduction in lower and higher plants. MHT CET/ NEET MCQ.

PDF of Std. XI - First Term ExamClick on the following link and download the PDF file of activity sheet.

PDF of Std. XI - First Term Exam

PDF of Std. XI - First Term Exam

Click on the following link and download the PDF file of activity sheet.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

*Online Grammar Test No. 55**Do solve it*

*Online Grammar Test No. 55**Do solve it*

Review : Yuvakbharati English Std XI

Review : Yuvakbharati English Std XI

The newly introduced English Yuvakbharti Std XI book is not just a textbook but a course book cum Activity workbook. The very design of the cover page gives idea of rich content inside. The book opens with preface addressing students. Dr. Sunil Magar, Director of M. S. Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum Research, Pune welcomes students and stresses the importance learning language. A message for teachers ‘Before We Teach….’ is a very good initiative to get the idea about how to deal with the course book. Expectations about the competencies are much higher but essential at this level to cope up with modern era. Basic skills LSRWC are much focussed. Language study also is given prime importance in the course book. Ice Breakers in activity forms encourage students to participate in learning process and lead towards the anticipation of the content. Introduction of the writer, speaker, poet and playwright is the unique feature brought back in the course book. The photos of the writer and poets add effect in the intro of them. It helps to understand the lessons, poems and scenes of dramas. Glossaries given on right/left sides with some activities to complete is also a welcome drive. Space given there can be used by students to note down meaning of new words given by teachers. Considering the fact that every page has margin, the length of the content seems to be more. The important word / expressions are given in bold letters. Brainstorming part is creative expecting students’ participation. It has a lot of activities to be done. Activities focus not only on learning language but absorbing the social awareness. Content covers the wide range of text from literary extract to renowned speech. It touches the most important aspects of modern world. Humanity, adventurous sport, agricultural need, governance, defence are the prime aspects focussed on in the text. It introduces the students with a lot of career opportunities. Thorough study of the course book will enable students to grab the career opportunities.
Poetry section is enriched with the work of great poets of English literature. Though it is tough for the students to comprehend, they will enjoy the beauty of poetic work with little more efforts.

Writing skill section included in the course book caters to the need of modern era. Due to inclusion of writing skill in the course book, there will be one single format all over Maharashtra. Expansion of ideas has scope to inculcate habit of thinking among the students. Blog writing, film review and the art of compering helps students to develop their personality and even to make their career.
Drama section gives the taste English Literature. It also facilitates to lift the spoken nuisances of English language. Reading span also is increased while dealing with dramas. Reading of drama captures the attention students for longer period of time.

Thus the book is a very good medium of implementing teaching learning process. The book is completely learner centred. After the completion of this course the students will be cured of English phobia.

Grammar quiz no.3

Grammar quiz no.3

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Common Error -1*Doesn’t/Don’t or Weren’t/Was

*Common Error -1*

Doesn’t/Don’t or Weren’t/Was

Many people make mistakes with doesn’t/don’t(contractions of does not or do not). Doesn’t is singular and don’t is plural. Whenever you get confused, use the whole word and you will understand better.

He doesn’t
He wasn’t
They don’t
They weren’t

*Common Error -2*

Phrases that follow the subject

Take a look at these examples and understand how many people get confuse by the phrase that follows the subject and use the wrong verb.


One of the best institutes in India is IIT
The posters pasted on the wall were colourful
Actor, along with his two security guards, leaves for the day./Two Actors, along with their security guards, leave for the day

*Common Error -3*

Special singular subjects

Some nouns or subject end with the alphabet ‘s’ but are singular.

List of such words:

Currency(Dollars, Rupees, Euros) mathematics civics politics news checkers physics athletics economics

*Common Error - 4*

Pronouns and verb agreement

They can be a problem for even some of the best English speakers, but if you can learn the singular and plural pronouns, it would make things easier. Basically, all you have to do is learn these plural pronouns and the rest are singular.

Plural pronouns: both, few, many, several, others 
Plural pronouns require plural verbs.

Example:  Both of us have to go to the party
Many people were taking a walk in the park yesterday

Singular pronouns: each, anyone, nobody, either, everybody, one, neither, everyone, somebody, anybody, no one, someone.

Singular pronouns require singular verbs.

Each of the men wants his own car
Neither of the shipments has arrived
Singular/Plural Pronouns: all, any, most, none, some

If I am teaching a poem how would I go?

If I am teaching a poem how would I go?        Poem is for enjoyment and learning also. It is meant for beauty and adds the feeling s of interest.The students enjoys the beauty of the poem for the longer period of time. We teachers might be remembering some of the beautiful poems we learnt long back.The credit of this goes to our teachers and also our active participation in the classroom teaching.              Let's decide teaching steps for maximum learning of a poem.                   1. The teacher should  introduce the title and  tell its meaning. The students should be attracted to go through the poem .                 2. The teacher should read the poem with proper pronunciation, intonation and stress.           3. He should ask the students to read it loudly. May be one or two students to increase students' confidence.  The teacher would ask them for silent  reading for comprehension.                                   4. The teacher would introduce difficult words, some time give hints and let the students learn freely at their own.                                       5.The teacher may  tell the summary in simple possible words or ask the students to tell the contents by asking simple  questions.                              5. The teacher should take each activity one by one according to the format. The teacher should help them to discover the answers.                        6. One important thing is the teacher should give clues, key points etc. to make the students feel that they are able answer at their own.                           This sort of feeling of the students makes their learning easy. The overall participation of students make the learning easy.

*Prof. B. G. Badgujar*
*Ex - BOS*

How to deal with the poem in the classroom*

*How to deal with the poem in the classroom*

1) Discussion on Title

2) Ice breakers

3) Information of poet

4) Reading of the poem

5) New words and their meaning

6) Paraphrase

7) Figures of
 speech with exclamation

8) Special features

9) Activity sheet

*I follow these steps.*

*Are these steps good?*

*Students are mostly not ready to participate*

*What to do for it?*

How to deal with the poem*

*How to deal with the poem*

I would like to share some points regarding poetry section.

1. Ask students to read the poem twice or thrice completely.

 2. Let them decide the topic / theme/ subject/ message (if any) of the poem.

3. Don't discuss the title first.

4. New words and meanings are given. If possible ask them to use a good dictionary for more support.

5. Don't Teach the poem. Let the students find out the meaning/ message.

 Enjoy the beauty of the words and ideas with the support of poetic devices.

6. Ask to compose few lines. At least one line in English.
Ex .Open Road... compose a line on Road/ Life is like a  road/ how road u can compare & so on...
If it is possible, we can create the activities from different point of views.

7) One more point
Why I like this poem? / Dislike
My personal opinion.
Best lines from the poem ? Why?


*Prof. Dr. Suhasini Jadhav*

Construction material:

Construction material:

1. Sand

2. Soil

3. Mud

4. Rock

5. Stone

6. Gravel

7. Pebble
a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.

8. Boulder
a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion.

9. Concrete

10. Rubble

11. Lime

12. Brick 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Make PPT Video.*🥳🥳PPT बनवा आता तुमच्या मोबाईलवर🥳🥳*🥳super background designs🥳

Make PPT Video.

*🥳🥳PPT बनवा आता तुमच्या मोबाईलवर🥳🥳*
🥳super background designs
🥳effective animations effects
🥳attractive transaction effects
आता हे सर्व power point presentation चे features मोबाईलमध्येही....कसे वापरायचे????
*त्यासाठी खालील व्हिडीओ नक्की पहा..👇👇👇👇*

*🔹प्रत्येक वर्गाचे प्रत्येक विषयाचे दर्जेदार अ‍ॅनिमेटेड शैक्षणिक व्हिडीओ पाहण्यासाठी खालील लिंक वर क्लिक करा🔹* 
  *🦋वनिता मल्हारी मोरे🦋*
        *सांगली कडेगाव* 

आज जनविकास महाविद्यालयात डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर मराठवाडा विद्यापिठ नामविस्तारदिन साजरा करण्यात आला.

आज जनविकास महाविद्यालयात डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर मराठवाडा विद्यापिठ नामविस्तारदिन साजरा करण्यात आला. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Std. XII - First Term Exam - Model Activity Sheet

Std. XII - First Term Exam - Model Activity Sheet

First Term Exam - Model Activity Sheet for Practice:

First Term Exam- Std. XII

Marks: 50   Activity Sheet                 

Time: Two Hours


SECTION I – PROSE (24 marks)

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study and Summary)

Q. 1 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.  (12)


                    Punctually at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of palmyra writing. His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.

                  The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position—placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit's eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-colored' turban around his head. This color scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park.

                 It was a remarkable place in many ways: a surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and, above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnuts who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it Bombay Ice-Cream one day, and on the next Delhi Almond, and on the third Raja’s Delicacy, and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him.

A1. Web (2)

Compete the web with the professional equipment of the astrologer mentioned in the extract.



A2. Describe   (2)

Describe the market place in 50 words.       

A3. Find         (2)

The prophet made special arrangements to attract people. Find its proof from the extract

A4. Personal Response      (2)

Write in 50 words about the career you like to choose in your life.

A5. Language Study            (2)

Do as directed.

1) This color scheme never failed.

(Make affirmative without changing the meaning)

2) To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-colored turban around his head.

(Choose the correct compound sentence form for this sentence.)

a) To crown the effect and he wound a saffron-colored turban around his head.

b) He crowned the effect and wound a saffron-colored turban around his head.

c) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head and crowned the effect.

A6. Vocabulary                   (2)

Match the words given in ‘A’ with their meanings given in ‘B’.



1) punctually

a) unclear

2) remarkable

b) holy

3) obscure

c) striking

4) sacred

d) at the proper time





B) Language Study                        (4)

1) Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence     (3)

a) We have been in Sector 9, Jalgaon ---------------1990.

(Rewrite the sentence choosing the correct preposition from the following alternatives)

1) from

2) about

3) since

4) for

b) The information ------------- be true. I do not know.

(Rewrite the sentence choosing the correct modal auxiliary from the following alternatives)

1) should

2) must

3) ought to

4) may

c) If you are not strong, you will fail. ( Rewrite the sentence removing 'not')

2) Spot the error    (1)

The sun will rise in the East.

Q. 2 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below.  (05)

Human resources is used to describe both the people who work for a company or organization and the department responsible for managing resources related to employees. The term human resources was first coined in the 1960s when the value of labour relations began to garner attention and when notions such as motivation, organizational behavior, and selection assessments began to take shape.

Human resource management is a contemporary term used to describe the management and development of employees in an organization. It is also called personnel or talent management. Human resource management involves overseeing all things related to managing an organization’s human capital.

Human resource management is therefore focused on a number of major areas, including: Recruiting and staffing, Compensation and benefits, Training and learning and Labor and employee relations.

Due to the many areas of human resource management, it is typical for professionals in this field to possess specific expertise in one or more areas. Human resource management involves developing and administering programs that are designed to increase the effectiveness of an organization or business. It includes the entire spectrum of creating, managing, and cultivating the employer-employee relationship.

For most organizations, agencies, and businesses, the human resources department is responsible for:

1)    Managing job recruitment, selection, and promotion

2)    Developing and overseeing employee benefits and wellness programs

3)    Developing, promoting, and enforcing personnel policies

4)    Promoting employee career development and job training

5)    Providing orientation programs for new hires

6)    Providing guidance regarding disciplinary actions

7)    Serving as a primary contact for work-site injuries or accidents

HR department pays attention on employee strengths. Companies must make every effort to understand what candidates and employees do best and put them into roles where they can play to their strengths as much as possible.

A1. True or False          (2)

Rewrite the following statements and state whether they are true or false.

1) Human resource department works only for employees and not for the companies or businesses.

2) Human resource management involves developing and administering programs to increase the effectiveness of an organization or business.

3) The term human resources was first coined in the 1950s.

4) Human resource department includes the entire spectrum of creating, managing, and cultivating the employer-employee relationship.

A2. Complete            (2)

Human resource management is focused on -----------

1) -------------------------------------------

2) -------------------------------------------

3) -------------------------------------------

4) -------------------------------------------

A3. Language study     (1)

 1) Human resource management is a contemporary term used to describe the management and development of employees in an organization.

(Choose and write the correct use of ‘not only ------ but also’)

a) Human resource management is not only a contemporary term used to describe the management but also development of employees in an organization.

b) Human resource management is a contemporary term used to not only describe the management but also development of employees in an organization.

c) Human resource management is a contemporary term used to describe not only the management but also development of employees in an organization.

B) Summary Writing       (3)

Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below. Suggest a suitable title for it.  

Points: Importance of HRD dept, its work, work system, major responsibilities etc.


Q.3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below    (10)

WEAVERS, weaving at break of day,

Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . .

Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,

We weave the robes of a new-born child.


Weavers, weaving at fall of night,

Why do you weave a garment so bright? . . .

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,

We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.


Weavers, weaving solemn and still,

What do you weave in the moonlight chill? . . .

White as a feather and white as a cloud,

We weave a dead man's funeral shroud.

A1. Complete           (2)

Complete the table taking information from the extract.

Weaver’s work

Time of the day

Events of life

Early Morning






A2. Describe            (2)

Describe the work of weavers at the fall of night.

A3. Personal response       (2)

Express your views in 50 words about the present condition of weavers working in the cloth factory.

A4. Poetic device    (2)

Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.

(Name and explain the figure of speech. Find another example of the same from the extract)

A5. Poetic creativity          (2)

Compose two poetic lines making rhyme with the following line.             

Weavers, weaving solemn and still,



B. APPRECIATION        (04)

Read the extract and write as per the instruction given below.

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,

Healthy, free, the world before me,

The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.


Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,

Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,

Strong and content I travel the open road.


The earth, that is sufficient,

I do not want the constellations any nearer,

I know they are very well where they are,

I know they suffice for those who belong to them.


(Still here I carry my old delicious burdens,

I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go,

I swear it is impossible for me to get rid of them,

I am fill’d with them, and I will fill them in return.)

With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the above poem.                            

1) About the poem      

2) The theme

3) Poetic style              

4) Your opinion about the poem


Q.4 A) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.(04)

1) E-mail Writing

Write an e mail with proper format to the service department to raise the complaint about newly purchased mobile phone. Use the following points.

You have bought a mobile phone on Bumper Sale by Amazing India Online Service. Mobile has heating and software problem. Problem arises within guaranteed replacement period. Request to replace the phone.

Write a mail to:


2) Report Writing

Write a report of the celebration of Maharashtra day in your junior college.

Hints: The time students assembled in college, the arrival of the chief guest and others dignitaries, flag – hoisting, Speeches, detailed program, cultural programme, vote of thanks etc.


3) Framing Interview Questions         


Imagine that the election is over and you have new ‘Sarpanch’ for your village. You have to take an interview of the newly elected ‘Sarpanch’. Frame questions with introductory and concluding sentences.

Q.4 B) Complete the activities as per the instructions given below.(04)

1) Review Writing

Write a film review that you have seen recently using the following points

1) Story      

2) Characterisation      

3) Music and songs      

4) Theme  

5) Action   

6) Special features      

7) Weak points            

8) Your opinion about the film


2) Blog Writing

Write a blog using proper format on the topic- ‘Trees our Best Friends’.

Hints: Explain the concept, give benefits of trees, suggest ways to protect trees, draw picture of tree or plant.


3) Appeal Writing

Prepare an appeal through your organization for Eye Donation.

Use the following points:

a) Give programme  

b) Make a persuasive

c) Venue and date   

d) Contact information        


Q.5. Complete the activities given below as per the instructions     (04) 

1) Pick out the odd element from the group. (2)

(i) Arun Joshi, Vikram Seth, Graham Greene, Kiran Nagarkar

(ii) Place, Period, Theme, Climate, Lifestyle

(iii) Theme, Plot, Character, Novella

(iv) Billy Budd, Pearl, Joseph Conrad, Death In Venice

2) Fill in the blanks with the right words. (2)

1) There are ------------------ elements essential of ‘Novel’ or “Novella’. 

(five, six, seven)

2) Theme is the ------------------ in the novel which can be expressed in a nutshell.

(central idea, setting, plot)

3) In the first half of the 20th century a cult of ‘----------------- magazines’ became popular.

(amazing, pulp, powerful)

4) Space travel, time travel, and extraterrestrial life may be seen in ------------fiction.                                             

(historical, gothic, science)
