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Sunday, February 28, 2021

9 WhatsApp Chat Messages

9 WhatsApp Chat Messages:

1. Howdy? = How are you?/ How are you doing? (कसं काय चालू आहे?)

2. Wassup/Whaddup = What's up (काय चाललंय)

3. Wbu? = What about you? (तुझ्याबद्दल सांग)

4. lol = laugh out loud (जोरजोरात हसणे)

5. g2g = got to go (मला जावे लागेल)

6. imy = I miss you (मला तुझी आठवण येत आहे)

7. np = no problem (काहीही समस्या नाही)

8. ppl = people (लोक)

9. pls = please (कृपया)

12th English 04 Imp tips for Board exam 2021 | English subject activity sheet must know facts

12th English 04 Imp tips for Board exam 2021 | English subject activity sheet must know facts

Saturday, February 27, 2021

12th, HSC Board Exam. संभाव्य वेळापत्रक.

12th, HSC Board Exam. संभाव्य वेळापत्रक.

Restaurant Conversations: (हॉटेलमधील संवाद)

Restaurant Conversations: (हॉटेलमधील संवाद)

1. We'd like a table for two, please. (आम्हाला दोघांकरिता टेबल हवा आहे)

2. I have a reservation under the name of [mention your name]. (--- या नावाने आमचे बुकिंग झाले आहे)

3. Could you bring us the menu, please? (कृपया मेनू कार्ड द्याल का?)

4. Do you have a set menu? (तुमच्याकडे सेट मेनू आहे का?)

5. Could you bring us the salt/pepper/vinegar, please? (कृपया मीठ/मिरपूड/व्हीनेगार आणा)

6. I'll have a soup as a starter. (मला स्टार्टरला सूप हवा आहे)

7. I'll have the steak for the main course. (मला मेन कोर्सला स्टिक हवा आहे)

8. I'll have it rare/medium/well done, please. (मला ते कमी शिजवलेले/मध्यम शिजवलेले/व्यवस्थित शिजवलेले हवे आहे)

9. Where's the washroom, please? (येथे स्वच्छतागृह कोठे आहे?)

10. Could I have the bill, please? (कृपया मला बिल द्या.)

11. It's under the name of [mention your name]. (--- या नावावर बिल आहे)

12. May we sit at this table, please? (आम्ही या टेबलावर बसू शकतो का?)

13. We are ready to order now. (आम्ही आता ऑर्डर देण्यासाठी तयार आहोत)

14. Can I pay by card? (मी कार्डने बिलचा भरणा करू शकतो का?)

15. Do you take credit cards? (तुम्ही क्रेडीट कार्ड स्वीकारता का?)

16. No thanks, I would like to order.... (नाही धन्यवाद, मला --- ची ऑर्डर द्यायची आहे)

17. Could you please bring me a Mocktail, please? (माझ्यासाठी मॉकटेल आणा)

18. Is this served with... (salad)? (हे सॅलड बरोबर वाढले जाते का?)

19. That's all, thank you! (ठीक आहे, धन्यवाद!)

Friday, February 26, 2021


ओडिसा राज्यामध्ये Hercules company च्या वतीने Triathlon स्पर्धा आयोजित करण्यात आली होती. त्यामध्ये 750 mtr Sea Swimming 🏊‍♂️,  20 Km Cycling 🚴‍♂️, 5 Km. Running 🏃‍♂️ मध्ये आपल्या जनविकास महाविद्यालयाचा T.Y. चा विद्यार्थी चि. ओम हरीश बालवडकर याने तृतीय क्रमांक मिळवला आहे आहे. याबद्दल त्याचे अभिनंदन .💐💐

3.1 Summary Writing

3.1 Summary Writing

3.1 Summary Writing

Ice Breakers:

A) Guess the correct alternative for the following.

1) To summarize means ------------------------     
(a) Put information in chronological order
(b) To recapitulate the main points in selection
(c) To introduce new information
(d) To write one’s opinion about selection

b) To recapitulate the main points in selection 

2) The type of summary that consists of a paragraph to express the main idea is ----------------

(a) Outline (b) Report  (c) Synopsis (d) Written summary

(d) Written summary

Ways of writing and its description:
Ways of writing
It includes main ideas into one’s own words.
It must be identical to the original and match the document word by word.
Precis writing
It includes taking broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.
It includes not just the main idea but every detail expressed clearly and to the point.
It includes selection of proper lines from the given text for correction, condensation and organization.
Gist writing
It includes the most essential part or the crux of the matter.

Points to be remember:

    1)    Read and re-read the passage.
    2)    Understand the content of the passage.
    3)    Read the instructions and hints.
    4)    Find exactly what you need to summarise.
    5)    Identify the main idea.
    6)    Form short sentences on your own.
    7)    Connect the sentences using linkers.
    8)    Keep only key ideas.
    9)    Omit details, examples and statistical information.
   10)  Avoid your own interpretation.

Steps for Summary Writing-

1: Read the article twice.

2: Ask questions about the purpose of writing.

3: Identify the main idea.

4: Write the first draft.

5: Revise your first draft and edit it.

6: Write the final draft.

How to learn Summary Writing:

        Summary writing is a writing skill. It needs practice. Take small passage initially. Read it carefully. Calculate the words. Try to reduce each sentence without losing its sense. Remove examples and illustrations if any. Avoid repeated and unnecessary information. Use simple sentences. Use one word for group of words where ever possible.
e.g. The person who leads India = India’s Captain
            Search the key words and join them with relevant words. Reduce the passage up to one third. 
            Give the title to the summary considering the central idea of the passage.

Video created by:-
Mrs. J.V.Bauchakar
Kakasaheb Chavan College,
Tal. Patan
Dist. Satara

See the video:-

Prof. Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
Orator, Author and College Teacher


Summary Writing Video Presentation
By: Prof. Pravin Mulay
Member Board of Studies,
Master Trainer and Resource Person



1.3 The Call Of Soil : A Scent Of Rice. Online Test Prepared By - Mayuri Jadhav, 11th Science Student, Janvikas Mshavidyalaya, Bansarola.

1.3 The Call Of Soil : A Scent Of Rice. Online Test Prepared By - Mayuri Jadhav, 11th Science Student, Janvikas Mshavidyalaya, Bansarola.

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

Ice Breakers:-

(i) Given below is a two-way communication cycle or the process of communication.

(a) Can you guess the role of the sender and the receiver in this process? What do we encode? What do we decode?


Role of sender: 
The person who initiates (delivers) a message in the communication process is called the ‘sender’ or communicator. The sender might be a speaker, a writer or someone who merely gestures.

Role of receiver: 
In the communication process, the "receiver" is the listener, reader, or observer—that is, the individual (or the group of individuals) to whom a message is directed. The receiver is also called the ‘audience’ or decoder.

What do we encode?
Encoding is the process of translating mental images into understandable symbols that can be shared with receivers. We encode means we change the information into symbols, language or gestures

What do we decode?
Decode means to interpret the sender's message, both verbal and nonverbal, as quickly as possible. The process of interpreting the message is known as decoding. We decode means understand the message.

(b) People send messages to others for different purposes. Mention at least five purposes/reasons for which messages are generally sent.


1) To give information         

2) To express feelings           

3) To persuade

4) To give instruction

5) To educate or guide

6) To give or to take help

7) To influence others

8) To inspire       

9) To give suggestions

10) To express manners or etiquettes

(ii) Given below is a tree-diagram / table explaining two major types of messages. Complete the blank boxes in the diagram.


Written For
High official authority
Social media groups
Siblings or family members
Institution heads
Non – professionals

Drafting a Virtual Message:

Communication is an integral part of human nature. Exchange of ideas, thoughts and information from one person to another is communication. Before the advent of oral communication, non- verbal methods were used such as gestures, facial expressions and body movements.

Various forms of communication:

1) Oral       

2) Written 

3) Virtual

A Message:

A message is a short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to him directly. 
A message is an informal means of communication. The receiver of the message has to go through the given message and pick out the most important points of information.
Then, he/she should be able to reproduce that information in order to convey it to the person for whom it is intended.

Four types of messages:

1.Positive Messages:
(Convey good feelings through thanks, appreciation, expression of interest, sympathy, extended help, solace.)

2.Negative Messages:
(Convey disappointment, disapproval, dissatisfaction, messages of disapproval, disagreement, denial, refusal, cancellation, etc.)

3.Neutral Messages:
(No feelings, no emotions, no sentiments, dry messages, messages showing neither joy nor sorrow, messages that do not draw any conclusion)

4.Persuasive Messages:
(act that communicates persuasively, agreement on the writer’s point of view, use of convincing language or words)

Virtual Communication:

We define virtual communication as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology-audio and video to communicate with people who are not physically present in front of us.

Six major types of messages:

1.Directional Messages – 
Suggesting what should be done

2.Messages of Possibility – 
Telling about what may be happen

3.Messages of Reality – 
Presenting the truth

4.Messages of Necessity – 
Showing the need of the situation

5.New Idea Messages – 
Giving inspirational ideas

6.Reframing Messages – 
Showing new outlook

Message Writing:

Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The virtual conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted into a message for a third person. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips.

Points to remember:

1) Only the most important details should be written.

2) No new information should be added.

3) Grammatically correct sentences should be used.

4) Indirect or reported speech should be used.

5) The message should be written in simple language and without any abbreviations.

6) Check your message before you submit and send it.

7) Be friendly and polite.

8) Avoid the words that would create confusion or a chaotic situation.

Format of message:

1) Date

2) Time

3) Name of a person to whom the message is directed

4) Body of the message

5) Name of the writer / sender

6) Write message in a rectangular bracket

7) The word limit of a message should not exceed 50 words.


1) Make sure to use the language that is suitable for the reader.

2) Keep to the word limit  up to 50 words.

3) Do not add extra information. Message should be short and to-the-point.

4) Plan before you pen. Just make a list of all the important points so that 
you do not forget the relevant points while writing.

5) Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. 

6) Enclose the message within a box using a pencil or pen.

7) Do not use long sentences in the body of the message.

8) Indirect or reported speech must be used to write message.

Model Activity:

You are Aditya. Today you had the following conversation with Pranav, a friend of your elder brother, Arnav:

Pranav: Hello! Is it Aditya?

Aditya: Yes. I’m Aditya speaking. What can I do for you?

Pranav: Well, Aditya! I’m Pranav, your brother Arnav’s friend.

Aditya: Oh, I see. Well, my brother is not here now. So can I help you?

Pranav: Yes. Please convey him that he should bring my ‘Activity Work Book of English’ today in the college. I need it in the class.

Aditya: That’s fine. I’ll do that.

Pranav: Please donot forget it.

Aditya: I assure you about it. I will definitely convey your message to my brother.

As you are leaving for your school, write a message for your brother in about 50 words. Put your message in a box.


20 August,
9.30 a.m.
Dear Arnav,
Your friend Pranav called up to say that you had his ‘Activity Work Book of English’. He needs it in the class. So he asked you to bring it in the college. Please do not forget as I had assured him to convey his message to you.
Your brother,

For more examples, do buy ‘Activity Work Book for Std. XII’ by Prof. Tushar Chavan


Drafting a Virtual Message: Slide presentation

By- Prof. Sachin K. Havaldar

R.V.Nerurakar Jr. College,

Dombivli (E), Mumbai

4.4 The Sign of Four

4.4 The Sign of Four


4.4 The Sign of Four- Novel 

Writer: Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle:

         Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Holmes. He created the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for ‘A Study in Scarlet’. Four novels and fifty-six short stories include Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. The Sherlock Holmes stories are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction.

Doyle was a prolific writer. Other than Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories as well as plays, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels.

The Novel: The Sign of Four:

         ‘The Sign of Four’ is the second novel of Arthur Conan Doyle in which Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson solve the mystery of the hidden treasure and murder. This story has references of Indian places. In the text book the story begins from Chapter II. Here the suspense of the invitation and the journey to find out the reality are given.


Sherlock Holmes: He is the story’s protagonist. He is the famous detective. He has a supreme or almost superhuman intelligence that allows him to solve the difficult cases.

Mary Morstan: A young woman who needs Holmes’ help. Miss Morstan comes to Sherlock Holmes to see if he can help her find out what happened to her father, Captain Morstan, who disappeared a few years previously.

Thaddeus Sholto: Thaddeus Sholto is one of Major Sholto’s sons. He is brother of Bartholomew Sholto. He is an unusual character. Thaddeus is the one who decides to contact Miss Morstan and asks her to meet him.

Toby: Trained Dog

Dr.John Watson: He is the narrator of the story and Sherlock Holmes’ loyal assistant. He is a doctor by profession.

Major Sholto: Guard of Andaman, criminal

Tonga: He is a native of the Andaman Islands who was helped by Jonathan Small when suffering from ill health. So, he is loyal to Small. (Criminal)

Jonathan Small: He is the wooden-legged man who seeks revenge on Major Sholto for the theft of the Agra treasure. He is one of “the four” original men who acquired the treasure. A wooden legged man, criminal

Captain Morstan: Captain Morstan was an officer in the British army who served in India. He is Mary Morstan’s father, and his unexplained disappearance is the catalyst for the novella’s plot. He was a friend of Major Sholto.

Major Sholto: He is the father of Bartholomew and Thaddeus Sholto. He was a friend of Captain Morstan, with whom he served in India.

Abdullah Khan: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four” and the man who told Jonathan Small about the Agra treasure.

Dost Akbar: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four.” He lures the merchant—the man who is carrying the Agra treasure—into the trap set by the other men.

Mahomet Singh: He is an Indian man and one of the signatories of “the sign of the four.” He colluded with Jonathan Small, Abdullah Khan and Dost Akbar to seize the Agra treasure.


Essence of Sign of the Four:

           It has a complex plot involving service in India, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, a stolen Agra treasure, and a secret pact among four convicts ("the Four" of the title) and two corrupt prison guards. It also introduces Dr. Watson's future wife, Mary Morstan.


Theme of the extract:

           The theme of the novel revolves around the Agra treasure. Throughout the story, the appearance of the treasure leads to a direct and often tragic change in the lives of the characters. Because of this, it is important that the removal of the treasure would cause the characters to return to their previous position. The shallowness of wealth and the destruction that can come through it is also seen prevailing throughout the novel. As the Agra treasure directly and adversely affects almost everyone. In the course of the story, the Sheik’s emissary and Bartholomew are both murdered for the treasure, Tonga is killed while fleeing with it, and Small is sentenced to life imprisonment. Additionally, both Thaddeus and his father spent their lives constantly in fear about wooden legged men, and about strangers in general.

Slide Presentation:  The Sign of Four

Prof. Vijay K.Gaikwad

Ramabai Ambedkar College of Arts,

Saolio Dist. Chandrapur

Book Review

Book Review

Review writing

What is a Review:

1) The examining or considering again of something in order to decide if changes are necessary.

2) A look back at something in order to check, remember, or be clear about something.

3) To look at or think about something again to make sure that you understand it.

Book Review:

A book review is a thorough description, critical analysis, and/or evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of a book. It is also expressing individual views about any book.

Steps for writing a book review:

1) Title-

Give the appropriateness of the title. Try to give its meaning.

2) About the writer-

Give short information of the writer. His name and few other specialties.

3) Cover-

Give your views about the front and back cover page. If there are any pictures, figures, designs etc., mention its importance. Give your views if the cover page is attractive, effective and apt or not. Mention colour combination used there.

4) Introduction-

Give brief introduction of the book and why do you choose it.

5) Theme /Story/ Summary-

Give the central idea of the book. Do not disclose all the events (or suspense if any) of the story. Just give some hints about the story.

6) Content-

Give brief content of the book. But do not give all the events as they may affect the sale of the book.

7) Planning and Presentation-

Give your views about the chronological order and presentation of the content. See what kind of narration, description or format of telling events is given in the book. Give use language features.

8) Novelty / special features-

Mention the new remarkable things and specialties of the book appealing you most.

9) Conclusion-

Give your overall impression about the book and recommendation about reading/buying it.

10) Suggestion for writing a book revie in the exam-

Write review in simple and clear language. Write a review in 100 to 150 words. One page of the answer sheet is sufficient to write a book review.  Along with the book review, review of any magazine can also be given in the activity sheet. There will be no name of the book or magazine given. Students can write a review of any book or magazine.


Words of encouragement: (प्रोत्साहन देण्यासाठी काही वाक्ये)

Words of encouragement: (प्रोत्साहन देण्यासाठी काही वाक्ये)

1. You can do it! (तुम्ही ते करू शकता!)

2. Go for it! (ते करून पहा!)

3. You kept going, even when it was hard. (अवघड परिस्थितीसमोर तू हरला नाहीस)

4. You look so pleased to have done that. (तू ते पूर्ण केल्यावर खूप आनंदी दिसत आहेस)

5. Don't worry about it! (काळजी करू नकोस!)

6. You'll do better next time. (पुढल्यावेळी तू नक्कीच चांगल करशील)

7. It could have gone worse. (परिस्थिती आणखी हाताबाहेर गेली असती)

8. Be positive. (सकारात्मक रहा)

9. Every cloud has a silver lining. (दुर्भाग्याच्या काळ्या ढगांमध्ये आशेचा किरण असतो)

10. Don't give up. (हार मानू नकोस)

11. Practice makes a man perfect! (प्रयत्नांनी मनुष्य परिपूर्ण होतो)

12. You are strong and will get over it. (तू सामर्थ्यवान आहेस आणि तू यातून नक्कीच बाहेर पडशील)

13. Do the impossible. (अशक्य गोष्टी करण्याचा प्रयत्न करा)

14. The sky is the limit. (त्याला अजिबात मर्यादा नाही)

15. Give it a try! (प्रयत्न करून बघ!)

16. Stay strong! (कणखर रहा!)

17. Great! You did it on your own. (छान! तू ते स्वतः केलेस)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Review writing

*Review writing*

Review can be asked on

A short documentary film
A famous film of your choice
A book
A magazine
A famous series/serial on the television
Points for book review 

About the writer
Face Cover
Theme /Story/ Summary
Planning and Presentation 
Novelty / special features 
Points for film/short film/documentary film

Summary / central story
Main Characters
Graphics and Set design 
Special effects
Pleasure and joy to watch - reason 
Add your own points

*Source- Prof. Pravin Mulay, BOS, Balbhati, Pune*

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षेचे पेपर सोडवताना 'या' गोष्टी टाळा

🤓 *महत्वपूर्ण परीक्षेचे पेपर सोडवताना 'या' गोष्टी टाळा!*

🗞️ *Lets Talk | special*             

👉 सखोल अभ्यास करूनही अनेक विद्यार्थी परीक्षेच्या वेळी काही चुका करतात. ज्याचा परिणाम त्यांच्या मार्कावर, करिअर होतो. या चुका वेळीच सुधारणे शक्य आहे. त्यावर एक नजर...  

🧐 *_'या' चुका टाळा_* : 

▪️ वेळेचे नियोजन न करणे. विशेषकरून Language Objective, Written paper याचे नियोजन करा अन्यथा 10-15 मार्कांचा फटका बसू शकतो.

▪️ घाई-घाईत अर्धे वाक्य वाचून लगेच गोल करणे.

▪️ वाचताना गल्लत करणे. जसे कि सत्य नाहीत, असत्य नाही असे वाचण्यात चुकणे

▪️ एखादा प्रश्न कठीण वाटला तर त्याने आत्मविश्वास कमी करून पुढील सोपे प्रश्न पण चुकणे.

▪️ परिक्षेच्या अगोदर 3 दिवसांचे नियोजन नसणे.

▪️ दोन पेपरमधील टाईममध्ये पेपर कसा गेला? याची चर्चा करत बसणे. 

▪️ पेपर दरम्यान पुरेशी झोप न घेणे व जागरण करणे.

📌 आपण वरील चुका वेळीच सुधारून चुकांचे मूल्यमापन केले तर याच पुढेजाऊन नक्की फायदा होऊ शकतो.


*Quote of the day*

*Quote of the day*

*Make yourself in such a way that you are always part of the  solution, not the problem ..*

Interview Vocabulary:

Interview Vocabulary:

1. Accomplishment (सिद्धता) = something that has been achieved successfully
(काहीतरी यशस्वीपणे साध्य केले असल्यास)

2. Application (अर्ज) = a formal request to an authority
(एका अधिकारी व्यक्ती/संस्थेला केलेली औपचारिक विनंती)

3. Proficiency (प्राविण्य) = knowledge and skill
(ज्ञान आणि कौशल्य)

4. Skills (कौशल्ये) = Proficiency acquired through training or experience 
(सराव आणि अनुभवातून मिळविलेले नैपुण्य)

5. Goals (उद्दिष्टे) = things you want to accomplish
(ध्येय जे तुम्हाला गाठायचे असते)

6. Aptitude (अभिक्षमता) = a natural talent or ability; quickness in learning
(शिकण्यातील जलदगती, उपजत बुद्धी किंवा क्षमता)

7. Appraisal (मूल्यांकन) = an act of assessing something or someone
(एखाद्या गोष्टीचे किंवा व्यक्तीचे मूल्यांकन करण्याची कृती)
8. Increment (वेतनवाढ) = an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
(एखाद्या व्यक्तीच्या ठराविक वेतनतील होणारी वाढ)

9. Offer letter (प्रस्ताव पत्र) = A job offer letter is a document provided by the employer to the employee providing an offer for a job to the employee on selection through recruitment.
(उमेदवार भरतीनंतर उमेदवाराला नियोक्त्याद्वारे दिल्या जाणाऱ्या नोकरीच्या दस्तावेजाला नोकरीचे प्रस्ताव पत्र असे म्हणतात.)
10. Appointment letter (नियुक्ती पत्र) = A letter from an organization to someone to say that they have been given a job.
(एखाद्या व्यक्तीची नोकरीसाठी निवड झाल्यावर त्या संस्थेद्वारे दिल्या जाणाऱ्या पत्राला नियुक्ती पत्र असे म्हणतात.)

*STD. XII English**Guide lecture for board exam preparation* Date- 24 February 2021.

*STD. XII English**Guide lecture for board exam preparation* Date- 24 February 2021.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

1. Appreciating someone's photo

1. Appreciating someone's photo

(एखाद्याच्या छायाचित्राची प्रशंसा करणे)

a. That is a terrific photo! Who clicked it?

(हे छायाचित्र अतिशय छान आहे! कोणी काढले?

b. Wow! You look stunning. (if the photo is of a female).

जर एखाद्या स्त्रीचे छायाचित्र असेल तर तुम्ही म्हणू शकता - (व्वा! तू आकर्षक दिसत आहेस!)

c. You look amazing. Great picture!

(तू अप्रतिम दिसत आहेस. छायचित्र छान आहे!)
d. Nice shot! You are a very talented photographer. 

(खूप छान छायाचित्र आहे! तू खूप गुणवान छायाचित्रकार आहेस.)

e. That place looks incredible! Amazing picture!

(ते ठिकाण आश्चर्यजनक वाटत आहे! मस्त छायाचित्र!)

2. Wishing on someone's birthday

(एखाद्याच्या वाढदिवसादिवशी शुभेच्छा देणे)

a. Wish you a very Happy Birthday! Have a great day, and a great year ahead. 

(तुम्हाला जन्मदिनाच्या खूप-खूप शुभेच्छा! तुमचा दिवस आणि पूर्ण वर्ष छान जावो.)

b. If you are late in wishing: Belated birthday wishes. I am sorry that I missed wishing you yesterday.

जर शुभेच्छा देण्यास तुम्हाला विलंब झाला असेल तर, तुम्ही असे म्हणू शकता:

आपल्या काल झालेल्या जन्मदिनाबद्दल मी तुम्हाला शुभेच्छा देतो. मला माफ करावे कारण मी तुम्हाला काल शुभेच्छा देण्यास विसरलो.

3. Thanking someone 

(एखाद्याचे आभार मानणे)

a. Thank you so much for the wishes! 

(शुभेच्छा दिल्याबद्दल आपले खूप-खूप आभार!)

b. Thanks a lot for your compliments!

(शुभेच्छा दिल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद!)

c. Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me. 

(तुमच्या पाठींब्याबद्दल धन्यवाद. हे माझ्यासाठी खूप महत्त्वाचे आहे.)

Film review. Sholay

Film review. Sholay

Film review . points

Film review . points

आज महाविद्यालयात संत गाडगे महाराज जयंती साजरी करण्यात आली.

आज महाविद्यालयात संत गाडगे महाराज जयंती साजरी करण्यात आली. 

Board Exam Updates

Board Exam Updates. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Punctuation marks

Punctuation marks:

( . ) period, decimal point: We put a period (.) in the end of the sentence. 
He is an American.

semicolon: The semicolon is most commonly used to mark a break between two main clauses
The film was a critical success its lead actors were particularly praised.

( : ) colon: Colons are used between two main clauses in cases where the second clause explains or follows from the first:
We have a motto: live life to the full.

( ! ) exclamation mark: Exclamation marks are usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or show emphasis
‘Look up there!’ she yelled.

( ? ) question mark: Question mark is used to express doubt or uncertainty about something
Have you seen the film yet?

( ' ) apostrophe, prime: apostrophe is to show that a thing or person belongs or relates to someone or something
We met at Ben’s party yesterday.

( '' ) Quotation mark: are punctuation marks used in pairs to mark a section of text as speech, a quotation, a phrase, or an unusual word. 
"I hope you will be here," he said.

( () ) parenthesis: Parentheses are a pair of curved marks that are put around words or numbers to indicate that they are additional, separate, or less important.
The president (and his assistant) traveled by private jet.

( [] ) square bracket\bracket: are mainly used to enclose words added by someone other than the original writer or speaker, typically in order to clarify the situation:
He [the police officer] can’t prove they did it.

( {} ) brace brackets: Braces are also known as curly brackets "{ }".Braces are mostly used in music or poetry.
Music chords: [ {c, e, g} {e, g, c2} {g, c2, e2} ]

 ( < ) less than sign: is used to compare numbers and expressions.It denotes an inequality between two values
Number 3 is less than number 12, 3<12

( > ) greater than sign:  is used to compare numbers and expressions
Number 3 is greater than number 1, 3>1 

( $ ) dollar sign: used to indicate a price in dollars
I bought my daughter a new bike for $75

Activity Sheet Std 12 English

Activity Sheet Std 12 English


 Activity Sheet 

 Class -12
 Time - 3 hours                      Sub - English                                                              Marks - 80

 SECTION 1 : Prose (Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Mind Mapping)
 Que 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities.                  [12]

 There is a revolution in the lifestyle of people which has been affected by Big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our scientific pursuits, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees. The massive data available with us can really work wonders. Friends, do you know what happens when we like a post on Facebook or share a post on WhatsApp, visit any website, make online purchases, or watch videos? Yes, whatever activity we do online is recorded, monitored and analysed. So a huge amount of data is collected. Let me give you an idea of how huge the data might be. Big Data can be petabytes or exabytes of data consisting of billions to trillions of records of millions of people- all from different sources, for example web, sales, customer contact centre, social media, mobile data and so on. The data available to industries and companies is enormously increasing in volume, variation, velocity, veracity and value. Such a Big Data is easy to obtain but so massive that it challenges the current computing technologies and hence Big Data analytics is used to give insights that were previously incomprehensible. Big Data analytics is the complex process of examining large and varied data sets or Big Data to uncover information- such as hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends and customer preferences. With such a huge data available with the industries they can have innumerable advantages hence all the industries are trying to reap the maximum benefit from it. Many industries have advanced by miles from their competitors. It’s not the amount of data that is important but what the organizations do with the data is what matters. Uses of Big Data 1. Location Tracking : Big Data has been useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of a place. Your GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data. With geographic positioning and radio frequency identification sensors we get the real-time data about traffic, congestion on a particular route, information if the route is closed or if it is a one-way route, understanding accident prone areas etc. You can plan your own route according to the travel time and the transportation of goods. If you have ordered something online you can track the location of your goods in transit, you can also track the condition of the goods. This has immensely helped the logistics companies to reduce risks in transport, improve speed and reliability in delivery. 2. Understanding the Weather Patterns : There are weather sensors and satellites set-up all around the globe. Huge amount of data is continuously being received from them. They help us to understand the weather and help in weather forecasting. Weather patterns give us warnings of the impending natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Necessary preparations to combat them can be made well in advance. We can study global warming, predict availability of natural resources like water. 

A1. Global Understanding                                                                                                      2 
 Complete the web chart. 

 A2. Complex Factual                                                                                                              2
 State whether the following statements are true or false. 

1. Everything including food habits, healthcare and travelling has changed 360 degrees.
2. Whatever activity we do offline is recorded and monitored. 
3. Big Data can be gigabyte.
4. The available data is enormously increasing in 5 Vs.

 A3. Inference/ Interpretation/ Analysis 2
 By using Big Data the condition of goods can be checked. Explain 
 A4. Personal Response 2 Narrate how will you make use of Big Data. 
 A5. Language Study 2 

1. Choose the statement of passive voice.
 a. Many industries have advanced by miles from their competitors. 
 b. Huge amount of data is continuously being received from them. 

 2. Big Data has been useful in identifying and tracking the exact location of place. (Use 'to identify' and rewrite the sentence making necessary changes.)

 A6. Vocabulary 2 
Find four words with a similar meaning to 'massive'. 
 B1. Language Study [3]
1.  The novel has ….. beginning , a middle and … end . (Rewrite using suitable articles.) 
2. The joker …. the circus was wearing a big hat …. his head. (Rewrite using suitable prepositions.) 3. Fraternity means a sense of common brotherhood of all Indians. (Frame wh question to get the underlined part as an answer.)

 B2 Spot the error and correct the sentence. [1] 

I was not completed the task. 

 Que 2. (A) Read the activity read the extract and do all the activities: 12 Marks 

 Oil is one of the world's major sources of energy. We depend on it as fuel for heating, transport and generation of power. For centuries, animal and vegetable oils have been used for cooking and as a source of artificial light. But it is mineral oil which meets most of the world's needs today. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thick brown or black liquid with a strong smell. It is a complex mixture of many different substances, each with its own individual qualities. Most of them are combinations of hydrogen and carbon in varying proportions. Such hydro-carbons are also found in other forms such as bitumen, asphalt and natural gas. Mineral oil originates from the carcasses of tiny animals and from plants that live in the sea. Over millions of years these dead creatures form large deposits under the sea bed and ocean currents cover them with a blanket of sand and silt. As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock and effectively shuts out the oxygen so preventing the complete decomposition of the marine deposits underneath. The layers of sedimentary rock become thicker and heavier. Their pressure produces heat, which transforms the tiny carcasses into crude oil in a process that is still going on today. The earth's crust is split into a few huge continental plates which move continuously rather like rafts on a sluggish tide. Geologists call this movement as ‘continental drift’. 

A1. Choose the statements that summarise the extract. (2)
 1. We depend on oil as a source of energy.
 2. Oil is used as fuel. 
3. The world today needs only mineral oil. 
4. Crude mineral oil comes out of the earth as a thin brown or blue liquid with a strong smell. 

A2. Complete the flow chart about formation of crude oil. (2) 
A3. Describe the process of ‘Continental drift’ formation. (2) 
 A4. State the importance of oil. (2) 
A5. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed :
 (i) Oil is one of the world's major sources of energy. (Choose the negative sentence for it). (1)

a. Oil is not the world’s only major source of energy. 
b. No other source of energy is as major as oil.
 c. Oil is not one of the World’s major sources of energy. 
d. Very few world’s sources of energy are as major as oil. 

(ii) As this material hardens, it becomes sedimentary rock. (Make it a compound sentence.) (1)
 A6. Give the homophones of : 1. One 2. Heating 3. Light 4. Sea (2) 
A5. Give your friend an advice to save energy. (2) 
B. Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below and suggest a suitable title. [3] 
Oil as a source of energy—our dependence—types of oil—mineral oil—origin of crude oil—formation of crude oil—forming of sedimentary rocks—continental drift. 
C. Mind Mapping (3) 
Develop a 'Mind Mapping' frame / design to show the 'Benefits of games and sports' to the students. You can take the help of the following points in order to develop each of them into further branches: (Fitness and stamina, team spirit and sportsmanship, group behaviour, killer's instinct, will to win) 

 Que 3 A Read the extract (The Poem)and do all the activities .[10] 

 Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road, 
Healthy, free, the world before me, 
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose. 
Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune, 
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing, 
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms, 
Strong and content I travel the open road. 
The earth, that is sufficient, 
I do not want the constellations any nearer, 
I know they are very well where they are,
 I know they suffice for those who belong to them.
 (Still here I carry my old delicious burdens,
 I carry them, men and women,
 I carry them with me wherever I go,
 I swear it is impossible for me to get rid of them,
 I am fill’d with them, and I will fill them in return.)

 A1. Complete the following statements. (2) 
1. The poet takes to the……….. road. 
2. The world before the poet is ……. and ……. 
3. The poet does not ask for……… 
A2. Pick out the lines that show the poet's fearlessness and self confidence. (2) 
A3. The road associates rich and poor. Explain. (2) 
À4. "I myself am good fortune" Name and explain the figures of speech. Give another similar example. (2) .
A5. Write four poetic lines on The Road to School. (2) 

 B. Appreciation (4)

 Read the extract and write as per the instructions: 

 My father travels on the late evening train 
Standing among silent commuters in the yellow light 
Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes 
His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat 
Stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books 
Is falling apart. 
His eyes dimmed by age 
Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night. 
Now I can see him getting off the train 
Like a word dropped from a long sentence. 
He hurries across the length of the grey platform, 
Crosses the railway line, enters the lane, 
His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward. 
 Home again, I see him drinking weak tea, 
Eating a stale chapati, reading a book. 

 With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the above extract. 

  About the poem / poet and the title
· The theme
· Poetic Style
· Language /Poetic devices
· Special features
· Message, values, morals in the poem
· Your opinions about the poem

 Section III (Writing Skills) 

 Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. [16] 

 (A) You are Mayank, a personal assistant to Ms Pawar. She was not at office when Mr Warpe rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in your note- pad. 

 Draft the message for Ms Pawar using the information in your notes given below. 
Mr Warpe- rang up - 5pm - has received the CDs and the posters - coming tomorrow - to thank Ms Pawar and to personally hand over the cheque. (4) 

You are an animal lover. You are extremely fond of dogs and birds. You have been a member of Nature’s club. You have loved going on a jungle safari.You have taken care of stray animals, or animals who are hurt. In college you liked Biology. You wish to make a career in this field. The University of Texas offers an excellent course/programme which would boost your career. Make a Statement of Purpose which will help you to get admission to this University. (4) 


 Gaurav, Akash, Sarita and Jasmin are participating in a group discussion on the topic ‘The need of soft skills at work place’ Make use of the following points. (4) 

Written and verbal communication 
Ways of interacting with others 
Creative abilities Emotional intelligence 

 B. You are Mahesh Mane, the college representative. Your principal has assigned you the task of composing an email to the Divisional Officer, Satpuda Mountain Ranges,( ) Pune seeking permission for the mountaineering expedition to be organised by your college. (4) 

Imagine you have visited Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. Write a report to be published in your school/college magazine. (4) 

Your college has decided to celebrate the World Environment Day. Dr Paul Johnson, an environment scientist has been invited as the ‘Chief Guest’ for the event. You are assigned to conduct an interview with Dr. Paul Johnson. Frame 8/10 questions for the same. (4) 

 C. Your college has shortlisted you to participate in an elocution contest organised by District Education Officer on the topic ‘Advantages of education.’ Prepare a speech for the same. (4) 

Imagine that you are a compere of the ‘Inaugural Function of Cultural Fest’ of your school/college. Write a script for the same . (4) 

Expand the idea inherent in the following line ‘A man without liberty is a body without a soul’.(4) 

 D. Write a review for the film you have recently watched with the help of the following points.
1. Story 2. Characters 3. Setting 4. Conflict 5. Message (4) 

Prepare a blog post on the topic ‘Science and Superstition’ (4) 
Appeal your classmates to 'Say No to Junk Food’. Write an appeal to prefer organic food over junk food. (4) 


 Q.5 (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:. [04] 

1. Pick out the odd element from the group . (2)
 1. Arun Joshi       2.Vikram Seth      3.Graham Greene      4.Kiran Nagarkar 

2. State whether the following statements are true or false. (2) 

1. The eighteenth century has gifted 'Drama' and 'Poetry' to English literature. 
2. 'Tale of Genji' has been described as the world's first novel. 
3. Theme is the central idea in the novel. 
4. Conflict in the story enhances interest and curiosity about the plot. 

(B) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:. [04] 

1. Give a brief character-sketch of – Denham (2) 
2. Describe in brief the purpose of organising the half-yearly report programme of Students’ Council.

(C) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:. [04] 

Choose the correct alternatives- The countries referred to in the extract of the novel ‘Around the World In Eighty Days’ are -- China b. America c. Australia d. India (2) 

2. Elaborate the quote ‘Quitter never wins and winner never quits’ in the light of the extract of the novel ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’. 
(D) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions:. [04] 
1. Arrange the sentences in the correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract of the novel ‘The Sign Of Four’. (2) 
1. Holmes put a revolver in his pocket. 
2. Mary received a large and lustrous pearl through the post. 
3. Holmes Winwood’s book to Dr. Watson. 

 2. Write the central idea of the extract of the novel ‘The Sign of Four’. (2)