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Friday, February 12, 2021

Oral Test : English

Oral Test : English

Oral Test 20 Marks
Listening Skill
Batch 1 30 Students Time 10 Minutes
Objective : 1. Testing students ability of distinguishing contrastive sounds and identifying correct stresses.
2. Testing students ability of listening with understanding short paragraphs / dialogues.
Reading of each sentence twice.

Scheme of Marks

1. Ability to focus on the word.         Marks 1
2. Listening for details/Retention     Marks 2
3. Accuracy of answers on understanding.   Marks  2

1. Listen and write. ( One sentence or more than one) 
                   Set 1
A. The rich man reached in time .

B. The beautiful scene was seen by all the students.
C. Health is wealth.
D. I ate eight apples yet I am hungry.
E. The goods were stored in the warehouse.

                Set 2
A. Leela/Lila is least worried about her list which is lost.
B. He read the red covered book.
C. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
D. What a beautiful scene I have seen!
E. I will send a letter little later.

Some More Sentences
1. I wished to see the Arabian Sea.
2. Tell me whether the weather was fine or not that day.
3. The deceased person was suffering from the disease of cancer.
4. The manager accepted the apologies of almost all the employees except of Mr. George.
5. Soles reveal what is there in your soul.
6. The Knight, in great anxiety, passed many sleepless nights.
7. She took pride in serving the guests fried fish.
8. The Chief commissioner was deadly against cheap popularity.
9. Send a car to pick her up from the airport.
10. I am sorry, I am a stranger here.
11. I Change yourself and YOU change the earth.
12. God helps those who help themselves .
1 3. From listening comes wisdom and from speaking, repentance.
14. A happy face is the sign of a good heart.
1 5. The maid had seen her getting some medicine.
1 6. Can you fill petrol in my bike quickly, please?
1 7. Leave me alone and let me live in peace.
1 8. A missed opportunity seldom returns.
1 9. Two days later she received a letter from her aunt.
20. After purchasing commodities from the super market, he reached home at supper time. 21. Our system has to encourage honesty and discourage corruption.
22. If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then teach him the way he learns.
23. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
24. No gains without pains.
25. Let's start now, or we'll get late.
26. Catches win matches.
27. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
28. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
29. Making India shine is better than making her whine.
 2. Listen to a short poem 
Scheme of Marks

 Gist /Paraphrasing/ Meaning.       2
Figures of speech.                            1
Rhyming words                                2

Start where you stand and never mind the past
The past won’t help you in beginning new,
If you have left it all behind at last
Why, that’s enough, you’re done with it, you’re through;
This is another chapter in the book,
This is another race that you have planned,
Don’t give vanished days a backward look,
Start where you stand.
Questions :
1. Write the gist of the poem you listened.
2.  Write down the line which is repeated.
3. Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

3. Listen a story and answer the questions. 5 Marks
Scheme of Marks

1. Theme  2
2. Moral/ values 2
3 Self Opinion 1

Once, a fox was very thirsty. He saw a big well nearby and peeped into it. The fox slipped and fell into the well. He tried to come out. But he could not do so. After some time, there came a goat who was also thirsty. He too peeped into the well. The fox saw the goat and said from inside the well, “The water is very sweet. Come and Come to enjoy.” The foolish goat also jumped into the well. The clever fox climbed on the back of the goat and jumped out of the well.

1. Mention the central idea of the story.
2. Write about the moral values of the story.
3. Name the character you like .

Batch 2
2. Listen and answer the questions. 5 Marks
The tallest bird in the world today is the ostrich. A fully-grown ostrich may stand nearly two and half metres in height and weigh from 100 to 150 kilograms, It relies on its keen eyesight and powerfull legs to escape from its enemies, because it is a primitive bird whose wings have not been developed by flight.
The nest of the ostrich consists of a shallow hole scraped out of the soil by the male bird. The female bird lays half a dozen or more eggs, and both hen and cock take turns in hatching them. The hen sits on them during the day and the cock during the night. The eggs weigh about one and a half kilograms each and take six weeks to hatch.

A. What is this passage about?
B. Who makes the nest of the ostrich?
C. What is the hatching period of ostrich's eggs?


Speaking 10 Marks 10 Minutes for a group of 10
Objectives : Testing students initiative confidence pronunciation, use of appropriate vocabulary and fluency.

Teacher will give a topic/ situation to the group for discussion and observe the performance of each student.

Scheme of Marks
Comprehension 2
Preparation        2
Tone/ Vocabulary/ Grammar 2
Context / Novelty / Fluency 2
Communication / Interference/ Summarising 2 

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