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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Everyday Idioms

*Everyday Idioms* 

Use these idioms in your own sentences. 

A grey area – Something unclear

A rip-off – Too expensive

Add fuel to the fire – To add more to an existing problem

As easy as ABC – Something is very easy

Call it a day – Time to quit

Cool as a cucumber – To be very calm under stress

Crack a book – Open up a book and study

Down to the wire – At the last minute

Draw a blank – Can’t remember

Fill in the blanks – Provide more information

Get a kick out of it – Really enjoy/like something

Get your act together – Behave properly

Give it a shot – To try to do something

Have mixed feelings – Be unsure of how you feel

Have second thoughts – Have doubts

In hot water – Be in trouble

In the same boat – Be in the same situation

It’s in the bag – It’s a certainty

I've got your number – To say you can't be fooled by someone since you have them figured out

Miss the boat – You missed your chance

Mumbo jumbo – To call something total nonsense

Out of the blue – With no warning

Pass with flying colors – To succeed at something easily

Piece of cake – Something very easy

Read between the lines – Find the hidden meaning

Second to none – The best

The icing on the cake – Something additional that turns good into great

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