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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ways to write a letter.

Step 1: Decide how formal your letter needs to be:

Personal letters may be short but they are usually chatty and informal, writing to friends or family.
Formal letters are written to people we don't know on a personal level for different reasons: to find out information, to apply for a job or a course to make a complaint.

Step 2: Organise your writing:

1. Opening: Dear Mr/Mrs   surname (formal), Hi   name/ Dear  name (informal)

2. Introductory paragraph: initial greeting and/ or introduction of the reason to write. 

thank you for your letter/email about..., many thanks for your letter (formal)
I am writing to tell you about, guess what?, I am sorry I haven't written for a while (informal)

3. Body: main information divided into one or more paragraphs depending on the length of the letter.

I look forward to hearing from you without delay.(formal)
I can't wait to meet up soon, write back soon (informal)

4. Final remarks: say what you expect from the letter's recipient whether you want them to write back.

If you start with "Dear Sir or Madam", finish with "Your's faithfully", regards/ Best regards/ Kind regards. (formal)
Best wishes, Love, All the best, keep in touch. (Informal)

5. Closing

6. Name/ Signature

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