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Thursday, February 4, 2021

How are you" replies: ("कसे आहात" या प्रश्नाला देण्याची उत्तरे)

"How are you" replies: ("कसे आहात" या प्रश्नाला देण्याची उत्तरे)

If someone asks ''how are you''?, then there are a few ways to answer this question: (जर कोणी विचारले "कसा आहेस?" तर या प्रश्नाला उत्तर देण्याचे अनेक मार्ग आहेत)

1. I'm fine, thanks! (मी छान आहे, धन्यवाद!)- this is a simple straight formal answer. 
I am fine, thank you! What about you? (मी छान आहे, धन्यवाद! तुम्ही कसे आहात?)

2. Pretty good (अतिशय छान)- this is a very informal answer, much more casual.
I am pretty good, thank you for asking. (मी अतिशय छान आहे, विचारल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद.)

3. Not bad (ठिक आहे) - this is a more friendly-sounding answer than "fine".
Not bad, you tell me? (ठीक आहे, तुमच्याबद्दल सांगा)

4. Great! (मस्त!) - informal enthusiastic answer.
I am doing great, thanks! (मी मस्त आहे, धन्यवाद!)

5. Couldn't be better (आनंदात आहे) - when you reply this to how are you, this means, you're currently in a happy state.
Couldn't be better! I just got promoted. (आनंदात आहे! मला आत्ताच बढती मिळाली आहे)

6. Can't complain (सर्व छान आहे) - this term means that nothing is wrong.
I can't complain! (मी छान आहे!)

7. I've been busy (मी व्यस्त होतो/होते) - this answer means, you have had a lot to do in the recent past.
I have been busy with things, what about you? (मी व्यस्त होतो/होते, तुझ्याबद्दल सांग)

8. Same as always (नेहमीसारखच) - this is quite casual and should be used with friends or family, only.
Same as always, thank you for asking! (नेहमीसारखच, विचारल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद!)

9. Not so great (ठीक) - used for saying that something is not as good as it should be.
I am not doing that great! (मी ठीक आहे!)

10. Could have been better (सध्याच्या परिस्थितीबाबत एखाद्यास विचारलेल्या प्रश्नास दिलेले दुःखद उत्तर ) -  an unhappy response to a question about one's well-being.
I could have been better. 

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