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Friday, February 19, 2021

Tips for Board Exam- English Subject

*Tips for Board Exam- English Subject*

1) Understand the activity sheet pattern thoroughly.

2) Read the prose topics carefully from the text book and remember the summary of each topic.

3) Draw the web diagram, flow chart, table or any such diagram using pen in the answer sheet. After that fill it with correct answers.

4) There is no need to use pencil to draw the above diagrams.

5) Try to write answers of maximum activities on prose, poetry writing skill and novel. Use good activity work book for it.

6) For poetry one poem is for comprehension and another for poetic appreciation. So read each poem carefully. Remember the content of each poem.

7) For poetic appreciation, use the hints given in the question and write information taking the hints as headings. Try to remember the name of the poet, theme of the poem, poetic device used in the poem, message of the poem, special features of the poem and language of the poem. Give your opinion about the poem.

8) For novel, remember the synopsis of the novels. Concentrate on theme, character, plot, setting, language of each novel. Make one table having these points to remember the answer. For novel, there will be no paragraph so try to remember the content. Write answers in 50 words. For history of novel, objective type activities will be asked so read the content carefully and minutely.

9) In writing skill, there are four sub- questions. In each sub- question, three writing skill topics will be given. Choose only one to write answer. For e- mail, blog and virtual message, use specific templates or frames/ rectangular shapes. See it's examples in Activity Work Book for Std. XII by Prof. Tushar Chavan. See the evaluation pattern and try to concentrate on specific writing skill topic. Write many examples of that topic and become perfect in it. Do not make grammatical errors and spelling mistakes while writing answer. 

10) Solve few model Activity Sheets for the board exam practice. 

11) Do solve as many as activities on various topics like prose, poetry, writing skill and novel. 

12) Practice makes man perfect so do practice regularly. 

13) Grammar has 8 marks. Write correct answers. Do not loose any mark here. 

14) Do not write questions in the answer sheet, write only answers. Write answers in good and legible handwriting. Write the question number and option number correctly. Use separate page for new question.

15) There is only one Activity Sheet for all students. But do not involve in malpractices. Do not copy the answers of other students. Believe in yourself. Study hard and get the success.

16) Oral exam has 20 marks. Listening skill-10 marks and Speaking skill- 10 marks. 
Give good performance in this test 

Best luck for the coming board exam.

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