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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Book Review

Book Review

You have recently read a book. Write a Review on the same with the help of the following points. 
  • Title of the book
  • Subject/ Story/Information
  • Language/Style/Presentation
  • Benefits/Message

Review on Ek Hota Carver by Veena Gavankar 
Recently I have read a book 'Ek Hota Carver' by Veena Gavankar. The book is in Marathi on the life of George Washington Carver. It is a biography of a great researcher of nineteenth century.  George was the son of Mary a negro slave. She was living with Mozes Carver's family as he has bought her. One day Mary and her son were taken away by some dacoits to resell the slaves as were the practice in those days.  Mozes tried to get back them and he succeeded in getting back only Mary's son in exchange of a horse. Mozes and his wife Suazanbai brought up this child as their child. He developed his interest in gardening. He was very weak and dumb child. He was sent to Neose for schooling. It was a school for Negros. By doing some odd jobs, he completed his schooling. He developed interest in painting and music too. He was good at education and started to speak without staggering. He was neglected higher education at Highland University because he was black. He got admission in State Iowa College. George got his MS degree in Agricultural and Bacterial Botany and became a professor of the same. Then he was invited in the school of Tuskegee . He accepted the invitation and joined the school. Here he joined hands with Dr. Washington Booker to serve his people. He did many researches there for the welfare of farmers nearby. He prepared laboratory instruments from the waste. He made researches in groundnut, sweet root, cotton. He discovered some eatables. 
The book is very interesting. The narrator creates mental picture of that period before us.

The language used here is simple and appropriate to the period. While reading the book we became the part of it. The author of this book Veena Gavankar has used her unique style giving details. The book introduces us with great researcher. It teaches us the hard work, sacrifice and gratitude.

Friday, April 23, 2021

अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे B.A., , Exam.

Change The Voice - Test

Change The Voice - Test


Solve Examples 

1. The narrator found a stout stick .      [ O+was/were + V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with A stout stick............ ]

 Ans- A stout stick was found by the narrator .    [Modal Answer]

2. I can guide visitors.    [O+M.A+be +V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  Visitors........ ]

3.Animals are paying me back.   [ O+ am/is/are+being+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  I........]

4.The behaviour of the first black panther is being documented.   [S+am/is/are+V1+ing+O]

[Begin your sentence with  They........... ]

5. I found a bright red soil trial.          [ O+was/were + V3+by+S] 

[Begin your sentence with  A bright....]

6.Manythings have been taught to me by the forests.  [S+have/has+V3+O]

[Begin your sentence with The forest...... ]

7.Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons.  [O+am/is/are+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with You....... ]

8.Resentment among locals towards the animals is created by this.  [S+V1+O]

[Begin your sentence with   This.......... ]

9.Older leopards like pardus carry away livestock from villages. [ O+am/is/are+ V3+by+S]

 [Begin your sentence with     Live stock.......... ]

10.You must solve all examples .  [O+M.A+be+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  All examples.....

👉use structures to solve these examples.

Learn Change The Voice

Learn Change The Voice


A.......Active Voice      P........Passive Voice

S......Subject    V........Verb     O........Object

1. Simple Present Tense 

A. [ S +V1+O]

P. [O+am/is/are +V3+by+S]

2.Present Continuous Tense 

A.[S+am/is/are +V1+ing+O]

P.[O+am/is/are +being +V3+by +S]

3.Present Perfect Tense 

A. [S+have/has+V3+O]

P. [O+have/has+been+V3+by+S]

4.Simple Past Tense 

A. [S+V2+O]

P. [O+was/were+V3+by+S]

5.Past Continuous Tense



6.Past Perfect Tense

A. [S+had+V3+O]

P. [O+had+been+V3+by+S]

7.Simple Future Tense 

A.[ S+shall/will+V1+O]

P. [O+shall/will+be+V3+by+S]

8.Future Perfect Tense 

A. [S+shall/will+have+V3+O]

P. [O+shall/will+have+been+V3+by+S]

9.Modal Auxiliary [can,could,should,would,may might,must etc.]



10.Imperative Sentence


11.Imperative Negative

P[Let+O+not to+be+V3]


   Active             Passive

I                                 me

you                           you

He                             him

She                           Her

It                               It

We                            Us

They                         Them

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

7 Travel Phrases: (प्रवासाशी संबंधित शब्दांचा वापर करून उपयोगात येणारे काही वाक्यांश)

7 Travel Phrases: (प्रवासाशी संबंधित शब्दांचा वापर करून उपयोगात येणारे काही वाक्यांश)

1. I lost my train of thought: to forget what one was talking or thinking about.
E.g. Excuse me, I lost my train of thought.

2. That ship has sailed: used in reference to an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed.
E.g. We're good friends but I don't think we'll ever be anything more to each other—that ship has sailed.

3. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it:  to delay worrying about something that might happen until it actually does happen.
E.g. The job interview is a week away, so I'm notworried about it yet - I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

4. You don't need to reinvent the wheel: to make unnecessary or redundant preparations.
E.g. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Read up on what othershave done.

5. You should jump on the bandwagon: to support a cause only because it is popular to do so
E.g. After a couple of politicians won elections by promising to cut taxes, most of the others jumped on the bandwagon.

6. This job is right up my alley: Ideally suited to one's interests. Anna loves watching movies, so I'm sure she'll go to the film festival with you - that's right up her alley.

7. I'm on the wagon: to abstain from drinking alcohol
E.g. I'm much healthier now that I'm on the wagon, but I find it hard to socialize with my friends.

Android App Making

Android App Making

Use the following platform to make your own android app.


It is a web platform that allows converting any web content into an Android App in two easy steps. It is built to help people to transfer their ideas into apps.

1) It is an Android codeless application development platform that lets users create mobile android apps based on content pulled from webpages.

2) The AppsGeyser tool is easy to use and bundles social sharing, tabs, messaging and full support for HTML enhancements.

Key Features

1) There are 50 different online templates for games, web services, media tools, social pages are available in this platform.

2) Any one can create simple app with favourite colors and features in under 3 minutes

3) Creator will get a 50% revenue share from app monetization.

4) Users can create unlimited number of apps.

5) These apps have Android and iOS support.

6) User can sell theirs apps on the AppsGeyser platform.

7) There is no need to code your app. AppsGeyser can do it for you.

8) AppsGeyser platform can pull content from webpages, YouTube channels, RSS feeds and other sources.

9) User can create an app in 3 simple steps. It is also easy to monetise it in no time.

10) User can choose his or her own themes and templates from a wide selection.

Click on the following link:

Listening is an important linguistic skill. One should carefully acquire it by listening 🎧 English. Here I have provided audio track of poetry Std 12.

Listen and Read : Poetry

  Indian Weavers

Weavers, weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?......
Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.
Weavers, weaving at fall of night,
Why do you weave a garment so bright?........
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green,
We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
What do you weave in the moonlight chill……
White as a feather and white as a cloud,
We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.
- Sarojini Naidu

 Audio Files of poetry . Touch/Click on the blue radio button to play audio.

Listening is an important linguistic skill. One should carefully acquire it by listening 🎧 English. Here I have provided audio track of poetry Std 12.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Std. XI- Evalution and Result Process- 2021-21

Std. XI- Evalution and Result Process- 2021-21

Std. XI Evaluation and Result Process for 2020-2021

As per the GR, colleges have the sole right to use different kinds of evaluation process to promote the students from Std. XI to Std. XII.


1) Set two tests of 25 Marks each for all subjects.

2) Send tests to whats app groups of students.

3) Call the students to submit the answer sheets at college on different dates. Keep physical distancing.

4) Or Take online tests using Google form quiz or any other app or website. Collect responses.

5) Fill the internal mark lists. Use two mark lists for two tests. Make its total. Multiple the marks by 2 and write the marks in the mark sheet of students. These marks are now out of 100 marks.

6) Distribute mark sheets to students in May considering the corona threat situation of your area.


1) Set one test of 20 Marks each for all subjects.

2) Send tests to whats app groups of students.

3) Call the students to submit the answer sheets at college on different dates. Keep physical distancing.

4) Or Take online tests using Google form quiz or any other app or website. Collect responses.

5) Fill the internal mark lists. Use one mark list for one test. Multiply the marks by 5 and write the marks in the mark sheet of students. These marks are now out of 100 marks.

6) Distribute mark sheets to students in May considering the corona threat situation of your area.


1) Set one test of 50 Marks each for all subjects.

2) Send tests to whats app groups of students.

3) Call the students to submit the answer sheets at college on different dates. Keep physical distancing.

4) Or Take online tests using Google form quiz or any other app or website. Collect responses.

5) Fill the internal mark lists. Use one mark list for one test. Multiply the marks by 2 and write the marks in the mark sheet of students. These marks are now out of 100 marks.

6) Distribute mark sheets to students in May considering the corona threat situation of your area.

Special subjects:

1) Take two theory tests for Health and Physical Education having 25 marks each. Give marks out of 50. As per the marks give Grade to the students.

2) Do not take test for Environment Education. Just collect the project book from students to give Grade. 


    All the students must be promoted to Std. XII so use simple and easy test. Ask questions on the topics which are properly taught to the students.

     All the above guidelines are given only to provide good solution to complete the evaluation process. These guidelines are not binding to anyone. These are my personal ideas for completing the evaluation process and promotion of the students. So do use them as per your convenience.

     For more information see GR given for evaluation process.

Internal Consolidated Mark list:

Std. XI                                  



Sub. Teacher:

Roll No

Name of the student

Test No. 1

(25 Marks)

Test No. 2

(25 Marks)



(50 Marks)

Out of 100 marks




















 Booklet: For Arts Faculty

Name of the college:


Jr. College Index No.

Year: 2020-2021

Std. XI                                  



Roll No:

Name of the student:



Test No. 1

(25 Marks)

Test No. 2

(25 Marks)



(50 Marks)

Out of 100 marks







































Health and P.E.











Mark sheet: For Arts Faculty

Name of college:

Year: 2020-2021                             


Jr. College Index No.                         


Std. XI       



Name of the student:

Roll No.


Marks out of 100

1) English


2) Marathi


3) Hindi


4) History


5) Economics


6) Geography


7) Health and P.E.


8) Environment


Total: Out of 600 Marks





(Replace and add your subjects)

Sunday, April 18, 2021

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet

Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (10) 
When I had money, money,
 O! I knew no joy till I went poor; 
For many a false man as a friend 
Came knocking all day at my door. 
Then felt I like a child that holds
  A trumpet that he must not blow
  Because a man is dead; I dared 
Not speak to let this false world know. 
Much have I thought of life, and seen
  How poor men's hearts are ever light;
 And how their wives do hum like bees
  About their work from morn till night.
 So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
 And see the rich ones coldly frown
  Poor men, think I, need not go up
  So much as rich men should come down. When I had money, money,
 O! My many friends proved all untrue;
 But now I have no money,
 O! My friends are real, though very few.

 A1 Complete the web (02)
A2 Complete the sentences. (02)
 1) The poet wanted to become poor because ……… 
2) The poet doesn’t want to speak to this fake world……………….…… 
A3 ‘Can we live without money’ write your view’s about this statement. (02) 

A4 Complete the following table. (02) .

Stanza Rhyming schemeRhyming words
Stanza 01...........
Stanza 02...........
A5 Compose four lines on ‘friendship’.

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

A1 Match the pairs.
Column A Column B
1. When he had money a. his friends were real.
2. He felt like a child b. hum like bees .
3.Poor men's wives c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
4. When he had no moneyd. his friends were false.

A2. The poet found real happiness when he had no money. Elaborate.

A3. Give your opinion about ' Happiness can't be bought with money.'

A4. ' Much have I thought of life.' Name the figures of speech and find another similar example.

A5. Convert the following sentences into poetic lines.
1. I was a poor man.
2. Because I had no work.

To see the answer click on 'Show/hide Key' button

A1 Complete the web
A2 Ans 1) The poet wanted to become poor because he is fed up with false friends.
2) The poet doesn’t want to speak to this fake world because he is bound to behave according to their wishes.
A3. Ans: Though money is not everything in life, we need money to meet with basic needs. These basic needs are ever increasing. Along with food, shelter and clothing, education and health also are our basic needs. We need money to buy these.
A4 .

Stanza Rhyming schemeRhyming words
Stanza 01abcbpoor-door
Stanza 02abcbblow-know

A5 Friends Forever Friend is mother-like. Friend is father-like. Friend roles like a teacher. Friend roles like a preacher

Column A Column B
1. When he had moneyd. his friends were false.
2. He felt like a child c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
3.Poor men's wives  b. hum like bees.
4. When he had no moneya. his friends were real.
A2. When the poet had money many false friends gathered around him. He could not enjoy the real happiness and joy. The importance of money was realised when he lost the money. But that was real happiness for him because he had true friends around him.

A3. It is rightly said that happiness can't be bought with money. Happiness is a state of mind. It is achieved with contentment. With money one can buy mattress but not rest.

A4. Inversion: The line is not in a prose order. The correct order is - I have thought much of life.
Another example of inversion - Then felt I like a child that holds.
A5. A poor man was I
Because no work had I.

Poetic Appreciation: 2.6 Money

The poem ‘Money’ is written by William H. Davies, a Welsh poet. After several years of a wandering life, he published his volume of poems.

The poem ‘Money’ tells us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find real happiness. It is when we do not have money or have lost our money, we realize how important the money is.

There are five stanzas of four lines each. The poet has maintained the particular rhyming pattern in the first four stanzas. The second line rhymes with the fourth line. He has made use of repetition skilfully. Poetic devices like inversion, simile, onomatopoeia and antithesis made the effective.

The poem is closely associated with the modern world. The underlying message in the poem is money cannot give you eternal happiness.     

14 Whats App Chat Abbreviations:

14 WhatsApp Chat Abbreviations:

1. BRB - Be Right Back (लवकरच परतेन)

2. BTW - By The Way (आणि काय रे)

3. OMG - Oh My God (अरे देवा)

4. POV - Point Of View (दृष्टीकोन)

5. TBH - To Be Honest (प्रामाणिकपणे)

6. FYI - For Your Information (तुमच्या माहितीसाठी)

7. TTYL - Talk To You Later (तुमच्याशी नंतर बोलेन)

8. LOL - Laugh Out Loud (खळखळून हसणे)

9. DND - Do Not Disturb (व्यत्यय आणू नका)

10. ASAP - As Soon As Possible (शक्य तितक्या लवकर)

11. DP - Display Picture (प्रोफाईलवरील छायाचित्र)

12. NTN - Nothing (काहीही नाही)

13. THX - Thanks (TY = Thank you) (धन्यवाद)

14. Bcoz - Because (कारण)

postpone the JEE (Main) – 2021 April Session.👆

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Active Voice & Passive Voice.

Active Voice & Passive Voice.

Today's Study
Std 12
Section : Grammar
Topic :  Active Voice and Passive Voice (Click on the blue 🔗 link.)


April 18, 2021


verb | for-FEND

1 a archaic : forbid

b : to ward off : prevent

2 : protect, preserve

➡️ Synonyms ⬅️

chorus - refrain
citation - quotation
to cite - to quote
class   - lesson, course
clerk -  receptionist

➡️ Antonyms ⬅️

rough - smooth
rude - courteous
safe - unsafe
same - opposite
satisfactory - unsatisfactory

➡️ Poetic Lines by Milne ⬅️

Both of them have different names.
One is John and one is James.

All the best and all the worst
Comes from which of them is first.

XI Unit Test No.1 *Solve online Unit Test No. 1**Marks- 20**Includes- Prose, Poetry and Drama*

XI Unit Test

Names of Family members in English:

Names of Family members in English:

1. Grandmother - आजी, 

2. Grandfather - आजोबा

3. Grandparent - आजी-आजोबा

To be specific:

Paternal Grandfather - वडिलांचे वडील
Paternal Grandmother - वडिलांची आई
Maternal Grandmother - आईची आई
Maternal Grandfather - आईचे वडील

We generally use the word 'Grandparent' to refer to आजी-आजोबा.

4. Granddaughter - नात

5. Grandson - नातू

6. Grandchild - नातवंड 

7. Aunt - आत्या/मावशी/काकू/मामी
For example: She is my aunt (not: She is my aunty) 

8. Uncle - काका/मामा 

9. Niece - भाची/पुतणी 

10. Nephew - भाचा/पुतण्या

11. Cousin - चुलत/मावस/आते भावंड

Tip: We don't need to say 'Cousin Brother' or 'Cousin Sister' - just 'cousin' is enough. For example: She is my cousin (not: She is my cousin sister)
(टीप: आपल्याला 'Cousin Brother' किंवा 'Cousin Sister' असे म्हणण्याची गरज नाही - फक्त 'cousin' पुरेसे आहे. उदा: ती माझी cousin आहे (not: She is my cousin sister))

12. Sister-in-law - नणंद/वहिनी 

13. Brother-in-law - मेहुणा 

14. Mother-in-law - सासू

15. Father-in-law - सासरे

Friday, April 16, 2021

Frame Wh - Question.

Frame Wh - Question.

Today's Study
      Section : Grammar
Topic : Frame Wh questions (Click on the link below.)

 *Vocab Vaccine* 


April 17, 2021


verb | per-LOYN

: to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust

➡️ Synonyms⬅️

charter - constitution
cheesy - corny, tacky
chiefly - mainly
choosy - picky
to chop - to cut

➡️ Antonyms⬅️

raise - lower
rapid - slow
rare - common
real - fake
regular - irregular

➡️ Poetic Lines by Milne⬅️

These are my two drops of rain
Waiting on the window-pane.

I am waiting here to see
Which the winning one will be.

Group Discussion (GD)Following expressions are useful for group Discussion.

Group Discussion (GD)

Following expressions are useful for group Discussion.

Expressing opinions

I believe……

I think…….

Could I make a point, please?

In my opinion……

It seems to me……

Expressing agreement


You’re right……

I fully agree with…..

Expressing disagreement

I’m afraid I don’t agree with…..

I’m sorry but I see it a little differently.

I can see your point but…..

You may have something there but…..

I respect your point of view, but I’m sorry I can’t go along with you on.......


I think we should……

Why don’t we…..?


Couldn’t we……?

Don’t you think we could….?

Asking for opinion

What is your opinion on….?

What do you feel about…?

I wonder what do you think about…..?

I’d like to know your stand on…..


I’m sorry to interrupt but….

Excuse me. Could I add something, please?

That’s true. Sorry, but…..

Handling Interruptions

Just a moment please. Could I finish what I am saying?

If you would just let me finish…….

Could you wait for a minute, please.


To summarise/conclude,……

We can conclude by saying……

Let’s run quickly through the main ideas before concluding

Sample Group Discussion Activity

Mayank, Anagha, Yash and Anuj are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are killing creativity.'  Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator : You've all been given a few minutes to think on today's topic for discussion . The topic is 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are killing creativity.'  You may begin now.

Mayank :

Anagha : 

Yash     :

Anuj.    :

Evaluator : You've all been given a few minutes to think on today's topic for discussion . The topic is 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are killing creativity.'  You may begin now.

Mayank : I think the topic of the discussion is very relevant these days. Having a cell phone in every hand, social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter became teenagers' priority. They are spending hours and hours on it. They prefer surfing and sharing to surging creativity. 

Anagha : I agree with Mayank. Social media has taken a place of books and playgrounds. Friends on Facebook are getting more importance than friends on the ground. Features like cut, copy and paste kill the creativity. What do you feel about it Yash?

Yash     : I'm afraid I don't agree with you both. Many teenagers are using social media to reveal their creativity. They are creating videos of their talent and sharing them with the public. Even some youngsters are creating short film and getting appreciation. Social madia has become a strong platform to showcase talent and creativity.

Anuj      : Excuse me. Could I add something, please. 

Yash : Yes, you may.

Anuj : I would like to share my view regarding social media. Social media has emerged as a boon . Whether it's a bane or boon depends upon the user. Sometimes we are sticking to social media beyond limit. Spending time in posting and checking for likes, comments and shares will definitely kill creativity. Still I feel that social media has given a platform to learn many things. 

Names of baby animals in English:

Names of baby animals in English:

1. Bear (अस्वल) - Cub 

2. Bird (पक्षी) - hatchling, chick (पक्ष्याचे पिल्लू)

3. Buffalo (म्हैस) - calf (वासरु)

4. Butterfly (फुलपाखरू) - pupa, caterpillar (अळी, सुरवंट)

5. Camel (उंट) - calf (उंटाचे पिल्लू)

6. Cat (मांजर) - Kitten (मांजराचे पिल्लू)

7. Cow (गाय) - Calf (गायीचे वासरू)

8. Deer (हरीण) - Fawn (हरणाचे पाडस)

9. Dog (कुत्रा) - Pup (कुत्र्याचे पिल्लू)

10. Donkey (गाढव) - Foal 

11. Duck (बदक) - Duckling (बदकाचे पिल्लू)

12. Elephant (हत्ती) - Calf (हत्तीचे पिल्लू)

13. Frog (बेडूक) - Tadpole (बेडकाचे पिल्लू)

14. Goat (बकरी) - Kid (बकरीचे पिल्लू)

15. Horse (घोडा) - foal, colt शिंगरु (नर), filly लहान घोडी (मादी)

16. Kangaroo (कांगारू) - Joey

17. Monkey (माकड) - infant 

18. Lion (सिंह) - Cub (सिंहाचा बछडा)

19. Sheep (मेंढी) - Lamb (मेंढीचे कोकरू)

20. Tiger (वाघ) - Cub (वाघाचा बछडा)

Online Test by Testmoz.*How to use Testmoz for creating online tests**See video on using Testmoz**Video created by- Prof. Kantikumar Borkar*

Online Test by Testmoz

How to use Testmoz for making online tests

1) Click on-

2) Click on- Build Test

3) Type Test Name

4) Create password. Never forget the password. Retype the password.

5) Do not use paid version

6) Click on - Create Test

7) New page will open

8) Click on – Add questions

9) Click on – Insert. Choose- Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Match the pair etc.

10) Type questions.

11) Type answer or give options having answer

12) Choose the correct answer.

13) Publish test.

14) Choose the student link

15) Share the link on whats app


Video created by:

Prof. Kantikumar Borkar

Jyadurga Vidyalay and Junior College,


Ta. Arjuni / Mor

Dist. Gondia

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Sentence Patterns. For Std 12 Studying sentence patterns will help us to make new sentences correctly. We need to make new sentences while speaking or writing. So we will study sentence patterns.There are five common sentence patterns. A sentence contains components like subject, verb, object and complement.

Sentence Patterns.

Today's Study Std 9 to 12Section Grammar Topic : Not only.......but alsoDon't forget to solve the test after study.

Not Only - But Also.

Who works on a film? (चित्रपटासाठी कोण कोण काम करतात?)

Who works on a film? (चित्रपटासाठी कोण कोण काम करतात?)

1. Actor/ Actress (अभिनेता/अभिनेत्री)
2. Director (दिग्दर्शक)
3. Producer (निर्माता)
4. Editor (संपादक,संकलक)
5. Screenwriter (पटकथा लेखक)
6. Composer (संगीतकार)
7. Make-up Artist (मेक-अप आर्टिस्ट)
8. Set designer (नेपथ्य संकल्पक)
9. Costume designer (कॉस्ट्यूम डिझायनर)
10. Cinematographer (छायाचित्रकार)

Types of genres: (चित्रपटाचे प्रकार)

1. Romance (रोमान्स)
2. Comedy (विनोदी)
3. Drama (नाटक)
4. Thriller (रोमांचक)
5. Horror (भयपट)
6. Sci-fi (साय-फाय)
7. Action (ॲक्शनपट)
8. Documentary (माहितीपट)
9. Foreign Language (परकीय भाषा)
10. Cult classic (कलट क्लासिक)

Common film terms: (चित्रपटातील काही सामान्य शब्द)

1. Sequel (एखाद्या चित्रपटाचा पुढील भाग)
2. Dialogue (संवाद)
3. Soundtrack (साउंडट्रॅक)
4. Villain (खलनायक)
5. Cameo (चित्रपटातील लहानशी पण लक्षात राहण्याजोगी पाहुण्या कलाकाराची भूमिका)
6. Trailer (झलक,ट्रेलर)
7. Protagonist (प्रमुखपात्र, सूत्रधार)

स्थगित करण्यात आलेल्या सुधारित तारखांबाबत. B.A.,, Exam.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How to create Google Form Quiz

How to create Google Form Quiz

Google Form Quiz for taking online tests.

Follow the following steps:-

1) Search ‘Google form’ in

2) Click on the following link-

3) Click on- Plus (+ Sign) given under ‘Start a New Form’

4) Untitled form will open

5) At the top right, click Settings

6) Click Quizzes. Enable - Make this a quiz

7) Optional: 

To collect email addresses, click General. Collect email addresses

8) Click Save

9) Close setting – Click on (X)

10) Click on- ‘Untitled form’

11) Change it as- Test No. 1 for Std. XI

12) Click on- Add a question (Circle having cross sign)

13) Write question for multiple choice

14) Write alternatives in the option tab

15) Click on - Answer key tab

16) In points take one as mark

17) Click on – Done

18) Add more such MCQ type questions

19) Click on – Send

20) Click on – Link

21) Click on – Copy

22) Paste the link on whats app message box.

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

Ice Breakers:-

(i) Given below is a two-way communication cycle or the process of communication.

(a) Can you guess the role of the sender and the receiver in this process? What do we encode? What do we decode?


Role of sender: 
The person who initiates (delivers) a message in the communication process is called the ‘sender’ or communicator. The sender might be a speaker, a writer or someone who merely gestures.

Role of receiver: 
In the communication process, the "receiver" is the listener, reader, or observer—that is, the individual (or the group of individuals) to whom a message is directed. The receiver is also called the ‘audience’ or decoder.

What do we encode?
Encoding is the process of translating mental images into understandable symbols that can be shared with receivers. We encode means we change the information into symbols, language or gestures

What do we decode?
Decode means to interpret the sender's message, both verbal and nonverbal, as quickly as possible. The process of interpreting the message is known as decoding. We decode means understand the message.

(b) People send messages to others for different purposes. Mention at least five purposes/reasons for which messages are generally sent.


1) To give information         

2) To express feelings           

3) To persuade

4) To give instruction

5) To educate or guide

6) To give or to take help

7) To influence others

8) To inspire       

9) To give suggestions

10) To express manners or etiquettes

(ii) Given below is a tree-diagram / table explaining two major types of messages. Complete the blank boxes in the diagram.


Written For
High official authority
Social media groups
Siblings or family members
Institution heads
Non – professionals

Drafting a Virtual Message:

Communication is an integral part of human nature. Exchange of ideas, thoughts and information from one person to another is communication. Before the advent of oral communication, non- verbal methods were used such as gestures, facial expressions and body movements.

Various forms of communication:

1) Oral       

2) Written 

3) Virtual

A Message:

A message is a short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to him directly. 
A message is an informal means of communication. The receiver of the message has to go through the given message and pick out the most important points of information.
Then, he/she should be able to reproduce that information in order to convey it to the person for whom it is intended.

Four types of messages:

1.Positive Messages:
(Convey good feelings through thanks, appreciation, expression of interest, sympathy, extended help, solace.)

2.Negative Messages:
(Convey disappointment, disapproval, dissatisfaction, messages of disapproval, disagreement, denial, refusal, cancellation, etc.)

3.Neutral Messages:
(No feelings, no emotions, no sentiments, dry messages, messages showing neither joy nor sorrow, messages that do not draw any conclusion)

4.Persuasive Messages:
(act that communicates persuasively, agreement on the writer’s point of view, use of convincing language or words)

Virtual Communication:

We define virtual communication as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology-audio and video to communicate with people who are not physically present in front of us.

Six major types of messages:

1.Directional Messages – 
Suggesting what should be done

2.Messages of Possibility – 
Telling about what may be happen

3.Messages of Reality – 
Presenting the truth

4.Messages of Necessity – 
Showing the need of the situation

5.New Idea Messages – 
Giving inspirational ideas

6.Reframing Messages – 
Showing new outlook

Message Writing:

Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The virtual conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted into a message for a third person. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips.

Points to remember:

1) Only the most important details should be written.

2) No new information should be added.

3) Grammatically correct sentences should be used.

4) The message should be written in simple language and without any abbreviations.

5) Check your message before you submit and send it.

6) Be friendly and polite.

7) Avoid the words that would create confusion or a chaotic situation.

Format of message:

1) Date

2) Time

3) Name of a person to whom the message is directed

4) Body of the message

5) Name of the writer / sender

6) Write message in a rectangular bracket

7) The word limit of a message should be 50 to 100 words only.


1) Make sure to use the language that is suitable for the reader.

2) Keep to the word limit  up to 50 to 100 words.

3) Do not add extra information. Message should be short and to-the-point.

4) Plan before you pen. Just make a list of all the important points so that 
you do not forget the relevant points while writing.

5) Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. 

6) Enclose the message within a box using a pencil or pen.

7) Do not use long sentences in the body of the message.

Model Activity:

Activity No. 1

You are Aditya. Today you had the following conversation with Pranav, a friend of your elder brother, Arnav:

Pranav: Hello! Is it Aditya?

Aditya: Yes. I’m Aditya speaking. What can I do for you?

Pranav: Well, Aditya! I’m Pranav, your brother Arnav’s friend.

Aditya: Oh, I see. Well, my brother is not here now. So can I help you?

Pranav: Yes. Please convey him that he should bring my ‘Activity Work Book of English’ today in the college. I need it in the class.

Aditya: That’s fine. I’ll do that.

Pranav: Please donot forget it.

Aditya: I assure you about it. I will definitely convey your message to my brother.

As you are leaving for your school, write a message for your brother in about 50 words. Put your message in a box.


20 August,
9.30 a.m.
Dear Arnav,
Your friend Pranav called up to say that you had his ‘Activity Work Book of English’. He needs it in the class. So he asked you to bring it in the college. Please do not forget as I had assured him to convey his message to you.
Your brother,

Activity No. 2

Imagine, you have to leave early from home for an interview. Draft a message to convey the same to your friend. Give your own reasons to support your message.


Friday, 23 April, 7 a.m.

Dear Sachin,

I am leaving home now. I have to leave the home early as I am going to attend the scheduled interview. I forgot to tell you about this yesterday. I feel very bad that I can’t come with you to take the Corona prevention vaccine. I suggest you to go and take the vaccine as per your appointment. I will take it tomorrow. Take care and stay home after vaccination.

Yours Lovingly,



For more examples, do buy ‘Activity Work Book for Std. XII’ by Prof. Tushar Chavan

-------------------------------------------------------------Drafting a Virtual Message: Slide presentation

By- Prof. Sachin K. Havaldar

R.V.Nerurakar Jr. College,

Dombivli (E), Mumbai


See video on Drafting a Virtual Message

Created by: Prof. Jayant Ingale, 

Swami Vivekanand (M.J.) Jr. College, Jalgaon


Assertive & Exclamatory Sentences.Today's Study Std 12 Section GrammarTopic : Assertive and Exclamatory.

Assertive & Exclamatory Sentences.

11 Ways to say "You're Welcome!"

11 Ways to say "You're Welcome!"

1. Of course

2. No problem

3. Don't mention it

4. It was nothing

5. By all means

6. No worries

7. That's OK

8. That's alright

9. My pleasure

10. You're welcome

11. You got it

अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे B.A. , , Exam.

अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे