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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Book Review

Book Review

You have recently read a book. Write a Review on the same with the help of the following points. 
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Review on Ek Hota Carver by Veena Gavankar 
Recently I have read a book 'Ek Hota Carver' by Veena Gavankar. The book is in Marathi on the life of George Washington Carver. It is a biography of a great researcher of nineteenth century.  George was the son of Mary a negro slave. She was living with Mozes Carver's family as he has bought her. One day Mary and her son were taken away by some dacoits to resell the slaves as were the practice in those days.  Mozes tried to get back them and he succeeded in getting back only Mary's son in exchange of a horse. Mozes and his wife Suazanbai brought up this child as their child. He developed his interest in gardening. He was very weak and dumb child. He was sent to Neose for schooling. It was a school for Negros. By doing some odd jobs, he completed his schooling. He developed interest in painting and music too. He was good at education and started to speak without staggering. He was neglected higher education at Highland University because he was black. He got admission in State Iowa College. George got his MS degree in Agricultural and Bacterial Botany and became a professor of the same. Then he was invited in the school of Tuskegee . He accepted the invitation and joined the school. Here he joined hands with Dr. Washington Booker to serve his people. He did many researches there for the welfare of farmers nearby. He prepared laboratory instruments from the waste. He made researches in groundnut, sweet root, cotton. He discovered some eatables. 
The book is very interesting. The narrator creates mental picture of that period before us.

The language used here is simple and appropriate to the period. While reading the book we became the part of it. The author of this book Veena Gavankar has used her unique style giving details. The book introduces us with great researcher. It teaches us the hard work, sacrifice and gratitude.

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