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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Mouth parts:

Mouth parts:

1. Mandible - largest, strongest and lowest bone in human face. It forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place.

2. Gum - the tissue of the jaws that surrounds the bases of the teeth.

3. Teeth - outer white part of the mouth, to break down items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for swallowing and digesting.

4. Incisor - a tooth for cutting or gnawing; located in the front of the mouth in both jaws.

5. Lips - visible body part of the mouth that are movable, and serve as the opening for food intake.

6. Papillae of tongue - papillae are found on the tip of the tongue. They have taste buds on their upper surface which can distinguish the five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami.

7. Premolar - a double-pointed tooth that comes between the canines and molars.

8. Hard palate - The hard palate is a thin horizontal bony plate of the skull, located in the roof of the mouth.

9. Soft palate - the soft tissue constituting the back of the roof of the mouth.

10. Tongue - a muscular organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing and articulating speech. 

11. Uvula - an organ that produces large amount of thin saliva to keep the throat well lubricated. It looks like a small pendant fleshy lobe and is at the back of the soft palate.

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