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Sunday, April 18, 2021

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet

2.6 Money : Activity Sheet

Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities given below: (10) 
When I had money, money,
 O! I knew no joy till I went poor; 
For many a false man as a friend 
Came knocking all day at my door. 
Then felt I like a child that holds
  A trumpet that he must not blow
  Because a man is dead; I dared 
Not speak to let this false world know. 
Much have I thought of life, and seen
  How poor men's hearts are ever light;
 And how their wives do hum like bees
  About their work from morn till night.
 So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,
 And see the rich ones coldly frown
  Poor men, think I, need not go up
  So much as rich men should come down. When I had money, money,
 O! My many friends proved all untrue;
 But now I have no money,
 O! My friends are real, though very few.

 A1 Complete the web (02)
A2 Complete the sentences. (02)
 1) The poet wanted to become poor because ……… 
2) The poet doesn’t want to speak to this fake world……………….…… 
A3 ‘Can we live without money’ write your view’s about this statement. (02) 

A4 Complete the following table. (02) .

Stanza Rhyming schemeRhyming words
Stanza 01...........
Stanza 02...........
A5 Compose four lines on ‘friendship’.

Q. 1 A Read the extract and do all the activities given below.

A1 Match the pairs.
Column A Column B
1. When he had money a. his friends were real.
2. He felt like a child b. hum like bees .
3.Poor men's wives c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
4. When he had no moneyd. his friends were false.

A2. The poet found real happiness when he had no money. Elaborate.

A3. Give your opinion about ' Happiness can't be bought with money.'

A4. ' Much have I thought of life.' Name the figures of speech and find another similar example.

A5. Convert the following sentences into poetic lines.
1. I was a poor man.
2. Because I had no work.

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A1 Complete the web
A2 Ans 1) The poet wanted to become poor because he is fed up with false friends.
2) The poet doesn’t want to speak to this fake world because he is bound to behave according to their wishes.
A3. Ans: Though money is not everything in life, we need money to meet with basic needs. These basic needs are ever increasing. Along with food, shelter and clothing, education and health also are our basic needs. We need money to buy these.
A4 .

Stanza Rhyming schemeRhyming words
Stanza 01abcbpoor-door
Stanza 02abcbblow-know

A5 Friends Forever Friend is mother-like. Friend is father-like. Friend roles like a teacher. Friend roles like a preacher

Column A Column B
1. When he had moneyd. his friends were false.
2. He felt like a child c. that holds a trumpet but can't blow.
3.Poor men's wives  b. hum like bees.
4. When he had no moneya. his friends were real.
A2. When the poet had money many false friends gathered around him. He could not enjoy the real happiness and joy. The importance of money was realised when he lost the money. But that was real happiness for him because he had true friends around him.

A3. It is rightly said that happiness can't be bought with money. Happiness is a state of mind. It is achieved with contentment. With money one can buy mattress but not rest.

A4. Inversion: The line is not in a prose order. The correct order is - I have thought much of life.
Another example of inversion - Then felt I like a child that holds.
A5. A poor man was I
Because no work had I.

Poetic Appreciation: 2.6 Money

The poem ‘Money’ is written by William H. Davies, a Welsh poet. After several years of a wandering life, he published his volume of poems.

The poem ‘Money’ tells us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find real happiness. It is when we do not have money or have lost our money, we realize how important the money is.

There are five stanzas of four lines each. The poet has maintained the particular rhyming pattern in the first four stanzas. The second line rhymes with the fourth line. He has made use of repetition skilfully. Poetic devices like inversion, simile, onomatopoeia and antithesis made the effective.

The poem is closely associated with the modern world. The underlying message in the poem is money cannot give you eternal happiness.     

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