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Monday, April 5, 2021

Business Meetings phrases: (व्यवसाय बैठकीतील काही वाक्यांश)

Business Meetings phrases: (व्यवसाय बैठकीतील काही वाक्यांश)

1. Interrupting (व्यत्यय,व्यत्यय आणणे/येणे)
1 May I have a word?
2 If I may, think..
3 Excuse me for interrupting.

2. Giving opinions (मत देणे,अभिप्राय देणे)
1 I (really) feel that..
2 In my opinion...
3 The way I see things..

3. Asking for opinions (एखाद्याचे मत विचारणे)
1 Do you (really) think that...
2 [Name] can we get your input?
3 How do you feel about?

4. Commenting on opinions (एखाद्याच्या मतावर टिप्पणी करणे)
1 I have never thought about it this way before
2 Good Point!
3 I get your point
4 I see what you mean.

5. Agreeing (एखाद्याच्या मताशी सहमत होणे)
1 Exactly!
2 That's (exactly) the way I feel.
3 I have to agree with (name)

6. Disagreeing with other opinions (एखाद्याच्या मताशी असहमती दर्शविणे)
1 Up to a point I agree with you, but..
2 (I'm afraid) I can't agree...

7. Advising and suggesting (सल्ला देणे,उपदेश देणे)
1 We should..
2 Why don't you..
3 How/What about...
4 I suggest/recommend that..

8. Clarifying (स्पष्ट करणे,स्पष्टीकरण देणे)
1 (Statement) Have I made that clear?
2 (Statement) Do you see what I am getting at?
3 Let me put this another way (statement)
4 I'd just like to reiterate that (statement)

9. Asking for repetition (एखादी गोष्ट पुन्हा बोलण्याची विनंती करणे)
1 I didn't catch that.
2 Could you repeat that, please?
3 I missed that. Could you say, it again please?
4 Could you run that by me one more time?

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