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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

7 Travel Phrases: (प्रवासाशी संबंधित शब्दांचा वापर करून उपयोगात येणारे काही वाक्यांश)

7 Travel Phrases: (प्रवासाशी संबंधित शब्दांचा वापर करून उपयोगात येणारे काही वाक्यांश)

1. I lost my train of thought: to forget what one was talking or thinking about.
E.g. Excuse me, I lost my train of thought.

2. That ship has sailed: used in reference to an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed.
E.g. We're good friends but I don't think we'll ever be anything more to each other—that ship has sailed.

3. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it:  to delay worrying about something that might happen until it actually does happen.
E.g. The job interview is a week away, so I'm notworried about it yet - I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

4. You don't need to reinvent the wheel: to make unnecessary or redundant preparations.
E.g. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Read up on what othershave done.

5. You should jump on the bandwagon: to support a cause only because it is popular to do so
E.g. After a couple of politicians won elections by promising to cut taxes, most of the others jumped on the bandwagon.

6. This job is right up my alley: Ideally suited to one's interests. Anna loves watching movies, so I'm sure she'll go to the film festival with you - that's right up her alley.

7. I'm on the wagon: to abstain from drinking alcohol
E.g. I'm much healthier now that I'm on the wagon, but I find it hard to socialize with my friends.

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