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Saturday, April 17, 2021

Names of Family members in English:

Names of Family members in English:

1. Grandmother - आजी, 

2. Grandfather - आजोबा

3. Grandparent - आजी-आजोबा

To be specific:

Paternal Grandfather - वडिलांचे वडील
Paternal Grandmother - वडिलांची आई
Maternal Grandmother - आईची आई
Maternal Grandfather - आईचे वडील

We generally use the word 'Grandparent' to refer to आजी-आजोबा.

4. Granddaughter - नात

5. Grandson - नातू

6. Grandchild - नातवंड 

7. Aunt - आत्या/मावशी/काकू/मामी
For example: She is my aunt (not: She is my aunty) 

8. Uncle - काका/मामा 

9. Niece - भाची/पुतणी 

10. Nephew - भाचा/पुतण्या

11. Cousin - चुलत/मावस/आते भावंड

Tip: We don't need to say 'Cousin Brother' or 'Cousin Sister' - just 'cousin' is enough. For example: She is my cousin (not: She is my cousin sister)
(टीप: आपल्याला 'Cousin Brother' किंवा 'Cousin Sister' असे म्हणण्याची गरज नाही - फक्त 'cousin' पुरेसे आहे. उदा: ती माझी cousin आहे (not: She is my cousin sister))

12. Sister-in-law - नणंद/वहिनी 

13. Brother-in-law - मेहुणा 

14. Mother-in-law - सासू

15. Father-in-law - सासरे

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