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Friday, April 23, 2021

Change The Voice - Test

Change The Voice - Test


Solve Examples 

1. The narrator found a stout stick .      [ O+was/were + V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with A stout stick............ ]

 Ans- A stout stick was found by the narrator .    [Modal Answer]

2. I can guide visitors.    [O+M.A+be +V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  Visitors........ ]

3.Animals are paying me back.   [ O+ am/is/are+being+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  I........]

4.The behaviour of the first black panther is being documented.   [S+am/is/are+V1+ing+O]

[Begin your sentence with  They........... ]

5. I found a bright red soil trial.          [ O+was/were + V3+by+S] 

[Begin your sentence with  A bright....]

6.Manythings have been taught to me by the forests.  [S+have/has+V3+O]

[Begin your sentence with The forest...... ]

7.Tracking an animal also teaches you life lessons.  [O+am/is/are+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with You....... ]

8.Resentment among locals towards the animals is created by this.  [S+V1+O]

[Begin your sentence with   This.......... ]

9.Older leopards like pardus carry away livestock from villages. [ O+am/is/are+ V3+by+S]

 [Begin your sentence with     Live stock.......... ]

10.You must solve all examples .  [O+M.A+be+V3+by+S]

[Begin your sentence with  All examples.....

👉use structures to solve these examples.

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