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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Std. XII - Listening Skill - Oral Exam.

Std. XII- Listening Skill- Oral exam*

मित्रहो, आपली बहुतांश महाराष्ट्रीयन मुलं इंग्लिश वाचनात खूपच मागे आहेत. अशा सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी "तीस दिवसात इंग्लिश वाचन शिका हमखास" हे ब्रीद घेऊन "LET'S READ ENGLISH" हा कोर्स आपल्या सेवेत घेऊन येत आहोत. आणि विशेष म्हणजे कोणतेही शुल्क न घेता आपल्या सेवेत हा कोर्स फ्री उपलब्ध करून दिला जात आहे!!!!!*😊*कशा पद्धतीने हा हमखास इंग्लिश वाचन शिकविणारा कोर्स जॉईन करायचा, त्यासाठी हा व्हिडीओ एकदा अवश्य पहा!!!!*🙏🏻कोर्स इन्स्ट्रक्टर: डॉ. संजय गायकवाड

Lets Read English.

Scholarship date extended.

E- Mail Writing

E- Mail Writing


E – Mail Writing

Guidelines for writing an e- mail:

1) E- Mail: Electronic mail (also known as email or e-mail) is one of the most commonly used services on the Internet, allowing people to send messages to one or more recipients.

2) E – Mail must be written in the specific template. Draw such template in the exam.

3) Write imaginary e – mail ID of the addressee, if it is not given.

4) Write the main point of the message in the subject line.

5) In salutation write Dear Sir, Respected Sir, Dear Rahul etc.

6) Keep the email short and to the point.

7) Write two paragraphs only.

8) You can end the email by just writing your name.

9) Emails can be either formal or informal.

10) No need to write anything after BC or BCC.

Activity: 1

Write an e mail to the Head Master of your school to grant a leave for four days. Use the following points.

Name: X.Y.Z., Reason: Unable to attend classes due to fever, Request to grant a leave. Use proper format.

Write to (e – mail id):





Search Mail:------------------------------









More Labels

Subject: Leave application


Respected Sir,

I am a student in your School. I am studying in Class- Xth, Division A. Respectfully I want to say that I am suffering from malaria fever from two days. It is very difficult for me to attend the regular classes. I am weak due to illness. The doctor advised me to take a rest of four days. I attached a medical certificate along with this letter.

So, I request you to grant me a leave for four days. I assure you that I will complete my pending work as soon as I recover from this illness.

Thank you,

Yours Obediently,




Forward                                                 Attachment


Ways to introduce yourself:

Ways to introduce yourself:

1. Hi, my name is..
2. I am from... (country)
3. I live in.. (city)
4. I am .... years old (age)
5. There are ... members in my family. They are..
6. I am a student at...
7. My major is... (majors)
8. My favorite subject is.. (subjects)
9. My hobbies are....
10. In my free time, I also enjoy... (sports)
11. I don't like ...(dislikes)
12. My favorite food/ drink is ....
13. I like .... (movies)
14. My favorite singer/ band is...
15. I sometimes go to ... (places), I like it because ....
16. I study English because...
17. I I have been learning English for (## months) / since (date)
18. I would like to be a/an... (jobs) because..

Letter Writing

Letter Writing

1) Formal letter

Format of formal letter:

Block alighment-

Q. Read the following information and write letter to the travel agency.

Imagine that you are Arnav Chavan/ Aditi Chavan, college representative of Mahatma Gandhi Junior College, M.I.D.C, Narayan Wadi, Chandrapur. You have to organize short tours to Agra, Jaipur and Mathura.

Write a letter to Shree Hari Tours and Travels, Shop No. 20, Station Road, Pune, enquiring about their terms for conducted tours by railway and deluxe buses. Enquire about the fare, boarding and lodging charges and arrangements, total time of the trip and mode of payment.



Arnav Chavan

Modern Junior College

Narayan Wadi, M.I.D.C.


March 25th 2021

M/s Shree Hari Tours and Travels

Shop No. 20

Station Road


Dear Sir,

Sub: Enquiry about educational tours.

We organize short educational tours to places of social and historical interest during the Diwali Vacation. The likely places of visit this year are Agra, Mathura and Jaipur.

Please let me know your terms and conditions for conducting tours by train and deluxe buses to the places mentioned above. The rates should include lodging/boarding charges and train/ bus fare.

Please send the details about the kind of boarding and lodging facilities that you can provide and the duration of journey with halting charges, if any. Send information about group discount and student discount facilities.

Expecting an early response.

Yours Faithfully,

Arnav Chavan


Complaint Letter:

Q. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular electric supply in your locality.

Use the following points:

a) Duration of the problem 

b) Its impact       

c) Request to solve the problem



Plot No. 20,

Ram Nagar,

Market Road,


March 01, 2021

The Executive Engineer,



Dist. Jalgaon

Subject: Complaint regarding irregular electricity supply.

Respected Sir,

We are nearly five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months. In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their final examinations. But, this irregularity in electric supply is causing obstacles in their preparation.

Secondly, this year the summer is extremely hot. The old persons can’t bear the hot temperature. The problem of irregular electric supply also leads to some illegal activities in our locality.

We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly I am requesting you to look into this matter personally and solve our problem immediately.  

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,



Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Link pan with Aadhar

Link pan with Aadhar

4.1 History of Novel

4.1 History of Novel


Q. 5 A Complete the activities given below as per the instructions. (4 Marks)
(Answers are given in italic.)

1. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentence:

i. Eighteenth century gifted mankind with….
a) Drama and poetry
b) Novel and drama
c) Poetry and novel
d) Novel and periodical essays

ii. Novel soon became dominant literary genre as it ….
a) Helped people to live a more purposeful life.
b) Caught the intellectual, sentimental and realistic spirit.
c) grew gradually and gained popularity.
d) All of these.

iii. Indian writers in English Novel initially wrote about the theme of …..

a) Domestic violence.
b) Nationalistic and Social virtues.
c) Scientific theories.
d) Psychological insights.

iv. Gothic novel contains …….

a) Terror and supernatural.
b) Mystery and thriller.
c) Horror and haunted buildings.
d) All of these.

v. Strike out the unnecessary
Detective fiction is ….
a) A sub-genre of crime fiction.
b) Agatha Christie mastered the art of crime fiction.
c) Detectives can be professional or amateur.
d) Protagonist is a necessarily an eccentric person.

2. Fill in the blanks by choosing correct alternative.
1) A novel is relatively a …………narrative.
(Short / long /descriptive)
2) English word ‘Novel’ is derived from the Italian word …….
(Novella, Novelle, Novellus)
3) Geoffrey Chaucer wrote …….
(Morte De Arthur, The Canterbury Tales, Tale of Genji)
4) The Tale of Genji by Muraski Shikabu was published in the year ……
(1010, 1605, 1050, 1600)
5) ‘The Pilgrims Progress’ is a Novel written by …..
(John Bunyan, Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe)
6) ………is the pioneer of the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ novel.
(Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf)
7) The first Indian English novel ‘Rajmohan’s wife’ was written by …
(Mulkraj Anand, R.K.Narayan, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya)
8) Joseph Conrad wrote the novella named as …….
(Billy Budd, The Heart of Darkness, Pearl)
9) Science fiction is a genre of speculative fiction dealing with.........
(Futuristic settings, death and decay, earlier period than of writing)
10) The famous trio of Indian writers is …………
(Mulkraj Anand, R.K.Narayan, Raja Rao / Amitav Ghosh, Manohar Malgaonkar, Mulkraj Anand / Amitav Ghosh ,R.K.Narayan,Arvind Adiga)

3. Chronological Order

1. Write in chronological order
a) Murasaki Shikibu’s Tale of Genji 3
b) Greek Romances 1
c) The appearance of magazines and newspapers 4
d) Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales 2

2. Write in chronological order
a) Industrial Revolution 1
b) Drama and Poetry started fading away 4
c) Novel gained popularity 3
d) The rise of middle class 2

3. Given below are some novels, events and writers of Indian English. Arrange them in chronological order.

a) Rise of famous Indian Trio 2
b) Nayantara Sahgal, Arun Joshi, Manohar Malgaonkar 3
c) Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Kiran Nagarkar 4
d) Rajmohan’s Wife by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya 1

4. Given below are some Novels in English literature. Arrange them in their order of their
a) The Pilgrim’s Progress and Oroonaku 3
b) Ecologues and Morte De Arthur 1
c) Pamela and Gulliver’s Travels 4
d) The Tale of Genji and Don Quxiote 2

4. State whether the following sentences are True or False
1. Novel is recognized as the most dominant literary genre in modern times. True
2. A Novel is relatively a short narrative. False
3. ‘Tale of Genji’ is described as world’s first novel. True
4. Middle class people had a little interest in romances and tragedies. True
5. Novel gave voice to the aspirations and longings of middle class. True
6. The women novelists haven’t contributed significantly in English Literature. False
7. Novella is greater in length than Novel. False
8. Setting doesn’t affect plot or characters. False
9. The struggle in opposite forces in a story is called as conflict. True
10. Epistolary Novel is a series of correspondence, other documents and diary entries as well. True

5. Match the following

6. Complete the sentence:
1. The Periodical Essay and Novel are the gifts of ………… .
(18 th century/ 17 th century /19 Th century)
2. A Novel is relatively a ………….
(a short narrative fiction/ a long narrative fiction / a fiction of moderate length)
3. The industrial revolution gave birth to ……… .
(poor class/ middle class/ rich class)
4. Appearance of newspaper in 18 th century attracted a large number of readers from
……….. (poor class/ middle class/ rich class)
5. Rise of Novel as a literary genre resulted in lowering the importance of ………………
(poetry/ drama/ Drama and Poetry)
6. Salman Rushdie, V. S. Naipaul, Kazuo Ishigura are ………..
(Indian authors/ immigrant authors/writers of Indian origin)

Reduced syllabus. Deleted syllabus.

Reduced syllabus. Deleted syllabus.

HSC Exam Date. 12th Board Exam. 2020-21

STD. XII- 4.4 The Sign of Four.

STD. XII- 4.4 The Sign of Four.

Qualities to talk about in an Interview: (मुलाखती दरम्यान गुणवत्तेविषयी बोलणे)

Qualities to talk about in an Interview: (मुलाखती दरम्यान गुणवत्तेविषयी बोलणे)

1. Diligent: having or showing care in one's work or duties. (मेहनती,परिश्रमशील)
Eg: I am very diligent. I do whatever it takes to get the job done.

2. Conscientious: (of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. (प्रामाणिक)
Eg: I am a conscientious person, who always strives to do things the right way.

3. Reliable: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted. (विश्वसनीय,भरवसा ठेवण्यायोग्य)
Eg: I am reliable and I believe in quality work.

4. Creative: involving the imagination or original ideas. (रचनात्मक,सर्जनशील)
Eg: I am creative and this gives me an edge over others.

5. Responsible: capable of being trusted. (जबाबदार, विश्वासार्ह,भरवशाचा)
Eg: I was responsible for handling the Marketing campaigns at my previous organization.

6. Analytical: relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. (विश्लेषणात्मक, वैश्लेषिक,विश्लेषण करणे) 
Eg: My analytical skills have been lauded before. 

7. Determined: firm and committed. (निश्चयी,वचनबद्ध)   
Eg: I am determined to become a manager, I will work hard for it.

8. Confident: self-assured. (आत्मविश्वास असणे)
Eg: I am confident that I would be a great fit for this role.

9. Disciplined: showing a controlled form of behavior or way of working. (शिस्तबद्ध)
Eg: I am very disciplined and punctual.

10. Articulate: having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. (बोलण्यात वाकबगार,स्वत:ची मते स्पष्ट शब्दात मांडू शकणारा)
Eg: I am an effective communicator, and extremely articulate, and I believe that this will make me a perfect fit in a front facing role. 

11. Eloquent: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing. (वक्तृत्वपूर्ण,स्पष्ट आणि मन वळवू शकणारे बोलणे किंवा लिखाण)
Eg: My eloquence makes me a good fit for content writing roles.

12. Organized: having things done in order. (क्रमाने गोष्टी करणे, व्यवस्थित ठेवणे)
Eg: I am organized and stick to deadlines.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Holi Phrases: (इंग्रजीमध्ये होळी संबंधित 12 वाक्प्रचार)

Holi Phrases: (इंग्रजीमध्ये होळी संबंधित 12 वाक्प्रचार)

1. Hey, thank you for the organic colours! It is so thoughtful of you to remember that I am allergic to synthetic colours.

2. I loved the sweets at your Holi party! The gujjiyas were delicious! Thank you for having me over.

3. Please don't smear colour on me, these are my favorite clothes!

4. I prefer playing dry Holi! I think we should be thoughtful of the drought affected areas and not waste water on Holi!

5. I had a nice time with you! Thank you for making me a part of the Holi celebration.

6. Playing holi with flowers was a good idea! These colours cause so much skin irritation.

7. I relished all the delicacies that you had prepared for Holi! You are amazing!

8. Bollywood songs with water tanks all over the place! My god that was some Holi celebration!

9. I could barely recognize my friend after Holi! She had colour smeared over her from head to toe.

10. We celebrated Holi with gaiety and fervor! The festival of colours brings so much joy!

11. Holi celebrations are a time to meet family and friends. These colours brighten my day!

12. We celebrated Holi at a friend's house. The celebration was followed by a lavish lunch.

Senior exam link. B.A.,,

Senior exam link

Std. XI- History of English Novel**See information and few activities*

Std. XI- History of English Novel**See information and few activities*

Sunday, March 28, 2021

11th Class. Nose versus Eyes. Appreciation .

11th Class. Nose Versus Eyes. Appreciation.

11 th Class. Nose versus Eyes. Figures of Speech..

11 th Class. Nose versus Eyes. Figures of Speech..

Nose versus eyes. 11th std. 1 Part. By william cowper.

Nose versus eyes. 11th std.

4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days

4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days

 5 C Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (2x2 marks)

1. Explain how the author has made use of International Date Line and time zones in his novel.
Ans : Phileas Fog accepts the challenge of going around the world in eighty days. The members of the Reform club in England accepts the wager for twenty-thousand pounds. Fog goes around the world. He goes through Brindisi, Suez, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hong Kong, Yokohama , San Fransico, New York  and Liverpool. He thinks that he has missed the deadline of eighty days and hasn't reached London. His companion Passepartout  learns that their journey through the different time zones had gained them a day. They reached London a day before the deadline. The author has aptly used time zones in his novel 'Around the World in Eighty days.' 

2. 'Money was never a concern for Mr. Phileas Fogg; it was for honour he accepted the 
wager.' Discuss.
Ans: Mr Phileas Fogg has the opportunity to double his fortune. But Fogg's adventurous journey has nothing to with the money. He accepts the wager to preserve his hon our and prove his worth. He wants to show the members of the Reform Club  that he can do anything he sets out to do. He spends nearly all of his money along the way . This shows that for Fogg, honour is more important than money. 

3. Phileas Fogg's travel around the world was full of adventures and surprises. Illustrate.
Ans : The title  'Around The World in Eighty Days'  itself indicates the adventures in the novel. The novelist takes the readers to a journey of many hair-raising incidents and exciting, adventurous and thrilling places. The journey with trains and ships add adventures. To the surprise Fogg wins the heart of a beautiful and charming woman in India. The detective arrests Fogg at Liverpool. The great surprise is that he keeps his word travelling around the world in eighty days. 

4. Explain how the time gained of a full day is revealed to Mr. Fogg.
Ans : Passepartout is sent to engage a clergyman. He runs out out to get a reverend to marry Fogg and Aouda whom Fogg brought from India. The marraige is to be solemnised the next day on Monday according to them. Passepartout learns that the next is Sunday not Monday. He concludes that their journey through the different time zones had gained them a day. and that they are not late. He hurries home and reveals the truth to Mr Fogg.  

5. Passepartout stations himself outside Phileas’ door. Give reasons.
Ans: Passepartout stations himself outside Phileas' door because he wants to keep watch upon his master. Mr. Phileas confined himself as he thought he didn't reach London in time and lost the wager. Knowing that Englishmen  governed by a fixed idea sometimes resort to suicide. Mr Phileas may do that.  Passepartout wants to avert the situation if happens. He remains outside Phileas's door without the knowledge of Phileas. 

6. Passepartout blamed himself for the misfortune of his master. Justify.
Ans : Passepartout blamed himself for the misfortune of his master Mr Fogg. He had concealed Fix's errand from his master. Fix had revealed his true character and purpose . If he had warned his master about Fix's purpose, his master would have given proof of his innocence. Fix would not have been on the heels of his master to arrest him.

7. Compare the remorse in the minds of Mr. Fogg and Aouda for the seeming failure of his wager.
Ans: Aouda is surprised when Mr Fogg is arrested. Her heart revolts against a charge of robbery on Fogg. She weeps bitterly as she can do nothing to save her protector. Mr. Fogg thought that he was rich enough when he decided bring Aouda from India. She would be free and happy. But as he lost his wager he was ruined. 

8. Explain the stress on the mind of Fogg after returning from world tour at Saville Row.
Ans: After returning from the world tour at Saville Row, he did not open the windows and doors. No appearance of change was visible. He bore his misfortune with calmness. He could not sleep throughout the night. He did not take his breakfast and dinner. He buried himself in setting the affairs right. 

9. Narrate the happenings at Reform Club on the 80th day of the wager.
Ans : The  five club members awaited Mr Fogg at Reform club on the 80th  day of the wager. They were excited about winning the wager as they were sure Mr Fogg would not reach there in time . Thomas Flanagan enquired about arrival of last train. They were constantly looking at the clock. They counted the seconds. At the fifty-fifth second a loud cry was heard followed by applause. And Phileas Fogg appeared before the pendulum beat the sixtieth second. He put his promise of traveling the world in 80 days. 

10. There was no general agreement about Mr. Fogg’s success in the opponents. Discuss.

11. Narrate the happenings at a prison where Fogg was kept under arrest.
Ans: Mr Fogg was kept in prison. He was arrested by Fix, the detective for robbery. Passepartout would have fallen upon Fix had he not been held by some policemen.  Aouda and he had remained at the prison to see Mr Fogg. Mr Fogg seated motionless, calm and without anger on the bench. At thirty-three past two Fix disclosed that the real robber is arrested and he set Mr Fogg free. 

12. All is well that ends well. Justify in the light of the extract from the novel ‘Around the 
World in Eighty Days.’
Ans : Mr. Phileas Fogg 

13. Winning the heart is preferred to the winning of wager. Express by supporting the 

*Online Test on 4.1 History of English Drama (STD. XI)*

*Online Test on 4.1 History of English Drama (STD. XI)*

7 WhatsApp Holi Wishes:

7 WhatsApp Holi Wishes:

1. Hope your life always remains dipped in hues. Wish you a very Happy and Colorful Holi! (तुमच्या आयुष्यात नेहमी रंगांची उधळण असू दे! तुम्हाला रंगतदार होळीच्या शुभेच्छा)

2. Holi is the day to strengthen the bond of friendship and add more colors to it. (होळीचा दिवस हा  मैत्रीचे नाते घट्ट करण्याचा आणि त्यात रंग भरण्याचा आहे)

3. Hope God paints the canvas of your life with beautiful colors. Happy Holi to you and ​family! (परमेश्वर तुमचे आयुष्य अनेक रंगांनी भरू दे. तुम्हाला आणि तुमच्या कुटुंबियांना होळीच्या शुभेच्छा!)

4. On this festival occasion love all, hate no one, forgive, forget and enjoy! Wishing you a joyous and 
colorful Holi! (या सणासुदीच्या दिवशी सर्वांवर प्रेम करा, कोणाचाही द्वेष करू नका, सर्वांना माफ करा, सर्व विसरून जा आणि आनंदी रहा! तुम्हाला होळीच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा!)

5. Let it go, just color it red and yellow and green and purple. Life is letting it go and playing Holi! (झाल्या गेल्या गोष्टी विसरून जा आणि तुमचे आयुष्य लाल, पिवळ्या, हिरव्या आणि जांभळ्या रंगांनी भरून टाका. आयुष्य हे झाल्या गेल्या गोष्टी विसरून होळी साजरी करण्यासाठी आहे)

6. Bright colors, water balloons, lavish gujiyas and melodious songs are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi. (आकर्षक रंग, पाण्याचे फुगे, गुजीया आणि गोड गाणी हे उत्कृष्ट होळीचे प्रमुख घटक आहेत. तुम्हाला होळीच्या शुभेच्छा.)

7. May the colorful festival of Holi bring you good luck and prosperity in life. Have a happy Holi.

Friday, March 26, 2021

4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days

4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days

 5 C Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (2x2 marks)

1. Explain how the author has made use of International Date Line and time zones in his novel.
Ans : Phileas Fog accepts the challenge of going around the world in eighty days. The members of the Reform club in England accepts the wager for twenty-thousand pounds. Fog goes around the world. He goes through Brindisi, Suez, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hong Kong, Yokohama , San Fransico, New York  and Liverpool. He thinks that he has missed the deadline of eighty days and hasn't reached London. His companion Passepartout  learns that their journey through the different time zones had gained them a day. They reached London a day before the deadline. The author has aptly used time zones in his novel 'Around the World in Eighty days.' 

2. 'Money was never a concern for Mr. Phileas Fogg; it was for honour he accepted the 
wager.' Discuss.
Ans: Mr Phileas Fogg has the opportunity to double his fortune. But Fogg's adventurous journey has nothing to with the money. He accepts the wager to preserve his hon our and prove his worth. He wants to show the members of the Reform Club  that he can do anything he sets out to do. He spends nearly all of his money along the way . This shows that for Fogg, honour is more important than money. 

3. Phileas Fogg's travel around the world was full of adventures and surprises. Illustrate.

Ans : The title  'Around The World in Eighty Days'  itself indicates the adventures in the novel. The novelist takes the readers to a journey of many hair-raising incidents and exciting, adventurous and thrilling places. The journey with trains and ships add adventures. To the surprise Fogg wins the heart of a beautiful and charming woman in India. The detective arrests Fogg at Liverpool. The great surprise is that he keeps his word travelling around the world in eighty days. 

4. Explain how the time gained of a full day is revealed to Mr. Fogg.

Ans : Passepartout is sent to engage a clergyman. He runs out out to get a reverend to marry Fogg and Aouda whom Fogg brought from India. The marraige is to be solemnised the next day on Monday according to them. Passepartout learns that the next is Sunday not Monday. He concludes that their journey through the different time zones had gained them a day. and that they are not late. He hurries home and reveals the truth to Mr Fogg.  

5. Passepartout stations himself outside Phileas’ door. Give reasons.
Ans: Passepartout stations himself outside Phileas' door because he wants to keep watch upon his master. Mr. Phileas confined himself as he thought he didn't reach London in time and lost the wager. Knowing that Englishmen  governed by a fixed idea sometimes resort to suicide. Mr Phileas may do that.  Passepartout wants to avert the situation if happens. He remains outside Phileas's door without the knowledge of Phileas. 

6. Passepartout blamed himself for the misfortune of his master. Justify.
Ans : Passepartout blamed himself for the misfortune of his master Mr Fogg. He had concealed Fix's errand from his master. Fix had revealed his true character and purpose . If he had warned his master about Fix's purpose, his master would have given proof of his innocence. Fix would not have been on the heels of his master to arrest him.

7. Compare the remorse in the minds of Mr. Fogg and Aouda for the seeming failure of his wager.
Ans: Aouda is surprised when Mr Fogg is arrested. Her heart revolts against a charge of robbery on Fogg. She weeps bitterly as she can do nothing to save her protector. Mr. Fogg thought that he was rich enough when he decided bring Aouda from India. She would be free and happy. But as he lost his wager he was ruined. 

8. Explain the stress on the mind of Fogg after returning from world tour at Saville Row.
Ans: After returning from the world tour at Saville Row, he did not open the windows and doors. No appearance of change was visible. He bore his misfortune with calmness. He could not sleep throughout the night. He did not take his breakfast and dinner. He buried himself in setting the affairs right. 

9. Narrate the happenings at Reform Club on the 80th day of the wager.
Ans : The  five club members awaited Mr Fogg at Reform club on the 80th  day of the wager. They were excited about winning the wager as they were sure Mr Fogg would not reach there in time . Thomas Flanagan enquired about arrival of last train. They were constantly looking at the clock. They counted the seconds. At the fifty-fifth second a loud cry was heard followed by applause. And Phileas Fogg appeared before the pendulum beat the sixtieth second. He put his promise of traveling the world in 80 days. 

10. There was no general agreement about Mr. Fogg’s success in the opponents. Discuss.

11. Narrate the happenings at a prison where Fogg was kept under arrest.
Ans: Mr Fogg was kept in prison. He was arrested by Fix, the detective for robbery. Passepartout would have fallen upon Fix had he not been held by some policemen.  Aouda and he had remained at the prison to see Mr Fogg. Mr Fogg seated motionless, calm and without anger on the bench. At thirty-three past two Fix disclosed that the real robber is arrested and he set Mr Fogg free. 

12. All is well that ends well. Justify in the light of the extract from the novel ‘Around the 
World in Eighty Days.’
Ans : Mr. Phileas Fogg 

13. Winning the heart is preferred to the winning of wager. Express by supporting the 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Language study MCQ Test.

Language study MCQ Test.

*Spot the error- Online Quiz No. 4**Do solve the test and refresh your memory*

*Spot the error- Online Quiz No. 4**Do solve the test and refresh your memory*

Phrases for friends: (मित्रांसाठीचे वाक्यांश)

Phrases for friends: (मित्रांसाठीचे वाक्यांश)

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed: a person who helps at a difficult time is a person who you can really rely on. (संकटकाळी मदत करणाऱ्या व्यक्तीवरच तुम्ही अवलंबून राहू शकता.)
E.g. You are a friend in need, you are, Sam!

2. A man is known by the company he keeps: our character is reflected in our choice of friends. (एखाद्या व्यक्तीचे जसे मित्र असतात त्यावरून त्या व्यक्तीची ओळख होते.)
E.g.  Son, when you go away to school, spend your time with serious people; don't hang around with people who go to parties all the time. A man is known by the company he keeps.

3. Birds of a feather flock together: people who have the same outlook / tastes / interests will be found in each other's company. (समान आवड, निवड असणाऱ्या व्यक्तींचाच गट तयार होतो.)
E.g. These health professionals sure were birds of a feather.

4. To hit it off: to find yourself immediately and naturally friendly with someone. (एखाद्या व्यक्तीशी मित्रत्वाचे नाते सहज जुळणे.)
E.g. We had similar ideas about the show, and the two of us hit it off right away.

5. To be joined at the hip: to be inseparable. (वेगळे न होणारे,घट्ट सलोखा असणे.)
E.g. Those two are joined at the hip. They are always together. 

6. A shoulder to cry on: someone who listens to your problems. (तुमच्या समस्या ऐकणारी व्यक्ती)
E.g. He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when the going was tough.

7. No love lost: disagree with someone. (एखाद्याशी असहमत असणे.)
E.g. They used to be best friends but they had a huge fight about money. Now there's no love lost between them.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

HSC 12th Exam. सुधारीत वेळ वाढवलेले वेळापत्रक.

माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक परीक्षेसाठी बोर्डाच्या मार्गदर्शक सूचना 👆 For Oral Test.

12 Restaurant phrases:

12 Restaurant phrases:

1. I'd like to make a reservation for 2 people for Friday night.

2. I booked a table for two under the name of Rajesh Verma.

3. I need a table for two, please. I would prefer if we can get one in the no-smoking zone.

4. I would like to order a portion of the sweet corn soup, please. 

5. What is the specialty of your restaurant? 

6. We are looking for some light appetizers. Which ones would you recommend?

7. I'd like to have a portion of the vegetarian fried rice, please.

8. Does this dish have any seafood in it?

9. I would like to start with a portion of the tomato soup, please.

10. Please allow us a few more minutes while we decide what to order for the main course. 

11. I am afraid my noodles are under-cooked. Could you look into this, please?

12. Could you get me the check, please?

Mrs. Adis : Ice breakers and Brainstorming

Mrs. Adis : Ice breakers and Brainstorming

Activities from the margin of the lesson 

The writer describes Mrs. Adis as -

  • a small woman
  • Thin woman
  • Brown hard face
  • Hair like wrinkles

Mrs. Adis asks Peter crouch whether he has had a quarrel with the keepers. This shows that

  1.  Peter Crouch is hot temper
  2.  He gets into quarrel easily.
  3.  Mr. Adis knew his nature.

List some characteristics of Mrs. Adis based on this incident.
Faithful , trustworthy, good , helpful , forgetful
Give reason :
Vilder guessed that Crouch has taken refuge at Mrs. Adis’ house because he was a friend of Mrs. Adis’s son Tom. Crouch didn’t know that he had shot Tom dead.

The row took place because the keepers scared Peter Crouch who fired the gun in darkness.

Mrs. Adis unlocked the door because she had forgiven Peter and wanted him to run away safely.

Guess the meaning: ‘wrung’ here means
Find the difference between: shivering and trembling

(A1) (i) Discuss with your partner and describe the atmosphere in the woods when Peter Crouch was heading towards Mrs. Adis’s House. It was-
(a) a dark moonless night.
(b) a few stars in the sky
(c) windless , silent and clear night
(ii) Peter Crouch didn’t knock before entering Mrs. Adis’s house.
The reason was-
(a) Peter Crouch didn’t want to make noise.
(b) He wanted nobody to hear the noise of knocking
(c) He was in haste.
(iii) Go through the text again and find the reasons that forced Peter to shoot down a person.
(a) The keepers spotted him.
(b) He had fears of being caught.
(c) They were more in numbers.
(iv) Mrs. Adis didn’t hand over Peter Crouch to the keepers because-
(a) He was her son Tom’s friend.
(b) Tom would want her to stay by him.

(A2) The writer has used a phrase ‘Thudding Heart’ which means pounding, or beating of heart. Do you know ‘Thud’ is an onomatopoeic word which means a heavy sound made by an object falling to the ground. Discuss with your partner and make a list of Onomatopoeic words that you find in the text.
(a) crackling
(b) rustling
(c) bark

Activities other than the text 

A1 Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the following statements.
1) Peter/ Mrs. Adis was stooping over the fire.
2) Peter knocked the door/walked straight in the cottage.
3) Peter thought he killed/ shot a man.
4) Mrs. Adis was a woman with a hard/soft face.
A2. Complete the statement: Peter was in trouble because …………
A3. The kettle boiled over and Mrs Adis mechanically put it at the side of the fire. Find the deeper meaning of this statement.

A4. Imagine a young man comes to you pleading to protect him from police. Write how you will react.
A5. Language Study.
1. He did not knock, but walked straight in. (Rewrite into simple sentence.)
Ans. Without knocking he walked straight in.
2. I shot a man. (Rewrite into passive voice.)
Ans. A man was shot by me.
A6. Vocabulary.

2.  a line in the skin of face                               
3, overcrowded
4. too many to be counted

       1. reluctant to do something

Vocabulary Test

Choose appropriate words from the given WORD BANK and  complete the test.

( intensified, innumerable, ceased, stooping over, stuffy, shrug, wrinkles, knell, snap, deserved, huddled down, on the threshold, escape, hesitated, anxiety, straining, refuge, fetch, beseechingly, close at hand)

1. What word MOST NEARLY means: stroke?
2. What word MOST NEARLY means: very near?

3. What word MOST NEARLY means: appealingly?

4.What word MOST NEARLY means: bend over?

5.What word MOST NEARLY means: shrink oneself?

6.What word MOST NEARLY means: streching?

7.What word MOST NEARLY means: make a sharp sound?

8.What word MOST NEARLY means: sharpened?

9.What word MOST NEARLY means: get free of?

10.What word MOST NEARLY means: bring in?

11.What word MOST NEARLY means: nervousness?

12 What word MOST NEARLY means: small ridges in the skin?

13. What word MOST NEARLY means: competent ?

14. What word MOST NEARLY means: boundary?

15. What word MOST NEARLY means: to delay momentarily?

16. What word MOST NEARLY means: lacking in vitality?

17. What word MOST NEARLY means: too many?

18. What word MOST NEARLY means: shelter?

19. What word MOST NEARLY means: stopped

20. What word MOST NEARLY means: lift the shoulders?

Expansion of Ideas

Expansion of Ideas

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? is a quote of a great nature poet P. B. Shelley. The quote means spring, a symbol of life and joy follows the winter, a symbol of death. It is symbolic of life. As there is cycle of seasons in nature, the life is a web of sorrow and happiness. Pain is not permanent. It is followed by gain of happiness. It makes us optimistic. It gives rise to hopefulness.
    The poet was undergoing a bad patch in poetry. Good poetry wasn't coming of his way. But he didn't give in. He strongly believed in his strength. He was hopeful of good poetry soon. Everyone of us has tough times in life. We should remember that there will be a good time sooner or later. Yuvraj Singh was diagnosed with cancer. He got treatment and came out with a new vigour to play cricket.
    Every cloud has silver lining.  One should have positive attitude towards life. If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Morning follows night. There is light after darkness.

Eat to live not live to eat'

'Eat to live not live to eat' is an idiom. It stands as an advice of doctor to obese.It is an advice for everyone of us in the age of fast food. Eat to live means eating for survival and to energize the body. Live to eat means taking interest only in food. It is giving more importance to the tongue and belly than to the whole body.
In the world of busy life schedule no one has much time to take care of health. One should not forget that 'Health is Wealth'
Those who live to eat fall prey to innumerable diseases. To much eating or eating all the time gives a shelter to disease. In the school and college students eat fast food. Such food is tasty so they keep eating as if they live to eat. Parents also bring such food at home. Nowadays going to restaurants for weekend,birthdays and anniversaries have become a status symbol. People are taking more interest in eating than jogging. They eat after morning walk; they eat before going to office; they eat during office hours and they eat while reaching home. After reaching they set out with family to eat. Their days are filled with eating and eating.

This practice is not healthy. So we should eat to fuel the body. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is a wise way to be healthy. The food we consume should have nutrients. Increase in diseases like obesity,cardiac arrest, blood pressure, sugar level, hypertension etc. is the effect of too much eating. To live a happy and healthy life we should remember the doctor's advice
'Eat to live not live to eat'.

Expansion of Idea

A bad workman blames his tools.*

One who fails in his efforts /work gives excuses. He/she assumes other things responsible for the failure. Instead of taking responsibility of uncompleted work some people find fault with the equipment. They blame the equipment for the their failure. They do not accept their fault.
My friend was repairing a cell phone. He put all the efforts. After a while he handed the phone to the owner. The phone persisted the same problem. When the owner complained, he told him that the cell phone was outdated. It was beyond repair. He suggested to buy a new one. The owner went to another repair store and got his phone repaired. Here it means that my friend had little knowledge of phone repairing and he could not repair it. But he blamed the cell phone itself.

On many occasions people consider them skilled and expert. In spite of their failure they blame on other or equipment. They blame always others for their unfinished work. It means such persons are bad workmen and they blame the tools they are using.

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message

Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The virtual conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted into a message for a third person. Whereas, sometimes, standard instructions contain the necessary information for the message. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips. Basically such messages contain the following:

  Format : 
• Date 
• Time 
• Name of a person to whom the message is directed 
• Body of the message 
• Name of the writer / sender 

  Points to remember : While writing the body of the message, the following points have to be kept in mind. 
• Only the most important details should be written. 
• No new information should be added. 
• Grammatically correct sentences should be used. 
• Indirect or reported speech should be used. 
• The message should be written in simple language and without any abbreviations. 
• Check your message before you submit and send it. 
• Be friendly and polite. 
• Avoid pun/ambiguity/witticism, in short words that would create confusion or a chaotic situation.


You receive a telephone call from your mother’s office when she is not at home. You have the following conversation with the speaker. But you have to go for your tuition class. So you leave a message for your mother. Write the message within 50 words using the information given below. Do not add any new information.

Ambuj : Hello! 
Mr Rastogi : Hello! May I speak to Ms Dixit, please? I am Naresh Rastogi from the office. 
Ambuj : Mom’s not at home right now. 
Mr Rastogi : In that case can you give her a message? It is urgent. Please tell her that the meeting fixed for tomorrow has been rescheduled. Ask her to check her mail as soon as possible for the details. Please don’t forget to inform her. 
Ambuj : Don’t worry. I will tell her as soon as she returns. 
14 Feb 3:30 pm

Mom ,

Mr Rastogi from the office called up to say that the meeting fixed for tomorrow has been rescheduled. He wants you to check your mail as soon as possible for the details. He said it was urgent.

(A1) (i) In pairs, enact the given conversation between Rakesh and Mrs Sarkar.

Rakesh : Hello, may I speak to Dr Sarkar? 
Mrs Sarkar : He has gone to the hospital to attend the OPD. May I know who is speaking? 
Rakesh : Yes. I am Rakesh Sood. My wife has been having a severe headache since yesterday. Since this morning she has also developed a high temperature. I would be very grateful if the doctor could come over to our place to examine her. 
Mrs Sarkar : Of course. Please let me note down your address. 
Rakesh : It is B-49, New Colony. 
Mrs Sarkar : I will give him your message as soon as he returns. 
Rakesh : Thank you. 

  Mrs Sarkar had to leave for the school where she teaches. So she wrote a message for her husband. Draft the message in not more than 50 words. 

  23 Nov 2020 , 8:05 A.M.

Dear Hubby, 

Mr. Rakesh Sood called up to say his wife has a severe headache and high fever the previous day. He requested you to visit his place to examine his wife. He would be grateful  if you do so. He lives at B-49, New Colony. Leaving this message since I have to go to school to teach. 

Mrs. Sarkar
(ii) Using information from the dialogue given below, write the message which Amrita left for her brother, Sourajit. (Do not leave out any vital information or add any new information). 

Shekhar : Is this 28473892? 
Amrita : Yes. May I know who is speaking?
Shekhar : I am Shekhar. I want to speak to Sourajit. I am his friend from IHM, Goa. 
Amrita : I am his sister. Sourajit is not at home at the moment. Can you ring up a little later? 
Shekhar : I shall be a little busy. Actually, I have got a placement at the Hotel Mumbai, and will have to join with immediate effect. So right now I am trying to get all the formalities completed. This is the news that I wanted to give Sourajit. Will you do that for me? Also tell him that I will let him know my new cell phone number as soon as I get one. 
Amrita : I’ll do that. Bye and all the best. 

  Amrita had to leave for office. So she wrote a note for Sourajit. Draft her message in not more than 50 words


  23 Nov 2020 , 8:05 A.M.

 Mr. Shekhar , your friend from IHM Goa called up when you were not home. He called up to give news about his placement at Hotel Mumbai. He stated that he would be busy in completing formalities of joining. He would let you know his new cell phone number very soon. 

(iii) You are Priyanka, a personal assistant to Ms Sen. She was away attending a meeting when Mr Garg rang up. You spoke to him and jotted down his message in your note- pad. Draft the message for Ms Sen using the information in your notes given below.

Mr Garg - rang up - 5pm - has received the CDs and the posters - coming tomorrow - to thank Ms Sen and to personally hand over the cheque. 

  31 December 2020, 05:10PM

Ms. Sen

Mr.Garg called up at 5 PM stating that he had received the CDs and the posters. He will be coming tomorrow to thank you and hand over the cheque personally.

(iv) Read the following conversation between Aashna and Mr Singh. 

Aashna : Hello, may I speak to Ranajit, please? 
Mr Singh : Ranajit is getting ready for school. May I know who is speaking? 
Aashna : My name is Aashna. I am Ranajit’s classmate. 
Mr Singh : Hello, Aashna. I am Ranajit’s father. Is there any message? 
Aashna : Yes. Please ask him to bring his biology notebook to school today. I was absent from school due to illness. I would like to see the notes which our biology teacher gave to the class during my absence. 
Mr Singh : I will definitely do that. 

  Since Mr Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranajit. Draft that message in 50 words. 


(v) Rajat comes home from school and finds the door locked. Since he has a duplicate key he enters and finds a note from his mother kept on the table. In it she explains that she had to rush to the hospital with Mrs Manohar, their neighbour, who had met with an accident. She has also written that he should have the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. He could heat the food in the microwave oven if he wanted to, but he should be very careful while handling the switch. Draft the message which Rajat’s mother left for him.


(vi) Using the information given below, write a message which Manu left for his sister, Renu. (Do not add any new information. The message should not exceed 50 words). 

Ruhaan rang up-book-reading session-‘Children Ask Kalam’-Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam-ompilation of letters received by him from children and his answers- Oxford Book Store-8 pm, this evening,-pick you up-6:30 pm-attend reading session together. 


(vii) Given below is a template for a message. Imagine you are working as a receptionist in a company and you are supposed to maintain the call record. Complete the details given in the template for a particular message.

Call For : From : Company : Date Time Phone ( ) Message : Action (Circle One) Taken By Phoned Returned Your Call Back Will Call Again Call