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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
मित्रहो, आपली बहुतांश महाराष्ट्रीयन मुलं इंग्लिश वाचनात खूपच मागे आहेत. अशा सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी "तीस दिवसात इंग्लिश वाचन शिका हमखास" हे ब्रीद घेऊन "LET'S READ ENGLISH" हा कोर्स आपल्या सेवेत घेऊन येत आहोत. आणि विशेष म्हणजे कोणतेही शुल्क न घेता आपल्या सेवेत हा कोर्स फ्री उपलब्ध करून दिला जात आहे!!!!!*😊*कशा पद्धतीने हा हमखास इंग्लिश वाचन शिकविणारा कोर्स जॉईन करायचा, त्यासाठी हा व्हिडीओ एकदा अवश्य पहा!!!!*🙏🏻कोर्स इन्स्ट्रक्टर: डॉ. संजय गायकवाड
E- Mail Writing
E- Mail Writing
E – Mail Writing
Guidelines for writing an e- mail:
1) E- Mail: Electronic mail (also known as email or e-mail) is one of the most commonly used services on the Internet, allowing people to send messages to one or more recipients.
2) E – Mail must be written in the specific template. Draw such template in the exam.
3) Write imaginary e – mail ID of the addressee, if it is not given.
4) Write the main point of the message in the subject line.
5) In salutation write Dear Sir, Respected Sir, Dear Rahul etc.
6) Keep the email short and to the point.
7) Write two paragraphs only.
8) You can end the email by just writing your name.
9) Emails can be either formal or informal.
10) No need to write anything after BC or BCC.
Activity: 1
Write an e mail to the Head Master of your school to grant a leave for four days. Use the following points.
Name: X.Y.Z., Reason: Unable to attend classes due to fever, Request to grant a leave. Use proper format. Write to (e – mail id): |
Compose | Search Mail:------------------------------ |
Inbox Draft Sent Trash
| CC: BCC: |
More Labels | Subject: Leave application |
| Respected Sir, I am a student in your School. I am studying in Class- Xth, Division A. Respectfully I want to say that I am suffering from malaria fever from two days. It is very difficult for me to attend the regular classes. I am weak due to illness. The doctor advised me to take a rest of four days. I attached a medical certificate along with this letter. So, I request you to grant me a leave for four days. I assure you that I will complete my pending work as soon as I recover from this illness. Thank you, Yours Obediently, XYZ
| Forward Attachment |
Ways to introduce yourself:
Letter Writing
Letter Writing
1) Formal letter
Format of formal letter:
Block alighment-
Imagine that you are Arnav Chavan/ Aditi Chavan, college representative of Mahatma Gandhi Junior College, M.I.D.C, Narayan Wadi, Chandrapur. You have to organize short tours to Agra, Jaipur and Mathura. Write a letter to Shree Hari Tours and Travels, Shop No. 20, Station Road, Pune, enquiring about their terms for conducted tours by railway and deluxe buses. Enquire about the fare, boarding and lodging charges and arrangements, total time of the trip and mode of payment. |
Arnav Chavan
Modern Junior College
Narayan Wadi, M.I.D.C.
March 25th 2021
M/s Shree Hari Tours and Travels
Shop No. 20
Station Road
Dear Sir,
Sub: Enquiry about educational tours.
We organize short educational tours to places of social and historical interest during the Diwali Vacation. The likely places of visit this year are Agra, Mathura and Jaipur.
Please let me know your terms and conditions for conducting tours by train and deluxe buses to the places mentioned above. The rates should include lodging/boarding charges and train/ bus fare.
Please send the details about the kind of boarding and lodging facilities that you can provide and the duration of journey with halting charges, if any. Send information about group discount and student discount facilities.
Expecting an early response.
Yours Faithfully,
Arnav Chavan
Q. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular electric supply in your locality.
Use the following points: a) Duration of the problem b) Its impact c) Request to solve the problem |
Plot No. 20,
Ram Nagar,
Market Road,
March 01, 2021
The Executive Engineer,
Dist. Jalgaon
Subject: Complaint regarding irregular electricity supply.
Respected Sir,
We are nearly five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months. In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their final examinations. But, this irregularity in electric supply is causing obstacles in their preparation.
Secondly, this year the summer is extremely hot. The old persons can’t bear the hot temperature. The problem of irregular electric supply also leads to some illegal activities in our locality.
We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly I am requesting you to look into this matter personally and solve our problem immediately.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
4.1 History of Novel
4.1 History of Novel

Qualities to talk about in an Interview: (मुलाखती दरम्यान गुणवत्तेविषयी बोलणे)
Monday, March 29, 2021
Holi Phrases: (इंग्रजीमध्ये होळी संबंधित 12 वाक्प्रचार)
Sunday, March 28, 2021
4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days
4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days
7 WhatsApp Holi Wishes:
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days
4.3 Around The World in Eighty Days
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
Phrases for friends: (मित्रांसाठीचे वाक्यांश)
Sunday, March 21, 2021
12 Restaurant phrases:
Mrs. Adis : Ice breakers and Brainstorming
Mrs. Adis : Ice breakers and Brainstorming
Activities from the margin of the lesson
The writer describes Mrs. Adis as -
- a small woman
- Thin woman
- Brown hard face
- Hair like wrinkles
Mrs. Adis asks Peter crouch whether he has had a quarrel with the keepers. This shows that
- Peter Crouch is hot temper
- He gets into quarrel easily.
- Mr. Adis knew his nature.
List some characteristics of Mrs. Adis based on this incident.
Faithful , trustworthy, good , helpful , forgetful
Give reason :
Vilder guessed that Crouch has taken refuge at Mrs. Adis’ house because he was a friend of Mrs. Adis’s son Tom. Crouch didn’t know that he had shot Tom dead.
The row took place because the keepers scared Peter Crouch who fired the gun in darkness.
Mrs. Adis unlocked the door because she had forgiven Peter and wanted him to run away safely.
Guess the meaning: ‘wrung’ here means
Find the difference between: shivering and trembling
(A1) (i) Discuss with your partner and describe the atmosphere in the woods when Peter Crouch was heading towards Mrs. Adis’s House. It was-
(a) a dark moonless night.
(b) a few stars in the sky
(c) windless , silent and clear night
(ii) Peter Crouch didn’t knock before entering Mrs. Adis’s house.
The reason was-
(a) Peter Crouch didn’t want to make noise.
(b) He wanted nobody to hear the noise of knocking
(c) He was in haste.
(iii) Go through the text again and find the reasons that forced Peter to shoot down a person.
(a) The keepers spotted him.
(b) He had fears of being caught.
(c) They were more in numbers.
(iv) Mrs. Adis didn’t hand over Peter Crouch to the keepers because-
(a) He was her son Tom’s friend.
(b) Tom would want her to stay by him.
(A2) The writer has used a phrase ‘Thudding Heart’ which means pounding, or beating of heart. Do you know ‘Thud’ is an onomatopoeic word which means a heavy sound made by an object falling to the ground. Discuss with your partner and make a list of Onomatopoeic words that you find in the text.
(a) crackling
(b) rustling
(c) bark
Activities other than the text
A1 Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the following statements.1) Peter/ Mrs. Adis was stooping over the fire.
2) Peter knocked the door/walked straight in the cottage.
3) Peter thought he killed/ shot a man.
4) Mrs. Adis was a woman with a hard/soft face.
A2. Complete the statement: Peter was in trouble because …………
A3. The kettle boiled over and Mrs Adis mechanically put it at the side of the fire. Find the deeper meaning of this statement.
A4. Imagine a young man comes to you pleading to protect him from police. Write how you will react.
A5. Language Study.
1. He did not knock, but walked straight in. (Rewrite into simple sentence.)
Ans. Without knocking he walked straight in.
2. I shot a man. (Rewrite into passive voice.)
Ans. A man was shot by me.
A6. Vocabulary.

2. a line in the skin of face
3, overcrowded
4. too many to be counted
1. reluctant to do something
Vocabulary Test
Expansion of Ideas
Expansion of Ideas
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? is a quote of a great nature poet P. B. Shelley. The quote means spring, a symbol of life and joy follows the winter, a symbol of death. It is symbolic of life. As there is cycle of seasons in nature, the life is a web of sorrow and happiness. Pain is not permanent. It is followed by gain of happiness. It makes us optimistic. It gives rise to hopefulness. The poet was undergoing a bad patch in poetry. Good poetry wasn't coming of his way. But he didn't give in. He strongly believed in his strength. He was hopeful of good poetry soon. Everyone of us has tough times in life. We should remember that there will be a good time sooner or later. Yuvraj Singh was diagnosed with cancer. He got treatment and came out with a new vigour to play cricket. Every cloud has silver lining. One should have positive attitude towards life. If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Morning follows night. There is light after darkness.
Eat to live not live to eat'
Those who live to eat fall prey to innumerable diseases. To much eating or eating all the time gives a shelter to disease. In the school and college students eat fast food. Such food is tasty so they keep eating as if they live to eat. Parents also bring such food at home. Nowadays going to restaurants for weekend,birthdays and anniversaries have become a status symbol. People are taking more interest in eating than jogging. They eat after morning walk; they eat before going to office; they eat during office hours and they eat while reaching home. After reaching they set out with family to eat. Their days are filled with eating and eating.
This practice is not healthy. So we should eat to fuel the body. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is a wise way to be healthy. The food we consume should have nutrients. Increase in diseases like obesity,cardiac arrest, blood pressure, sugar level, hypertension etc. is the effect of too much eating. To live a happy and healthy life we should remember the doctor's advice
'Eat to live not live to eat'.
Expansion of Idea
A bad workman blames his tools.*
One who fails in his efforts /work gives excuses. He/she assumes other things responsible for the failure. Instead of taking responsibility of uncompleted work some people find fault with the equipment. They blame the equipment for the their failure. They do not accept their fault.
My friend was repairing a cell phone. He put all the efforts. After a while he handed the phone to the owner. The phone persisted the same problem. When the owner complained, he told him that the cell phone was outdated. It was beyond repair. He suggested to buy a new one. The owner went to another repair store and got his phone repaired. Here it means that my friend had little knowledge of phone repairing and he could not repair it. But he blamed the cell phone itself.
On many occasions people consider them skilled and expert. In spite of their failure they blame on other or equipment. They blame always others for their unfinished work. It means such persons are bad workmen and they blame the tools they are using.
3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message
3.5 Drafting a Virtual Message
14 Feb 3:30 pm Mom , Mr Rastogi from the office called up to say that the meeting fixed for tomorrow has been rescheduled. He wants you to check your mail as soon as possible for the details. He said it was urgent. Ambuj |
23 Nov 2020 , 8:05 A.M. Dear Hubby, Mr. Rakesh Sood called up to say his wife has a severe headache and high fever the previous day. He requested you to visit his place to examine his wife. He would be grateful if you do so. He lives at B-49, New Colony. Leaving this message since I have to go to school to teach. Mrs. Sarkar |
Sourajit, Mr. Shekhar , your friend from IHM Goa called up when you were not home. He called up to give news about his placement at Hotel Mumbai. He stated that he would be busy in completing formalities of joining. He would let you know his new cell phone number very soon. Amrita. |
31 December 2020, 05:10PM Ms. Sen Mr.Garg called up at 5 PM stating that he had received the CDs and the posters. He will be coming tomorrow to thank you and hand over the cheque personally. Priyanka. |