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Saturday, March 13, 2021

Group Discussion (GD)

Group Discussion (GD)

Mayank, Anagha, Yash and Anuj are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are killing creativity.'  Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic.

Evaluator : You've all been given a few minutes to think on today's topic for discussion . The topic is 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are killing creativity.'  You may begin now.

Mayank :

Anagha : 

Yash     :

Anuj.    :

Evaluator : You've all been given a few minutes to think on today's topic for discussion . The topic is 'Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are killing creativity.'  You may begin now.

Mayank : I think the topic of the discussion is very relevant these days. Having a cell phone in every hand, social media like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter became teenagers' priority. They are spending hours and hours on it. They prefer surfing and sharing to surging creativity. 

Anagha : I agree with Mayank. Social media has taken a place of books and playgrounds. Friends on Facebook are getting more importance than friends on the ground. Features like cut, copy and paste kill the creativity. What do you feel about it Yash?

Yash     : I'm afraid I don't agree with you both. Many teenagers are using social media to reveal their creativity. They are creating videos of their talent and sharing them with the public. Even some youngsters are creating short film and getting appreciation. Social madia has become a strong platform to showcase talent and creativity.

Anuj      : Excuse me. Could I add something, please. 

Yash : Yes, you may.

Anuj : I would like to share my view regarding social media. Social media has emerged as a boon . Whether it's a bane or boon depends upon the user. Sometimes we are sticking to social media beyond limit. Spending time in posting and checking for likes, comments and shares will definitely kill creativity. Still I feel that social media has given a platform to learn many things. 

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